/*========================================================================= nanemone.cpp Author: CRB Created: Project: Spongebob Purpose: Copyright (c) 2000 Climax Development Ltd ===========================================================================*/ #ifndef __ENEMY_NPC_H__ #include "enemy\npc.h" #endif #ifndef __ENEMY_NANEMONE_H__ #include "enemy\nanemone.h" #endif #ifndef __PROJECTL_PROJECTL_H__ #include "projectl\projectl.h" #endif #ifndef __GAME_GAME_H__ #include "game\game.h" #endif #ifndef __VID_HEADER_ #include "system\vid.h" #endif #ifndef __UTILS_HEADER__ #include "utils\utils.h" #endif #ifndef __PLAYER_PLAYER_H__ #include "player\player.h" #endif #ifndef __ANIM_ANENOME_HEADER__ #include #endif #ifndef __ANIM_SPIKEYANENOME_HEADER__ #include #endif #ifndef __SPR_SPRITES_H__ #include #endif //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CNpcAnemoneEnemy::postInit() { CNpcEnemy::postInit(); m_drawRotation = ( m_heading + 1024 ) & 4095; m_fireHeading = m_heading; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CNpcAnemoneEnemy::setHeading( s32 xPos, s32 yPos ) { m_heading = ( ratan2( ( ( yPos << 4 ) + 16 ) - Pos.vy, ( ( xPos << 4 ) + 8 ) - Pos.vx ) ) & 4095; int newHeading = ( m_heading - 1024 ) & 4095; Pos.vy -= 8; int offset = 8; // initial y offset DVECTOR adjust; adjust.vx = ( offset * rsin( newHeading ) ) >> 12; adjust.vy = -( offset * rcos( newHeading ) ) >> 12; Pos.vx += adjust.vx; Pos.vy += adjust.vy; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CNpcAnemoneEnemy::processEnemyCollision( CThing *thisThing ) { // do nothing } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool CNpcAnemoneEnemy::processSensor() { switch( m_sensorFunc ) { case NPC_SENSOR_NONE: return( false ); default: { if ( playerXDistSqr + playerYDistSqr < 40000 ) { m_controlFunc = NPC_CONTROL_CLOSE; return( true ); } else { return( false ); } } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CNpcAnemone1Enemy::processClose( int _frames ) { s32 moveX, moveY; s16 decDir, incDir, moveDist; s16 maxTurnRate = m_data[m_type].turnSpeed; bool withinRange = false; s16 headingToPlayer = ratan2( playerYDist, playerXDist ); decDir = m_fireHeading - headingToPlayer; if ( decDir < 0 ) { decDir += ONE; } incDir = headingToPlayer - m_fireHeading; if ( incDir < 0 ) { incDir += ONE; } if ( decDir < incDir ) { moveDist = decDir; } else { moveDist = incDir; } // check user is within 45 degrees either way if ( moveDist < 512 ) { decDir = m_heading - headingToPlayer; if ( decDir < 0 ) { decDir += ONE; } incDir = headingToPlayer - m_heading; if ( incDir < 0 ) { incDir += ONE; } if ( decDir < incDir ) { moveDist = -decDir; } else { moveDist = incDir; } if ( moveDist < -maxTurnRate ) { moveDist = -maxTurnRate; } else if ( moveDist > maxTurnRate ) { moveDist = maxTurnRate; } else { withinRange = true; } if ( moveDist ) { m_heading += moveDist; m_heading &= 4095; m_drawRotation = ( m_heading + 1024 ) & 4095; if ( m_soundId == NOT_PLAYING ) { m_soundId = (int) CSoundMediator::playSfx( CSoundMediator::SFX_ANEMONE_MOVE, true ); } } if ( withinRange ) { // can fire, start firing anim if ( m_timerTimer <= 0 && !m_animPlaying ) { if ( m_animNo != ANIM_ANENOME_FIRE ) { m_animPlaying = true; m_animNo = ANIM_ANENOME_FIRE; m_frame = 0; } } } } else { if ( !m_animPlaying || m_animNo != ANIM_ANENOME_FIRE ) { m_animPlaying = true; m_animNo = ANIM_ANENOME_FIRE; m_frame = 0; } } if ( withinRange ) { if ( m_timerTimer <= 0 && !m_animPlaying ) { if ( m_animNo == ANIM_ANENOME_FIRE ) { // if firing anim is complete and user is still in range, fire projectile if( m_soundId != NOT_PLAYING ) { CSoundMediator::stopAndUnlockSfx( (xmPlayingId) m_soundId ); } m_soundId = (int) CSoundMediator::playSfx( CSoundMediator::SFX_ANEMONE_ATTACK_LEVEL1, true ); DVECTOR projPos; projPos = Pos; projPos.vx += rcos( m_heading ) >> 9; projPos.vy += rsin( m_heading ) >> 9; CProjectile *projectile; projectile = CProjectile::Create(); projectile->init( projPos, m_heading ); projectile->setSpeed( 3 ); m_controlFunc = NPC_CONTROL_MOVEMENT; m_timerTimer = GameState::getOneSecondInFrames(); m_timerFunc = NPC_TIMER_ATTACK_DONE; m_sensorFunc = NPC_SENSOR_NONE; m_animPlaying = true; m_animNo = ANIM_ANENOME_FIRE; m_frame = 0; } } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CNpcAnemone2Enemy::postInit() { m_drawRotation = ( m_heading + 1024 ) & 4095; m_scaleX = ONE; m_scaleY = ONE; m_radius = 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CNpcAnemone2Enemy::shutdown() { CNpcEnemy::shutdown(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CNpcAnemone2Enemy::processShotDeathStart( int _frames ) { CNpcEnemy::processShotDeathStart( _frames ); deleteAllChild(); if (m_data[m_type].skelType) { m_actorGfx->SetOtPos( 0 ); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CNpcAnemone2Enemy::processShotDeathEnd( int _frames ) { m_heading += 64 * _frames; m_heading &= 4095; CNpcEnemy::processShotDeathEnd( _frames ); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CNpcAnemone2Enemy::processClose( int _frames ) { int fireLoop; CProjectile *projectile; s16 heading; if ( m_animNo != ANIM_SPIKEYANENOME_BODY ) { m_animPlaying = true; m_animNo = ANIM_SPIKEYANENOME_BODY; m_frame = 0; } else { if ( m_soundId == NOT_PLAYING ) { m_soundId = (int) CSoundMediator::playSfx( CSoundMediator::SFX_ANEMONE_ATTACK_LEVEL2, true ); } CProjectile *projectile; s16 heading; // fire off spikes m_radius = 0; // attach new spikes MATRIX mtx; SetIdentNoTrans(&mtx ); RotMatrixZ( m_heading, &mtx ); for ( fireLoop = 0 ; fireLoop < 5 ; fireLoop++ ) { DVECTOR spikePos; s16 relativeHeading = -1024 + ( fireLoop * 512 ); heading = m_heading + relativeHeading; heading &= 4095; spikePos = Pos; //s16 multiplier, multiplier2; s16 xDiff, yDiff; SVECTOR offset; VECTOR result; // move base position spikePos.vx += ( SPIKE_DIST * rcos( m_heading ) ) >> 12; spikePos.vy += ( SPIKE_DIST * rsin( m_heading ) ) >> 12; // move appropriate to scaling (anemone origin is 90 degrees off, hence:) xDiff = ( m_scaleY * m_radius ) >> 12; yDiff = ( m_scaleX * m_radius ) >> 12; offset.vx = ( xDiff * rcos( relativeHeading ) ) >> 12; offset.vy = ( yDiff * rsin( relativeHeading ) ) >> 12; ApplyMatrix( &mtx, &offset, &result ); spikePos.vx += result.vx; spikePos.vy += result.vy; projectile = CProjectile::Create(); projectile->init( spikePos, heading, CProjectile::PROJECTILE_DUMBFIRE, CProjectile::PROJECTILE_FINITE_LIFE ); projectile->setState( CProjectile::PROJECTILE_ATTACK ); projectile->setSpeed( 4 ); } m_controlFunc = NPC_CONTROL_MOVEMENT; m_timerFunc = NPC_TIMER_ATTACK_DONE; m_timerTimer = 4 * GameState::getOneSecondInFrames(); m_sensorFunc = NPC_SENSOR_NONE; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CNpcAnemone2Enemy::processMovementModifier( int _frames, s32 distX, s32 distY, s32 dist, s16 headingChange ) { s32 maxTimer = GameState::getOneSecondInFrames() >> 1; m_movementTimer += _frames; if ( m_movementTimer > maxTimer ) { m_movementTimer -= maxTimer; } if ( m_radius < SPIKE_RADIUS ) { m_radius++; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CNpcAnemone2Enemy::render() { SprFrame = NULL; if ( m_isActive ) { CEnemyThing::render(); if (canRender()) { s32 maxTimer = GameState::getOneSecondInFrames() >> 1; s32 sineVal = ( m_movementTimer * ONE ) / maxTimer; m_scaleX = ONE + ( rsin( sineVal ) >> 2 ); m_scaleY = ONE + ( rcos( sineVal ) >> 2 ); MATRIX mtx; SetIdentNoTrans(&mtx ); RotMatrixZ( m_heading, &mtx ); for ( int fireLoop = 0 ; fireLoop < 5 ; fireLoop++ ) { DVECTOR spikePos; s16 relativeHeading = -1024 + ( fireLoop * 512 ); s16 heading = m_heading + relativeHeading; heading &= 4095; spikePos = Pos; //s16 multiplier, multiplier2; s16 xDiff, yDiff; SVECTOR posOffset; VECTOR result; // move base position spikePos.vx += ( SPIKE_DIST * rcos( m_heading ) ) >> 12; spikePos.vy += ( SPIKE_DIST * rsin( m_heading ) ) >> 12; // move appropriate to scaling (anemone origin is 90 degrees off, hence:) xDiff = ( m_scaleY * m_radius ) >> 12; yDiff = ( m_scaleX * m_radius ) >> 12; posOffset.vx = ( xDiff * rcos( relativeHeading ) ) >> 12; posOffset.vy = ( yDiff * rsin( relativeHeading ) ) >> 12; ApplyMatrix( &mtx, &posOffset, &result ); spikePos.vx += result.vx; spikePos.vy += result.vy; sFrameHdr *frameHdr; DVECTOR offset; int x,y; int scrnWidth = VidGetScrW(); int scrnHeight = VidGetScrH(); int spriteWidth = CGameScene::getSpriteBank()->getFrameWidth(FRM__SPIKE); int spriteHeight = CGameScene::getSpriteBank()->getFrameHeight(FRM__SPIKE); offset = CLevel::getCameraPos(); x = spikePos.vx - offset.vx; y = spikePos.vy - offset.vy; frameHdr = CGameScene::getSpriteBank()->getFrameHeader( FRM__SPIKE ); CGameScene::getSpriteBank()->printRotatedScaledSprite( frameHdr, x, y, 4096, 4096, heading, 10 ); } DVECTOR &renderPos=getRenderPos(); SprFrame = m_actorGfx->Render(renderPos,m_animNo,( m_frame >> 8 ),m_reversed); m_actorGfx->RotateScale( SprFrame, renderPos, m_drawRotation, m_scaleX, m_scaleY ); sBBox boundingBox = m_actorGfx->GetBBox(); setCollisionSize( ( boundingBox.XMax - boundingBox.XMin ), ( boundingBox.YMax - boundingBox.YMin ) ); setCollisionCentreOffset( ( boundingBox.XMax + boundingBox.XMin ) >> 1, ( boundingBox.YMax + boundingBox.YMin ) >> 1 ); } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CNpcAnemone3Enemy::processClose( int _frames ) { if ( m_animNo != ANIM_ANENOME_FIRE ) { m_animPlaying = true; m_animNo = ANIM_ANENOME_FIRE; m_frame = 0; } else if ( !m_animPlaying ) { if ( m_soundId == NOT_PLAYING ) { m_soundId = (int) CSoundMediator::playSfx( CSoundMediator::SFX_ANEMONE_ATTACK_LEVEL3, true ); } CProjectile *projectile; u8 lifetime = 8; m_fireHeading = m_heading & 4095; DVECTOR projPos; projPos = Pos; projPos.vx += rcos( m_heading ) >> 9; projPos.vy += rsin( m_heading ) >> 9; projectile = CProjectile::Create(); projectile->init( projPos, m_fireHeading, CProjectile::PROJECTILE_GAS_CLOUD, CProjectile::PROJECTILE_FINITE_LIFE, lifetime * GameState::getOneSecondInFrames() ); projectile->setSpeed( 3 ); m_controlFunc = NPC_CONTROL_MOVEMENT; m_timerFunc = NPC_TIMER_ATTACK_DONE; m_timerTimer = ( lifetime + 4 ) * GameState::getOneSecondInFrames(); m_sensorFunc = NPC_SENSOR_NONE; m_animPlaying = true; m_animNo = ANIM_ANENOME_FIRE; m_frame = 0; } }