SBSPSS/Utils/Parser Generator/BIN/ParGen.cnt
2000-12-08 20:40:33 +00:00

563 lines
15 KiB

:Base ParGen.hlp
1 Parser Generator
2 How to...
3 Setup Visual C++ Version 4.00=setup_visual_cpp_version_400
3 Setup Visual C++ Version 1.52=setup_visual_cpp_version_152
3 Setup Borland C++ Builder Version 3.0=setup_borland_cpp_builder_version_30
3 Setup Borland C++ Version 4.52=setup_borland_cpp_version_452
3 Setup Other C/C++ Compilers=setup_other_c_cpp_compilers
3 Solve Common Linker Problems=solve_common_linker_problems
2 Menus
3 File Menu=menu_file
3 Edit Menu=menu_edit
3 View Menu=menu_view
3 Project Menu=menu_project
3 Options Menu=menu_options
3 Window Menu=menu_window
3 Help Menu=menu_help
2 Control Bars
2 Windows
1 Options
2 AYACC Options
3 Operation=ayacc_operation
3 -? Option=ayacc_option_question
3 -$ Option=ayacc_option_dollar
3 -E Option=ayacc_option_capital_e
3 -G Option=ayacc_option_capital_g
3 -I Option=ayacc_option_capital_i
3 -N Option=ayacc_option_capital_n
3 -R Option=ayacc_option_capital_r
3 -S Option=ayacc_option_capital_s
3 -T Option=ayacc_option_capital_t
3 -c Option=ayacc_option_c
3 -d Option=ayacc_option_d
3 -e Option=ayacc_option_e
3 -f Option=ayacc_option_f
3 -l Option=ayacc_option_l
3 -m Option=ayacc_option_m
3 -o Option=ayacc_option_o
3 -p Option=ayacc_option_p
3 -s Option=ayacc_option_s
3 -v Option=ayacc_option_v
3 -x Option=ayacc_option_x
3 -z Option=ayacc_option_z
2 ALex Options
3 Operation=alex_operation
3 -? Option=alex_option_question
3 -$ Option=alex_option_dollar
3 -E Option=alex_option_capital_e
3 -R Option=alex_option_capital_r
3 -S Option=alex_option_capital_s
3 -T Option=alex_option_capital_t
3 -c Option=alex_option_c
3 -d Option=alex_option_d
3 -e Option=alex_option_e
3 -f Option=alex_option_f
3 -i Option=alex_option_i
3 -l Option=alex_option_l
3 -m Option=alex_option_m
3 -o Option=alex_option_o
3 -r Option=alex_option_r
3 -s Option=alex_option_s
3 -t Option=alex_option_t
3 -u Option=alex_option_u
3 -x Option=alex_option_x
3 -z Option=alex_option_z
1 Errors
2 AYACC Errors
2 AYACC Errors=ayacc_errors
3 Fatal Errors
4 Fatal Error Y1001=Y1001
4 Fatal Error Y1002=Y1002
4 Fatal Error Y1003=Y1003
4 Fatal Error Y1004=Y1004
4 Fatal Error Y1005=Y1005
4 Fatal Error Y1006=Y1006
4 Fatal Error Y1007=Y1007
4 Fatal Error Y1008=Y1008
4 Fatal Error Y1009=Y1009
4 Fatal Error Y1010=Y1010
4 Fatal Error Y1011=Y1011
4 Fatal Error Y1012=Y1012
4 Fatal Error Y1013=Y1013
4 Fatal Error Y1014=Y1014
4 Fatal Error Y1015=Y1015
4 Fatal Error Y1016=Y1016
4 Fatal Error Y1017=Y1017
4 Fatal Error Y1018=Y1018
3 Errors
4 Error Y2001=Y2001
4 Error Y2002=Y2002
4 Error Y2003=Y2003
4 Error Y2004=Y2004
4 Error Y2005=Y2005
4 Error Y2006=Y2006
4 Error Y2007=Y2007
4 Error Y2008=Y2008
4 Error Y2009=Y2009
4 Error Y2010=Y2010
4 Error Y2011=Y2011
4 Error Y2012=Y2012
4 Error Y2013=Y2013
4 Error Y2014=Y2014
4 Error Y2015=Y2015
4 Error Y2016=Y2016
4 Error Y2017=Y2017
4 Error Y2018=Y2018
4 Error Y2019=Y2019
4 Error Y2020=Y2020
4 Error Y2021=Y2021
4 Error Y2022=Y2022
4 Error Y2023=Y2023
4 Error Y2024=Y2024
4 Error Y2025=Y2025
4 Error Y2026=Y2026
4 Error Y2027=Y2027
4 Error Y2028=Y2028
4 Error Y2029=Y2029
4 Error Y2030=Y2030
4 Error Y2031=Y2031
3 Warnings
4 Warning Y4001=Y4001
4 Warning Y4002=Y4002
4 Warning Y4003=Y4003
4 Warning Y4004=Y4004
4 Warning Y4005=Y4005
4 Warning Y4006=Y4006
4 Warning Y4007=Y4007
4 Warning Y4008=Y4008
4 Warning Y4009=Y4009
4 Warning Y4010=Y4010
4 Warning Y4011=Y4011
2 ALex Errors
3 ALex Errors=alex_errors
3 Fatal Errors
4 Fatal Error L1001=L1001
4 Fatal Error L1002=L1002
4 Fatal Error L1003=L1003
4 Fatal Error L1004=L1004
4 Fatal Error L1005=L1005
4 Fatal Error L1006=L1006
4 Fatal Error L1007=L1007
4 Fatal Error L1008=L1008
4 Fatal Error L1009=L1009
4 Fatal Error L1010=L1010
4 Fatal Error L1011=L1011
4 Fatal Error L1012=L1012
4 Fatal Error L1013=L1013
4 Fatal Error L1014=L1014
4 Fatal Error L1015=L1015
4 Fatal Error L1016=L1016
4 Fatal Error L1017=L1017
4 Fatal Error L1018=L1018
3 Errors
4 Error L2001=L2001
4 Error L2002=L2002
4 Error L2003=L2003
4 Error L2004=L2004
4 Error L2005=L2005
4 Error L2006=L2006
4 Error L2007=L2007
4 Error L2008=L2008
4 Error L2009=L2009
4 Error L2010=L2010
4 Error L2011=L2011
4 Error L2012=L2012
4 Error L2013=L2013
4 Error L2014=L2014
4 Error L2015=L2015
4 Error L2016=L2016
4 Error L2017=L2017
4 Error L2018=L2018
4 Error L2019=L2019
4 Error L2020=L2020
4 Error L2021=L2021
3 Warnings
4 Warning L4001=L4001
4 Warning L4002=L4002
4 Warning L4003=L4003
4 Warning L4004=L4004
4 Warning L4005=L4005
4 Warning L4006=L4006
4 Warning L4007=L4007
4 Warning L4008=L4008
4 Warning L4009=L4009
4 Warning L4010=L4010
4 Warning L4011=L4011
4 Warning L4012=L4012
4 Warning L4013=L4013
1 YACC Language
2 YACC Language=yacc_language
2 Introduction=yacc_introduction
3 Grammar Summary=yacc_grammar_summary
2 Tokens
3 Tokens=yacc_tokens
3 Keywords=yacc_keywords
3 Identifiers=yacc_identifiers
3 Character Tokens=yacc_character_tokens
3 Integers=yacc_integers
3 Tags=yacc_tags
3 Actions=yacc_actions
3 Attributes=yacc_attributes
3 Comments=yacc_comments
3 Program Code=yacc_program_code
3 Declaration Code Block=yacc_declaration_code_block
3 Code Block=yacc_code_block
3 Other Tokens=yacc_other_tokens
2 Grammar
3 Grammar=yacc_grammar
2 Declarations Section
3 Declarations Section=yacc_declarations_section
3 Token Declaration=yacc_token_declaration
3 Start Declaration=yacc_start_declaration
3 Type Declaration=yacc_type_declaration
3 Union Declaration=yacc_union_declaration
3 Name Declaration=yacc_name_declaration
3 Include Declaration=yacc_include_declaration
3 Defines=yacc_defines
2 Rules Section
3 Rules Section=yacc_rules_section
3 Grammar Rule=yacc_grammar_rule
3 Production=yacc_production
3 Grammar Symbol=yacc_grammar_symbol
3 Action Symbol=yacc_action_symbol
3 Precedence Symbol=yacc_precedence_symbol
3 Symbol Destructor Rule=yacc_symbol_destructor_rule
3 Ambiguity Resolution=yacc_ambiguity_resolution
3 Error Recovery=yacc_error_recovery
3 Operator Precedence Grammars=yacc_operator_precedence_grammars
2 Programs Section
3 Programs Section=yacc_programs_section
2 Quick Reference Topics
3 Multiple C Parsers=yacc_multiple_parsers
1 Lex Language
2 Lex Language=lex_language
2 Introduction=lex_introduction
2 Grammar Summary=lex_grammar_summary
2 Tokens
3 Keywords=lex_keywords
3 Identifiers=lex_identifiers
3 Integers=lex_integers
3 Characters=lex_characters
3 Character Strings=lex_character_strings
3 Character Classes=lex_character_classes
3 Action=lex_action
3 Separator=lex_separator
3 Comments=lex_comments
3 Program Code=lex_program_code
3 Code Block=lex_code_block
3 Code Line=lex_code_line
3 Macro Name=lex_macro_name
3 Translation String=lex_translation_string
3 Macro Reference=lex_macro_reference
3 Declaration Code Block=lex_declaration_code_block
3 Other Tokens=lex_other_tokens
2 Grammar
3 Grammar=lex_grammar
2 Declarations Section
3 Declarations Section=lex_declarations_section
3 Start Declaration=lex_start_declaration
3 Table Declaration=lex_table_declaration
3 Macro Declaration=lex_macro_declaration
3 Array Declaration=lex_array_declaration
3 Option Declaration=lex_option_declaration
3 Name Declaration=lex_name_declaration
3 Include Declaration=lex_include_declaration
3 Defines=lex_defines
2 Rules Section
3 Rules Section=lex_rules_section
3 Group Rule=lex_group_rule
3 Expression Rule=lex_expression_rule
3 Left Context=lex_left_context
3 Right Context Expression=lex_right_context_expression
3 Union Expression=lex_union_expression
3 Concatenation Expression=lex_concatenation_expression
3 Repetition Expression=lex_repetition_expression
3 Primary Expression=lex_primary_expression
3 Ambiguity Resolution=lex_ambiguity_resolution
2 Programs Section
3 Programs Section=lex_programs_section
2 Quick Reference Topics
3 Multiple C Lexical Analysers=lex_multiple_lexical_analysers
3 Operator Summary=lex_operator_summary
3 ASCII Character Set=ascii_character_set
1 YACC And Lex Library
2 YACC And Lex Library=library
2 Classes
3 Classes=classes
3 yyparser
4 yyparser=yyparser
4 yyparser Members=yyparser_members
4 yyparser Member Variables
5 yychar=yyparser_yychar
5 yydebug=yyparser_yydebug
5 yydebugflush=yyparser_yydebugflush
5 yydebugout=yyparser_yydebugout
5 yydebugstack=yyparser_yydebugstack
5 yyerr=yyparser_yyerr
5 yyerrorcount=yyparser_yyerrorcount
5 yylookahead=yyparser_yylookahead
5 yystackgrow=yyparser_yystackgrow
5 yywipeflg=yyparser_yywipeflg
4 yyparser Construction Member Functions
5 yyparser=yyparser_yyparser
5 yycreate=yyparser_yycreate
5 yydestroy=yyparser_yydestroy
4 yyparser General Member Functions
5 yycleanup=yyparser_yycleanup
5 yydestructpop=yyparser_yydestructpop
5 yyparse=yyparser_yyparse
5 yysetstacksize=yyparser_yysetstacksize
5 yysetup=yyparser_yysetup
5 yywipe=yyparser_yywipe
5 yywork=yyparser_yywork
4 yyparser Service Member Functions
5 yydiscard=yyparser_yydiscard
5 yyerror=yyparser_yyerror
5 yygettoken=yyparser_yygettoken
5 yystackoverflow=yyparser_yystackoverflow
5 yysyntaxerror=yyparser_yysyntaxerror
4 yyparser Action Member Functions
5 yyabort=yyparser_yyabort
5 yyaccept=yyparser_yyaccept
5 yyclearin=yyparser_yyclearin
5 yydestructclearin=yyparser_yydestructclearin
5 yyerrok=yyparser_yyerrok
5 yyexit=yyparser_yyexit
5 yyforceerror=yyparser_yyforceerror
5 yypopping=yyparser_yypopping
5 yyrecovering=yyparser_yyrecovering
5 yyretire=yyparser_yyretire
5 yysetin=yyparser_yysetin
5 yythrowerror=yyparser_yythrowerror
5 yyunclearin=yyparser_yyunclearin
3 yyfparser
4 yyfparser=yyfparser
3 yycparser
4 yycparser=yycparser
3 yylexer
4 yylexer=yylexer
4 yylexer Members=yylexer_members
4 yylexer Member Variables
5 yyin=yylexer_yyin
5 yyeol=yylexer_yyeol
5 yydebug=yylexer_yydebug
5 yydebugout=yylexer_yydebugout
5 yyerr=yylexer_yyerr
5 yyleng=yylexer_yyleng
5 yylineno=yylexer_yylineno
5 yyout=yylexer_yyout
5 yystart=yylexer_yystart
5 yytext=yylexer_yytext
5 yytextgrow=yylexer_yytextgrow
5 yyunputgrow=yylexer_yyunputgrow
4 yylexer Construction Member Functions
5 yylexer=yylexer_yylexer
5 yycreate=yylexer_yycreate
5 yydestroy=yylexer_yydestroy
4 yylexer General Member Functions
5 yycleanup=yylexer_yycleanup
5 yylex=yylexer_yylex
5 yyreset=yylexer_yyreset
5 yysettextsize=yylexer_yysettextsize
5 yysetunputsize=yylexer_yysetunputsize
4 yylexer Service Member Functions
5 yygetchar=yylexer_yygetchar
5 yyinput=yylexer_yyinput
5 yyoutput=yylexer_yyoutput
5 yytextoverflow=yylexer_yytextoverflow
5 yyunput=yylexer_yyunput
5 yyunputoverflow=yylexer_yyunputoverflow
5 yywrap=yylexer_yywrap
4 yylexer Action Member Functions
5 yybegin=yylexer_yybegin
5 yyecho=yylexer_yyecho
5 yyless=yylexer_yyless
5 yymore=yylexer_yymore
5 yynewline=yylexer_yynewline
5 yyreject=yylexer_yyreject
5 yyunputcount=yylexer_yyunputcount
3 yyflexer
4 yyflexer=yyflexer
3 yyclexer
4 yyclexer=yyclexer
2 Functions
3 Functions=functions
3 Parser Instance Functions
4 Parser Instance Functions=parser_instance_functions
4 yymcreateparse=yymcreateparse
4 yymdestroyparse=yymdestroyparse
3 Parser General Functions
4 Parser General Functions=parser_general_functions
4 yycparse=yyparse
4 yycwipe=yycwipe
4 yycwork=yywork
4 yydestructpop=yydestructpop
4 yyparse=yyparse
4 yyparsecleanup=yyparsecleanup
4 yyparseinit=yyparseinit
4 yysetstacksize=yysetstacksize
4 yysetup=yysetup
4 yywipe=yywipe
4 yywork=yywork
4 yymcparse=yymparse
4 yymcwipe=yymcwipe
4 yymcwork=yymwork
4 yymdestructpop=yymdestructpop
4 yymparse=yymparse
4 yymparsecleanup=yymparsecleanup
4 yymparseinit=yymparseinit
4 yymsetstacksize=yymsetstacksize
4 yymsetup=yymsetup
4 yymwipe=yymwipe
4 yymwork=yymwork
3 Parser Service Functions
4 Parser Service Functions=parser_service_functions
4 yydiscard=yydiscard
4 yyerror=yyerror
4 yygettoken=yygettoken
4 yystackoverflow=yystackoverflow
4 yysyntaxerror=yysyntaxerror
4 yymdiscard=yymdiscard
4 yymerror=yymerror
4 yymgettoken=yymgettoken
4 yymstackoverflow=yymstackoverflow
4 yymsyntaxerror=yymsyntaxerror
3 Parser Action Functions
4 Parser Action Functions=parser_action_functions
4 yyabort=yyabort
4 yyaccept=yyaccept
4 yyclearin=yyclearin
4 yycdestructclearin=yycdestructclearin
4 yydestructclearin=yydestructclearin
4 yyerrok=yyerrok
4 yyexit=yyexit
4 yyforceerror=yyforceerror
4 yypopping=yypopping
4 yyrecovering=yyrecovering
4 yyretire=yyretire
4 yysetin=yysetin
4 yythrowerror=yythrowerror
4 yyunclearin=yyunclearin
4 yymcdestructclearin=yymcdestructclearin
4 yymdestructclearin=yymdestructclearin
4 yymabort=yymabort
4 yymaccept=yymaccept
4 yymclearin=yymclearin
4 yymerrok=yymerrok
4 yymexit=yymexit
4 yymforceerror=yymforceerror
4 yympopping=yympopping
4 yymrecovering=yymrecovering
4 yymretire=yymretire
4 yymsetin=yymsetin
4 yymthrowerror=yymthrowerror
4 yymunclearin=yymunclearin
3 Lexical Analyser Instance Functions
4 Lexical Analyser Instance Functions=lexical_analyser_instance_functions
4 yymcreatelex=yymcreatelex
4 yymdestroylex=yymdestroylex
3 Lexical Analyser General Functions
4 Lexical Analyser General Functions=lexical_analyser_general_functions
4 yyclex=yylex
4 yylex=yylex
4 yylexcleanup=yylexcleanup
4 yylexinit=yylexinit
4 yyreset=yyreset
4 yysettextsize=yysettextsize
4 yysetunputsize=yysetunputsize
4 yymclex=yymlex
4 yymlex=yymlex
4 yymlexcleanup=yymlexcleanup
4 yymlexinit=yymlexinit
4 yymreset=yymreset
4 yymsettextsize=yymsettextsize
4 yymsetunputsize=yymsetunputsize
3 Lexical Analyser Service Functions
4 Lexical Analyser Service Functions=lexical_analyser_service_functions
4 yygetchar=yygetchar
4 yyinput=yyinput
4 yyoutput=yyoutput
4 yytextoverflow=yytextoverflow
4 yyunput=yyunput
4 yyunputoverflow=yyunputoverflow
4 yywrap=yywrap
4 yymgetchar=yymgetchar
4 yyminput=yyminput
4 yymoutput=yymoutput
4 yymtextoverflow=yymtextoverflow
4 yymunput=yymunput
4 yymunputoverflow=yymunputoverflow
4 yymwrap=yymwrap
3 Lexical Analyser Action Functions
4 Lexical Analyser Action Functions=lexical_analyser_action_functions
4 yybegin=yybegin
4 yyecho=yyecho
4 yyless=yyless
4 yymore=yymore
4 yynewline=yynewline
4 yyreject=yyreject
4 yyunputcount=yyunputcount
4 yymbegin=yymbegin
4 yymecho=yymecho
4 yymless=yymless
4 yymmore=yymmore
4 yymnewline=yymnewline
4 yymreject=yymreject
4 yymunputcount=yymunputcount
2 Variables
3 Variables=variables
3 Parser Variables
4 Parser Variables=parser_variables
4 yychar=yychar
4 yyerrorcount=yyerrorcount
4 yylookahead=yylookahead
4 yyparsedebug=yyparsedebug
4 yyparsedebugflush=yyparsedebugflush
4 yyparsedebugout=yyparsedebugout
4 yyparsedebugstack=yyparsedebugstack
4 yyparseerr=yyparseerr
4 yystackgrow=yystackgrow
4 yywipeflg=yywipeflg
3 Lexical Analyser Variables
4 Lexical Analyser Variables=lexical_analyser_variables
4 yyin=yyin
4 yyeol=yyeol
4 yyleng=yyleng
4 yylexdebug=yylexdebug
4 yylexdebugflush=yylexdebugflush
4 yylexdebugout=yylexdebugout
4 yylexerr=yylexerr
4 yylineno=yylineno
4 yyout=yyout
4 yystart=yystart
4 yytext=yytext
4 yytextgrow=yytextgrow
4 yyunputgrow=yyunputgrow
3 Common Variables
4 Common Variables=common_variables
4 yydebug=yydebug
4 yydebugflush=yydebugflush
4 yydebugstack=yydebugstack
2 Types
3 Types=types
3 yymparse_t=yymparse_t
3 yymlex_t=yymlex_t
2 Constants
3 Constants=constants
2 Modifiers
3 Modifiers=modifiers
2 Flags
3 Flags=flags
2 Include Files
3 Include Files=include_files
1 License
2 License=license
2 License Agreement=license_agreement
2 Ordering Information=ordering_information
2 Parser Generator Order Form=parser_generator_order_form