import QtQml import QtQuick import QtQuick.Controls import ScreenPlayWallpaper import ScreenPlay.Enums.InstalledType import ScreenPlay.Enums.VideoCodec Rectangle { id: root property bool canFadeByWallpaperFillMode: true function init() { fadeInImageSetup() switch (Wallpaper.type) { case InstalledType.VideoWallpaper: if (Wallpaper.videoCodec === VideoCodec.Unknown) { Wallpaper.terminate() } // macOS only supports h264 via the native Qt MM if (Qt.platform.os === "osx") { if ((Wallpaper.videoCodec === VideoCodec.VP8 || Wallpaper.videoCodec === VideoCodec.VP9)) { loader.source = "qrc:/qml/ScreenPlayWallpaper/qml/MultimediaWebView.qml" } else { loader.source = "qrc:/qml/ScreenPlayWallpaper/qml/MultimediaView.qml" } } if (Qt.platform.os === "windows") { loader.source = "qrc:/qml/ScreenPlayWallpaper/qml/MultimediaView.qml" } break case InstalledType.HTMLWallpaper: loader.setSource( "qrc:/qml/ScreenPlayWallpaper/qml/WebsiteWallpaper.qml", { "url": Qt.resolvedUrl( Wallpaper.projectSourceFileAbsolute) }) break case InstalledType.QMLWallpaper: loader.source = Qt.resolvedUrl(Wallpaper.projectSourceFileAbsolute) break case InstalledType.WebsiteWallpaper: loader.setSource( "qrc:/qml/ScreenPlayWallpaper/qml/WebsiteWallpaper.qml", { "url": Wallpaper.projectSourceFileAbsolute }) break case InstalledType.GifWallpaper: loader.setSource( "qrc:/qml/ScreenPlayWallpaper/qml/GifWallpaper.qml", { "source": Qt.resolvedUrl( Wallpaper.projectSourceFileAbsolute) }) break } } function fadeInImageSetup(){ if (Qt.platform.os !== "windows") { root.canFadeByWallpaperFillMode = false return } imgCover.source = Qt.resolvedUrl("file:///" + Wallpaper.windowsDesktopProperties.wallpaperPath) switch (Wallpaper.windowsDesktopProperties.wallpaperStyle) { case 10: imgCover.fillMode = Image.PreserveAspectCrop // We only support fade in for one screen if (Wallpaper.activeScreensList.length !== 1) return if (Wallpaper.width === 0) return if (Wallpaper.width > Wallpaper.windowsDesktopProperties.defaultWallpaperSize.width) return // Windows does some weird top margin if the Wallpaper // is bigger than the monitor. So instead of centering // it vertically it moves the wallpaper down by 1/3 of // the remaining height. // 1. Scale down the wallpaper based on the height. // The default Windows 11 wallpaper C:\Windows\Web\Wallpaper\Windows\img19.jpg // has a resoltion of 3841x2400 scaled down to 3440x2150,3 with a given monitor // resolution of 3440x1440 resulting in a 2150,3 - 1440 = 710,3 // 710,3 / (1/3) = 236,767 const monitorWidth = Wallpaper.width const monitorHeight = Wallpaper.height const windowsWallpaperWidth = Wallpaper.windowsDesktopProperties.defaultWallpaperSize.width const windowsWallpapeHeight = Wallpaper.windowsDesktopProperties.defaultWallpaperSize.height // 1. Get scale factor: // -> 3440 / 3840 = 0.8956 const scaleFactor = monitorWidth / windowsWallpaperWidth // 2. Scale down the default Windows wallpaper height (width stays the same for correct aspect ratio): // -> 2400 * 0.8956 = 2149.4 const scaledDownDefaultWallpaperHeight = windowsWallpapeHeight * scaleFactor // 3. Calc offste // -> 2150,3 - 1440 = 710,3 const offset = scaledDownDefaultWallpaperHeight - monitorHeight // 4. Calc the one third offset (topMargin) // -> 710,3 * (1/3) = 236,767 const topMargin = Math.floor(offset * 0.3333333) imgCover.anchors.topMargin = -topMargin break case 6: imgCover.fillMode = Image.PreserveAspectFit break case 2: break case 0: if (desktopProperties.isTiled) { // Tiled imgCover.fillMode = Image.Tile } else { // Center imgCover.fillMode = Image.PreserveAspectFit imgCover.anchors.centerIn = parent imgCover.width = sourceSize.width imgCover.height = sourceSize.height } break case 22: root.canFadeByWallpaperFillMode = false break } } function fadeIn() { Wallpaper.setVisible(true) if (canFadeByWallpaperFillMode && Wallpaper.canFade) imgCover.state = "hideDefaultBackgroundImage" else imgCover.opacity = 0 } anchors.fill: parent color: { if (Qt.platform.os !== "windows") return "black" else return Wallpaper.windowsDesktopProperties.color } Component.onCompleted: { init() } Connections { function onQmlExit() { if (canFadeByWallpaperFillMode && Wallpaper.canFade) imgCover.state = "exit" else Wallpaper.terminate() } function onQmlSceneValueReceived(key, value) { var obj2 = 'import QtQuick; Item {Component.onCompleted: loader.item.' + key + ' = ' + value + '; }' var newObject = Qt.createQmlObject(obj2.toString(), root, "err") newObject.destroy(10000) } // Replace wallpaper with QML Scene function onReloadQML(oldType) { loader.sourceComponent = undefined loader.source = "" Wallpaper.clearComponentCache() loader.source = Qt.resolvedUrl(Wallpaper.projectSourceFileAbsolute) } // Replace wallpaper with GIF function onReloadGIF(oldType) { init() } // This function only gets called here (the same function // is inside the MultimediaWebView.qml) when the previous Wallpaper type // was not a video function onReloadVideo(oldType) { // We need to check if the old type // was also Video not get called twice if (oldType === InstalledType.VideoWallpaper) return loader.source = "qrc:/qml/ScreenPlayWallpaper/qml/MultimediaView.qml" } target: Wallpaper } Loader { id: loader anchors.fill: parent // QML Engine deadlocks in 5.15.2 when a loader cannot load // an item. QApplication::quit(); waits for the destruction forever. //asynchronous: true onStatusChanged: { if (loader.status === Loader.Ready ) { if(loader.item.ready) root.fadeIn() } if (loader.status === Loader.Error) { loader.source = "" imgCover.state = "exit" } } } Image { id: imgCover state: "showDefaultBackgroundImage" sourceSize.width: Wallpaper.width sourceSize.height: Wallpaper.height anchors { top: left: parent.left right: parent.right } states: [ State { name: "showDefaultBackgroundImage" PropertyChanges { target: imgCover opacity: 1 } }, State { name: "hideDefaultBackgroundImage" PropertyChanges { target: imgCover opacity: 0 } }, State { name: "exit" PropertyChanges { target: imgCover opacity: 1 } } ] transitions: [ Transition { from: "showDefaultBackgroundImage" to: "hideDefaultBackgroundImage" reversible: true SequentialAnimation { PauseAnimation { duration: 100 } PropertyAnimation { target: imgCover duration: 600 property: "opacity" } } }, Transition { from: "hideDefaultBackgroundImage" to: "exit" reversible: true SequentialAnimation { PropertyAnimation { target: imgCover duration: 600 property: "opacity" } ScriptAction { script: Wallpaper.terminate() } } } ] } Pane { id: debug visible: Wallpaper.debugMode enabled: Wallpaper.debugMode width: parent.width * 0.3 height: parent.height * 0.3 anchors.centerIn: parent Column { anchors.fill: parent anchors.margins: 20 spacing: 10 Text { text: "appID " + Wallpaper.appID font.pointSize: 14 } Text { text: "projectPath " + Wallpaper.projectPath font.pointSize: 14 } Text { text: "getApplicationPath " + Wallpaper.getApplicationPath() font.pointSize: 14 } Text { text: "projectSourceFileAbsolute " + Qt.resolvedUrl( Wallpaper.projectSourceFileAbsolute) font.pointSize: 14 } Text { text: "fillMode " + Wallpaper.fillMode font.pointSize: 14 } Text { text: "sdk.type " + Wallpaper.sdk.type font.pointSize: 14 } Text { text: "sdk.isConnected " + Wallpaper.sdk.isConnected font.pointSize: 14 } Text { text: "sdk.appID " + Wallpaper.sdk.appID font.pointSize: 14 } Text { text: "canFadeByWallpaperFillMode " + canFadeByWallpaperFillMode font.pointSize: 14 } Text { text: "Wallpaper.canFade " + Wallpaper.canFade font.pointSize: 14 } Text { text: { if (Qt.platform.os === "windows") return "imgCover.source " + Qt.resolvedUrl( "file:///" + Wallpaper.windowsDesktopProperties.wallpaperPath) else return "" } font.pointSize: 14 } Text { text: "imgCover.status " + imgCover.status font.pointSize: 14 } } background: Rectangle { opacity: 0.5 } } }