on run argv -- Constants for window dimensions set BG_W to 780 set BG_H to 390 set TITLE_BAR_H to 22 set diskImage to item 1 of argv tell application "Finder" tell disk diskImage -- Must call open and close to set window options later open -- Setup background and icon arrangement set current view of container window to icon view set theViewOptions to the icon view options of container window -- Note: CMake automatically renames the file to background. set background picture of theViewOptions to file ".background:background.png" set arrangement of theViewOptions to not arranged set icon size of theViewOptions to 72 -- Attempt to hide sidebar and toolbar set toolbar visible of container window to false set statusbar visible of container window to false set sidebar width of container window to 0 -- Get current position of the window set {currentX, currentY} to position of container window -- Set the new bounds of the window set bounds of container window to {currentX, currentY, currentX + BG_W, currentY + BG_H + TITLE_BAR_H} -- Set icon positions set position of item "ScreenPlay.app" to {137, 99} set position of item "Applications" to {287, 99} -- Update and apply changes update without registering applications delay 5 close end tell end tell end run