/*========================================================================= npc.cpp Author: CRB Created: Project: Spongebob Purpose: Copyright (c) 2000 Climax Development Ltd ===========================================================================*/ #include "enemy\npc.h" #ifndef __PAD_VIBE_H__ #include "pad\vibe.h" #endif #ifndef __LEVEL_LEVEL_H__ #include "level\level.h" #endif #ifndef __FILE_EQUATES_H__ #include #endif #ifndef __GAME_GAME_H__ #include "game\game.h" #endif #ifndef __PLAYER_PLAYER_H__ #include "player\player.h" #endif #ifndef __ENEMY_NPCPATH_H__ #include "enemy\npcpath.h" #endif #ifndef __UTILS_HEADER__ #include "utils\utils.h" #endif #ifndef __GAME_CONVO_H__ #include "game\convo.h" #endif #include "Gfx\actor.h" #ifndef __VID_HEADER_ #include "system\vid.h" #endif #ifndef __PROJECTL_PROJECTL_H__ #include "projectl\projectl.h" #endif #ifndef __PROJECTL_PRNPC_H__ #include "projectl\prnpc.h" #endif #include "fx\fx.h" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef __ENEMY_NSJFISH_H__ #include "enemy\nsjfish.h" #endif #ifndef __ENEMY_NHCRAB_H__ #include "enemy\nhcrab.h" #endif #ifndef __ENEMY_NSCRAB_H__ #include "enemy\nscrab.h" #endif #ifndef __ENEMY_NGEN_H__ #include "enemy\ngen.h" #endif #ifndef __ENEMY_NANEMONE_H__ #include "enemy\nanemone.h" #endif #ifndef __ENEMY_NCLAM_H__ #include "enemy\nclam.h" #endif #ifndef __ENEMY_NOCTO_H__ #include "enemy\nocto.h" #endif #ifndef __ENEMY_NFFOLK_H__ #include "enemy\nffolk.h" #endif #ifndef __ENEMY_NBBLOB_H__ #include "enemy\nbblob.h" #endif #ifndef __ENEMY_NPUFFA_H__ #include "enemy\npuffa.h" #endif #ifndef __ENEMY_NSHRKMAN_H__ #include "enemy\nshrkman.h" #endif #ifndef __ENEMY_NSKLFISH_H__ #include "enemy\nsklfish.h" #endif #ifndef __ENEMY_NEYEBALL_H__ #include "enemy\neyeball.h" #endif #ifndef __ENEMY_NFSKULL_H__ #include "enemy\nfskull.h" #endif #ifndef __ENEMY_NSSTOMP_H__ #include "enemy\nsstomp.h" #endif #ifndef __ENEMY_NBOOGER_H__ #include "enemy\nbooger.h" #endif #ifndef __ENEMY_NMJFISH_H__ #include "enemy\nmjfish.h" #endif #ifndef __ENEMY_NSSHARK_H__ #include "enemy\nsshark.h" #endif #ifndef __ENEMY_NWORM_H__ #include "enemy\nworm.h" #endif #ifndef __ENEMY_NFDUTCH_H__ #include "enemy\nfdutch.h" #endif #ifndef __ENEMY_NDOGFISH_H__ #include "enemy\ndogfish.h" #endif #ifndef __ENEMY_NDUSTDEV_H__ #include "enemy\ndustdev.h" #endif #ifndef __ENEMY_NSDART_H__ #include "enemy\nsdart.h" #endif #ifndef __ENEMY_NPBUG_H__ #include "enemy\npbug.h" #endif #ifndef __ENEMY_NSSNAKE_H__ #include "enemy\nssnake.h" #endif #ifndef __ENEMY_NANGLER_H__ #include "enemy\nangler.h" #endif #ifndef __ENEMY_NGHOST_H__ #include "enemy\nghost.h" #endif #ifndef __ENEMY_NSHELL_H__ #include "enemy\nshell.h" #endif #ifndef __ENEMY_NMJBACK_H__ #include "enemy\nmjback.h" #endif #ifndef __ENEMY_NSJBACK_H__ #include "enemy\nsjback.h" #endif #ifndef __ENEMY_NBUTTFLY_H__ #include "enemy\nbuttfly.h" #endif #ifndef __ENEMY_NPROJJF_H__ #include "enemy\nprojjf.h" #endif #ifndef __ENEMY_NBOSS_H__ #include "enemy\nboss.h" #endif //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Enemy NPCs //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// s32 CNpcEnemy::playerXDist; s32 CNpcEnemy::playerYDist; s32 CNpcEnemy::playerXDistSqr; s32 CNpcEnemy::playerYDistSqr; extern CThing *g_bossThing; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CNpcEnemy::NPC_UNIT_TYPE CNpcEnemy::getTypeFromMapEdit( u16 newType ) { return( mapEditConvertTable[newType - NPC_ENEMY_MAPEDIT_OFFSET] ); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CNpcEnemy *CNpcEnemy::Create(int enemyType) { switch( enemyType ) { case CNpcEnemy::NPC_MOTHER_JELLYFISH: case CNpcEnemy::NPC_SUB_SHARK: case CNpcEnemy::NPC_FLYING_DUTCHMAN: case CNpcEnemy::NPC_IRON_DOGFISH: case CNpcEnemy::NPC_SEA_SNAKE: { if ( CLevel::getIsBossRespawn() ) { if ( CLevel::getBossHealth() <= 0 ) { return( NULL ); } } } default: break; } CNpcEnemy *enemy; enemy = (CNpcEnemy*)CThingManager::GetThing(TYPE_ENEMY,enemyType); if (!enemy) switch( enemyType ) { case CNpcEnemy::NPC_SMALL_JELLYFISH_1: case CNpcEnemy::NPC_SMALL_JELLYFISH_2: { enemy = new ("small jellyfish") CNpcSmallJellyfishEnemy; break; } case CNpcEnemy::NPC_HERMIT_CRAB: { enemy = new ("hermit crab") CNpcHermitCrabEnemy; break; } case CNpcEnemy::NPC_SPIDER_CRAB: { enemy = new ("spider crab") CNpcSpiderCrabEnemy; break; } case CNpcEnemy::NPC_SPIDER_CRAB_SPAWNER: { enemy = new ("spider crab spawner") CNpcEnemyGenerator; break; } case CNpcEnemy::NPC_ANEMONE_1: { enemy = new ("anemone 1") CNpcAnemone1Enemy; break; } case CNpcEnemy::NPC_ANEMONE_2: { enemy = new ("anemone 2") CNpcAnemone2Enemy; break; } case CNpcEnemy::NPC_ANEMONE_3: { enemy = new ("anemone 3") CNpcAnemone3Enemy; break; } case CNpcEnemy::NPC_CLAM_JUMP: { enemy = new ("jumping clam") CNpcJumpingClamEnemy; break; } case CNpcEnemy::NPC_CLAM_STATIC: { enemy = new ("static clam") CNpcStaticClamEnemy; break; } case CNpcEnemy::NPC_BABY_OCTOPUS: { enemy = new ("baby octopus") CNpcBabyOctopusEnemy; break; } case CNpcEnemy::NPC_FISH_FOLK: case CNpcEnemy::NPC_ZOMBIE_FISH_FOLK: { enemy = new ("fish folk") CNpcFishFolk; break; } case CNpcEnemy::NPC_BALL_BLOB: { enemy = new ("ball blob") CNpcBallBlobEnemy; break; } case CNpcEnemy::NPC_PUFFA_FISH: { enemy = new ("puffa fish") CNpcPuffaFishEnemy; break; } case CNpcEnemy::NPC_SHARK_MAN: { enemy = new ("shark man") CNpcSharkManEnemy; break; } case CNpcEnemy::NPC_SKELETAL_FISH: { enemy = new ("skeletal fish") CNpcSkeletalFishEnemy; break; } case CNpcEnemy::NPC_EYEBALL: { enemy = new ("eyeball") CNpcEyeballEnemy; break; } case CNpcEnemy::NPC_FLAMING_SKULL: { enemy = new ("flaming skull") CNpcFlamingSkullEnemy; break; } case CNpcEnemy::NPC_SKULL_STOMPER: { enemy = new ("skull stomper") CNpcSkullStomperEnemy; break; } case CNpcEnemy::NPC_BOOGER_MONSTER: { enemy = new ("booger monster") CNpcBoogerMonsterEnemy; break; } case CNpcEnemy::NPC_MOTHER_JELLYFISH: { enemy = new ("mother jellyfish") CNpcMotherJellyfishEnemy; g_bossThing = (CThing *) enemy; break; } case CNpcEnemy::NPC_SUB_SHARK: { enemy = new ("sub shark") CNpcSubSharkEnemy; g_bossThing = (CThing *) enemy; break; } case CNpcEnemy::NPC_PARASITIC_WORM: { enemy = new ("parasitic worm") CNpcParasiticWormEnemy; break; } case CNpcEnemy::NPC_FLYING_DUTCHMAN: { enemy = new ("flying dutchman") CNpcFlyingDutchmanEnemy; g_bossThing = (CThing *) enemy; break; } case CNpcEnemy::NPC_IRON_DOGFISH: { enemy = new ("iron dogfish") CNpcIronDogfishEnemy; g_bossThing = (CThing *) enemy; break; } case CNpcEnemy::NPC_DUST_DEVIL: { enemy = new ("dust devil") CNpcDustDevilEnemy; break; } case CNpcEnemy::NPC_SQUID_DART: { enemy = new ("squid dart") CNpcSquidDartEnemy; break; } case CNpcEnemy::NPC_PRICKLY_BUG: { enemy = new ("prickly bug") CNpcPricklyBugEnemy; break; } case CNpcEnemy::NPC_SEA_SNAKE: { enemy = new ("sea snake") CNpcSeaSnakeEnemy; g_bossThing = (CThing *) enemy; break; } case CNpcEnemy::NPC_ANGLER_FISH: { enemy = new ("angler fish") CNpcAnglerFish; break; } case CNpcEnemy::NPC_GHOST: { enemy = new ("ghost") CNpcGhostEnemy; break; } case CNpcEnemy::NPC_SHELL: { enemy = new ("shell") CNpcShellEnemy; break; } case CNpcEnemy::NPC_SMALL_JELLYFISH_BACKGROUND: { enemy = new ("small jellyfish background") CNpcSmallJellyfishBackgroundEnemy; break; } case CNpcEnemy::NPC_BUTTERFLY_BACKGROUND: { enemy = new ("butterfly background") CNpcButterflyBackgroundEnemy; break; } case CNpcEnemy::NPC_PROJECTILE_JELLYFISH: { enemy = new ("projectile jellyfish") CNpcSmallJellyfishProjectileEnemy; break; } default: { SYSTEM_DBGMSG("UNKNOWN %i\n",enemyType); enemy = new ("npc enemy") CNpcEnemy; ASSERT(0); break; } } ASSERT(enemy); enemy->setType( (NPC_UNIT_TYPE)enemyType ); enemy->setThingSubType(enemyType); enemy->init(); return(enemy); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CNpcEnemy *CNpcEnemy::Create(sThingActor *ThisActor) { CNpcEnemy *enemy; NPC_UNIT_TYPE enemyType = CNpcEnemy::getTypeFromMapEdit( ThisActor->Type ); enemy = (CNpcEnemy*)Create(enemyType); return(enemy); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CNpcEnemy::setupWaypoints( sThingActor *ThisActor ) { u16 *PntList=(u16*)MakePtr(ThisActor,sizeof(sThingActor)); u16 newXPos, newYPos; u16 origXPos, origYPos; m_npcPath.setWaypointCount( ThisActor->PointCount - 1 ); origXPos = newXPos = (u16) *PntList; setWaypointPtr( PntList ); PntList++; origYPos = newYPos = (u16) *PntList; PntList++; setStartPos( newXPos, newYPos ); if ( ThisActor->PointCount > 1 ) { newXPos = (u16) *PntList; PntList++; newYPos = (u16) *PntList; PntList++; setHeading( newXPos, newYPos, origXPos, origYPos ); } setThinkArea(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CNpcEnemy::setThinkArea() { s32 minX, maxX, minY, maxY; m_npcPath.getPathXExtents( &minX, &maxX ); m_npcPath.getPathYExtents( &minY, &maxY ); m_thinkArea.x1 = minX; m_thinkArea.x2 = maxX; m_thinkArea.y1 = minY; m_thinkArea.y2 = maxY; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CNpcEnemy::setStartPos( s32 xPos, s32 yPos ) { Pos.vx = ( xPos << 4 ) + 8; Pos.vy = ( yPos << 4 ) + 16; m_initPos = m_base = Pos; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CNpcEnemy::setStartPosHighRes( s32 xPos, s32 yPos ) { Pos.vx = xPos; Pos.vy = yPos; m_initPos = m_base = Pos; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CNpcEnemy::setHeading( s32 xPos, s32 yPos, s32 xOrig, s32 yOrig ) { m_heading = ( ratan2( yPos - yOrig, xPos - xOrig ) ) & 4095; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CNpcEnemy::init() { CEnemyThing::init(); if (m_data[m_type].skelType) { m_actorGfx=CActorPool::GetActor((FileEquate)m_data[m_type].skelType); } else { m_actorGfx=0; } m_animPlaying = true; m_animNo = m_data[m_type].initAnim; m_frame = 0; m_movementTimer = 0; m_timerTimer = 0; m_velocity = 0; m_extension = 0; m_reversed = false; m_isActive = true; m_isDying = false; m_health = m_data[this->m_type].initHealth; m_extendDir = EXTEND_RIGHT; m_timerFunc = m_data[this->m_type].timerFunc; m_sensorFunc = m_data[this->m_type].sensorFunc; m_movementFunc = m_data[this->m_type].movementFunc; m_controlFunc = NPC_CONTROL_MOVEMENT; m_npcPath.initPath(); m_drawRotation = 0; m_isCaught = false; m_isBlowerOn = false; m_speed = m_data[m_type].speed; m_heading = 0; m_RGB = 0; m_soundId = (int) NOT_PLAYING; updateCollisionArea(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CNpcEnemy::setSpeed( s16 newSpeed ) { switch( m_type ) { case CNpcEnemy::NPC_MOTHER_JELLYFISH: case CNpcEnemy::NPC_SUB_SHARK: case CNpcEnemy::NPC_FLYING_DUTCHMAN: case CNpcEnemy::NPC_IRON_DOGFISH: case CNpcEnemy::NPC_SEA_SNAKE: { if ( CLevel::getIsBossRespawn() ) { break; } else { m_speed = newSpeed; break; } } default: { m_speed = newSpeed; break; } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CNpcEnemy::postInit() { m_npcPath.setPathType( CNpcPath::PONG_PATH ); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CNpcEnemy::reinit() { m_animPlaying = true; m_animNo = m_data[m_type].initAnim; m_frame = 0; m_movementTimer = 0; m_timerTimer = 0; m_velocity = 0; m_extension = 0; m_reversed = false; m_isActive = true; m_isDying = false; m_health = m_data[this->m_type].initHealth; m_extendDir = EXTEND_RIGHT; m_timerFunc = m_data[this->m_type].timerFunc; m_sensorFunc = m_data[this->m_type].sensorFunc; m_movementFunc = m_data[this->m_type].movementFunc; m_controlFunc = NPC_CONTROL_MOVEMENT; Pos = m_initPos; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CNpcEnemy::shutdown() { if ( m_soundId != NOT_PLAYING ) { CSoundMediator::stopAndUnlockSfx( (xmPlayingId) m_soundId ); } if (m_actorGfx) delete m_actorGfx; CEnemyThing::shutdown(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CNpcEnemy::leftThinkZone(int _frames) { if ( m_soundId != NOT_PLAYING ) { CSoundMediator::stopAndUnlockSfx( (xmPlayingId) m_soundId ); m_soundId = NOT_PLAYING; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int CNpcEnemy::getFrameCount() { return( m_actorGfx->getFrameCount( m_animNo ) ); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CNpcEnemy::processGraphicFlipping() { if ( m_heading > 1024 && m_heading < 3072 ) { m_reversed = true; } else { m_reversed = false; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// s32 CNpcEnemy::getFrameShift( int _frames ) { return( ( _frames << 8 ) >> 1 ); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CNpcEnemy::processAnimFrames( int _frames ) { if ( m_animPlaying && ( ( m_isDying && m_data[m_type].playDeathAnim ) || !m_isDying ) ) { s32 frameCount; frameCount = getFrameCount(); s32 frameShift = getFrameShift( _frames ); if ( ( frameCount << 8 ) - m_frame > frameShift ) { m_frame += frameShift; } else { m_frame = ( frameCount - 1 ) << 8; m_animPlaying = false; } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CNpcEnemy::think(int _frames) { int moveFrames = _frames; if ( moveFrames > 2 ) { // make sure enemies don't go berserk if too many frames are dropped moveFrames = 2; } CEnemyThing::think(_frames); processGenericGetUserDist( moveFrames, &playerXDist, &playerYDist ); playerXDistSqr = playerXDist * playerXDist; playerYDistSqr = playerYDist * playerYDist; if ( m_soundId != NOT_PLAYING ) { if( !CSoundMediator::isSfxStillPlaying( (xmPlayingId) m_soundId ) ) { // unlock sound if it has finished CSoundMediator::stopAndUnlockSfx( (xmPlayingId) m_soundId ); m_soundId = NOT_PLAYING; } } if ( m_isCaught ) { processCoralBlower( moveFrames ); } else { if ( m_isActive ) { processAnimFrames( moveFrames ); switch ( this->m_controlFunc ) { case NPC_CONTROL_NONE: return; case NPC_CONTROL_MOVEMENT: if ( !processSensor() ) { processMovement( moveFrames ); } else { processClose( moveFrames ); } break; case NPC_CONTROL_SHOT: processShot( moveFrames ); break; case NPC_CONTROL_CLOSE: processClose( moveFrames ); break; case NPC_CONTROL_COLLISION: processCollision(); break; } processGraphicFlipping(); } } if ( !m_isCaught ) { processTimer( moveFrames ); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CNpcEnemy::processAttackCollision() { //if ( m_controlFunc == NPC_CONTROL_CLOSE && m_data[m_type].closeFunc != NPC_CLOSE_NONE ) if ( m_controlFunc == NPC_CONTROL_CLOSE ) { // only detect collision if in attack mode m_oldControlFunc = m_controlFunc; m_controlFunc = NPC_CONTROL_COLLISION; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CNpcEnemy::drawAttackEffect() { CRECT const &rect = getCollisionArea(); DVECTOR thwakPos; s32 xDist; CPlayer *player = GameScene.getPlayer(); DVECTOR const &playerPos = player->getPos(); xDist = playerPos.vx - this->Pos.vx; if ( xDist > 0 ) { thwakPos.vx = rect.x2; if ( rect.x1 > thwakPos.vx ) { thwakPos.vx = rect.x1; } } else { thwakPos.vx = rect.x1; if ( rect.x2 < thwakPos.vx ) { thwakPos.vx = rect.x2; } } thwakPos.vy = ( rect.y1 + rect.y2 ) >> 1; CFX::Create( CFX::FX_TYPE_THWACK, thwakPos ); CPadVibrationManager::setVibration(0,CPadVibrationManager::VIBE_CHOP); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CNpcEnemy::collidedWith( CThing *_thisThing ) { if ( m_isActive && !m_isCaught && !m_isDying ) { switch(_thisThing->getThingType()) { case TYPE_PLAYER: { CPlayer *player = (CPlayer *) _thisThing; ATTACK_STATE playerState = player->getAttackState(); if(playerState==ATTACK_STATE__NONE) { if ( !player->isRecoveringFromHit() ) { switch( m_data[m_type].detectCollision ) { case DETECT_NO_COLLISION: { // ignore break; } case DETECT_ALL_COLLISION: { if ( m_controlFunc != NPC_CONTROL_COLLISION ) { m_oldControlFunc = m_controlFunc; m_controlFunc = NPC_CONTROL_COLLISION; } processUserCollision( _thisThing ); break; } case DETECT_ATTACK_COLLISION_GENERIC: { processAttackCollision(); processUserCollision( _thisThing ); break; } } } } else { // player is attacking, respond appropriately if ( m_controlFunc != NPC_CONTROL_SHOT ) { if(playerState==ATTACK_STATE__BUTT_BOUNCE) { player->justButtBouncedABadGuy(); } m_controlFunc = NPC_CONTROL_SHOT; m_state = NPC_GENERIC_HIT_CHECK_HEALTH; drawAttackEffect(); } } break; } case TYPE_ENEMY: { CNpcEnemy *enemy = (CNpcEnemy *) _thisThing; if ( canCollideWithEnemy() && enemy->canCollideWithEnemy() ) { processEnemyCollision( _thisThing ); } break; } default: ASSERT(0); break; } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool CNpcEnemy::processSensor() { switch( m_sensorFunc ) { case NPC_SENSOR_NONE: return( false ); default: { switch( m_sensorFunc ) { case NPC_SENSOR_GENERIC_USER_CLOSE: { if ( playerXDistSqr + playerYDistSqr < 10000 ) { m_controlFunc = NPC_CONTROL_CLOSE; m_velocity = m_speed; return( true ); } else { return( false ); } } case NPC_SENSOR_GENERIC_USER_VISIBLE: { s32 xDistWaypoint, yDistWaypoint; if ( abs( playerXDist ) < 500 ) { // within range // make sure user is closer to npc than next waypoint s32 xDistWaypoint, yDistWaypoint; m_npcPath.getDistToNextWaypoint( Pos, &xDistWaypoint, &yDistWaypoint ); if ( abs( playerXDist ) < abs( xDistWaypoint ) ) { s16 headingToPlayer = ratan2( playerYDist, playerXDist ) & 4095; s16 decDir, incDir, moveDist; s32 headingToWaypoint = ratan2( yDistWaypoint, xDistWaypoint ) & 4095; // check waypoint is in the same direction as the user decDir = headingToPlayer - headingToWaypoint; if ( decDir < 0 ) { decDir += ONE; } incDir = headingToWaypoint - headingToPlayer; if ( incDir < 0 ) { incDir += ONE; } if ( decDir < incDir ) { moveDist = decDir; } else { moveDist = incDir; } if ( moveDist > 512 ) { return( false ); } else { // check if npc is facing user decDir = m_heading - headingToPlayer; if ( decDir < 0 ) { decDir += ONE; } incDir = headingToPlayer - m_heading; if ( incDir < 0 ) { incDir += ONE; } if ( decDir < incDir ) { moveDist = decDir; } else { moveDist = incDir; } if ( moveDist < 1024 ) { m_controlFunc = NPC_CONTROL_CLOSE; m_velocity = 8; return( true ); } else { return( false ); } } } else { return( false ); } } else { return( false ); } } default: return( false ); } } break; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CNpcEnemy::processMovement(int _frames) { s32 moveX = 0, moveY = 0; s32 moveVel = 0; s32 moveDist = 0; if ( m_soundId == NOT_PLAYING && m_data[m_type].moveSfx < CSoundMediator::NUM_SFXIDS ) { m_soundId = (int) CSoundMediator::playSfx( m_data[m_type].moveSfx, true ); } switch( m_movementFunc ) { case NPC_MOVEMENT_STATIC: { break; } case NPC_MOVEMENT_STATIC_CYCLE_ANIM: { if ( !m_animPlaying ) { m_animPlaying = true; m_animNo = m_data[m_type].initAnim; m_frame = 0; } break; } case NPC_MOVEMENT_FIXED_PATH: { processGenericFixedPathMove( _frames, &moveX, &moveY, &moveVel, &moveDist ); if ( !m_animPlaying ) { m_animPlaying = true; m_animNo = m_data[m_type].moveAnim; m_frame = 0; } break; } case NPC_MOVEMENT_FIXED_PATH_WALK: { processGenericFixedPathWalk( _frames, &moveX, &moveY ); if ( !m_animPlaying ) { m_animPlaying = true; m_animNo = m_data[m_type].moveAnim; m_frame = 0; } break; } default: break; } processMovementModifier( _frames, moveX, moveY, moveVel, moveDist ); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CNpcEnemy::processMovementModifier(int _frames, s32 distX, s32 distY, s32 dist, s16 headingChange) { Pos.vx += distX; Pos.vy += distY; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// u8 CNpcEnemy::hasBeenAttacked() { if ( m_controlFunc != NPC_CONTROL_SHOT ) { m_controlFunc = NPC_CONTROL_SHOT; m_state = NPC_GENERIC_HIT_CHECK_HEALTH; } return( true ); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CNpcEnemy::processShot( int _frames ) { switch( m_data[m_type].shotFunc ) { case NPC_SHOT_NONE: { // do nothing m_controlFunc = m_oldControlFunc; break; } case NPC_SHOT_GENERIC: { switch ( m_state ) { case NPC_GENERIC_HIT_CHECK_HEALTH: { m_health -= 3; if ( m_health <= 0 ) { m_state = NPC_GENERIC_HIT_DEATH_START; m_isDying = true; m_health = 0; } else { m_state = NPC_GENERIC_HIT_RECOIL; m_animPlaying = true; m_animNo = m_data[m_type].recoilAnim; m_frame = 0; } break; } case NPC_GENERIC_HIT_RECOIL: { processShotRecoil( _frames ); break; } case NPC_GENERIC_HIT_DEATH_START: { processShotDeathStart( _frames ); break; } case NPC_GENERIC_HIT_DEATH_END: { processShotDeathEnd( _frames ); break; } } break; } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CNpcEnemy::processShotRecoil( int _frames ) { if ( !m_animPlaying ) { m_state = 0; m_controlFunc = NPC_CONTROL_MOVEMENT; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CNpcEnemy::processShotDeathStart( int _frames ) { m_animPlaying = true; m_animNo = m_data[m_type].dieAnim; m_frame = 0; m_state = NPC_GENERIC_HIT_DEATH_END; m_isDying = true; if ( m_data[m_type].deathSfx < CSoundMediator::NUM_SFXIDS ) { if( m_soundId != NOT_PLAYING ) { CSoundMediator::stopAndUnlockSfx( (xmPlayingId) m_soundId ); } m_soundId = (int) CSoundMediator::playSfx( m_data[m_type].deathSfx, true ); } m_speed = -5; if (m_data[m_type].skelType) { m_actorGfx->SetOtPos( 0 ); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CNpcEnemy::processShotDeathEnd( int _frames ) { m_drawRotation += 64 * _frames; m_drawRotation &= 4095; Pos.vy += m_speed * _frames; if ( m_speed < 5 ) { m_speed++; } if ( !canRender() ) { if ( m_data[m_type].respawning ) { m_isActive = false; m_timerFunc = NPC_TIMER_RESPAWN; m_timerTimer = 4 * GameState::getOneSecondInFrames(); } else { setToShutdown(); } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CNpcEnemy::processClose(int _frames) { switch( m_data[this->m_type].closeFunc ) { case NPC_CLOSE_GENERIC_USER_SEEK: { processGenericGotoTarget( _frames, playerXDist, playerYDist, m_speed ); break; } default: break; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CNpcEnemy::processCollision() { CPlayer *player = GameScene.getPlayer(); player->takeDamage( m_data[m_type].damageToUserType,REACT__GET_DIRECTION_FROM_THING,(CThing*)this ); processUserCollision( (CThing *) player ); m_controlFunc = m_oldControlFunc; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CNpcEnemy::processTimer(int _frames) { if ( m_timerTimer > 0 ) { m_timerTimer -= _frames; } switch( m_timerFunc ) { case NPC_TIMER_NONE: { break; } case NPC_TIMER_EVADE_DONE: case NPC_TIMER_ATTACK_DONE: { if ( m_timerTimer <= 0 ) { m_timerFunc = NPC_TIMER_NONE; m_sensorFunc = m_data[this->m_type].sensorFunc; } break; } case NPC_TIMER_RESPAWN: { if ( m_timerTimer <= 0 ) { reinit(); } break; } default: break; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CNpcEnemy::render() { SprFrame = NULL; if ( m_isActive ) { CEnemyThing::render(); if (canRender()) { DVECTOR &renderPos=getRenderPos(); SprFrame = m_actorGfx->Render(renderPos,m_animNo,( m_frame >> 8 ),m_reversed); m_actorGfx->RotateScale( SprFrame, renderPos, m_drawRotation, 4096, 4096 ); sBBox boundingBox = m_actorGfx->GetBBox(); setCollisionSize( ( boundingBox.XMax - boundingBox.XMin ), ( boundingBox.YMax - boundingBox.YMin ) ); setCollisionCentreOffset( ( boundingBox.XMax + boundingBox.XMin ) >> 1, ( boundingBox.YMax + boundingBox.YMin ) >> 1 ); } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CNpcEnemy::processEvent( GAME_EVENT evt, CThing *sourceThing ) { switch( evt ) { case PROJECTILE_RETURNED_TO_SOURCE_EVENT: { m_controlFunc = NPC_CONTROL_MOVEMENT; m_timerFunc = NPC_TIMER_ATTACK_DONE; m_timerTimer = GameState::getOneSecondInFrames(); m_sensorFunc = NPC_SENSOR_NONE; //removeChild( sourceThing ); //sourceThing->shutdown(); //delete sourceThing; CProjectile *projectile; projectile = (CProjectile *) sourceThing; projectile->setMovementType( CProjectile::PROJECTILE_FIXED ); projectile->setPosition( Pos ); break; } case BOSS_FOUND_EVENT: { addHealthMeter(); break; } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// u8 CNpcEnemy::canBeCaughtByNet() { return( m_isActive && !m_isDying && m_data[m_type].canBeNetted ); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CNpcEnemy::caughtWithNet() { if ( m_data[m_type].respawning ) { if ( m_isActive ) { m_isActive = false; m_timerFunc = NPC_TIMER_RESPAWN; m_timerTimer = 4 * GameState::getOneSecondInFrames(); } } else { setToShutdown(); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int CNpcEnemy::canCollide() { return( m_isActive && !m_isDying ); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CNpcEnemy::processEnemyCollision( CThing *thisThing ) { DVECTOR const &otherPos = thisThing->getPos(); DVECTOR otherDelta = thisThing->getPosDelta(); s32 xDist = Pos.vx - otherPos.vx; s32 yDist = Pos.vy - otherPos.vy; s16 headingFromTarget = ratan2( yDist, xDist ) & 4095; if ( ( xDist > 0 && otherDelta.vx < 0 ) || ( xDist < 0 && otherDelta.vx > 0 ) ) { otherDelta.vx = -otherDelta.vx; } if ( ( yDist > 0 && otherDelta.vy < 0 ) || ( yDist < 0 && otherDelta.vy > 0 ) ) { otherDelta.vy = -otherDelta.vy; } Pos.vx += otherDelta.vx; if ( m_npcPath.getWaypointCount() ) { s32 minX, maxX; m_npcPath.getPathXExtents( &minX, &maxX ); if ( Pos.vx < minX ) { Pos.vx = minX; } else if ( Pos.vx > maxX ) { Pos.vx = maxX; } } s32 groundHeight = CGameScene::getCollision()->getHeightFromGround( Pos.vx, Pos.vy, 16 ); if ( groundHeight < 8 ) { Pos.vy += groundHeight; } else { Pos.vy += otherDelta.vy; } m_heading = headingFromTarget; s32 waypointXDist; s32 waypointYDist; m_npcPath.getDistToNextWaypoint( Pos, &waypointXDist, &waypointYDist ); if ( ( xDist > 0 && waypointXDist < 0 ) || ( xDist < 0 && waypointXDist > 0 ) ) { // try next waypoint to get around other enemy m_npcPath.incPath(); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CNpcEnemy::processUserCollision( CThing *thisThing ) { DVECTOR const &otherPos = thisThing->getPos(); DVECTOR const &otherDelta = thisThing->getPosDelta(); s32 xDist = Pos.vx - otherPos.vx; s32 yDist = Pos.vy - otherPos.vy; s16 headingFromTarget = ratan2( yDist, xDist ) & 4095; /*if ( ( xDist > 0 && otherDelta.vx < 0 ) || ( xDist < 0 && otherDelta.vx > 0 ) ) { otherDelta.vx = -otherDelta.vx; } if ( ( yDist > 0 && otherDelta.vy < 0 ) || ( yDist < 0 && otherDelta.vy > 0 ) ) { otherDelta.vy = -otherDelta.vy; } Pos.vx += otherDelta.vx; s32 groundHeight = CGameScene::getCollision()->getHeightFromGround( Pos.vx, Pos.vy, 16 ); if ( groundHeight < 8 ) { Pos.vy += groundHeight; } else { Pos.vy += otherDelta.vy; }*/ m_heading = headingFromTarget; s32 waypointXDist; s32 waypointYDist; m_npcPath.getDistToNextWaypoint( Pos, &waypointXDist, &waypointYDist ); if ( ( xDist > 0 && waypointXDist < 0 ) || ( xDist < 0 && waypointXDist > 0 ) ) { // try next waypoint to get around other enemy m_npcPath.incPath(); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool CNpcEnemy::processCoralBlowerMovement( int _frames, s32 xDist, s32 yDist, u8 destroyAtTarget ) { s32 moveX, moveY; s16 headingToTarget; headingToTarget = ratan2( yDist, xDist ) & 4095; s32 preShiftX = _frames * 6 * rcos( headingToTarget ); s32 preShiftY = _frames * 6 * rsin( headingToTarget ); moveX = preShiftX >> 12; if ( !moveX && preShiftX ) { moveX = preShiftX / abs( preShiftX ); } if ( xDist > 0 ) { if ( moveX > xDist ) { moveX = xDist; } } else if ( xDist < 0 ) { if ( moveX < xDist ) { moveX = xDist; } } else { moveX = 0; } moveY = preShiftY >> 12; if ( !moveY && preShiftY ) { moveY = preShiftY / abs( preShiftY ); } if ( yDist > 0 ) { if ( moveY > yDist ) { moveY = yDist; } } else if ( yDist < 0 ) { if ( moveY < yDist ) { moveY = yDist; } } else { moveY = 0; } Pos.vx += moveX; Pos.vy += moveY; if ( moveX || moveY ) { return( false ); } else { // has reached target point if ( destroyAtTarget ) { if ( m_data[m_type].respawning ) { if ( m_isActive ) { m_isCaught = false; m_isActive = false; m_timerFunc = NPC_TIMER_RESPAWN; m_timerTimer = 1 * GameState::getOneSecondInFrames(); } } else { setToShutdown(); } } return( true ); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool CNpcEnemy::canBeSuckedUp() { return( m_data[m_type].canBeSuckedUp ); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool CNpcEnemy::suckUp( DVECTOR *suckPos, int _frames ) { m_isCaught = true; m_isBlowerOn = true; bool returnVal = false; switch( m_state ) { case NPC_CORAL_BLOWER_SUCK: { // go to user s32 targetXDist = suckPos->vx - Pos.vx; s32 targetYDist = suckPos->vy - Pos.vy; returnVal = processCoralBlowerMovement( _frames, targetXDist, targetYDist, true ); break; } case NPC_CORAL_BLOWER_RETURN: { m_state = NPC_CORAL_BLOWER_SUCK; break; } default: { m_state = NPC_CORAL_BLOWER_SUCK; m_oldState = m_state; m_caughtPos = Pos; break; } } return( returnVal ); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CNpcEnemy::processCoralBlower( int _frames ) { s32 targetXDist, targetYDist; switch( m_state ) { case NPC_CORAL_BLOWER_SUCK: { if ( !m_isBlowerOn ) { m_state = NPC_CORAL_BLOWER_RETURN; } break; } case NPC_CORAL_BLOWER_RETURN: { // go to original position targetXDist = m_caughtPos.vx - Pos.vx; targetYDist = m_caughtPos.vy - Pos.vy; processCoralBlowerMovement( _frames, targetXDist, targetYDist, false ); if ( !targetXDist && !targetYDist ) { m_state = m_oldState; m_isCaught = false; } break; } default: { m_oldState = m_state; m_state = NPC_CORAL_BLOWER_SUCK; m_caughtPos = Pos; break; } } m_isBlowerOn = false; }