mirror of https://gitlab.com/kelteseth/ScreenPlay.git synced 2024-09-16 07:22:34 +02:00
This commit is contained in:
Elias Steurer 2020-08-10 16:42:12 +02:00
parent 4f8a4a2681
commit a37fab0692
6 changed files with 320 additions and 399 deletions

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import QtQuick 2.12
import QtQuick.Controls 2.3
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.12
import QtQuick.Controls.Material 2.2
import ScreenPlay 1.0
@ -9,8 +10,12 @@ Item {
property string description: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit."
property bool isChecked: false
property bool available: true
height: txtHeadline.paintedHeight + txtDescription.paintedHeight + 20
width: parent.width
onAvailableChanged: {
if (!available) {
settingsBool.opacity = .5
radioButton.enabled = false
} else {
@ -20,9 +25,6 @@ Item {
signal checkboxChanged(bool checked)
height: 50 +txtDescription.paintedHeight
width: parent.width
Text {
id: txtHeadline
color: Material.foreground
@ -31,32 +33,35 @@ Item {
font.pointSize: 12
verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignLeft
wrapMode: Text.WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere
anchors {
top: parent.top
topMargin: 6
left: parent.left
leftMargin: 20
right: parent.right
rightMargin: 20
Text {
id: txtDescription
text: settingsBool.description
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
color: Material.theme === Material.Light ? Qt.lighter(Material.foreground) : Qt.darker(Material.foreground)
color: Material.theme === Material.Light ? Qt.lighter(
Material.foreground) : Qt.darker(
font.family: ScreenPlay.settings.font
verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignLeft
font.pointSize: 10
anchors {
top: txtHeadline.bottom
topMargin: 6
left: parent.left
leftMargin: 20
right: radioButton.left
rightMargin: 20
@ -71,7 +76,7 @@ Item {
checked: settingsBool.isChecked
onCheckedChanged: {
if(radioButton.checkState === Qt.Checked){
if (radioButton.checkState === Qt.Checked) {
} else {

View File

@ -45,356 +45,277 @@ Item {
ScrollBar.vertical: ScrollBar {
snapMode: ScrollBar.SnapOnRelease
Column {
id: columnWrapper
anchors.margins: 20
width: 760
width: parent.width - 40
spacing: 30
Item {
Page {
id: settingsGeneralWrapper
height: 620 + txtDirChangesInfo.paintedHeight
width: parent.width
width: columnWrapper.width
height: contentHeight + headerGeneral.height + columnGeneral.spacing * 3
Material.elevation: 4
RectangularGlow {
id: effectBtnEmpty
anchors {
top: parent.top
height: parent.height
width: parent.width
cached: true
glowRadius: 3
spread: 0.2
color: "black"
opacity: 0.2
cornerRadius: 15
header: SettingsHeader {
id: headerGeneral
text: qsTr("General")
Rectangle {
anchors.fill: parent
radius: 4
clip: true
color: Material.theme === Material.Light ? "white" : Material.background
contentItem: Column {
id: columnGeneral
spacing: 20
anchors {
top: headerGeneral.bottom
topMargin: 20
right: parent.right
left: parent.left
leftMargin: 20
rightMargin: 20
SettingBool {
headline: qsTr("Autostart")
description: qsTr("ScreenPlay will start with Windows and will setup your Desktop every time for you.")
isChecked: ScreenPlay.settings.autostart
onCheckboxChanged: {
SettingsHorizontalSeperator {}
SettingBool {
headline: qsTr("High priority Autostart")
available: false
SettingsHeader {
id: headerGeneral
text: qsTr("General")
description: qsTr("This options grants ScreenPlay a higher autostart priority than other apps.")
isChecked: ScreenPlay.settings.highPriorityStart
onCheckboxChanged: {
SettingsHorizontalSeperator {}
SettingBool {
height: 70
headline: qsTr("Send anonymous crash reports and statistics")
description: qsTr("Help us make ScreenPlay faster and more stable. All collected data is purely anonymous and only used for development purposes!")
isChecked: ScreenPlay.settings.anonymousTelemetry
onCheckboxChanged: {
SettingsHorizontalSeperator {}
SettingsButton {
headline: qsTr("Set save location")
description: {
// Remove file:/// so the used does not get confused
let path = ScreenPlay.globalVariables.localStoragePath + ""
if (path.length === 0) {
return qsTr("Your storage path is empty!")
} else {
return path.replace('file:///', '')
buttonText: qsTr("Set location")
onButtonPressed: {
FolderDialog {
id: folderDialogSaveLocation
currentFolder: ScreenPlay.globalVariables.localStoragePath
onAccepted: {
Text {
id: txtDirChangesInfo
text: qsTr("Important: Changing this directory has no effect on the workshop download path. ScreenPlay only supports having one content folder!")
color: Qt.darker(Material.foreground)
wrapMode: Text.WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere
font.pointSize: 10
font.family: ScreenPlay.settings.font
height: 30
anchors {
top: parent.top
left: parent.left
right: parent.right
rightMargin: 10
left: parent.left
leftMargin: 20
Column {
spacing: 10
anchors {
top: headerGeneral.bottom
margins: 20
right: parent.right
bottom: parent.bottom
left: parent.left
SettingBool {
headline: qsTr("Autostart")
description: qsTr("ScreenPlay will start with Windows and will setup your Desktop every time for you.")
isChecked: ScreenPlay.settings.autostart
onCheckboxChanged: {
SettingsHorizontalSeperator {}
SettingBool {
headline: qsTr("High priority Autostart")
available: false
SettingsHorizontalSeperator {}
description: qsTr("This options grants ScreenPlay a higher autostart priority than other apps.")
isChecked: ScreenPlay.settings.highPriorityStart
onCheckboxChanged: {
SettingsHorizontalSeperator {}
SettingBool {
height: 70
headline: qsTr("Send anonymous crash reports and statistics")
description: qsTr("Help us make ScreenPlay faster and more stable. All collected data is purely anonymous and only used for development purposes!")
isChecked: ScreenPlay.settings.anonymousTelemetry
onCheckboxChanged: {
SettingsHorizontalSeperator {}
SettingsButton {
headline: qsTr("Set save location")
description: {
// Remove file:/// so the used does not get confused
let path = ScreenPlay.globalVariables.localStoragePath + ""
if (path.length === 0) {
return qsTr("Your storage path is empty!")
} else {
return path.replace('file:///', '')
buttonText: qsTr("Set location")
onButtonPressed: {
FolderDialog {
id: folderDialogSaveLocation
currentFolder: ScreenPlay.globalVariables.localStoragePath
onAccepted: {
SettingsComboBox {
id: settingsLanguage
headline: qsTr("Language")
description: qsTr("Set the ScreenPlay UI Language")
Component.onCompleted: {
settingsLanguage.comboBox.currentIndex = root.indexOfValue(
Text {
id: txtDirChangesInfo
text: qsTr("Important: Changing this directory has no effect on the workshop download path. ScreenPlay only supports having one content folder!")
color: Qt.darker(Material.foreground)
height: 30
width: parent.width
verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignLeft
font.pointSize: 10
font.family: ScreenPlay.settings.font
anchors {
right: parent.right
left: parent.left
leftMargin: 20
comboBox {
onActivated: {
model: [{
"value": Settings.En,
"text": qsTr("English")
}, {
"value": Settings.De,
"text": qsTr("German")
}, {
"value": Settings.Ru,
"text": qsTr("Russian")
}, {
"value": Settings.Fr,
"text": qsTr("French")
}, {
"value": Settings.Es,
"text": qsTr("Spanish")
}, {
"value": Settings.Ko,
"text": qsTr("Korean")
}, {
"value": Settings.Vi,
"text": qsTr("Vietnamese")
SettingsHorizontalSeperator {}
SettingsComboBox {
id: settingsTheme
headline: qsTr("Theme")
description: qsTr("Switch dark/light theme")
Component.onCompleted: {
settingsTheme.comboBox.currentIndex = root.indexOfValue(
SettingsHorizontalSeperator {}
SettingsComboBox {
id: settingsLanguage
headline: qsTr("Language")
description: qsTr("Set the ScreenPlay UI Language")
Component.onCompleted: {
settingsLanguage.comboBox.currentIndex = root.indexOfValue(
comboBox {
onActivated: {
model: [{
"value": Settings.En,
"text": qsTr("English")
}, {
"value": Settings.De,
"text": qsTr("German")
}, {
"value": Settings.Ru,
"text": qsTr("Russian")
}, {
"value": Settings.Fr,
"text": qsTr("French")
}, {
"value": Settings.Es,
"text": qsTr("Spanish")
}, {
"value": Settings.Ko,
"text": qsTr("Korean")
}, {
"value": Settings.Vi,
"text": qsTr("Vietnamese")
SettingsHorizontalSeperator {}
SettingsComboBox {
id: settingsTheme
headline: qsTr("Theme")
description: qsTr("Switch dark/light theme")
Component.onCompleted: {
settingsTheme.comboBox.currentIndex = root.indexOfValue(
comboBox {
onActivated: {
model: [{
"value": Settings.System,
"text": qsTr("System Default")
}, {
"value": Settings.Dark,
"text": qsTr("Dark")
}, {
"value": Settings.Light,
"text": qsTr("Light")
comboBox {
onActivated: {
model: [{
"value": Settings.System,
"text": qsTr("System Default")
}, {
"value": Settings.Dark,
"text": qsTr("Dark")
}, {
"value": Settings.Light,
"text": qsTr("Light")
Item {
id: settingsPerformanceWrapper
height: perfomanceWrapper.childrenRect.height + headerPerformance.height + 48
width: parent.width
Page {
width: columnWrapper.width
height: contentHeight + headerGeneral.height + columnGeneral.spacing * 3
Material.elevation: 4
RectangularGlow {
id: effect2
anchors {
top: parent.top
height: parent.height
width: parent.width
cached: true
glowRadius: 3
spread: 0.2
color: "black"
opacity: 0.2
cornerRadius: 15
header: SettingsHeader {
id: headerPerformance
text: qsTr("Performance")
image: "qrc:/assets/icons/icon_build.svg"
Rectangle {
anchors.fill: parent
color: Material.theme === Material.Light ? "white" : Material.background
radius: 4
clip: true
SettingsHeader {
id: headerPerformance
text: qsTr("Performance")
image: "qrc:/assets/icons/icon_build.svg"
anchors {
top: parent.top
left: parent.left
right: parent.right
contentItem: Column {
id: perfomanceWrapper
spacing: 20
anchors {
top: headerPerformance.bottom
topMargin: 20
right: parent.right
left: parent.left
leftMargin: 20
rightMargin: 20
SettingBool {
headline: qsTr("Pause wallpaper video rendering while another app is in the foreground")
description: qsTr("We disable the video rendering (not the audio!) for the best performance. If you have problem you can disable this behaviour here. Wallpaper restart required!")
isChecked: ScreenPlay.settings.checkWallpaperVisible
onCheckboxChanged: {
Column {
id: perfomanceWrapper
anchors {
top: headerPerformance.bottom
margins: 20
right: parent.right
bottom: parent.bottom
left: parent.left
SettingsHorizontalSeperator {}
SettingsComboBox {
id: cbVideoFillMode
headline: qsTr("Default Fill Mode")
description: qsTr("Set this property to define how the video is scaled to fit the target area.")
Component.onCompleted: {
cbVideoFillMode.comboBox.currentIndex = root.indexOfValue(
spacing: 10
comboBox {
onActivated: ScreenPlay.settings.setVideoFillMode(
SettingBool {
headline: qsTr("Pause wallpaper video rendering while another app is in the foreground")
description: qsTr("We disable the video rendering (not the audio!) for the best performance. If you have problem you can disable this behaviour here. Wallpaper restart required!")
isChecked: ScreenPlay.settings.checkWallpaperVisible
onCheckboxChanged: {
SettingsHorizontalSeperator {}
SettingsComboBox {
id: cbVideoFillMode
headline: qsTr("Default Fill Mode")
description: qsTr("Set this property to define how the video is scaled to fit the target area.")
Component.onCompleted: {
cbVideoFillMode.comboBox.currentIndex = root.indexOfValue(
comboBox {
onActivated: ScreenPlay.settings.setVideoFillMode(
model: [{
"value": FillMode.Stretch,
"text": qsTr("Stretch")
}, {
"value": FillMode.Fill,
"text": qsTr("Fill")
}, {
"value": FillMode.Contain,
"text": qsTr("Contain")
}, {
"value": FillMode.Cover,
"text": qsTr("Cover")
}, {
"value": FillMode.Scale_Down,
"text": qsTr("Scale-Down")
model: [{
"value": FillMode.Stretch,
"text": qsTr("Stretch")
}, {
"value": FillMode.Fill,
"text": qsTr("Fill")
}, {
"value": FillMode.Contain,
"text": qsTr("Contain")
}, {
"value": FillMode.Cover,
"text": qsTr("Cover")
}, {
"value": FillMode.Scale_Down,
"text": qsTr("Scale-Down")
Item {
id: settingsAboutrapper
height: settingsAboutrapperWrapper.childrenRect.height + 100
width: parent.width
Page {
width: columnWrapper.width
height: contentHeight + headerAbout.height + aboutWrapper.spacing * 3
Material.elevation: 4
RectangularGlow {
id: effect3
anchors {
top: parent.top
height: parent.height
width: parent.width
cached: true
glowRadius: 3
spread: 0.2
color: "black"
opacity: 0.2
cornerRadius: 15
header: SettingsHeader {
id: headerAbout
text: qsTr("About")
image: "qrc:/assets/icons/icon_cake.svg"
Rectangle {
color: Material.theme === Material.Light ? "white" : Material.background
anchors.fill: parent
radius: 4
clip: true
SettingsHeader {
id: headerAbout
text: qsTr("About")
image: "qrc:/assets/icons/icon_cake.svg"
anchors {
top: parent.top
left: parent.left
right: parent.right
contentItem: Column {
id: aboutWrapper
spacing: 20
anchors {
top: headerAbout.bottom
topMargin: 20
right: parent.right
left: parent.left
leftMargin: 20
rightMargin: 20
Column {
id: settingsAboutrapperWrapper
width: parent.width
spacing: 10
anchors {
top: headerAbout.bottom
left: parent.left
right: parent.right
margins: 20
Item {
width: parent.width
height: 180
height: txtHeadline.paintedHeight + txtDescriptionAbout.paintedHeight
+ wrapperLinks.childrenRect.height + 80
Text {
id: txtHeadline
color: Material.foreground
@ -429,11 +350,11 @@ Item {
leftMargin: 20
right: imgLogoHead.left
rightMargin: 60
bottom: parent.bottom
RowLayout {
id: wrapperLinks
anchors {
left: parent.left
margins: 20
@ -496,81 +417,70 @@ Item {
smooth: true
SettingsHorizontalSeperator {}
SettingsButton {
icon.source: "qrc:/assets/icons/icon_launch.svg"
headline: qsTr("Version")
description: qsTr("ScreenPlay Build Version ")
+ ScreenPlay.settings.gitBuildHash
buttonText: qsTr("Open Changelog")
onButtonPressed: Qt.openUrlExternally(
SettingsHorizontalSeperator {}
SettingsHorizontalSeperator {}
SettingsButton {
headline: qsTr("Third Party Software")
description: qsTr("ScreenPlay would not be possible without the work of others. A big thank you to: ")
buttonText: qsTr("Licenses")
onButtonPressed: {
SettingsExpander {
id: expanderCopyright
anchors {
left: parent.left
right: parent.right
SettingsButton {
icon.source: "qrc:/assets/icons/icon_launch.svg"
headline: qsTr("Version")
description: qsTr("ScreenPlay Build Version ")
+ ScreenPlay.settings.gitBuildHash
buttonText: qsTr("Open Changelog")
onButtonPressed: Qt.openUrlExternally(
Connections {
target: ScreenPlay.util
function onAllLicenseLoaded(licensesText) {
expanderCopyright.text = licensesText
SettingsHorizontalSeperator {}
SettingsButton {
headline: qsTr("Third Party Software")
description: qsTr("ScreenPlay would not be possible without the work of others. A big thank you to: ")
buttonText: qsTr("Licenses")
onButtonPressed: {
SettingsHorizontalSeperator {}
SettingsButton {
headline: qsTr("Debug Messages")
description: qsTr("If your ScreenPlay missbehaves this is a good way to look for answers. This shows all logs and warning during runtime.")
buttonText: qsTr("Debug Messages")
onButtonPressed: {
SettingsExpander {
id: expanderDebug
text: ScreenPlay.util.debugMessages
anchors {
left: parent.left
right: parent.right
SettingsHorizontalSeperator {}
SettingsButton {
headline: qsTr("Data Protection")
description: qsTr("We use you data very carefully to improve ScreenPlay. We do not sell or share this (anonymous) information with others!")
buttonText: qsTr("Privacy")
onButtonPressed: {
SettingsExpander {
id: expanderDataProtection
anchors {
left: parent.left
right: parent.right
SettingsExpander {
id: expanderCopyright
Connections {
target: ScreenPlay.util
function onAllDataProtectionLoaded(dataProtectionText) {
expanderDataProtection.text = dataProtectionText
Connections {
target: ScreenPlay.util
function onAllLicenseLoaded(licensesText) {
expanderCopyright.text = licensesText
SettingsHorizontalSeperator {}
SettingsButton {
headline: qsTr("Debug Messages")
description: qsTr("If your ScreenPlay missbehaves this is a good way to look for answers. This shows all logs and warning during runtime.")
buttonText: qsTr("Debug Messages")
onButtonPressed: {
SettingsExpander {
id: expanderDebug
text: ScreenPlay.util.debugMessages
SettingsHorizontalSeperator {}
SettingsButton {
headline: qsTr("Data Protection")
description: qsTr("We use you data very carefully to improve ScreenPlay. We do not sell or share this (anonymous) information with others!")
buttonText: qsTr("Privacy")
onButtonPressed: {
SettingsExpander {
id: expanderDataProtection
Connections {
target: ScreenPlay.util
function onAllDataProtectionLoaded(dataProtectionText) {
expanderDataProtection.text = dataProtectionText
@ -582,7 +492,7 @@ Item {
Designer {

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import QtQuick 2.12
import QtQuick.Controls 2.3
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.12
import QtQuick.Controls.Material 2.2
import ScreenPlay 1.0
@ -13,6 +14,9 @@ Item {
property bool isChecked: false
property bool enabled: true
property bool available: true
height: txtHeadline.paintedHeight + txtDescription.paintedHeight + 20
width: parent.width
onAvailableChanged: {
if (!available) {
settingsButton.opacity = .5
@ -25,9 +29,6 @@ Item {
signal buttonPressed
height: 20 + txtHeadline.paintedHeight + txtDescription.paintedHeight
width: parent.width
Text {
id: txtHeadline
color: Material.foreground
@ -48,7 +49,9 @@ Item {
Text {
id: txtDescription
text: settingsButton.description
color: Material.theme === Material.Light ? Qt.lighter(Material.foreground) : Qt.darker(Material.foreground)
color: Material.theme === Material.Light ? Qt.lighter(
Material.foreground) : Qt.darker(
verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap

View File

@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
import QtQuick 2.12
import QtQuick.Controls 2.3
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.12
import QtQuick.Controls.Material 2.2
import ScreenPlay 1.0
Item {
Control {
id: settingsComboBox
property string headline: "Headline"
property string description: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit."
property bool enabled: true
property alias comboBox: comboBox
height: 20 + txtDescription.paintedHeight + txtHeadline.paintedHeight
width: parent.width
height: txtHeadline.paintedHeight + txtDescription.paintedHeight +20
Text {
id: txtHeadline
color: Material.foreground
text: settingsComboBox.headline
verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignLeft
anchors {

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import QtQuick 2.12
import QtQuick.Controls 2.3
import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.2
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.12
import QtQuick.Controls.Material 2.2
import ScreenPlay 1.0
@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ Item {
id: root
state: "off"
clip: true
width: parent.width
implicitHeight: 50
property alias text: txtExpander.text

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import QtQuick 2.12
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.12
import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0
import ScreenPlay 1.0
@ -9,8 +10,8 @@ Item {
property color background: "#FFAB00"
property string text: "HEADLINE"
property url image: "qrc:/assets/icons/icon_settings.svg"
height: 50
width: parent.width
height: 70
Rectangle {
id: radiusWorkaround
@ -82,13 +83,13 @@ Item {
PropertyChanges {
target: imgIcon
anchors.leftMargin: -50
anchors.leftMargin: -10
opacity: 0
PropertyChanges {
target: txtHeadline
anchors.topMargin: 50
anchors.topMargin: 10
opacity: 0