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23-Apr-2010 14:26:16
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Well, we happen to have a Polish teacher assistant at our school who does speak English but who I<>d really like to impress with some Polish <img class="sm2" alt=":P" title=":P" src="../../../site/img/blk.gif" /> <br>As nobody has posted a uide on basic Polish yet, could someone please post one? <br>Yes, take it from the basics, don<6F>t go into too much grammar. <br>Also if anyone knows the alt code for the Polish &quot;l&quot; letter with a dash on it, it would be much appreciated. <br>Dziekuje! <br> <br>~Teh Flying Carpet, Evil lord of Snacks<img class="sm0" alt=":)" title=":)" src="../../../site/img/blk.gif" />
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23-Apr-2010 18:38:00
<br/>Last edited on 23-Apr-2010 23:12:47 by Polak
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Sure <img class="sm0" alt=":)" title=":)" src="../../../site/img/blk.gif" />. <br>A few of them: <br> <br>Dzien\ dobry- good morning <br>witam- second meaning of this word is &quot;welcome&quot;, but it can be used as &quot;hello&quot; <br>siema- hi <br>czes\c\- hello <br>hej- hey <br> <br>Nazywam sie\- my name is <br>Mil\o cie\ poznac\- nice to meet you <br> <br>Do widzenia- goodbye <br>narazie- ^ but unformal <br> <br>\- polish letter <br> <br> I've no idea what else you would want to say. It's impossible to include all polish basics in one post, so it would be easier if you say what type of basics you want to know. <br>If you wanna know how to pronunce it ask uncle google about &quot;ivona text to speech&quot;. <br> <br>Powodzenia- good luck <img class="sm1" alt=";)" title=";)" src="../../../site/img/blk.gif" />. <br> <br>EDIT: Look at Chru's post, he explained it a way better <img class="sm6" alt=":D" title=":D" src="../../../site/img/blk.gif" />.
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23-Apr-2010 19:00:53
<br/>Last edited on 23-Apr-2010 19:01:08 by Wujek
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So, polish &quot;l&quot; is a 322, and a big variant is a 321. <br>Have a fun <img class="sm0" alt=":)" title=":)" src="../../../site/img/blk.gif" />
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23-Apr-2010 19:42:36
<br/>Last edited on 23-Apr-2010 19:47:08 by Chrupus
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Formal greetings: <br>- Dzien dobry <br>- Witam / Witaj (welcoming: 'witam' may be used both, when you are new to the group/ when entering a room/class/whatever, as well as welcoming someone new to the group; but 'witaj' is only when you are welcoming someone. For example, you're visiting your friend. His mom can welcome you by saying &quot;witam&quot; or &quot;witaj&quot;. You are better off saying 'witam' then, because saying 'witaj' when you are the new one in group is a little weird. I hope I didn't make it too complicated lol) <br>- &quot;witam serdecznie&quot; - warm greeting, and still formal <img class="sm0" alt=":)" title=":)" src="../../../site/img/blk.gif" /> not commonly used, but still <img class="sm2" alt=":P" title=":P" src="../../../site/img/blk.gif" /> <br> <br>Informal greetings: <br>- Siema (= Sup) <br>- Hej, (self explanatory <img class="sm7" alt="^_^" title="^_^" src="../../../site/img/blk.gif" /> ) <br>- Czesc (hi) (s and c are polish letters) <br> <br>Formal farewells: <br>- Do widzenia <br>- Do zobaczenia (both mean &quot;see you next time&quot; or something-alike) <br> <br>Informal farewells: <br>- Pa (bye) <br>- Nara (or narazie) - (see you) <br> <br>Useful phrases/sentences: <br>Nazywam sie (..) - My name is (...) <br>Jak sie masz? - how are you? (informal) - formal version of this one would be: Jak sie Pan miewa? (when asking Sir) or Jak sie Pani miewa? (when asking Ma'am) <br>Co u Ciebie slychac? - what's new? (informal) <br>Milego dnia! - have a nice day! <br>Lubie (...) - I like (...) (for example: Ciebie /you/, czekolade /chocolate/, szkole /school/; you can add almost all nouns to this to make a simple sentence. In most cases /not all though/, you have to add, or change the last letter to &quot;e&quot<img class="sm1" alt=";)" title=";)" src="../../../site/img/blk.gif" /> <br> <br>Please post what kind of sentences are you interested in <img class="sm0" alt=":)" title=":)" src="../../../site/img/blk.gif" /> You can give us short text to translate too- Polish community on RS forums is really helpful (but you most probably noticed this already ^_^ )
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24-Apr-2010 07:55:51
<br/>Last edited on 24-Apr-2010 07:58:48 by Mattan100
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I<EFBFBD>m not interested in any specific type of basics, just throw in whatever sentences you would commonly use in any language (even though what I consider the basics already has been taken up, thanks!<img class="sm6" alt=":D" title=":D" src="../../../site/img/blk.gif" />). <br> <br>All right, I just had to ask these ones anyway: <br> <br>Nice weather today, don<6F>t you think? <br>How<EFBFBD>s it going? (or the Polish version of this, I<>ve noticed all languages say this in different ways and can<61>t be translated into this.) <br> <br>Oh, and if someone could enlighten me on some pronounciation it would be REALLY appreciated. <br>All I know about Polish pronounciation is that easy-looking words are difficult to pronounce and long,difficult words are easier to pronounce<img class="sm2" alt=":P" title=":P" src="../../../site/img/blk.gif" /> <br> <br>~Teh Flying Carpet, Evil ord of Snacks<img class="sm0" alt=":)" title=":)" src="../../../site/img/blk.gif" /> <br> <br>PS. The given alt codes for the Polish L don<6F>t work, I might have to get it from the computer<65>s special database. <img class="sm4" alt=":|" title=":|" src="../../../site/img/blk.gif" />
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24-Apr-2010 11:37:13
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Nice weather today, don<6F>t you think? = Ladna pogoda, nieprawdaz? (pronounced: wo-t-na pogo-da - 'wo' from the word 'wow', rest self explanatory) <br> <br>How<EFBFBD>s it going? = Jak leci? (almost exact translation). pronounciation: Jak = Yak (like the pack yak, hehe), Le (like the French 'le'), ci (close to Spanish 'si', with the s sounding more like c, hard to explain :$ ) <br> <br>There are no 'pronounciation rules' that can be used in every word. Each letter may be pronounced in some other way depending on the adjacent letters in given word (we call it 'zmiekczenia'). You will be very good off reading the polish word with english pronounciation- many people do this with great success. <br>What foreigners may find tricky are words with 'sz', 'dz', 'cz' etc. You can just skip the 'z' and you will be understood, or you can learn how to replace these letters, for example: <br> <br>sz = sh <br>dz = j (j from word 'justice' ) <br>cz = tsh <br> <br>@Polish letters: <br>If you want to use them on RS forums, it wont work. For some reason, when we try to type polish letter l(with a dash), we get: &amp;#322; (and similar stuff when we type all the other polish letters, except for <20>) <br> <br>If you want to use them on your computer, you can do this very easily: (I don't know what OS you are using and what language, so I'll try to be as accurate as I can be) Access Control Panel-&gt; Language/region settings -&gt; language: Select 'Polski (programisty)' /in some versions of Windows you will only have 'Polski' available- it is good enough/. <br>After applying changes, you will be able to write polish leters by pressing alt+letter /alt+l, alt+s, etc/ (right or left alt, or both- depending on your keyboard- for me it's right alt) <br> <br>I think I'll write short Polish language guide for this forum, all the other language communities seem to have one <img class="sm2" alt=":P" title=":P" src="../../../site/img/blk.gif" />
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24-Apr-2010 16:32:28
<br/>Last edited on 24-Apr-2010 16:32:47 by Rosebuster17
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Unfortunately the Polish-specific letters aren't supported by Jagex yet, and when posted on this forum, they turn into a mess. It makes sharing Polish phrases complicated. <br> <br>Hm... You're asking for some useful ones? Let's think... <br> <br>&quot;Moja matka zlamala smiglo mojego modelu samolotu podczas scierania kurzu z polek.&quot; <br> <br>It means: <br> <br>&quot;My mother broke the propeller of my aeroplane model while she was dusting the shelves.&quot; <br> <br>I hope it helps. <img class="sm6" alt=":D" title=":D" src="../../../site/img/blk.gif" />
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24-Apr-2010 16:36:29
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Oh, how could I forget about such a basic sentence! It's commonly used here! Thanks Rose <img class="sm0" alt=":)" title=":)" src="../../../site/img/blk.gif" /> <br> <br><img class="sm5" alt="O_o" title="O_o" src="../../../site/img/blk.gif" />
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26-Apr-2010 12:53:44
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Thanks a bunch! <img class="sm6" alt=":D" title=":D" src="../../../site/img/blk.gif" /> <br>I just have to add- on those two questions you translated, what would the answers be in Polish? <br>Asking questions really isn<73>t too good since those two are commonly asked by both counterparts and I<>ve got no clue how to answer them <img class="sm2" alt=":P" title=":P" src="../../../site/img/blk.gif" />
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24-Jun-2010 09:43:13
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You guys are kinda like us Czechs. <img class="sm2" alt=":P" title=":P" src="../../../site/img/blk.gif" /> Jak se Mate is the formal version of how are you. Jak se Mas is the informal. de dobre den. Is the good day. de dobre nacht is good night. Keep in mind that I'm old country Czech when it was Moravia and we were occupied by Germanic peoples and forced to speak Czech as a secret language. so I hve like a 30-70 german Czech split in my Czech ahah
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<span><span>Some basics of Polish, please?</span></span>
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