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Macroing, and use of bots or third-party software
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Macroing, and use of bots or third-party software
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<div id="jagexRule">
<div style="font-weight:bold;" class="effectivedate">Effective date: 12th May 2009</div>
<p>You must not use other software to gain an unfair advantage in our games. This includes automation tools, macros, bots, or auto-typers. You may not circumvent any of our mechanisms designed to automatically log out inactive users.</p>
<p>You also must not use any game-specific, third-party software that encourages breaking of our rules, or bypasses the normal navigation of our website, or automatically requests pages from our website, or which endangers user accounts.</p>
<div class="hr"></div>
<h4>Related Questions</h4>
<p>Below are some related questions which may help you to further understand and follow this rule:</p>
<div class="faqsList">
<li><a href="#why">Why do we have this rule? </a></li>
<li><a href="#what">What type of third-party software is NOT allowed? </a></li>
<li><a href="#software">What do you mean by "software"? </a></li>
<li><a href="#macro">How does the new macro detection system work? </a></li>
<li><a href="#appeal">Will I be able to appeal against a ban for macroing? </a></li>
<li><a href="#afk">What is AFK Training? </a></li>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a name="why"></a>
<span class="title">1. Why do we have this rule? </span>
<p>First, we don't want players to download third-party software from untrusted sources that can, and often do, contain keyloggers, trojans and viruses. Many players have had their accounts stolen because they have inadvertently installed hacking software on their machines. Even if the author has good intentions, an unintended flaw in their software could still put your account at risk. Some supposedly reputable software has had problems in the past. There are also cases of people deliberately writing software which looks like a useful add-on, but actually just steals your password.</p>
<p>Secondly, macroing ruins the game for everyone else. We don't want some players having an unfair advantage and filling up all the best training spots with bots. This game is designed to be enjoyed by humans, not bots. In the past, when we have not enforced this rule, we have rapidly found it quickly spoils the game, and players themselves start demanding that we enforce it. Now we enforce it thoroughly.</p>
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<a name="what"></a>
<span class="title">2. What type of third-party software is NOT allowed? </span>
<p>This includes, but is not limited to the following third-party software:</p>
<li>Software that attempts to communicate directly with our game worlds.</li>
<li>Software that monitors, modifies or decrypts the communications between our game applets and our game worlds.</li>
<li>Software that generates input to our game applets. This includes software that automatically moves the mouse pointer or generates mouse clicks or key presses.</li>
<li>Modified or replacement versions of our game applets. Reverse-engineering our game applets is strictly prohibited. Using a modified version of our game applets is not permitted for any reason. Third-party software that displays pages/content from our website(s), and that has specific features (i.e. toolkits) must not be used to access our website unless that software conforms with all of the other rules, and the following additional rules:
<li>It must not encourage rule-breaking or endanger users.</li>
<li>It must not contain adverts or links to websites that encourage rule-breaking or endanger users.</li>
<li>It must not automatically make repeated page/content requests from our website or otherwise make excessively bandwidth-intensive requests from our servers (each page/content request should only be in direct response to a user request each time).</li>
<li>It must not bypass the normal navigation of our website for users wishing to reach the game worlds. The software should initially only point at the front page of our websites, and should require the user to navigate through the website normally to reach the game worlds. The software must not contain or acquire direct links to the game applet.</li>
<li>It must not hide or encourage the hiding of any of the adverts on our website. To avoid encouraging users to hide the advert above the game, the pane displaying pages from our website must default to at least 630 pixels high (if viewed on a screen with a resolution higher than 800x600), and it must not be possible to resize it to less height than that, i.e. the page must be displayed in such a way that both the game and advert are fully visible at the same time.</li>
<li>It must not attempt to make it easier to enter a busy game world than it would be for users not using the software. It must not contain any features to make it easier to enter or monitor busy worlds.</li>
<li>If the software has its own integrated chat feature, separate from the game chat, it should make it very clear to users that this chat is not part of our games and is not official, endorsed, or moderated by Jagex in any way. Furthermore, this chat should still be moderated (just not by us), and the moderators should not allow chat which infringes our Rules of Conduct. To avoid confusion with the official game chat, moderators of the external chat should not be indicated with a silver or gold crown. If the chat is IRC based, then the software should only allow access to IRC channels which conform with the above rules. </li>
<p>In any case, the use of such software is not recommended. We do not recommend the use of ANY third-party software, as it is potentially extremely dangerous. Please be aware that there is software out there that claims to be a great add-on, but actually installs a keylogger on your computer and steals your password! You should also be aware that there is dangerous software around that won't necessarily be spotted by your anti-virus software. Scanning downloads is, of course, a very good idea, but it still doesn't 100% eliminate the risk.</p>
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<a name="software"></a>
<span class="title">3. What do you mean by "software"? </span>
<p>Software means any type of program, including: downloadable software (e.g an .exe file), or web-based software (e.g a website set up to perform a similar function with flash, java, javascript or serverside scripts).</p>
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<a name="macro"></a>
<span class="title">4. How does the macro detection system work? </span>
<p>Our macro detection system monitors activity on our servers and detects suspicious behaviour. This evidence is reviewed by our team of experts who either confirm or reject the system's analysis. Jagex will not reveal the exact mechanics of how this system works, because this would make circumvention easier.</p>
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<a name="appeal"></a>
<span class="title">5. Will I be able to appeal against a ban for macroing? </span>
<p>Our policy has always been that we do not tolerate any form of cheating. We do not ban accounts lightly. Significant evidence is always collected before any action is taken against a player. We will not reveal the evidence that we have collected, since most cheats only want to know the evidence so that they can avoid getting caught the next time. You can submit an appeal by visiting the Account Management page and selecting 'Appeal an Offence'.</p>
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<a name="afk"></a>
<span class="title">6. What is AFK training? </span>
<p>AFK training is Away From Keyboard training. While you are playing on our games, you must be at the computer. Away-from-keyboard training is not allowed, and you should log out when you leave the computer.</p>
<p><i>To keep RuneScape enjoyable for everyone, please observe and follow our rules. We will not tolerate disruptive players, and if you break our rules your account is likely to be banned or muted. Members who are banned or muted for breaking our rules are not entitled to any sort of refund.</i></p>
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