/*========================================================================= nworm.cpp Author: CRB Created: Project: Spongebob Purpose: Copyright (c) 2001 Climax Development Ltd ===========================================================================*/ #ifndef __ENEMY_NPC_H__ #include "enemy\npc.h" #endif #ifndef __ENEMY_NWORM_H__ #include "enemy\nworm.h" #endif #ifndef __GAME_GAME_H__ #include "game\game.h" #endif #ifndef __PLAYER_PLAYER_H__ #include "player\player.h" #endif #ifndef __VID_HEADER_ #include "system\vid.h" #endif //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CNpcParasiticWormEnemy::postInit() { m_npcPath.setPathType( CNpcPath::REPEATING_PATH ); // create start of list CNpcPositionHistory *newPosition; newPosition = new ("position history") CNpcPositionHistory; newPosition->pos = Pos; m_positionHistory = newPosition; CNpcPositionHistory *currentPosition = m_positionHistory; // create rest of list for ( int histLength = 1 ; histLength < ( NPC_PARASITIC_WORM_LENGTH * NPC_PARASITIC_WORM_SPACING ) ; histLength++ ) { newPosition = new ("position history") CNpcPositionHistory; newPosition->pos = Pos; newPosition->next = NULL; newPosition->prev = currentPosition; currentPosition->next = newPosition; currentPosition = newPosition; } // link ends together for circular list currentPosition->next = m_positionHistory; m_positionHistory->prev = currentPosition; u16 segScale; int initLength = NPC_PARASITIC_WORM_LENGTH / 3; int remLength = NPC_PARASITIC_WORM_LENGTH - initLength; for ( int segCount = 0 ; segCount < NPC_PARASITIC_WORM_LENGTH ; segCount++ ) { CNpcEnemy *segment; CNpcParasiticWormSegment *wormSegment; wormSegment = new ("segment") CNpcParasiticWormSegment; wormSegment->setType( CNpcEnemy::NPC_PARASITIC_WORM_SEGMENT ); wormSegment->init(); wormSegment->setLayerCollision( m_layerCollision ); wormSegment->postInit(); if ( segCount < initLength ) { u16 sum = ONE; u16 start = ONE >> 1; u16 end = sum - start; segScale = start + ( ( end * segCount ) / initLength ); } else { u16 sum = ONE; u16 start = ONE >> 3; u16 end = sum - start; segScale = start + ( ( end * ( NPC_PARASITIC_WORM_LENGTH - segCount ) ) / remLength ); } wormSegment->setScale( segScale ); segment = wormSegment; this->addChild( segment ); } m_movementTimer = 2 * GameState::getOneSecondInFrames(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CNpcParasiticWormEnemy::shutdown() { deleteAllChild(); CNpcEnemy::shutdown(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CNpcParasiticWormSegment::think( int _frames ) { } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CNpcParasiticWormSegment::postInit() { } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool CNpcParasiticWormEnemy::processSensor() { /*if ( playerXDistSqr + playerYDistSqr < 40000 ) { m_controlFunc = NPC_CONTROL_CLOSE; return( true ); } else { return( false ); }*/ return( false ); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CNpcParasiticWormEnemy::processMovement( int _frames ) { s32 moveX = 0, moveY = 0; s32 moveVel = 0; s32 moveDist = 0; DVECTOR oldPos = Pos; u8 skipCounter; processGenericFixedPathMove( _frames, &moveX, &moveY, &moveVel, &moveDist ); Pos.vx += moveX; Pos.vy += moveY; m_extension += 256; m_extension &= 4095; m_positionHistory = m_positionHistory->prev; m_positionHistory->pos = oldPos; CNpcPositionHistory *newPos; newPos = m_positionHistory; for ( skipCounter = 1 ; skipCounter < NPC_PARASITIC_WORM_SPACING ; skipCounter++ ) { newPos = newPos->next; } CThing *List=Next; oldPos = Pos; s32 extension = m_extension; u8 downShift = 2; u8 timeShift; if ( m_movementTimer > 0 ) { m_movementTimer -= _frames; if ( m_movementTimer < 0 ) { m_movementTimer = 0; } } timeShift = m_movementTimer / GameState::getOneSecondInFrames(); while( List ) { CNpcEnemy *segment = (CNpcEnemy *) List; s32 xDist = oldPos.vx - newPos->pos.vx; s32 yDist = oldPos.vy - newPos->pos.vy; s16 headingToTarget = ratan2( yDist, xDist ); //segment->setHeading( headingToTarget ); DVECTOR sinPos; sinPos = newPos->pos; s32 diff = ( ( ( 5 >> downShift ) * rsin( extension ) ) >> 12 ) >> timeShift; sinPos.vx += ( diff * rcos( headingToTarget + 1024 ) ) >> 12; sinPos.vy += ( diff * rsin( headingToTarget + 1024 ) ) >> 12; List->setPos( sinPos ); oldPos = sinPos; List = List->getNext(); if ( List ) { for ( skipCounter = 0 ; skipCounter < NPC_PARASITIC_WORM_SPACING ; skipCounter++ ) { newPos = newPos->next; } } extension += 1024; extension &= 4095; if ( downShift > 0 ) { downShift--; } } List=Next; oldPos = Pos; while( List ) { CNpcEnemy *segment = (CNpcEnemy *) List; DVECTOR currentPos = segment->getPos(); s32 xDist = oldPos.vx - currentPos.vx; s32 yDist = oldPos.vy - currentPos.vy; s16 headingToPrev = ratan2( yDist, xDist ); s16 headingFromNext; s16 heading = headingToPrev; oldPos = currentPos; List = List->getNext(); if ( List ) { DVECTOR nextPos = List->getPos(); xDist = currentPos.vx - nextPos.vx; yDist = currentPos.vy - nextPos.vy; headingFromNext = ratan2( yDist, xDist ); s16 decDir, incDir, moveDist; decDir = headingFromNext - headingToPrev; if ( decDir < 0 ) { decDir += ONE; } incDir = headingToPrev - headingFromNext; if ( incDir < 0 ) { incDir += ONE; } if ( decDir < incDir ) { moveDist = -decDir; } else { moveDist = incDir; } heading -= moveDist >> 1; } segment->setHeading( heading ); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CNpcParasiticWormEnemy::resetParasiticWormHeadToTail() { DVECTOR startPos; DVECTOR endPos; int posCounter; CNpcPositionHistory *currentPos; startPos = Pos; currentPos = m_positionHistory; for ( posCounter = 0 ; posCounter < ( NPC_PARASITIC_WORM_LENGTH * NPC_PARASITIC_WORM_SPACING ) - 1 ; posCounter++ ) { currentPos = currentPos->next; } endPos = currentPos->pos; currentPos = m_positionHistory; for ( posCounter = 0 ; posCounter < NPC_PARASITIC_WORM_LENGTH * NPC_PARASITIC_WORM_SPACING ; posCounter++ ) { currentPos->pos.vx = startPos.vx + ( posCounter * ( endPos.vx - startPos.vx ) ) / ( ( NPC_PARASITIC_WORM_LENGTH * NPC_PARASITIC_WORM_SPACING ) - 1 ); currentPos->pos.vy = startPos.vy + ( posCounter * ( endPos.vy - startPos.vy ) ) / ( ( NPC_PARASITIC_WORM_LENGTH * NPC_PARASITIC_WORM_SPACING ) - 1 ); currentPos = currentPos->next; } CNpcPositionHistory *newPos; newPos = m_positionHistory; u8 skipCounter; for ( skipCounter = 1 ; skipCounter < NPC_PARASITIC_WORM_SPACING ; skipCounter++ ) { newPos = newPos->next; } CThing *List=Next; DVECTOR oldPos = Pos; s32 extension = m_extension; while( List ) { CNpcEnemy *segment = (CNpcEnemy *) List; s32 xDist = oldPos.vx - newPos->pos.vx; s32 yDist = oldPos.vy - newPos->pos.vy; s16 headingToTarget = ratan2( yDist, xDist ); segment->setHeading( headingToTarget ); List->setPos( newPos->pos ); oldPos = newPos->pos; List = List->getNext(); if ( List ) { for ( skipCounter = 0 ; skipCounter < NPC_PARASITIC_WORM_SPACING ; skipCounter++ ) { newPos = newPos->next; } } extension += 1024; extension &= 4095; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CNpcParasiticWormEnemy::processClose( int _frames ) { resetParasiticWormHeadToTail(); m_movementTimer = 2 * GameState::getOneSecondInFrames(); m_controlFunc = NPC_CONTROL_MOVEMENT; m_timerFunc = NPC_TIMER_ATTACK_DONE; m_timerTimer = GameState::getOneSecondInFrames(); m_sensorFunc = NPC_SENSOR_NONE; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CNpcParasiticWormEnemy::processEnemyCollision( CThing *thisThing ) { // do nothing } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CNpcParasiticWormSegment::processEnemyCollision( CThing *thisThing ) { // do nothing } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CNpcParasiticWormEnemy::render() { SprFrame = NULL; if ( m_isActive ) { CEnemyThing::render(); // Render DVECTOR renderPos; DVECTOR offset = CLevel::getCameraPos(); renderPos.vx = Pos.vx - offset.vx; renderPos.vy = Pos.vy - offset.vy; CRECT collisionRect = getCollisionArea(); collisionRect.x1 -= Pos.vx; collisionRect.x2 -= Pos.vx; collisionRect.y1 -= Pos.vy; collisionRect.y2 -= Pos.vy; if ( renderPos.vx + collisionRect.x2 >= 0 && renderPos.vx + collisionRect.x1 <= VidGetScrW() ) { if ( renderPos.vy + collisionRect.y2 >= 0 && renderPos.vy + collisionRect.y1 <= VidGetScrH() ) { SprFrame = m_actorGfx->Render(renderPos,m_animNo,( m_frame >> 8 ),m_reversed); m_actorGfx->RotateScale( SprFrame, renderPos, m_heading, 4096, 4096 ); sBBox boundingBox = m_actorGfx->GetBBox(); setCollisionSize( ( boundingBox.XMax - boundingBox.XMin ), ( boundingBox.YMax - boundingBox.YMin ) ); setCollisionCentreOffset( ( boundingBox.XMax + boundingBox.XMin ) >> 1, ( boundingBox.YMax + boundingBox.YMin ) >> 1 ); } } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CNpcParasiticWormSegment::render() { SprFrame = NULL; if ( m_isActive ) { CEnemyThing::render(); // Render DVECTOR renderPos; DVECTOR offset = CLevel::getCameraPos(); renderPos.vx = Pos.vx - offset.vx; renderPos.vy = Pos.vy - offset.vy; CRECT collisionRect = getCollisionArea(); collisionRect.x1 -= Pos.vx; collisionRect.x2 -= Pos.vx; collisionRect.y1 -= Pos.vy; collisionRect.y2 -= Pos.vy; if ( renderPos.vx + collisionRect.x2 >= 0 && renderPos.vx + collisionRect.x1 <= VidGetScrW() ) { if ( renderPos.vy + collisionRect.y2 >= 0 && renderPos.vy + collisionRect.y1 <= VidGetScrH() ) { SprFrame = m_actorGfx->Render(renderPos,m_animNo,( m_frame >> 8 ),m_reversed); m_actorGfx->RotateScale( SprFrame, renderPos, m_heading, 4096, m_scale ); sBBox boundingBox = m_actorGfx->GetBBox(); setCollisionSize( ( boundingBox.XMax - boundingBox.XMin ), ( boundingBox.YMax - boundingBox.YMin ) ); setCollisionCentreOffset( ( boundingBox.XMax + boundingBox.XMin ) >> 1, ( boundingBox.YMax + boundingBox.YMin ) >> 1 ); } } } }