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25-Apr-2010 04:08:21
<br/>Last edited on 25-Apr-2010 23:30:15 by Diet<65>QUININE
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Hello. I am writing this guide as a guide of understanding Polish, but not necessarily speaking Polish. It may be used as a general guide of speaking Polish, but it would be necessary to learn other aspects beforehand. Generally, I'll go going in-depth into basic topics. <br> <br>To start off, to make this guide less confusing, I'll use some rules of what will denote what. <br>-When I will be writing a Polish word by giving the English pronunciation, I will put the word in [brackets], with the accented syllable CAPITALIZED. <br>-When I will be giving the definition of a Polish word by writing the definition in English, I will write the definition in (Parentheses) after the Polish word. <br>-When I will be writing comments, I will write them *in between asterisks* <br>-When I will denote Polish lettering, I will put ' after the letter. <br> <br>------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br> <br>In addition, if you need any help with a Polish phrase being translated, please feel free to post it here and I, or someone else, will gladly translate it.
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25-Apr-2010 04:08:32
<br/>Last edited on 25-Apr-2010 04:10:54 by Diet<65>QUININE
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To start with, there are some differences between Polish and English phoenetic transcription. Following, I will write the Polish letter *with a description of the accenting, if applicable*, a Polish word the letter is used in, and an example of an English word containing that sound, where possible. <br> <br>a - mA (s/he/it has) - cAr <br>a *accenting: similar to a tiny italic c, hanging like a tail from the end of the a* - pA'k - similar to French bON <br>b - Bal (dance) - Bear <br>c - Cel (goal) - SwiTZerland <br>cz - CZe's'c' (Hi) - CHurCH <br>c *accenting: small / over c* - C'ma (moth) - CHEAp <br>d - Dno (bottom) - minD <br>dz - ryDZ - loaf - aDZe <br>dz *accent over z: dot* DZ'uma (plague) - GeorGe <br>dz *accent over z: small / over z* - dz'wie'k (sound) - JEEp <br>e - lEk (medicine) - bEtter <br>e *accenting: look at a* - le'k (fear) - similar to French biEN <br>f - Frak (dress suit) - Fine <br>g - Grac' (to play) - Grand <br>h/ch - Hak/CHoinka (hook/Christmas tree) - House, loCH <br>i - Ilos'c' (amount) - plEAse <br>j - Jama (cavity) - You <br>k - Kanapa (sandwitch) - Computer <br>l - Lampa (lamp) - Like <br>l *accenting: diagonal line through middle of l* - L'adny (nice) - Well <br>m - Mama (mother) - Mother <br>n - Nowy (new) - Native <br>n *accenting: small / over n* - pieN' - oNIon <br>o - Ogro'd (garden) - Online <br>o *accenting: small / over o*/u - O'smy/Urwac' (Eigth/take off; yank) - sOUp <br>p - Ptak (bird) - Pond <br>r - RoweR (bike) - Rabbit <br>rz/z *accenting: dot over z* - RZeka/z'aba (River/frog) - miraGE <br>s - Sowa (owl) - Sky <br>sz - SZkol'a (school) - SHip <br>s *accenting: small / over s* - S'pij (Imperative mood: sleep) - SHEEp <br>t - TaTa (father) - Turn <br>w - Wyraz (sentence) - Verb <br>y - rYba (fish) - bIt <br>z - Zabawa (fun) - laZy <br>z *accenting: small / over z* - Z'rebak (colt) - pleaSure
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25-Apr-2010 04:08:43
<br/>Last edited on 25-Apr-2010 04:11:16 by Diet<65>QUININE
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In Polish, there are some differences between the spelling and the pronunciation of words, and words are sometimes pronounced differently when isolated, or in a word group. <br>We hear [skLEP] and we write sklep (store); <br>we hear [xLEP], but we write chleb (bread). <br>We hear [BUwka], we write bul'ka (bread roll); <br>we hear [uAFka], we write l'awka (bench); <br>we hear [dziECko], we write dziecko; <br>we hear [vzGUze], we write wzg<7A>rze. <br>If a word ends in a consonant, this consonant will always be pronounced as voiceless (in isolated words). To summarize, in isolated words there will be no difference between the final, unaccented consonants of: <br>b and p, <br>d and t, <br>dz and c, <br>w and f, <br>g and k, <br>z and s, or <br>rz and sz. <br>As examples: <br>Arab (arab) and rap (rap) *The b will be pronounced like a p*, <br>dziad (grandfather) and brat (brother) *The d will be pronounced like a t*, <br>pienia'dz (coin; singular of money) and miesia'c (month), <br>staw (pond) and Staff (staff), <br>pocia'g (train) and Irak (Iraq), <br>raz (one; once) and czas (time), or <br>malarz (painter) and listonosz (mailman). <br> <br>When a voiced and voiceless consonant meet in teh middle of a word or between two words, it is called assimilation, because the pronunciation must be uniform to ease the speaker. The first of the consonants undergoes assimilation. In the following examples, I will first write the isolated word, and then the word undergoind assimilation: <br>chleb (bread) [xLEp] - chleb z'ytni (rye bread) [xlebJITni], <br>brat (brother) [bRAt] - brat Basi (Basia's brother) [bradBASi].
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25-Apr-2010 04:08:50
<br/>Last edited on 25-Apr-2010 23:31:41 by Diet<65>QUININE
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Verbs: <br> <br>The first, the most commonly used and the most useful verb is byc' [pronounced near-identically to a bad word in English] (to be). As with all other European languages, this verb is irregular. <br> <br>The Present Tense: <br> <br>1. Ja (I) jestem <br>2. Ty (You) jestes' <br>3. on/ona/ono (he/she/it) jest <br> <br>4. My (We) jestes'my <br>5. Wy (You, plural) jestes'cie <br>6. Oni/one (They) sa' <br> <br>Conjugation 1 <br> <br>1. -e' <br>2. -esz <br>3. -e <br>4. -emy <br>5. -ecie <br>6. -a' <br> <br> <br>Conjugation 2 <br> <br>1. -e' <br>2. -isz <br>3. -i <br>4. -my <br>5. -icie <br>6. -a' <br> <br> <br>Conjugation 3 <br> <br>1. -am <br>2. -asz <br>3. -a <br>4. -amy <br>5. -acie <br>6. -aja' <br> <br> <br>Conjugation 4 <br> <br>1. -em <br>2. -esz <br>3. -e <br>4. -emy <br>5. -ecie <br>6. -edza' / -eja' <br> <br> <br> <br>IN EXAMPLES: <br> <br>Conjugation 1 <br> <br>Infinitive: Pisac' <br>Stem: Pisz <br> <br>1. pisze' <br>2. piszesz <br>3. pisze <br>4. piszemy <br>5. piszecie <br>6. pisza' <br> <br> <br>Conjugation 2 <br> <br>Infinitive: Mo'wic' <br>Stem: Mo'wi <br> <br>1. mo'wie' <br>2. mo'wisz <br>3. mo'wi <br>4. mo'wimy <br>5. mo'wicie <br>6. mo'wia' <br> <br> <br>Conjugation 3 <br> <br>Infinitive: Miec' <br>Stem: M <br> <br>1. mam <br>2. masz <br>3. ma <br>4. mamy <br>5. macie <br>6. maja' <br> <br>Conjugation 4 <br> <br>Infinitive: Wiedziec' <br>Stem: Wi <br> <br>1. wiem <br>2. wiesz <br>3. wie <br>4. wiemy <br>5. wiecie <br>6. wiedza'
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25-Apr-2010 04:08:59
<br/>Last edited on 25-Apr-2010 20:39:02 by Diet<65>QUININE
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The Past Tense: <br> <br>In the past tense, the verb byc' (to be) behaves as a regular verb; the regular endings are added to the stem. <br> <br>The endings for the masculine gender are: <br> <br>1. -l'em <br>2. -l'es' <br>3. -l' <br>4. -lis'my <br>5. -lis'cie <br>6. -li <br> <br>The endings for the feminine gender are: <br> <br>1. -l'am <br>2. -l'as' <br>3. -l'a <br>4. -l'ys'my <br>5. -l'ys'cie <br>6. -l'y <br> <br>Things in the Neuter gender cannot speak for themselves, nor can a sane person speak to something that is of the Neuter gender, so only the 3rd person singular *s/he/it* and the 3rd person plural *They* endings exist for the Neuter gender: <br> <br>3. -l'o <br>6. -l'y <br> <br> <br> <br>The Future Tense: <br> <br>For the future tense, one must use the future tense form of byc' (to be) and then say the verb which they are intending to say that will happen. <br> <br>1. be'de' <br>2. be'dziesz <br>3. be'dzie <br>4. be'dziemy <br>5. be'dziecie <br>6. be'da' <br> <br>For instance, if one wanted to say that [[something]] will work, they could say... <br> <br>Using the infinitive: <br> <br>1. be'de' pracowac' <br>2. be'dziesz pracowac' <br>3. be'dzie pracowac' <br>4. be'dziemy pracowac' <br>5. be'dziecie pracowac' <br>6. be'da' pracowac' <br> <br>If the Direct Object [[Item receiving the action]] is Masculine: <br> <br>1. be'de' pracowal' <br>2. be'dziesz pracowal' <br>3. be'dzie pracowal' <br>4. be'dziemy pracowali <br>5. be'dziecie pracowali <br>6. be'da' pracowali <br> <br>If the Direct Object is Feminine: <br> <br>1. be'de' pracowal'a <br>2. be'dziesz pracowal'a <br>3. be'dzie pracowal'a <br>4. be'dziemy pracowal'y <br>5. be'dziecie pracowal'y <br>6. be'da' pracowal'y <br> <br>If the Direct Object is Neuter: <br> <br>3. be'dzie pracowal'o <br>6. be'da' pracowal'y <br> <br> <br>To use the future tense, it would be equally valid to use the infinitive as it would be to use the other options.
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25-Apr-2010 04:09:08
<br/>Last edited on 25-Apr-2010 21:16:49 by Diet<65>QUININE
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Verb moods: <br> <br>There are three basic moods in Polish: Indicative, Imperative, and Conditional. <br> <br>In the Indicative mood, we inform somebody about something. The information can also take on the form of a question or a negative sentence. The indicative mood is the only mood described in the posts above. <br> <br>In the Imperative mood, we tell someone to do something: it only occurs in the 2nd person singular, 1st person plural, and 2nd person plural. <br> <br>2. Pisz! (Write! *Directed at one person*) <br>4. Piszmy! (Let us write! *Directed at group of people, in which the speaker is a part of*) <br>5. Piszcie! (Write! *Directed at a group of people, in which the speaker is not a part of*) <br> <br>The imperative mood can also have various levels of intensity- Saying Prosze', followed by an infinitive, is a request rather than an order. *Prosze Pisac' (Please write)* Masz (You are to), musisz (You must), trzeba (It is necessary to), or powinienes' (You should) can mean different things. <br> <br> <br>In the Condidional mood, we say that an action is imaginative, or is wanted and possible. <br> <br>1. -bym <br>2. -bys' <br>3. -by <br>4. -bys'my <br>5. -bys'cie <br>6. -by <br> <br>For instance; <br> <br>If the Direct Object is Masculine: <br> <br>1. chcial'bym (I would want; I would like) <br>2. chcial'bys' (You would want; You would like) <br>3. chcial'by <br>4. chcielibys'my <br>5. chcielibys'cie <br>6. chcieliby <br> <br>If the Direct Object is Feminine: <br> <br>1. chcial'abym (I would want; I would like) <br>2. chcial'abys' (You would want; You would like) <br>3. chcial'aby <br>4. chcial'ybys'my <br>5. chcial'ybys'cie <br>6. chcial'yby <br> <br>If the Direct Object is Neuter: <br> <br>3. chcial'oby <br>6. chcial'yby <br> <br> <br>In addition, -by can come before the verb, making them two seperate words: e.g. Ja bym chcial'
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25-Apr-2010 04:09:18
<br/>Last edited on 25-Apr-2010 21:45:01 by Diet<65>QUININE
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This section will describe words that may seem to be small, but they are not uncommon- They are indispensable. <br> <br>Prepositions: <br> <br>w (inside) <br>na (on the surface) <br>pod (below; underneath) <br>nad (above) <br>za (behind) <br>przed (in front of) <br>kol'o (near; next to) <br>przy (near; next to) <br>mie'dzy (between two objects) <br>ws'ro'd (amongst; inside a homogenous group) <br> <br> <br>Conjunctions: <br> <br>Connective: i (and), oraz (and), tez' (also), takz'e (), ro'wniez' (equally), zaro'wno (equally), and nie tylko (not only) <br> <br>Contrasting: ale (but), lecz (however), and natomiast (yet). <br> <br>Conclusive: Wie'c (thus), zatem (in conclusion), and dlatego (because of this). <br> <br>Alternative: albo (or), or lub (or). <br> <br> <br>Clauses: <br> <br>Casual: bo (because), poniewaz' (because), dlatego z'e (because of) <br> <br>Real conditional: jes'li (if), jez'eli (if), jak (if). <br> <br>Unreal conditional: gdyby (if *used in situations in which the following verb is unlikely to happen*) <br> <br>object and aim: z'eby, aby, by (in order to...*E.G. the thread, &quot;aaaaby zostac modem&quot; (In order to become a mod)*) <br> <br>Time: kiedy (when), gdy (when), az' (until), po'ki [POOkee] (until), dopo'ki (until), zanim (before).
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25-Apr-2010 04:09:26
<br/>Last edited on 25-Apr-2010 22:27:16 by Diet<65>QUININE
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Diminutives! <br> <br>One with a keen eye will easily notice that Poles love diminutives. <br> <br>As some examples... <br> <br>Herbata - Herbatka (Tea) <br>Kawa - Kawka (Coffee) <br>Minuta - Minutka (Minute) <br>L'awka - L'aweczka (Bench) <br>Bul'ka - Bul'eczka (Bread roll) <br>Ksia'z'ka - Ksia'z'eczka (Book) <br>Dom - Domek (House) <br>Kwiat - Kwiatek (Flower) <br>Las - Lasek (Woods; Forest) <br>Pies - Piesek (Dog) <br>Spacer - Spacerek (Noun: walk; stroll) <br>Balon - Balonik (Baloon) <br>Sto'l [stOO]- Stolik [sTOLeek] (Table) <br>Wazon - Wazonik (Vase) <br>Klucz - Kluczyk (Key) <br>Teatr [TEatr] - Teatrzyk [teATjik] <br> <br> <br>In addition, we can make a diminitive even sweeter by using a double equivalent of the suffix -ek, namely -eczek: <br> <br>Dom - Domek - Domeczek (House) <br>Las - Lasek - Laseczek (Woods; Forest) <br>Zegar [ZEgar] - Zegarek [zeGARek] - Zegareczek [zegarECHek] (Noun: Watch *on your hand*) <br>Kon' [KON~] - Konik [KONeek] - Konieszek [konOOshek] (Horse) <br>Kwiat - Kwiatek - Kwiatuszek (Flower) <br>Palec - Paluszek (Finger) <br> <br> <br>Neuter nounts can take the diminutive suffix -ko: <br> <br>Jajo - Jajko (Egg) <br>Piwo - Piwko (Beer) <br>Wino - Winko (Wine) <br> <br>From here, we can double he -ko into -eczko: <br> <br>Jajo - Jajko - Jajeczko (Egg) <br>Piwo - Piwko - Piweczko (Beer) <br>Wino - Winko - Wineczko (Wine *Wineczko is a valid word, but sounds so absurd my spell-checker marks it as incorrect*) <br> <br> <br>Surprisingly, there are also diminutives for adjectives: <br> <br>Bial'y - Bielutki (White) <br>Mal'y - Malutki (Small) <br>Czysty - Czys'ciutki (Clean) <br>Lekki - Leciutki (Soft; Light) <br> <br>Typically, as you an see, the ending is -utki, but there is one more derived from the Ukranian language, -en'ki: <br> <br>mal'y [MAwih] - malutki [maLOOTkee] - malen'ki [maLEN~kee] (Small) <br> <br>Diminutives may also have a commercial value; to attract customers by putting them in a better mood. Casiers prefer saying Pienia'z'ki instead of Pienia'dze (money), etc.
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25-Apr-2010 04:09:34
<br/>Last edited on 25-Apr-2010 23:34:00 by Diet<65>QUININE
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25-Apr-2010 04:09:42
<br/>Last edited on 27-Apr-2010 02:49:42 by Diet<65>QUININE
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Commonly used/useful phrases <br> <br>Greetings: <br> <br>Hi! - Czes'c' [CHEsch] <br>Welcome! - Witam [VEEtam] <br>I invite you - Zapraszam [zaPRASHam] <br>We invite you - Zapraszamy [zaPRASHami] <br>Good day - Dzien' dobry [JEN DOBri] <br>How's it going? - Jak lecie? [YAK LEchee?] <br>What's new? - Co nowego? [CHO noVEgo?] <br>Hey! - Hej! [HEY!] <br>Nice to see you - Mil'o cie widziec' [MEEwo CHE VEEJetch] <br>I like your tie - Lubie twoj krawat [LOObee-eh tfooy KRAvat] <br> <br>Farewells: <br> <br>Bye (informal) - czes'c' [CHEsch] <br>Bye-bye - pa-pa [pah-PAH] <br>Goodbye - Z'egnam [JEGnam] <br>Goodbye *from a group* - Z'egnamy [JEGnamih] <br>{Goodbye} for now (informal) - Na razie [naRAje] <br>That's not the exit; that's the wine cellar! - To nie wyjs'cie, to jest piwnica na wino! [TO nye yest VIYSche, to yest PEEVneecha na VEEno!] <br>There goes our 1890 Bordeaux. - I juz nie ma naszego 1890 Bordeaux. [EE YOOSH nye ma nashEgo TYSHonch OSHEMset jevenJEshunt borDOW.] <br> <br>Practical use: <br> <br>Where's the bathroom? - Gdzie jest ubikacja? [gJE yest oobeeCACHia?] <br>Where's the currency exchange? - Gdzie jest kantor? [gJE yest KANtor?] <br>How much does this cost? - Ile to kosztuje? [EEleh TO KOSHtooye?] <br>That's too much- can we bargain? - To za duz'o- moz'emy targowac'? [TO za DOOjo- mojEMih sheh tarGOVach?] <br> <br> <br> <br>More to be added soon, as I can come up with them. If you have any suggestions, please feel encouraged to post them here.
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