$PSDocId: Document Release 1.0 for Run-time Library Release 4.6$ July, 1999 PlayStation(R) Programmer Tool Runtime Library Release 4.6 Library Changes, New Additions, and Known from Release 4.5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright(C) 1997-1999 Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Known Bugs and Cautions ---------------------------------------------------------------------- < Addition of noprint Module > - A module to controll the library debug message display, noprint.obj, has been added. With this module, all the printf()/puts() output used with the library and the program can be controlled. < Limitations on the HMD Library > - The environment map is provided as a Beta version, because the format may change in future release without keeping compatibility. The Beta-version primitives are not officially supported by SCE at the moment. If you wish to use them for creating titles, please do so on your own responsibility. < Limitations on Memory Card GUI Module > - At the moment, the latest module cannot be utilized for the "CodeWarrior for PlayStation" of Metrowerks Inc. The module for the "CodeWarrior for PlayStation" is planned to be downloaded from the SCE-NET when it is available. < Limitations on Extended Sound Library > - In the Extended Sound Library, noise is not produced properly. Thererfore, when using noise, please use the Basic Sound Libraby (libspu). All products and company names mentioned herein are the registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective owners. SDevTC Tools ---------------------------------------------------------------------- < Files Changed > pssn\readme_j.txt Updated pssn\bin\asmpsx.exe Updated pssn\bin\cpppsx.exe Updated pssn\bin\dos\cpppsx.exe Updated pssn\bin\dbugpsx.exe Updated pssn\windbg\dset95_j.txt Updated pssn\windbg\dsetNT_j.txt Updated pssn\windbg\dbgman_j.txt Updated < Files Added > pssn\windbg\sndbg251.exe SN Debugger for Windows Ver.2.5 package < Files Deleted > pssn\windbg\psx1604.exe SN Debugger for Windows Ver.2.4 package Standard C Library (libc/libc2) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- < Function Specification Changes > - A type qualifier, const, has been added to the following prototype statements: stdio.h, stdlib.h, convert.h, memory.h, strings.h. Memory Card Library (libcard) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- < Library Bug Fix > - _card_format() was not able to return the correct value. This problem has been fixed. Basic Graphics Library (libgpu) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- < Functions Added > - setDrawMode(), the macro version of SetDrawMode(), has been added. < Library Bug Fix > - With GetDrawEnv2() which gets the current drawing environment, it was unable to get the value set in DR_STP. This problem has been fixed. Extended Graphics Library (libgs) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- < Library Bug Fix > - Using automatic division in TMD resulted in the specified Semi-transparent flag within the TMD data be invalid. This problem has been fixed. Extended Memory Card Library (libmcrd) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- < Library Bug Fix > - An Error Retry malfunction of MemCardReadData() and MemCardWriteData() has been fixed. PDA Library (libmcx) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- < Library Bug Fix > - When the second argument of McxSync() was zero, the memory address 0 was rewritten unintentionally. This problem has been fixed. Data Compression Library (libpress) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- < Functions Added > - SPU ADPCM Encorder EncSPU2(), the better sound quality version of EncSPU(), has been added. Extended Sound Library (libsnd) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- < Library Bug Fix > - Allowing sound effects volume be changed automatically resulted in the incorrect change during SEQ/SEP data playback. This problem has been fixed. - Specifying 0 to delta_time, the argument of SsUtAutoVol(), resulted in a zero divide error. This problem has been fixed. - If SsUtAutoVol() and SsUtAutoPan() were concurrently used for sound effects, volume and panning were not correctly changed. This problem has been fixed. MEMORY CARD GUI module (mcgui) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- < Function Specification Changes > - MEMORY CARD GUI module (mcgui) has been changed to be a PAL-compatible. < Library Bug Fix > - Despite a flag was set not to use a mouse, if the mouse was inserted into the console, the cursor appeared on the screen. This problem has been fixed.