Charles 3804517959
2001-08-02 14:51:29 +00:00

227 lines
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Author: CRB
Project: Spongebob
Copyright (c) 2000 Climax Development Ltd
#ifndef __ENEMY_NPC_H__
#include "enemy\npc.h"
#ifndef __ENEMY_NDUSTDEV_H__
#include "enemy\ndustdev.h"
#ifndef __GAME_GAME_H__
#include "game\game.h"
void CNpcDustDevilEnemy::postInit()
m_npcPath.setPathType( CNpcPath::SINGLE_USE_PATH );
m_fadeVal = 128;
m_fadeOut = false;
void CNpcDustDevilEnemy::render()
SprFrame = NULL;
if ( m_isActive )
if (canRender())
DVECTOR &renderPos=getRenderPos();
SprFrame = m_actorGfx->Render(renderPos,m_animNo,( m_frame >> 8 ),m_reversed);
setSemiTrans( SprFrame, true );
m_actorGfx->RotateScale( SprFrame, renderPos, m_drawRotation, 4096, 4096 );
setRGB0( SprFrame, m_fadeVal, m_fadeVal, m_fadeVal );
sBBox boundingBox = m_actorGfx->GetBBox();
setCollisionSize( ( boundingBox.XMax - boundingBox.XMin ), ( boundingBox.YMax - boundingBox.YMin ) );
setCollisionCentreOffset( ( boundingBox.XMax + boundingBox.XMin ) >> 1, ( boundingBox.YMax + boundingBox.YMin ) >> 1 );
void CNpcDustDevilEnemy::processMovement( int _frames )
s32 maxHeight = 40;
s32 distX, distY;
s32 fallSpeed = 3;
s8 yMovement = fallSpeed * _frames;
s32 groundHeight;
s32 moveX = 0;
s32 moveY = 0;
s32 moveVel = 0;
s32 moveDist = 0;
bool pathComplete;
if ( m_soundId == NOT_PLAYING && m_data[m_type].moveSfx < CSoundMediator::NUM_SFXIDS )
m_soundId = (int) CSoundMediator::playSfx( m_data[m_type].moveSfx, true );
// deal with anims
if ( !m_animPlaying )
m_animPlaying = true;
m_frame = 0;
m_animNo = m_data[m_type].moveAnim;
if ( m_fadeOut )
m_fadeVal -= _frames * 12;
if ( m_fadeVal < 0 )
Pos = m_base;
m_fadeOut = false;
m_fadeVal = 128;
// ignore y component of waypoint, since we are stuck to the ground
if ( m_npcPath.thinkFlat( Pos, &pathComplete, &distX, &distY, &m_heading ) )
// path has finished, waypoint has changed, or there are no waypoints - do not move horizontally
if ( pathComplete )
m_fadeOut = true;
// check for vertical movement
groundHeight = CGameScene::getCollision()->getHeightFromGround( Pos.vx, Pos.vy, yMovement + 16 );
if ( groundHeight <= yMovement )
// groundHeight <= yMovement indicates either just above ground or on or below ground
moveY = groundHeight;
// fall
moveY = yMovement;
// check for collision
distX = distX / abs( distX );
if ( CGameScene::getCollision()->getHeightFromGround( Pos.vx + ( distX * m_speed * _frames ), Pos.vy ) < -maxHeight )
// there is an obstacle in the way, increment the path point (hopefully this will resolve the problem)
// check for vertical movement
groundHeight = CGameScene::getCollision()->getHeightFromGround( Pos.vx, Pos.vy, yMovement + 16 );
if ( groundHeight <= yMovement )
// groundHeight <= yMovement indicates either just above ground or on or below ground
moveX = distX * m_speed * _frames;
moveY = groundHeight;
// fall
moveY = yMovement;
processMovementModifier( _frames, moveX, moveY, moveVel, moveDist );
void CNpcDustDevilEnemy::processMovementModifier( int _frames, s32 distX, s32 distY, s32 dist, s16 headingChange )
Pos.vx += distX;
Pos.vy += distY;
// sort out draw rotation
DVECTOR testPos1, testPos2;
testPos1 = testPos2 = Pos;
testPos1.vx -= 10;
testPos2.vx += 10;
int groundDist = CGameScene::getCollision()->getHeightFromGround( testPos1.vx, testPos1.vy, 16 );
if ( abs( groundDist ) > 15 )
m_drawRotation = 0;
testPos1.vy += groundDist;
groundDist = CGameScene::getCollision()->getHeightFromGround( testPos2.vx, testPos2.vy, 16 );
if ( abs( groundDist ) > 15 )
m_drawRotation = 0;
testPos2.vy += groundDist;
s32 xDist = testPos2.vx - testPos1.vx;
s32 yDist = testPos2.vy - testPos1.vy;
s16 heading = ratan2( yDist, xDist ) & 4095;
m_drawRotation = heading;
s32 CNpcDustDevilEnemy::getFrameShift( int _frames )
return( ( _frames << 8 ) >> 2 );