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<div class="faqsList" id="withlinks">
<li><a href="#what_fansite">What is a fan site?</a>
<li><a href="#make_fansite">Can I make a fansite?</a>
<li><a href="#kb_fansite">Can I use articles from the RuneScape or Jagex websites?</a>
<li><a href="#links_fansite">Can I get a link to my fansite on RuneScape.com?</a>
<li><a href="#hiscores">Can I access data from the Hiscores and publish it?</a>
<li><a href="#keylogger_fansite">I think a fansite gave me a keylogger: what should I do?</a>
<li><a href="#false_info_fansite">A fansite appears to have false information about RuneScape.</a>
<li><a href="#third_party_fansite">Can I use third-party RuneScape software?</a>
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<a name="what_fansite"></a>
<span class="title">1. What is a fansite?</span>
A fansite is a website created and maintained by the fans of a particular cultural phenomenon. The phenomenon can be anything from a computer game to a television show.
RuneScape has various fansites surrounding it, and they offer information about quests, skills and provide an opportunity to talk to other fans of the game.
Please note that <b>ALL</b> fansites are entirely separate from RuneScape and Jagex and we are <b>NOT</b> responsible for any content which appears on them.
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<a name="make_fansite"></a>
<span class="title">2. Can I make a fansite?</span>
Yes, of course. We encourage the creation of fan sites and many of our players use them to gain information about our game.
There are a few pointers that you need to follow:
<li> You must visibly acknowledge that the images are the property of Jagex Ltd, and that Jagex and RuneScape are registered trademarks of Jagex Limited, and you must provide a link to the official http://www.RuneScape.com website.
<li> The images or our trademarks must NOT under any circumstances be used on or in conjunction with any website which encourages or helps users infringe our Terms and Conditions or breach the <a href="rules_of_conduct.html">Rules of RuneScape</a>. Using them on a scamming, hacking, password stealing, or cheating website is NOT allowed.
<li> You must not use these images or our trademarks in a deliberately deceptive way. Your website must not portray itself as an official RuneScape website. Allowing you to use these images does not mean we endorse your website.
<li> We may withdraw your permission to use these images at any time if we feel you are misusing them.
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<a name="kb_fansite"></a>
<span class="title">3. Can I use articles from the RuneScape or Jagex websites?</span>
In all cases we retain copyright ownership and the right of approval in advance of you using any copyright material. We also retain the right to request anyone to remove the material.
All rights, including copyright and database right, in the RuneScape, FunOrb and Jagex websites and their contents, are owned by Jagex Ltd., or otherwise used by Jagex as permitted by applicable law.
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<a name="links_fansite"></a>
<span class="title">4. Can I get a link to my fansite on RuneScape.com?</span>
No, this is not possible. Given the number of RuneScape fansites in existence, it would be impossible for us to list them all and therefore in the interests of remaining fair and unbiased we will not list any. Please remember that <b>ALL</b> fansites are entirely separate from RuneScape, FunOrb and Jagex and we are <b>NOT</b> responsible for any content which appears on them.
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<a name="hiscores"></a>
<span class="title">5. Can I access data from the Hiscores and publish it?</span>
We have a feature on the Hiscores that enables fansites to access data from the Hiscores much more quickly. This is most useful for use as a 'signature', so you can show the world how your skills are going.
To access a 'light' version of your character's high scores simply go to the following address:
<div align="center">http://hiscore.runescape.com/index_lite.ws?player=YourUsername</div>
Simply replace 'YourUsername' with your character's name and this will provide you with a string of numbers organised into groups. The numbers at the front are grouped in threes, and are your <b>rank</b>, <b>level</b> and <b>experience</b> in each skill, in the same order that they appear on the Hiscores. The remaining numbers are grouped in twos, and are your <b>rank</b> and <b>score</b> in each activity, again in the same order as on the Hiscores. If you are unranked in a skill or activity, your rank will be marked -1.
If you run a fansite and wish to enable players to publish their hiscores, it should be a simple matter to format this string of numbers, as there is no HTML code attached to the output. In the script of the output, each rank, level and experience group is separated by a new line, and each field is separated by a comma (without spaces).
<b>Note</b> that if you do not specify a user name, the user has no rankings or the user does not exist, you will receive a standard 404 error.
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<a name="keylogger_fansite"></a>
<span class="title">6. I think a fansite gave me a keylogger: what should I do?</span>
We are aware that a number of fake fansites have keyloggers or trojans on them and we are constantly taking action against such sites.
The first thing that you should do is to ensure the safety of your computer. You can use Sections 7 and 8 of our <a href="security_information.html">Security Tips</a> to help guide you through fixing any problems that you may have. Please ensure that you do this first or you may compromise the security of your account.
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<a name="false_info_fansite"></a>
<span class="title">7. A fansite appears to have false information about RuneScape.</span>
If there is an error in the content of a fansite then you will have to take it up with the makers of that site. Unless a fansite violates any of our <a href="rules_of_conduct.html">Rules of RuneScape</a> or infringes on our copyright we will not become involved.
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<a name="third_party_fansite"></a>
<span class="title">8. Can I use third-party RuneScape software?</span>
We do not recommend players use third-party RuneScape-related software of any sort. Please be aware that there is software out there which claims to be a cool RuneScape add-on, but actually installs a keylogger on your computer and steals your password! You should also be aware that there is dangerous software around that won't necessarily be spotted by your anti-virus software. Scanning downloads is, of course, a very good idea, but it still doesn't 100% eliminate the risk.
Furthermore, if such software gives an unfair advantage, encourages rule-breaking, or endangers users' accounts then its use is not allowed under the <a href="rules_of_conduct.html">Rules of RuneScape</a>, and using it may result in your account being banned. If in doubt, don't use it!
We strongly recommend you only use the Windows client available on our <a href="../../title.html">homepage</a> in the 'Downloads and Wallpapers' section (under the 'Community' drop-down menu) or by clicking, <a href="../../downloads/RuneScapee265.exe?20090424">here</a>.
Our <a href="../../terms/terms.html">Terms & Conditions</a> state "You must not attempt to use other programs in conjunction with RuneScape to give yourself an unfair advantage."
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