2023-04-02 10:22:13 +09:00

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title: Cleaning up
tags: news
layout: newspost
collection: Game Updates
date: 2021-08-30 00:00:00 +0000
authors: Summer
excerpt: "As we start to grow our playerbase again slowly but surely we run into some new obstacles of what content
should we focus on. When it comes to contributors a lot of the source has spots that it's not very well documented
while other spots it doesn't have some decent documentation. However, wouldn't it be nice to go through and document some
more just so if any new developers stop"
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30-August-2021 10:55
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As we start to grow our playerbase again slowly but surely we run into some new obstacles of what content
should we focus on. When it comes to contributors a lot of the source has spots that it's not very well documented
while other spots it doesn't have some decent documentation. However, wouldn't it be nice to go through and document some
more just so if any new developers stop by they are able to just pull that right up and work from there? In the next couple of weeks
we shifting our focus towards a cleaning up the project a bit. The dev team will be auditing current code while
converting old java class files into kotlin. Our goal has always has been to convert to Kotlin. Adding more methods to the server API and
like I stated above in-deph commenting for classes and methods. This overall should speed up all future implementations as well
as bring on more developers who are less familiar with the source.
Also, if you are not a part of the gitlabs, stop what you are doing and go create an account. This will allow you to have a voice
within the 2009scape community. This voice is strictly for live server members only but we have an amazing new RFC(Request for comments)
section where you can give your idea of something to add and the community can discuss it and see if it fits. Again, we are based of 2009 era and
not everything will be deemed acceptable for this era but small little QoL things like the new addition that came from the RFC the ring of starsprites.
Updates will now be every two weeks instead of one to give the developers more time to test their code and not rush updates. It will still be on a monday
anyways buckle up and enjoy the updates for these last two weeks.
<li>Godbooks now have all the appropriate dialogues, code for preaching has been rewritten to be significantly more readable and maintainable.</li>
<li>Added the interaction where you have to kill a jailer to get a jail key, to unlock the cell for Velrak, who then gives you the Dusty Key which you now need to access the blue dragon portion of Taverley Dungeon.</li>
<li>Added the ability to mix Blamish snail slime and an unfinished Harralander potion into Blamish oil. This is a necessary component in creating Oily Fishing rods.</li>
<li>If you try and drink the Blamish oil you get dialogue saying that the player would rather not drink this.</li>
<li>The bridge at Nature's Grotto now gives agility experience and you are able to fail the jump.</li>
<b><u>Bug fixes</u></b>
<li>Fixed the accuracy and 'null' npc chatbox for Priest in Peril. </li>
<li>Barcrawl is now completable</li>
<li>Fixed Zaff's Dialog so now what lies below is completable again.</li>
<li>Can no longer enter the swamp gates without having started Nature Spirit. Ulizius now says his "Oh my! You're still alive!" line when you leave the swamp.</li>
<li>Give the correct amount of slayer task points on streaks that are a multiple of 50. </li>
<li>Fixed fire orb charging</li>
<li>Gnome stronghold gate no longer restores run energy</li>
<li>Fix stackable consumable bug</li>
<li>Fixed a bug that allowed infinite repetition of a slayer task</li>
<li>Fixed a graphical issue that would prevent overhead prayer icons from going away</li>
<li>Turoth drop tables corrected</li>
<li>Corrected the exchange rate for scrolls to shards when exchanging them with Bogrog</li>
<b><u>Taking the time to Examine</u></b>
<li>Drezel's examine was added.</li>
<li>Ulizius's examine was added.</li>
<li>Hiylik Myna's examine was added.</li>
<li>Filiman Tarlock's examine was added.</li>
<li>Nature Spirit's examine was added.</li>
<li>Gravestone examines were added.</li>
<li>Wishing well examines were added.</li>
<li>Inert Obelisk examine was added.</li>
<li>Druid Pouch exame was corrected.</li>
<li>Ghoul stats were corrected.</li>
<li>Ghoul's now have a correct respawn delay.</li>
<li>Ghoul Champion stats were corrected.</li>
<li>Myre Balmish snail stats corrected.</li>
<li>Blood Blamish snails now have correct stats.</li>
<li>Corrected the spawn locations of blood blamish snails.</li>
<li>Ochre Blamish Snail stats were corrected.</li>
<li>Bruise Blamish snail stats were corrected.</li>
<li>Corrected spawn locations of bark blemish snails.</li>
<li>All snails have the correct aggressiveness and correct respawn delays.</li>
<li>Added the Falador Farm Sheepdog.</li>
<li>Corrected stats of Chaos Dwarf</li>
<li>Added all Chaos Dwarf spawns to Taverley Dungeon</li>
<li>Correct respawn rate of Chaos Dwarves at 150 ticks</li>
<li>Corrected stats of Lesser Demons</li>
<li>Correct respawn rate of Lesser Demons at 30 ticks</li>
<li>Added all Lesser Demon spawns to Taverley Dungeon</li>
<li>Corrected stats of Baby blue dragon</li>
<li>Correct respawn rate of Baby blue dragons at 30 ticks</li>
<li>Corrected stats of Black Demon</li>
<li>Correct respawn rate of Black Demons at 30 ticks</li>
<li>Corrected stats of Black Knight</li>
<li>Correct respawn rate of Black Knights at 25 ticks</li>
<li>Correct respawn rate of Shades at 50 ticks</li>
<li>Corrected stats of Hellhound</li>
<li>Correct respawn rate of Hellhound at 50 ticks</li>
<li>Correct respawn rate of Giant bat at 35 ticks</li>
<li>Corrected stats of Jailer</li>
<li>Correct respawn rate of Jailer at 50 ticks</li>
<li>Poison spider now has correct examine text</li>
<li>Corrected stats of Poison spide</li>
<li>Correct respawn rate of Poison spider at 30 ticks</li>
<li>Corrected stats of level-19 Ghost</li>
<li>Correct respawn rate of level-19 Ghost at 40 ticks</li>
<li>Corrected stats of Suit of armour</li>
<li>Corrected Zamorak chick, bird, and hawk examines.</li>
<li>Corrected Guthix chick, bird, and raptor examines.</li>
<li>Corrected Saradomin chick, bird, and owl examines.</li>
<li>Added the correct Poison Scorpion spawns to North Brimhaven mine (7 Poison Scorpions)</li>
<li>Chaos druids' stats are corrected.</li>
<li>Chaos druids' correct respawn rate of 15 seconds.</li>
<li>Added all the chaos druids' spawns in Taverly Dungeon.</li>
<li>Magic Axe stats corrected.</li>
<li>Give the correct amount of slayer task points on streaks that are a multiple of 50. </li>
<li>Added all Magic Axe spawns to Taverley Dungeon</li>
<li>Poison scorpion stats corrected.</li>
<li>Poison Scorpion correct respawn rate of 15 seconds</li>
<li>Added all Poison Scorpion spawns to Taverley Dungeon </li>
<li>Correctly added Sample Bottle to the Canifis General Store. This is required to create Oily fishing rods</li>
<li>Added the Jail key to the Jailer's drop table</li>
<li>Added 3 Rat spawns to Taverley Dungeon, near the jail cells</li>
<li>Added 2 Dwarf spawns to the north jail cells in Taverley Dungeon</li>
<li>Added Velrak the Explorer to the Taverley Dungeon</li>
<li>Added Crate, Barrel, Painting (bad King), Standard (Taverley Dungeon), Bed, and Suit of armour object examines.</li>
<li>Fishing Guild Shop stock corrections</li>
<li>Fishing Guild Shop name correction</li>
<li>Shantay Pass Shop stock corrections</li>
<li>Grud's Herblore stall name correction</li>
<li>Frincos' Fabulous Herb Store name correction</li>
<li>Frincos' Fabulous Herb Store stock corrections</li>
<li>level-19 Ghost examine text corrected</li>
<li>Correct respawn rate of lvl-22 Skeletons at 70 ticks</li>
<li>Correct respawn rate of lvl-25 Skeleton at 60 ticks</li>
<li>Sapphire lantern (unfilled), Sapphire lantern (unlit) and Sapphire lantern (lit) now have correct examine text.</li>
<li>Fishing spot (Barbarian fishing) and the Small Net/Bait Fishing spot near Barbarian Outpost now have correct examine text.</li>
<li>Added all correct Hill Giant spawns to Taverley Dungeon (5 Hill Giants)</li>
<li>Added all correct Giant Bat spawns to Taverley Dungeon (9 Giant Bats)</li>
<li>Added all correct Ghost spawns to Taverley Dungeon (14 Ghosts)</li>
<li>Added all correct Skeleton spawns to Taverley Dungeon (7 Skeletons)</li>
<li>All monsters in the first half of Taverley Dungeon that have variant models, can now correctly spawn as variants (Lesser Demon, Hill Giant, Ghost, Skeleton)</li>
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