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<h1 class="plaque">
Open RuneScape Classic
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<li>Take advantage of the forever free version of Runescape Classic.</li>
<li>Ever heard your clan mates talk about the "old days" and wonder what they were really like? Find out!</li>
<li>Be part of the nostalgia - try glorious three hit combat!</li>
<li>See what the old "Wildy" was really like.</li>
<li>Defeat Elvarg all over again... OLDSKOOL!</li>
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<p id="members">Please note: We our not the developers of OpenRsc,
<br> please make sure you read and follow their
<a href="https://runescapeclassic.dev/faq" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">rules</a> before going over there.</p>
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<div class="subsectionHeader">Play RuneScape Classic</div>
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<b>Extra links and Images of Open RSC below</b>
<li>Check out their really cool full of QoL feature Client <a href="https://rsc.plus/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RSC+</a></td></li>
<li>Click the icon to enter their discord : <a href="https://discord.com/invite/mTBXvu2"><img src="./../2009scape-resources/img/icons/brand-discord.svg" width="20" height="20"></a></td></li>
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