/*========================================================================= xmplay.h Author: PKG Created: Project: Spongebob Purpose: Copyright (c) 2000 Climax Development Ltd ===========================================================================*/ #ifndef __SOUND_XMPLAY_H__ #define __SOUND_XMPLAY_H__ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- Includes -------- */ #ifndef _FILEIO_HEADER_ #include "fileio\fileio.h" #endif /* Std Lib ------- */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- Tyepdefs && Defines ------------------- */ // This is a bit messy, but makes sure that you can't easily pass the wrong IDs to the xm functions // ( ..something scares me about this way of doing it tho :) typedef enum {NO_SAMPLE=-1} xmSampleId; typedef enum {NO_SONG=-1} xmModId; typedef enum {NOT_PLAYING=-1} xmPlayingId; // Note that a playing id is a 16 bit value. Top 8 bits are an ( effectively ) random number and the bottom // 8 bits are the base channel of the playing sound. /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- Structure defintions -------------------- */ class CXMPlaySound { public: enum { MIN_VOLUME=0, MAX_VOLUME=255, PAN_LEFT=0, PAN_CENTRE=127, PAN_RIGHT=255, }; void initialise(); void shutdown(); void think(); void setMasterSongVolume(unsigned char _vol); void setMasterSfxVolume(unsigned char _vol); xmSampleId loadSampleData(FileEquate _vhFe,FileEquate _vbFe); xmModId loadModData(FileEquate _modFe); void dumpSampleData(xmSampleId _sampleId); void dumpModData(xmModId _modId); void setStereo(int _stereo); void setVolume(xmPlayingId _playingId,unsigned char _volume); void setPanning(xmPlayingId _playingId,char _pan); void stopAndUnlockAllSound(); xmPlayingId playSong(xmSampleId _sampleId,xmModId _modId,int _startPattern=0); xmPlayingId playSfx(xmSampleId _sampleId,xmModId _modId,int _sfxPattern,int _playMask,u8 _priority); xmPlayingId playLoopingSfx(xmSampleId _sampleId,xmModId _modId,int _soundId,u8 _priority,int _pitch=0x400); void unlockPlayingId(xmPlayingId _playingId); void stopPlayingId(xmPlayingId _playingId); private: enum { MAX_XM_SONGS=5, // How many mods our internal loader copes with MAX_XM_VABS=5, // How many vabs our internal loader copes with MAX_SONG_HEADERS=24, // Number of mods that xmplay can play at once MAX_XM_HEADERS=MAX_XM_SONGS, // Number of mods that xmplay can load at once NUM_SPU_CHANNELS=24, }; typedef enum { SONG, SFX, LOOPINGSFX, SILENT, // Channel is silent FREE, // Channel is free for re-allocation CONTINUE, // Channel is a continuation of the previous channel } CHANNELUSETYPE; // Internal representation of loaded mods typedef struct XMMod { unsigned char *m_xmData; FileEquate m_file; int m_refCount; }; // Internal representation of loaded vabs typedef struct XMVab { int m_vabId; FileEquate m_vhFile,m_vbFile; int m_refCount; }; // Structure that records what is going on for each SPU channel typedef struct { CHANNELUSETYPE m_useType; xmPlayingId m_playingId; u8 m_internalId; u8 m_priority; u8 m_locked; u8 m_vol,m_pan; } spuChannelUse; xmPlayingId getNextSparePlayingId(int _baseChannel); int findSpareChannels(int _channelCount,int _priority); void markChannelsAsActive(int _baseChannel,int _channelCount,CHANNELUSETYPE _useType,xmPlayingId _playingId,int _internalId,u8 _priority); void defragSpuMemory(); void updateLoopingSfx(spuChannelUse *ch); unsigned char *m_fhPtr[MAX_XM_HEADERS]; unsigned char *m_songPtr[MAX_SONG_HEADERS]; XMMod m_xmMods[MAX_XM_SONGS]; XMVab m_xmVabs[MAX_XM_VABS]; spuChannelUse m_spuChannelUse[NUM_SPU_CHANNELS]; unsigned char m_masterSongVolume; unsigned char m_masterSfxVolume; }; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- Globals ------- */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- Functions --------- */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #endif /* __SOUND_XMPLAY_H__ */ /*=========================================================================== end */