/*========================================================================= func.h Author: PKG Created: Project: Spongebob Purpose: Copyright (c) 2000 Climax Development Ltd ===========================================================================*/ #ifndef __CODEGEN_H__ #define __CODEGEN_H__ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- Includes -------- */ /* Std Lib ------- */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- Tyepdefs && Defines ------------------- */ typedef enum { // Statements STMT_LIST, // list of statements [left-part, right-part] (left-part may be another list) EMPTY_STMT, // empty statement PRINT_STMT, // print [variable] STOP_STMT, // stop PAUSE_STMT, // pause IF_STMT, // if [expression, ifcode] IFELSE_STMT, // if [expression, ifcode, elsecode] WHILE_STMT, // while [expression, code] DOWHILE_STMT, // do [code] while [expression] POP_STMT, // pop // Expressions ASSIGN_EXPR, // assignment [variable, value] EQUAL_EXPR, // == [variable, value] NOTEQUAL_EXPR, // != [variable, value] LESSTHAN_EXPR, // < [variable, value] GREATERTHAN_EXPR, // > [variable, value] VARIABLE_EXPR, // variable VALUE_EXPR, // value PLUS_EXPR, // + [value, value] SUBTRACT_EXPR, // - [value, value] FUNCTION_EXPR, // function [functionNumber] }NodeType; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- Structure defintions -------------------- */ class CTreeNode { public: CTreeNode(NodeType _type); CTreeNode(NodeType _type,CTreeNode *child1); CTreeNode(NodeType _type,CTreeNode *child1,CTreeNode *child2); CTreeNode(NodeType _type,CTreeNode *child1,CTreeNode *child2,CTreeNode *child3); CTreeNode(NodeType _type,int _data); int generateCode(int _write); int getVariableIdx() {return m_variableIdx;} int getValue() {return m_value;} int getType() {return m_type;} int getFunctionNumber() {return m_functionNumber;} private: // Nothing else needs to know these so we may as well protect them enum { // args stack data result OP_NOP=0x1100, // OP_STOP, // OP_PAUSE, // OP_PUSHVALUE, // value OP_PUSHVARVALUE, // varidx OP_POP, // value OP_JMP, // jump OP_JMPF, // jump, value OP_JMPT, // jump, value OP_IS_EQUAL_VALUE, // value, value pushes result ( 0 or 1 ) to stack OP_IS_NOTEQUAL_VALUE, // value, value pushes result ( 0 or 1 ) to stack OP_IS_LESSTHAN_VALUE, // value, value pushes result ( 0 or 1 ) to stack OP_IS_GREATERTHAN_VALUE,// value, value pushes result ( 0 or 1 ) to stack OP_ASSIGN, // varidx, value OP_ADD, // value, value pushes result to stack OP_NEG, // value pushes result to stack OP_PRINT, // value OP_CALL_FUNCTION, // functionNumber, argcount args pushes return value to stack }; enum{MAX_CHILD_NODES=3}; int emit(unsigned short _data,int _write); int emitValue(CTreeNode *_child,int _write); NodeType m_type; CTreeNode *m_children[MAX_CHILD_NODES]; int m_numChildren; int m_functionNumber; signed short m_variableIdx; signed short m_value; }; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- Globals ------- */ extern CTreeNode *s_baseTreeNode; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- Functions --------- */ extern int parseFile(char *_filename,class CTreeNode *_baseNode); extern int openOutputFile(char *_filename); extern int closeOutputFile(); /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #endif /* __CODEGEN_H__ */ /*=========================================================================== end */