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Reporting Abuse
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<a href="#introduction">Introduction</a> | <a href="#before_you_report">Before you report</a> | <a href="#making_your_report">Submitting your report</a> | <a href="#after_your_report">After you report</a>
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<a name="introduction"></a>
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<span class="headertitleleft"><span class="headertitleright">Introduction</span></span>
If, in the course of play, you come into contact with another player whose behaviour you consider offensive or aggressive, the best course of action is to add the player to your Ignore List, or adjust your chat settings so they cannot continue to bother you. Sometimes, however, you might encounter players whose behaviour is particularly offensive or who break the Rules of RuneScape, in which case you can use the Report Abuse feature to report the player to the Jagex Player Support team.
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<a name="before_you_report"></a>
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<span class="headertitleleft"><span class="headertitleright">Before you report</span></span>
Before you report another player, you should first make sure that they are actually in breach of the Rules of RuneScape. The Player Support team review all abuse reports and have a great deal of experience, so, if in doubt, submit a report.
If you decide to report another player, your report should contain evidence of the offensive act or rule-breaking. If your report does not contain this evidence, we will not be able to take any action against the player. You should submit your report as soon as the act takes place, and not discuss it with other players first.
Finally, before you submit any kind of report, please take the time to read over the following:
<li>If the chat filter has starred-out one or more words, you do not need to report the player that used the starred-out language.
<li>The term <20>noob<6F> is often used by players of online games, and is not particularly offensive. You do not need to report players who use this term to refer to you or someone else.
<li>Reporting other players who you know not to have committed an offence, either as a joke or as a way of deliberately inconveniencing them, is considered a misuse of the report abuse system, and may result in your account being penalised.
<li>Provoking other players with offensive language or behaviour and then reporting them when they retaliate is considered a misuse of the report abuse system, and may result in your being penalised. Our logs will clearly show what took place before the report was submitted, and who instigated the incident.
<li>Knowingly submitting any kind of false report is considered a misuse of the report abuse system, and may result in your account being penalised.
<a name="making_your_report"></a>
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<span class="headertitleleft"><span class="headertitleright">Submitting your report</span></span>
To submit an abuse report, simply click on the Report Abuse button towards the bottom-right-hand corner of the screen (or bottom-left-hand corner if you're playing the game in fullscreen or resizeable window mode). Then select the relevant chat or player from a list of recent chat, click <20>next<78>, and select the offence that correlates with that committed by the player. You will also have the option to temporarily add the player to your Ignore List, allowing you to ignore them until you log out of the game.
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Please do not submit more than one abuse report for each incident. We can get all the information we need from a single report, and submitting multiple reports simply slows down the process of reviewing your reports.
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<a name="after_your_report"></a>
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<span class="headertitleleft"><span class="headertitleright">After you report</span></span>
The Player Support team review all submitted abuse reports, but not all abuse reports will result in action being taken against the reported player. This may be because the Player Support team decide that the reported player is not in fact guilty of committing an offence, or because there was insufficient evidence of wrongdoing in your report. Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to penalise a player lies with the Player Support team, so please do not submit a second abuse report if your first report is not acted on.
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