#---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # PARSE.MAK # # Makes sure all the that need defining to build the game have been defined # If not ERR_STR is defined and this cause the makefile to report an error # # Tabbed for 5 9 (Please do not change) # # Created: # # Copyright (C) 1997-1999 G R Liddon #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Make sure the basics are defined first # -------------------------------------- ifndef TERRITORY ERR_STR := You must define a territory to build for (USA EUR || JAP) endif ifndef VERSION ERR_STR := You must define a version to build endif # Now Parse for the dev kit stuff # ---------------------------------- ifdef PSYQ_DEV_IRQ PSYQ_DEV_IRQ_OPT := /i$(PSYQ_DEV_IRQ) endif ifndef DEV_KIT ERR_STR := You must define DEV_KIT to either SONY_ISA or SONY_PCI or CLIMAX or TPWART else DEV_OPT := -DSONY_ISA=0 \ -DSONY_PCI=1 \ -DCLIMAX=2 \ -DTPWART=3 \ -D__DEV_KIT__=$(DEV_KIT) DK_SONY_ISA := 0 DK_SONY_PCI := 1 DK_CLIMAX := 2 DK_TPWART := 3 DK_SONY_H2700 := $(DK_SONY_PCI) LNK_DEV_KIT := $(DK_$(DEV_KIT)) endif # Now sort out how the game loads files # ------------------------------------- ifndef FILE_SYSTEM ERR_STR := You must define FILE_SYSTEM to either PC or CD else FILE_OPT := -DPC=0 \ -DCD=1 \ -D__FILE_SYSTEM__=$(FILE_SYSTEM) FS_PC := 0 FS_CD := 1 LNK_FILE_SYS := $(FS_$(FILE_SYSTEM)) endif # Make sure we have everything we need for the sony pci dev kit # -------------------------------------------------------------- ifeq ($(DEV_KIT),SONY_PCI) DEV_KIT_FOUND := 1 endif # Make sure we have everything we need for the climax dev kit # ----------------------------------------------------------- ifeq ($(DEV_KIT),CLIMAX) ifndef DDX_PORT ERR_STR := You must define DDX_PORT for the Climax dev kit i/o addr in your personal makefile endif DEV_KIT_FOUND := 1 endif # Make sure we have everything we need for the climax dev kit # ----------------------------------------------------------- ifeq ($(DEV_KIT),TPWART) ifndef DDX_PORT ERR_STR := You must define DDX_PORT for the Climax dev kit i/o addr in your personal makefile endif DEV_KIT_FOUND := 1 endif # Make sure we have everything we need for the Sony H2000 # -------------------------------------------------------------------- ifeq ($(DEV_KIT),SONY_ISA) ifdef SONY_ISA_IRQ SONY_ISA_IRQ_OPT := /i $(SONY_ISA_IRQ) endif ifndef SONY_ISA_ADDR ERR_STR := You must define SONY_ISA_ADDR for the dtl i/o addr in your personal makefile endif DEV_KIT_FOUND := 1 endif # Make sure we have everything we need for the Sony H2700 # ------------------------------------------------------- ifeq ($(DEV_KIT),SONY_H2700) ifdef SONY_ISA_IRQ SONY_ISA_IRQ_OPT := /i $(SONY_ISA_IRQ) endif ifndef SONY_ISA_ADDR ERR_STR := You must define SONY_ISA_ADDR for the dtl i/o addr in your personal makefile endif DEV_KIT_FOUND := 1 endif #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Macros for dev BIOS load \ unload for all the dev systems # All take form LOAD_BIOS_$(DEV_KIT) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # PCI Bios load \ unload # ---------------------- define LOAD_BIOS_SONY_PCI h25bios RESETPS 1 /n endef define UNLOAD_BIOS_SONY_PCI -mess1 h25bios endef # H2700 Bios load \ unload # ------------------------ define LOAD_BIOS_SONY_H2700 -mess1 -dexbios /a $(SONY_ISA_ADDR) $(SONY_ISA_IRQ_OPT) RESETPS 1 /n endef define UNLOAD_BIOS_SONY_H2700 -dexbios -mess1 endef # ISA Bios load \ unload # ---------------------- define LOAD_BIOS_SONY_ISA -mess1 -dexbios /a $(SONY_ISA_ADDR) $(SONY_ISA_IRQ_OPT) RESETPS 1 RUN /w4 $(subst /,\,$(PSYQ_BIN_DIR)\snpatch.cpe) > con DELAY endef define UNLOAD_BIOS_SONY_ISA -mess1 -dexbios endef # CLIMAX Bios load \ unload # ------------------------ define LOAD_BIOS_CLIMAX -mess1 -datbios endef define UNLOAD_BIOS_CLIMAX -datbios -mess1 endef # TPWART Bios load \ unload # ------------------------ define LOAD_BIOS_TPWART -mess1 -psy /4 endef define UNLOAD_BIOS_TPWART -psy -mess1 endef # Set the LOAD\UNLOAD_BIOS macros correctly # ----------------------------------------- LOAD_BIOS := $(LOAD_BIOS_$(DEV_KIT)) UNLOAD_BIOS := $(UNLOAD_BIOS_$(DEV_KIT)) # Check to make sure we found a dev kit we know about # --------------------------------------------------- ifndef ERR_STR ifndef DEV_KIT_FOUND ERR_STR := $(DEV_KIT) is not a recognised dev kit endif endif # Sort out the compiler we're using # --------------------------------- ifdef USE_EGCS COMPILER := egcs else COMPILER := gnu endif export PSYQ_PATH := $(PSYQ_BIN_DIR)/$(COMPILER) export SN_PATH := $(PSYQ_BIN_DIR)/$(COMPILER) # Define what we need for the ram size # ------------------------------------ ifdef RAM_SIZE MEG := $(RAM_SIZE) else MEG := 8 endif MEG_OPT := -D__MEG$(MEG)__ # Bodge Address for 4 meg dev kit # ------------------------------- ifeq ($(VERSION),debug) GLIB_OPT := -D__GL_DEBUG__ else GLIB_OPT := endif # Bodge Address for 4 meg dev kit # ------------------------------- ifeq ($(RAM_SIZE),4) PROG_ORG = 0x80210000 else PROG_ORG = 0x80010000 endif #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # end