#!/usr/bin/python3 # SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-EliasSteurerTachiom OR AGPL-3.0-only from platform import system from pathlib import Path from execute_util import execute import download_ffmpeg import defines import argparse import util import shutil import macos_make_universal import datetime import setup_godot from sys import stdout stdout.reconfigure(encoding='utf-8') class commands_list(): def __init__(self): self.commands = [] def add(self, command, cwd=".", ignore_error=False, use_shell=True, print_command=True): self.commands.append({ "command": command, "cwd": cwd, "ignore_error": ignore_error, "use_shell": use_shell, "print_command": print_command }) def get_commands(self): return self.commands def execute_commands(self): ''' This function execute all commands added to the list. ''' for command in self.commands: # Check if the command if a string. if isinstance(command["command"], str): execute(command["command"], command["cwd"], command["ignore_error"], command["use_shell"], command["print_command"]) else: # Function call command["command"]() def download(aqt_path: Path, qt_platform: Path): qt_packages = "" if system() == "Windows": os = "windows" elif system() == "Darwin": os = "mac" elif system() == "Linux": qt_packages = "qtwaylandcompositor " os = "linux" qt_packages += "qt3d qtquick3d qtconnectivity qt5compat qtimageformats qtmultimedia qtshadertools qtwebchannel qtwebengine qtwebsockets qtwebview qtpositioning " qt_packages += "debug_info" # Windows: python -m aqt list-qt windows desktop --modules 6.7.2 win64_msvc2019_64 # Linux: python3 -m aqt list-qt linux desktop --modules 6.7.2 gcc_64 print(f"Downloading: {qt_packages} to {aqt_path}") execute(f"{defines.PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} -m aqt install-qt -O {aqt_path} {os} desktop {defines.QT_VERSION} {qt_platform} -m {qt_packages}") # Tools can only be installed one at the time: # see: python -m aqt list-tool windows desktop tools = ["tools_ifw"] for tool in tools: execute( f"{defines.PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} -m aqt install-tool -O {aqt_path} {os} desktop {tool}") def setup_qt(): aqt_path = defines.QT_PATH print(f"Setup Qt via aqt at {aqt_path}") if system() == "Windows": qt_platform = "win64_msvc2019_64" elif system() == "Darwin": qt_platform = "clang_64" elif system() == "Linux": qt_platform = "gcc_64" qt_base_path = aqt_path.joinpath(defines.QT_VERSION).resolve() qt_path = qt_base_path.joinpath(qt_platform).resolve() if not qt_path.exists(): download(aqt_path, qt_platform) else: # Betas & RCs are technically the same version. So limit download to x days days = 30 folder_creation_date: datetime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( qt_base_path.stat().st_mtime, tz=datetime.timezone.utc) now: datetime = datetime.datetime.now(tz=datetime.timezone.utc) two_weeks_ago: datetime = now - datetime.timedelta(days=days) if (folder_creation_date < two_weeks_ago): print( f"qt version at `{qt_base_path}` older than {days} days ({folder_creation_date}), redownload!") download(aqt_path, qt_platform) else: print(f"Qt {defines.QT_VERSION} is up to date and ready ") def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Build and Package ScreenPlay') parser.add_argument('--skip-aqt', action="store_true", dest="skip_aqt", help="Downloads needed Qt binaries Windows") args = parser.parse_args() root_path = Path(util.cd_repo_root_path()) project_source_parent_path = root_path.joinpath("../").resolve() vcpkg_path = project_source_parent_path.joinpath("vcpkg").resolve() vcpkg_packages_list = defines.VCPKG_BASE_PACKAGES if system() != "Darwin": if not setup_godot.execute(): raise RuntimeError("Unable to download godot") if not download_ffmpeg.execute(): raise RuntimeError("Unable to download ffmpeg") if system() == "Windows": vcpkg_command = "vcpkg.exe" vcpkg_packages_list.append("infoware[d3d]") vcpkg_packages_list.append("sentry-native[transport]") platform_command = commands_list() platform_command.add("bootstrap-vcpkg.bat", vcpkg_path, False) vcpkg_triplet = ["x64-windows"] elif system() == "Darwin": vcpkg_command = "./vcpkg" # vcpkg_packages_list.append("infoware[opencl]") does not work with arm vcpkg_packages_list.append("curl") # Hidden dependency from sentry platform_command = commands_list() platform_command.add("chmod +x bootstrap-vcpkg.sh", vcpkg_path) platform_command.add("./bootstrap-vcpkg.sh", vcpkg_path, False) platform_command.add("chmod +x vcpkg", vcpkg_path) vcpkg_triplet = ["x64-osx","arm64-osx"] elif system() == "Linux": vcpkg_command = "./vcpkg" # vcpkg_packages_list.append("infoware[opengl]") platform_command = commands_list() platform_command.add("chmod +x bootstrap-vcpkg.sh", vcpkg_path) platform_command.add("./bootstrap-vcpkg.sh", vcpkg_path, False) platform_command.add("chmod +x vcpkg", vcpkg_path) vcpkg_triplet = ["x64-linux"] else: raise NotImplementedError("Unknown system: {}".format(system())) print(f"Clone into {vcpkg_path}") execute("git clone https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg vcpkg", project_source_parent_path, True) execute("git fetch", vcpkg_path) execute(f"git checkout {defines.VCPKG_VERSION}", vcpkg_path) # Setup vcpkg via boostrap script first platform_command.execute_commands() # Execute platform specific commands. execute(f"{vcpkg_command} remove --outdated --recurse", vcpkg_path, False) for triplet in vcpkg_triplet: vcpkg_packages = " ".join(vcpkg_packages_list) execute( f"{vcpkg_command} install {vcpkg_packages} --triplet {triplet} --recurse", vcpkg_path, False) # Combine x64 and arm if system() == "Darwin": macos_make_universal.execute() if not args.skip_aqt: setup_qt() if __name__ == "__main__": main()