# Project_Xs ## なにこれ ゴンベの瞬きから色々するプログラムです. が, β版のため恐らくそのままだとまともに動きません. 色々改変してください. ## 実行環境 Python 3.9.6 (恐らくPython 3.7≧なら動きます) OpenCV 4.5.4 ## 実行方法 以下のコマンドの意味が全部分からない場合は諦めてください 一部分からない場合はgoogle先生に聞いてください ``` git clone https://github.com/niart120/Project_Xs.git cd ./Project_Xs ./env/Scripts/Activate.ps1 python -m venv env pip install -r requirements.txt python ./src/tidsid.py ``` (English ver, using DeepL) ## What's this? Recover internal state of Xorshift from Munchlax's blink. This is experimental version. It does not work well as it is, so please modify it by yourself. ## Environment Python 3.9.6 (Probably works with Python 3.7 and above.) OpenCV 4.5.4 ## How to run It is not recommended to run if you do not understand the following command. If you don't understand some of them, google it. ``` git clone https://github.com/niart120/Project_Xs.git cd ./Project_Xs ./env/Scripts/Activate.ps1 python -m venv env pip install -r requirements.txt python ./src/tidsid.py ```