/*========================================================================= bubicles.h Author: PKG Created: Project: Spongebob Purpose: Copyright (c) 2000 Climax Development Ltd ===========================================================================*/ #ifndef __GFX_BUBICLES_H__ #define __GFX_BUBICLES_H__ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- Includes -------- */ #ifndef __GFX_SPRBANK_H__ #include "gfx\sprbank.h" #endif /* Std Lib ------- */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- Tyepdefs && Defines ------------------- */ // Uncomment to see the emitters on screen //#define SHOW_BUBICLE_EMITTERS /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- Structure defintions -------------------- */ // // An individual particle and it's associated data // typedef struct RGBPack { u8 m_r,m_g,m_b; }; typedef struct { s16 m_life; // Frames to live for s16 m_vx,m_vdx,m_vxmax; // Velocity, velocitydelta, max velocity s16 m_vy,m_vdy,m_vymax; s16 m_w,m_h; // Size of bubicle s16 m_dvSizeChange; // Speed at which bubbles changes height/width s16 m_theta,m_vtheta; s16 m_wobbleWidth,m_vwobbleWidth,m_vdwobbleWidth; s16 m_ot; // ot RGBPack m_colour; // Colour } BubicleData; class CBubicle { // We don't really want anyone to instantiate this themselves.. only the factory is allowed to private: enum { ACCURACY_SHIFT=6, }; CBubicle() {;} void create(); void init(BubicleData *_init,int _x,int _y,int _applyMapOffset); void think(int _frames); void render(); int isActive() {return m_active;} u8 m_active; int m_x; int m_y; s16 m_typeSizeChange; // 0=Width, 1=Height s16 m_vSizeChange; s16 m_frameCount; s16 m_applyMapOffset; sFrameHdr *m_fhBub; BubicleData m_data; friend class CBubicleFactory; friend class CBubicleEmitter; }; // // An emitter // typedef struct { int m_x,m_y,m_w,m_h; // Size and position of emitter s16 m_birthRate,m_birthAmount; // birthAmount bubicles born every birthRate frames s16 m_life; // -1 for infinite life s16 m_applyMapOffset; // Is bubicle position relative to the map or not? BubicleData m_bubicleBase; BubicleData m_bubicleRange; } BubicleEmitterData; class CBubicleEmitter { public: void kill(); void setPos(int _x,int _y); void setSize(int _w,int _h); void setPosAndSize(int _x,int _y,int _w,int _h) {setPos(_x,_y);setSize(_w,_h);} int isActive() {return m_active;} private: CBubicleEmitter() {;} void create(); void init(BubicleEmitterData *_init); void think(int _frames); #ifdef SHOW_BUBICLE_EMITTERS void render(); #endif u8 m_active; BubicleEmitterData m_data; int m_frameCount; s16 m_spawnFrameCount; friend class CBubicleFactory; }; // // Particle factory // class CBubicleFactory { public: static void init(); static void shutdown(); static void think(int _frames); static void render(); static CBubicleEmitter *spawnEmitter(BubicleEmitterData *_init); static CBubicle *spawnParticle(BubicleEmitterData *_init); static sFrameHdr *getBubbleFrameHeader(); static SpriteBank *getSprites() {return s_sprites;} static void setMapOffset(DVECTOR *_offset); static const DVECTOR *getMapOffset(); private: enum { NUM_EMITTERS=10, NUM_BUBICLES=250, }; CBubicleFactory() {;} static int s_initialised; static CBubicleEmitter *s_emitters; static CBubicle *s_bubicles; static SpriteBank *s_sprites; static int s_frameTypeCounter; static const int s_frameTabSize; static const int s_frameTabSizeMask; static sFrameHdr *s_frameTab[]; static const int s_frameTabSrc[]; static DVECTOR s_mapPositionOffset; }; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- Globals ------- */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- Functions --------- */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #endif /* __GFX_BUBICLES_H__ */ /*=========================================================================== end */