/*========================================================================= nmjfish.cpp Author: CRB Created: Project: Spongebob Purpose: Copyright (c) 2000 Climax Development Ltd ===========================================================================*/ #ifndef __ENEMY_NPC_H__ #include "enemy\npc.h" #endif #ifndef __ENEMY_NMJFISH_H__ #include "enemy\nmjfish.h" #endif #ifndef __ENEMY_NPROJJF_H__ #include "enemy\nprojjf.h" #endif #ifndef __VID_HEADER_ #include "system\vid.h" #endif #ifndef __UTILS_HEADER__ #include "utils\utils.h" #endif #ifndef __GAME_GAME_H__ #include "game\game.h" #endif #ifndef __PLAYER_PLAYER_H__ #include "player\player.h" #endif //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CNpcMotherJellyfishEnemy::postInit() { m_state = MOTHER_JELLYFISH_RETURN_TO_START_1; m_spawnTimer = 0; m_meterOn=false; if ( CLevel::getIsBossRespawn() ) { m_health = CLevel::getBossHealth(); } legsPos[0].vx = 80; legsPos[0].vy = -5; legsPos[1].vx = 40; legsPos[1].vy = 0; legsPos[2].vx = -40; legsPos[2].vy = -5; legsPos[3].vx = -80; legsPos[3].vy = 0; for ( int i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++ ) { legs[i] = (CFXJellyFishLegs*)CFX::Create(CFX::FX_TYPE_JELLYFISH_LEGS,this); legs[i]->Setup( legsPos[i].vx, legsPos[i].vy, i > 1 ); } m_RGB = 255 + ( 128 << 8 ) + ( 255 << 16 ); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CNpcMotherJellyfishEnemy::setupWaypoints( sThingActor *ThisActor ) { u16 *PntList=(u16*)MakePtr(ThisActor,sizeof(sThingActor)); u16 newXPos, newYPos; s32 startX = 0; m_npcPath.setWaypointCount( ThisActor->PointCount - 1 ); newXPos = (u16) *PntList; setWaypointPtr( PntList ); PntList++; newYPos = (u16) *PntList; PntList++; setStartPos( newXPos, newYPos ); startX = ( newXPos << 4 ) + 8; if ( ThisActor->PointCount > 1 ) { for (int pointNum = 1 ; pointNum < ThisActor->PointCount ; pointNum++ ) { newXPos = (u16) *PntList; PntList++; newYPos = (u16) *PntList; PntList++; if ( pointNum == 1 ) { setHeading( newXPos, newYPos ); } if ( pointNum == ThisActor->PointCount - 2 ) { startX = ( newXPos << 4 ) + 8; m_base.vx = startX; m_base.vy = ( newYPos << 4 ) + 16; } else if ( pointNum == ThisActor->PointCount - 1 ) { m_cycleWidth = abs( startX - ( ( newXPos << 4 ) + 8 ) ); m_halfCycleWidth = m_cycleWidth >> 1; m_base.vx += m_halfCycleWidth; } } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CNpcMotherJellyfishEnemy::processMovement( int _frames ) { s32 xDist, yDist; s32 xDistSqr, yDistSqr; switch( m_state ) { case MOTHER_JELLYFISH_RETURN_TO_START_1: case MOTHER_JELLYFISH_RETURN_TO_START_2: case MOTHER_JELLYFISH_RETURN_TO_START_3: { xDist = m_base.vx - this->Pos.vx - m_halfCycleWidth; xDistSqr = xDist * xDist; yDist = m_base.vy - this->Pos.vy; yDistSqr = yDist * yDist; if ( xDistSqr + yDistSqr > 100 ) { processGenericGotoTarget( _frames, xDist, yDist, m_speed ); } else { // have arrived at base position m_movementTimer = GameState::getOneSecondInFrames() * 10; m_state++; m_extension = -m_halfCycleWidth; m_extendDir = EXTEND_RIGHT; } break; } case MOTHER_JELLYFISH_CYCLE_1: case MOTHER_JELLYFISH_CYCLE_2: case MOTHER_JELLYFISH_CYCLE_3: { m_movementTimer -= _frames; s32 xExtension; if ( m_extendDir == EXTEND_RIGHT ) { if ( m_extension < m_halfCycleWidth ) { m_extension += 3 * _frames; xExtension = ( m_halfCycleWidth * rsin( ( m_extension << 10 ) / m_halfCycleWidth ) ) >> 12; Pos.vx = m_base.vx + xExtension; Pos.vy = m_base.vy - ( ( 50 * rsin( ( xExtension << 12 ) / m_cycleWidth ) ) >> 12 ); m_heading = 0; } else { m_extendDir = EXTEND_LEFT; if ( m_movementTimer < 0 ) { m_controlFunc = NPC_CONTROL_CLOSE; m_state++; m_jellyfishCount = 3; } } } else { if ( m_extension > -m_halfCycleWidth ) { m_extension -= 3 * _frames; xExtension = ( m_halfCycleWidth * rsin( ( m_extension << 10 ) / m_halfCycleWidth ) ) >> 12; Pos.vx = m_base.vx + xExtension; Pos.vy = m_base.vy + ( ( 50 * rsin( ( xExtension << 12 ) / m_cycleWidth ) ) >> 12 ); m_heading = 2048; } else { m_extendDir = EXTEND_RIGHT; if ( m_movementTimer < 0 ) { m_controlFunc = NPC_CONTROL_CLOSE; m_state++; m_jellyfishCount = 3; } } } break; } default: break; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CNpcMotherJellyfishEnemy::processClose( int _frames ) { switch( m_state ) { case MOTHER_JELLYFISH_ATTACK_PLAYER_SHOCK: { // seek position above user CPlayer *player = GameScene.getPlayer(); DVECTOR playerPos = player->getPos(); DVECTOR seekPos; s32 xDist, yDist; s32 xDistSqr, yDistSqr; seekPos = playerPos; seekPos.vy -= 100; xDist = seekPos.vx - this->Pos.vx; xDistSqr = xDist * xDist; yDist = seekPos.vy - this->Pos.vy; yDistSqr = yDist * yDist; if ( xDistSqr + yDistSqr > 400 ) { processGenericGotoTarget( _frames, xDist, yDist, m_speed ); } else { // fire at user m_controlFunc = NPC_CONTROL_MOVEMENT; m_state = MOTHER_JELLYFISH_RETURN_TO_START_1; CSoundMediator::playSfx( CSoundMediator::SFX_JELLYFISH_ATTACK ); } break; } default: { s32 xExtension; if ( m_extendDir == EXTEND_RIGHT ) { if ( m_extension < m_halfCycleWidth ) { m_extension += 3 * _frames; xExtension = ( m_halfCycleWidth * rsin( ( m_extension << 10 ) / m_halfCycleWidth ) ) >> 12; Pos.vx = m_base.vx + xExtension; Pos.vy = m_base.vy - ( ( 50 * rcos( ( xExtension << 11 ) / m_cycleWidth ) ) >> 12 ); m_heading = 0; spawnJellyfish( _frames ); } else { m_controlFunc = NPC_CONTROL_MOVEMENT; m_state++; } } else { if ( m_extension > -m_halfCycleWidth ) { m_extension -= 3 * _frames; xExtension = ( m_halfCycleWidth * rsin( ( m_extension << 10 ) / m_halfCycleWidth ) ) >> 12; Pos.vx = m_base.vx + xExtension; Pos.vy = m_base.vy + ( ( 50 * rcos( ( xExtension << 11 ) / m_cycleWidth ) ) >> 12 ); m_heading = 2048; spawnJellyfish( _frames ); } else { m_controlFunc = NPC_CONTROL_MOVEMENT; m_state++; } } break; } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CNpcMotherJellyfishEnemy::shutdown() { if ( m_isActive ) { CLevel::setIsBossRespawn( true ); CLevel::setBossHealth( m_health ); } CNpcEnemy::shutdown(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CNpcMotherJellyfishEnemy::spawnJellyfish( int _frames ) { if ( m_jellyfishCount ) { if ( m_spawnTimer > 0 ) { m_spawnTimer -= _frames; } else { CNpcEnemy *enemy; enemy = CNpcEnemy::Create( NPC_PROJECTILE_JELLYFISH ); enemy->setStartPos( Pos.vx >> 4, ( Pos.vy + 20 ) >> 4 ); enemy->setWaypointCount( m_npcPath.getWaypointCount() ); enemy->setWaypointPtr( m_npcPath.getWaypointPtr() ); enemy->setPathType( CNpcPath::PONG_PATH ); enemy->postInit(); m_jellyfishCount--; m_spawnTimer = 1 * GameState::getOneSecondInFrames(); } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CNpcMotherJellyfishEnemy::render() { SprFrame = NULL; if ( m_isActive ) { CEnemyThing::render(); if (canRender()) { if (!m_meterOn) { CFXNRGBar *T=(CFXNRGBar*)CFX::Create(CFX::FX_TYPE_NRG_BAR,this); T->SetMax(m_health); m_meterOn=true; } DVECTOR &renderPos=getRenderPos(); s16 scale; scale = 2048 + ( ( ( 8192 - 2048 ) * m_health ) / m_data[m_type].initHealth ); SprFrame = m_actorGfx->Render(renderPos,m_animNo,( m_frame >> 8 ),false); m_actorGfx->RotateScale( SprFrame, renderPos, 0, scale, scale ); sBBox boundingBox = m_actorGfx->GetBBox(); setCollisionSize( ( boundingBox.XMax - boundingBox.XMin ), ( boundingBox.YMax - boundingBox.YMin ) ); setCollisionCentreOffset( ( boundingBox.XMax + boundingBox.XMin ) >> 1, ( boundingBox.YMax + boundingBox.YMin ) >> 1 ); } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*void CNpcMotherJellyfishEnemy::processUserCollision( CThing *thisThing ) { }*/ void CNpcMotherJellyfishEnemy::processShot( int _frames ) { s16 scale; scale = 2048 + ( ( ( 8192 - 2048 ) * m_health ) / m_data[m_type].initHealth ); for ( int i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++ ) { legs[i]->Setup( ( legsPos[i].vx * scale ) >> 13, legsPos[i].vy, i > 1 ); legs[i]->setScale( scale >> 1 ); } switch ( m_state ) { case NPC_GENERIC_HIT_CHECK_HEALTH: { // do not allow to die, must catch in net if ( m_health > 0 ) { m_health -= 5; } m_state = NPC_GENERIC_HIT_RECOIL; m_animPlaying = true; m_animNo = m_data[m_type].recoilAnim; m_frame = 0; break; } case NPC_GENERIC_HIT_RECOIL: { if ( !m_animPlaying ) { m_state = 0; m_controlFunc = NPC_CONTROL_MOVEMENT; } break; } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// u8 CNpcMotherJellyfishEnemy::canBeCaughtByNet() { return( m_isActive && !m_isDying && m_health <= 5 ); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CNpcMotherJellyfishEnemy::caughtWithNet() { setToShutdown(); CGameScene::setBossHasBeenKilled(); }