using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using log4net; using NzbDrone.Core.Repository; using SubSonic.Repository; namespace NzbDrone.Core.Controllers { public class DbConfigController : IConfigController { private readonly IDiskController _diskController; private readonly ILog _logger; private readonly IRepository _sonicRepo; public DbConfigController(ILog logger, IDiskController diskController, IRepository dataRepository) { _logger = logger; _diskController = diskController; _sonicRepo = dataRepository; } #region IConfigController Members public List GetTvRoots() { return (GetValue("tvRoot").Trim(';').Split(';').Where(path => _diskController.Exists(path))).ToList(); } #endregion private string GetValue(string key) { return GetValue(key, String.Empty, false); } private string GetValue(string key, object defaultValue, bool makePermanent) { string value; var dbValue = _sonicRepo.Single(key); if (dbValue != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(dbValue.Value)) { return dbValue.Value; } _logger.WarnFormat("Unable to find config key '{0}' defaultValue:'{1}'", key, defaultValue); if (makePermanent) { SetValue(key, defaultValue.ToString()); } value = defaultValue.ToString(); return value; } private void SetValue(string key, string value) { _logger.DebugFormat("Writing Setting to file. Key:'{0}' Value:'{1}'", key, value); _sonicRepo.Add(new Config {Key = key, Value = value}); } } }