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26-July-2021 02:38:00
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Since the Github Launcher links kept confusing people into wondering which launcher was the correct one to download we have decided
to remove the list. With this being said we do not want to destroy our history of information on updates were what so this will be a post
showing all the different launcher updates!
<b><u>09Launcher v1.2</u></b>
<i>Ceikry released this on July 19, 2021</i>
Added draggability for the windows (For Patch Notes )
<b><u>09Launcher v1.1 </u></b>
<i>Ceikry released this July 16, 2021</i>
More UI responsiveness, increased download buffer
<b><u>09Launcher v1.0</u></b>
<i>Ceikry released this on July 16, 2021</i>
A Brand new launcher from scratch with the latest updates on screen!
<b><u>2009scape v2.1.3</u></b>
<i>Ceikry released this in early July 2021</i>
Client now specifies World 1 as the main world.
<b><u>2009scape v2.1.2</u></b>
<i>Ceikry Released this update in early July 2021</i>
Launcher has been updated to reflect our temporary single-world status, removed window decorations to address a bug, and added a new close button. The bug report link has also been updated.
<b><u>2009scape v1.11</u></b>
<i>Ceikry Released this update on October 21, 2020</i>
<li>Fixed a bug with downloading the new cache/client versions </li>
<li>Enabled the server status checker</li>
<li>Launcher now auto-closes after client starts</li>
<b><u>2009scape Release 1.1</u></b>
<i>Ceikry released this update on July 5, 2020</i>
We now have an official launcher! Hooray!
<b><u>2009Scape Release v1.051</u></b>
<i>Jamix released this update on March 30, 2020 </i>
<li>Added shift drop ( properly this time xD )</li>
<li>Fixed Fog</li>
<li>Fixed HD</li>
<li>Happy Times</li>
<b><u>2009scape Release v1.04</u></b>
<i>Jamix released this update on February 23, 2020</i>
Compile issues on last release (1.03). Here it is with fixed HD and fixed right click. <br>
<b><u>2009scape Release v1.03</u></b>
<i>Bracket released this on February 18, 2020</i>
This client fixes right-click issues people were having.
Keep in mind, that the same old clients will always connect to the continuously updating server! You don't need to update unless something goes wrong :)
<b><u>2009scape Release v1.02</u></b>
<p><i>Bracket Released this on Jan 11, 2020</i>
Same content as before, this time with a more stable provider. Enjoy!
<b><u>2009scape Release v1.01</u></b>
<i>Bracket released this on January 10, 2020</i>
Updated IP to match new host.
There's some bugs in tutorial island, relog if something bad happens to you.
Hopefully some people enjoy!
(Also, bug me on Discord if the client won't connect. I'll restart the server. </p>
<b><u>2009scape Release 1.0</u></b>
<i>Bracket released this on November 4, 2019</i>
The live server is probably going to have another reset but here's a client to connecting it so people can test things out. Good luck and have fun!
Note: These are huge downloads because they include the server code in them for now... Just uh, ignore that. </p>
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