/*========================================================================= fgary.cpp Author: CRB Created: Project: Spongebob Purpose: Copyright (c) 2000 Climax Development Ltd ===========================================================================*/ #ifndef __FRIEND_FGARY_H__ #include "friend\fgary.h" #endif #ifndef __GAME_GAME_H__ #include "game\game.h" #endif #ifndef __UTILS_HEADER__ #include "utils\utils.h" #endif #ifndef __PLAYER_PLAYER_H__ #include "player\player.h" #endif #ifndef __VID_HEADER_ #include "system\vid.h" #endif #ifndef __ANIM_GARY_HEADER__ #include #endif #define GARY_SPEED 1 u8 CNpcGaryFriend::m_garySpeech; u8 CNpcGaryFriend::m_hasReachedDoor; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CNpcGaryFriend::postInit() { CNpcFriend::postInit(); m_started = false; m_startMoving = false; m_fallDeath = false; m_drawRotation = 0; m_obstructed = false; m_garySB = false; m_garyMeow = false; m_soundId = (int) NOT_PLAYING; setCollisionSize( 40, 27 ); setCollisionCentreOffset( 0, -14 ); m_garySpeech = false; m_isStopping = false; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CNpcGaryFriend::shutdown() { if ( m_soundId != NOT_PLAYING ) { CSoundMediator::stopAndUnlockSfx( (xmPlayingId) m_soundId ); } CNpcFriend::shutdown(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CNpcGaryFriend::think( int _frames ) { if ( m_soundId != NOT_PLAYING ) { if( !CSoundMediator::isSfxStillPlaying( (xmPlayingId) m_soundId ) ) { // unlock sound if it has finished CSoundMediator::stopAndUnlockSfx( (xmPlayingId) m_soundId ); m_soundId = NOT_PLAYING; } } if ( m_garySB && !m_startMoving ) { if ( !CSoundMediator::isSpeechPlaying() ) { if ( m_garyMeow ) { m_startMoving = true; } else { m_garyMeow = true; CSoundMediator::playSpeech( SPEECH_029 ); } } } if ( m_animPlaying ) { s32 frameCount; frameCount = m_actorGfx->getFrameCount( m_animNo ); s32 frameShift = ( _frames << 8 ) >> 1; if ( ( frameCount << 8 ) - m_frame > frameShift ) { m_frame += frameShift; } else { m_frame = ( frameCount - 1 ) << 8; m_animPlaying = false; } } else { if ( m_startMoving ) { m_animNo = ANIM_GARY_SLITHER; } else { m_animNo = m_data[m_type].idleAnim; } m_animPlaying = true; m_frame = 0; } if ( m_fallDeath ) { m_drawRotation += 64 * _frames; m_drawRotation &= 4095; Pos.vy += m_speed * _frames; if ( m_speed < 5 ) { m_speed++; } DVECTOR const &offset = CLevel::getCameraPos(); if ( Pos.vy - offset.vy > VidGetScrH() ) { setToShutdown(); } } else { s8 multiplier = -1 + ( 2 * m_extension ); s32 maxHeight = 20; s32 fallSpeed = 3; s8 yMovement = fallSpeed * _frames; s8 groundHeight; u8 conveyorOverride = false; // check vertical collision groundHeight = CGameScene::getCollision()->getHeightFromGroundNonSB( Pos.vx, Pos.vy, yMovement + 16 ); switch ( CGameScene::getCollision()->getCollisionBlock( Pos.vx, Pos.vy ) & COLLISION_TYPE_MASK ) { case COLLISION_TYPE_FLAG_DEATH_FALL: case COLLISION_TYPE_FLAG_DEATH_INSTANT: case COLLISION_TYPE_FLAG_DEATH_LIQUID: case COLLISION_TYPE_FLAG_DAMAGE: { CPlayer *player = GameScene.getPlayer(); player->takeDamage( DAMAGE__KILL_OUTRIGHT ); m_speed = -5; m_fallDeath = true; break; } case COLLISION_TYPE_FLAG_MOVE_LEFT: { conveyorOverride = true; int Time = GameState::getFramesSinceLast(); Pos.vx -= Time; Pos.vx -= _frames; break; } case COLLISION_TYPE_FLAG_MOVE_RIGHT: { conveyorOverride = true; int Time = GameState::getFramesSinceLast(); Pos.vx += Time; Pos.vx += _frames; break; } default: break; } if ( m_platform ) { s32 platformHeight = m_platform->getHeightFromPlatformAtPosition( Pos.vx, Pos.vy ); if ( platformHeight < groundHeight ) { //groundHeight = platformHeight; groundHeight = 0; Pos.vy += platformHeight; } //return; } int garyXMovement = multiplier * GARY_SPEED * _frames; if ( m_isStopping ) { int garyRequiredXMovement = m_xStopPos - Pos.vx; if ( garyRequiredXMovement > 0 ) { if ( garyXMovement > garyRequiredXMovement ) { garyXMovement = garyRequiredXMovement; } } else if ( garyRequiredXMovement < 0 ) { if ( garyXMovement < garyRequiredXMovement ) { garyXMovement = garyRequiredXMovement; } } else { m_isStopping = false; m_startMoving = false; m_started = false; m_animNo = m_data[m_type].idleAnim; m_animPlaying = true; m_frame = 0; m_garyMeow = false; m_garySB = false; } } if ( groundHeight <= 0 ) { // groundHeight <= 0 indicates either on ground or below ground // check horizontal collision if ( CGameScene::getCollision()->getHeightFromGroundNonSB( Pos.vx + garyXMovement, Pos.vy ) < -maxHeight ) { // reverse direction m_extension = !m_extension; m_reversed = !m_reversed; } else { // make sure we are on the ground, not below it Pos.vy += groundHeight; if ( m_startMoving ) { if ( canRender() && m_soundId == NOT_PLAYING ) { m_soundId = (int) CSoundMediator::playSfx( CSoundMediator::SFX_GARY_DE_SNAIL, true ); } if ( !conveyorOverride && !m_obstructed ) { Pos.vx += garyXMovement; } } } } else { // above ground if ( groundHeight < yMovement ) { // colliding with ground Pos.vy += groundHeight; if ( CGameScene::getCollision()->getHeightFromGroundNonSB( Pos.vx + garyXMovement, Pos.vy ) < -maxHeight ) { // reverse direction m_extension = !m_extension; } else { if ( m_startMoving ) { if ( m_soundId == NOT_PLAYING ) { m_soundId = (int) CSoundMediator::playSfx( CSoundMediator::SFX_GARY_DE_SNAIL, true ); } if ( !conveyorOverride && !m_obstructed ) { Pos.vx += garyXMovement; } } } } else { Pos.vy += yMovement; } } } m_obstructed = false; // sort out draw rotation DVECTOR testPos1, testPos2; testPos1 = testPos2 = Pos; testPos1.vx -= 10; testPos2.vx += 10; int groundDist = CGameScene::getCollision()->getHeightFromGround( testPos1.vx, testPos1.vy, 16 ); if ( abs( groundDist ) > 15 ) { m_drawRotation = 0; CNpcThing::think(_frames); return; } testPos1.vy += groundDist; groundDist = CGameScene::getCollision()->getHeightFromGround( testPos2.vx, testPos2.vy, 16 ); if ( abs( groundDist ) > 15 ) { m_drawRotation = 0; CNpcThing::think(_frames); return; } testPos2.vy += groundDist; s32 xDist = testPos2.vx - testPos1.vx; s32 yDist = testPos2.vy - testPos1.vy; s16 heading = ratan2( yDist, xDist ); m_drawRotation = heading; CNpcThing::think(_frames); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CNpcGaryFriend::setupWaypoints( sThingActor *ThisActor ) { if ( ThisActor->PointCount > 1 ) { u16 *PntList=(u16*)MakePtr(ThisActor,sizeof(sThingActor)); u16 newXPos, newYPos; // skip first waypoint PntList++; PntList++; // get trigger position newXPos = (u16) *PntList; PntList++; newYPos = (u16) *PntList; PntList++; m_triggerPos.vx = newXPos; m_triggerPos.vy = newYPos; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CNpcGaryFriend::render() { CNpcThing::render(); POLY_FT4 *frame; // Render if (canRender()) { DVECTOR &renderPos=getRenderPos(); frame = m_actorGfx->Render(renderPos,m_animNo,(m_frame>>8),m_reversed); m_actorGfx->RotateScale( frame, renderPos, m_drawRotation, 4096, 4096 ); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CNpcGaryFriend::startLeft() { start(); m_extension = EXTEND_LEFT; m_reversed = true; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CNpcGaryFriend::startRight() { start(); m_extension = EXTEND_RIGHT; m_reversed = false; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CNpcGaryFriend::start() { if ( !m_started ) { m_animNo = ANIM_GARY_SLITHER; m_animPlaying = true; m_frame = 0; m_started = true; if ( !m_garySpeech ) { m_garySpeech = true; m_garyMeow = false; m_garySB = true; CSoundMediator::playSpeech( SPEECH_028 ); } else { m_startMoving = true; m_garySB = false; } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CNpcGaryFriend::stop( int xPos ) { if ( m_started && !m_isStopping ) { m_isStopping = true; m_xStopPos = xPos; } }