2000-12-22 17:10:46 +00:00

112 lines
2.4 KiB

ParserWizard generated Lex file.
Date: 07 December 2000
#include "parser.h"
#include "var.h"
#include "function.h"
#include "prepro.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
// declarations section
// lexical analyser name
%name mylexer
// class definition
int openInputFile(char *_filename);
int closeInputFile();
void setCurrentParser(class myparser *_parser) {m_currentParser=_parser;}
class myparser *getCurrentParser() {return m_currentParser;}
void error();
int getErrorCount();
// Overridden lexer functions
int yygetchar();
void unexpectedChar();
void comment();
class myparser *m_currentParser;
// constructor
// place any extra initialisation code here
// place any declarations here
// rules section
// extract yylval for use later on in actions
YYSTYPE& yylval = *(YYSTYPE*)yyparserptr->yylvalptr;
// place your Lex rules here
^#.* {if(preprocessorCmd(yytext+1)!=(int)true)error();}
# {printf("# commands must be at start of line!\n");error();}
stop {return STOP;}
if {return IF;}
else {return ELSE;}
while {return WHILE;}
do {return DO;}
pause {return PAUSE;}
print {return PRINT;}
= {return ASSIGN;}
== {return EQUAL;}
!= {return NOTEQUAL;}
\< {return LESSTHAN;}
\> {return GREATERTHAN;}
\+ {return PLUS;}
\- {return SUBTRACT;}
\* {return MULTIPLY;}
\/ {return DIVIDE;}
; {return END_STMT;}
\( {return OPEN_PAR;}
\) {return CLOSE_PAR;}
\{ {return BEGIN_CS;}
\} {return END_CS;}
, {return COMMA;}
\$[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]* {yylval.variableIdx=lookupVarName(yytext+1);return VARIABLE;}
[0-9]+ {yylval.value=atoi(yytext);return VALUE;}
// \"[^\"]*\" {printf("s:%s\n",yytext);return STRING;}
_[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]* {yylval.functionNumber=lookupFunctionName(yytext+1);return FUNCTION;}
\/\/.* {}
\/\* {comment();}
[ \t]+ {}
\n {}
. {unexpectedChar();}
// programs section