/*========================================================================= CROSS.CPP Author: Gary Liddon @ Climax Created: Project: Diablo Playstation Conversion Purpose: Find A Crosshair on a frame Copyright (c) 1996 Director's Cut Ltd. ===========================================================================*/ #ifndef __CROSS_HPP__ #define __CROSS_HPP__ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- Includes -------- */ /* Std Lib ------- */ /* STL --- */ /* Glib ---- */ #include #include /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- Tyepdefs && Defines ------------------- */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- Description: This structure is used to find centering cross hairs in frame objects using the FindCrossHair method. If a cross hair is found, the results are put in the x and y member vars. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ struct CROSS_RES { int x; /* x co-ord of cross found */ int y; /* y co-ord of cross found */ bool FindCrossHair(Frame const & Fr,u8 CrossCol); private: int FindLargestIndex(int * CountCol,int Width); }; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- Function Prototypes ------------------- */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #endif /* __CROSS_HPP__ */ /*=========================================================================== end */