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2021-11-03 04:51:04 +00:00

286 lines
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import {context} from './common.js';
const ROOT_SESSION = "browser";
// actually we use 'tot' but in chrome.debugger.attach 'tot' is
// not a supported version string
const VERSION = "1.3";
function promisify(context, name, err) {
return async function(...args) {
let resolver, rejector;
const pr = new Promise((res,rej) => ([resolver, rejector] = [res,rej]));
return pr;
function promisifiedCallback(...result) {
let error = err(name);
if ( !! error ) {
return rejector(error);
return resolver(...result);
let Ws, Fetch;
async function loadDependencies() {
if ( context == 'extension' ) {
// no need to do anything here
} else if ( context == 'node' ) {
const {default:ws} = await import('ws');
const {default:nodeFetch} = await import('node-fetch');
Ws = ws;
Fetch = nodeFetch;
export async function connect({port:port = 9222} = {}) {
if ( context == 'extension' ) {
const Handlers = {};
const getTargets = promisify(chrome.debugger, 'getTargets', guardError);
const attach = promisify(chrome.debugger, 'attach', guardError);
const sendCommand = promisify(chrome.debugger, 'sendCommand', guardError);
let resp, firstTarget, targets;
// attach to all existing targets
targets = await getTargets();
targets = targets.filter(T => T.type == 'page' && T.url.startsWith('http'));
for ( const T of targets ) {
if ( ! T.attached ) {
resp = await attach({targetId:T.id}, VERSION);
console.log("attached", {resp});
if ( targets.length ) {
firstTarget = targets[0].id;
await confirmAllAttached();
// discover targets is blocked in extensions
// instead we manually discover via tabs onCreated
let nextAttachConfirmation;
chrome.tabs.onCreated.addListener(async Tab => {
const url = Tab.url || Tab.pendingUrl;
const attachable = url.startsWith('about') || url.startsWith('http');
if ( attachable ) {
const target = {tabId:Tab.id};
const r = await attach(target, VERSION);
if ( ! firstTarget ) {
firstTarget = Tab.id;
console.log("attach", {resp:r});
if ( nextAttachConfirmation ) {
nextAttachConfirmation = setTimeout(confirmAllAttached, 200);
chrome.tabs.onUpdated.addListener(async (id, changed, Tab) => {
const {url} = changed;
const attachable = url && (url.startsWith('about') || url.startsWith('http'));
if ( attachable && ! Tab.attached ) {
const target = {tabId:id};
const r = await attach(target, VERSION);
if ( ! firstTarget ) {
firstTarget = id;
console.log("attach", {resp:r});
if ( nextAttachConfirmation ) {
nextAttachConfirmation = setTimeout(confirmAllAttached, 200);
return {send, on};
async function on(method, handler) {
let listeners = Handlers[method];
if ( ! listeners ) {
Handlers[method] = listeners = [];
async function send(method, params = {}, id = firstTarget) {
let tabId, targetId;
if ( Number.isInteger(id) ) {
tabId = id;
} else if ( typeof id == "string" ) {
targetId = id;
} else {
throw new Error(`Must specify an id to send command to. ${method}`);
try {
return await sendCommand(
{targetId, tabId},
} catch(e) {
console.warn(`${method}`, e);
return {error:e};
async function handle(source, method, params) {
const listeners = Handlers[method];
if ( Array.isArray(listeners) ) {
for( const func of listeners ) {
try {
func(method, params, source);
} catch(e) {
console.warn(`Listener failed`, method, JSON.stringify(params), e, func.toString().slice(0,140));
function guardError(prefix = '') {
if ( chrome.runtime.lastError ) {
if ( typeof prefix == 'object' ) {
try {
prefix = JSON.stringify(prefix, null, 2);
} catch(e) {
prefix = prefix + '';
const error = `${prefix}: ${chrome.runtime.lastError.message}`;
return error;
return false;
async function confirmAllAttached() {
resp = await getTargets();
targets = resp.filter(T => T.type == 'page' && T.url.startsWith('http') && !T.attached);
console.assert(targets.length == 0, "We are not attached to some attachable targets", targets);
} else if ( context == 'node' ) {
if ( ! Ws || ! Fetch ) {
await loadDependencies();
try {
const {webSocketDebuggerUrl} = await Fetch(`http://localhost:${port}/json/version`).then(r => r.json());
const socket = new Ws(webSocketDebuggerUrl);
const Resolvers = {};
const Handlers = {};
socket.on('message', handle);
let id = 0;
let resolve;
const promise = new Promise(res => resolve = res);
socket.on('open', () => resolve());
await promise;
return {
on, ons,
async function send(method, params = {}, sessionId) {
const message = {
method, params, sessionId,
id: ++id
if ( ! sessionId ) {
delete message[sessionId];
const key = `${sessionId||ROOT_SESSION}:${message.id}`;
let resolve;
const promise = new Promise(res => resolve = res);
Resolvers[key] = resolve;
return promise;
async function handle(message) {
const stringMessage = message;
message = JSON.parse(message);
if ( message.error ) {
const {sessionId} = message;
const {method, params} = message;
const {id, result} = message;
if ( id ) {
const key = `${sessionId||ROOT_SESSION}:${id}`;
const resolve = Resolvers[key];
if ( ! resolve ) {
console.warn(`No resolver for key`, key, stringMessage.slice(0,140));
} else {
Resolvers[key] = undefined;
try {
await resolve(result);
} catch(e) {
console.warn(`Resolver failed`, e, key, stringMessage.slice(0,140), resolve);
} else if ( method ) {
const listeners = Handlers[method];
if ( Array.isArray(listeners) ) {
for( const func of listeners ) {
try {
func({message, sessionId});
} catch(e) {
console.warn(`Listener failed`, method, e, func.toString().slice(0,140), stringMessage.slice(0,140));
} else {
console.warn(`Unknown message on socket`, message);
function on(method, handler) {
let listeners = Handlers[method];
if ( ! listeners ) {
Handlers[method] = listeners = [];
function ons(method, handler) {
let listeners = Handlers[method];
if ( ! listeners ) {
Handlers[method] = listeners = [];
function close() {
function wrap(fn) {
return ({message, sessionId}) => fn(message.params)
} catch(e) {
console.log("Error communicating with browser", e);
} else {
throw new TypeError('Currently only supports running in Node.JS or as a Chrome Extension with Debugger permissions');