SBSPSS/Utils/Parser Generator/SOURCE/yymoutpt.c
2000-12-08 20:40:33 +00:00

43 lines
833 B

This file can be freely modified for the generation of
custom code.
Copyright (c) 1999 Bumble-Bee Software Ltd.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include "mlex.h"
void YYCDECL yymoutput(yymlex_t YYFAR *yy, int ch)
void YYCDECL yymoutput(yy, ch)
yymlex_t YYFAR *yy;
int ch;
yyassert(yy != NULL);
/* debugging */
#ifdef YYDEBUG
if (yydebug || yy->yymdebug) {
char string[128];
sprintf(string, "%p: output: \'", (void *) yy);
yymlexdebugoutput(yy, string);
yymdebugoutput(yy, ch);
yymlexdebugoutput(yy, "\'\n");
yyassert(yy->yymout != NULL);
#ifdef __BORLANDC__
putc((char) ch, yy->yymout);
putc(ch, yy->yymout);