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Updated Custom Post Processing Scripts (markdown)

jobrien2001 2017-06-27 06:45:56 -05:00
parent 5b3fb6d58a
commit 81afe96d4f

@ -58,44 +58,40 @@ Sample script to have Plex scan destination folder only and "analyze deeply" the
# This script will add the movie to plex and scan the destination folder (it will not scan the entire library)
# C:\Windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe\PowerShell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass "C:\Users\Server\Desktop\radarrcustom.ps1"
#set log file location
$logfile = "C:\Users\Server\Desktop\radarrimport.txt"
#Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
$movie_path = $env:radarr_movie_path
#PSQlite location
Import-Module C:\Users\Server\Desktop\scripts\PSSQLite
#set file locations
$logfile = "C:\Users\Server\Desktop\radarrimport.txt"
$database = "C:\Users\Server\AppData\Local\Plex Media Server\Plug-in Support\Databases\com.plexapp.plugins.library.db"
$plexscanner = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Plex\Plex Media Server\Plex Media Scanner.exe"
#set your plex library ID
$libraryid = 0
#If you have multiple root folders and library IDs you can set them like so
If ($movie_path -like '*Movies Release\*' ) { $libraryid = 19 }
#If ($movie_path -like '*Movies Release\*' ) { $libraryid = 19 }
#Scan the movie folder
& "C:\Program Files (x86)\Plex\Plex Media Server\Plex Media Scanner.exe" --scan --refresh --section $libraryid --directory $movie_path
write-output "C:\Program Files (x86)\Plex\Plex Media Server\Plex Media Scanner.exe --scan --refresh --section $libraryid --directory $movie_path" | add-content $logfile
& "$plexscanner" --scan --refresh --section $libraryid --directory $movie_path
write-output """$plexscanner"" --scan --refresh --section $libraryid --directory $movie_path" | add-content $logfile
sleep 20
#PSQlite needed to query the plex db
Import-Module C:\Users\Server\Desktop\scripts\PSSQLite
#Query the plex db for the item ID
$likemoviepath = $movie_path + "%"
$database = "C:\Users\Server\AppData\Local\Plex Media Server\Plug-in Support\Databases\com.plexapp.plugins.library.db"
$query = "SELECT mi.metadata_item_id FROM media_parts mp LEFT JOIN media_items mi on mp.media_item_id=mi.id WHERE mp.file LIKE '$likemoviepath'"
$itemid = Invoke-SqliteQuery -Query $query -DataSource $database
$itemid = $itemid.metadata_item_id
#Analyze the ItemID
& "C:\Program Files (x86)\Plex\Plex Media Server\Plex Media Scanner.exe" --analyze --item $itemid
write-output "C:\Program Files (x86)\Plex\Plex Media Server\Plex Media Scanner.exe --analyze --item $itemid" | add-content $logfile
& "$plexscanner" --analyze --item $itemid
write-output """$plexscanner"" --analyze --item $itemid" | add-content $logfile
sleep 20
#Analyze deeply the item ID
& "C:\Program Files (x86)\Plex\Plex Media Server\Plex Media Scanner.exe" --analyze-deeply --item $itemid
write-output "C:\Program Files (x86)\Plex\Plex Media Server\Plex Media Scanner.exe --analyze-deeply --item $itemid" | add-content $logfile
& "$plexscanner" --analyze-deeply --item $itemid
write-output """$plexscanner"" --analyze-deeply --item $itemid" | add-content $logfile
#write-output $movie_path $likemoviepath $itemid.metadata_item_id | add-content $logfile