import QtQuick 2.14 import QtQml 2.14 import ScreenPlayWallpaper 1.0 import ScreenPlay.Shader 1.0 import "ShaderWrapper" as ShaderWrapper Rectangle { id: root anchors.fill: parent color: { if (Qt.platform.os !== "windows") { return "black" } else { return Wallpaper.windowsDesktopProperties.color } } property bool canFadeByWallpaperFillMode: true Component.onCompleted: { init() } Connections { target: Wallpaper function onQmlExit() { if (canFadeByWallpaperFillMode && Wallpaper.canFade) { imgCover.state = "outExit" } else { Wallpaper.terminate() } } function onQmlSceneValueReceived(key, value) { var obj2 = 'import QtQuick 2.0; Item {Component.onCompleted: loader.item.' + key + ' = ' + value + '; }' print(key, value) var newObject = Qt.createQmlObject(obj2.toString(), root, "err") newObject.destroy(10000) } // Replace wallpaper with QML Scene function onReloadQML(oldType) { loader.sourceComponent = undefined loader.source = "" Wallpaper.clearComponentCache() loader.source = Qt.resolvedUrl(Wallpaper.fullContentPath) } // This function only gets called here (the same function // is inside the WebView.qml) when the previous Wallpaper type // was not a video function onReloadVideo(oldType) { // We need to check if the old type // was also Video not get called twice if (oldType === Wallpaper.WallpaperType.Video) return imgCover.state = "in" loader.source = "qrc:/WebView.qml" } } function init() { switch (Wallpaper.type) { case Wallpaper.WallpaperType.Video: loader.source = "qrc:/WebView.qml" break case Wallpaper.WallpaperType.Html: loader.webViewUrl = Qt.resolvedUrl(Wallpaper.fullContentPath) loader.source = "qrc:/WebView.qml" fadeIn() break case Wallpaper.WallpaperType.Qml: loader.source = Qt.resolvedUrl(Wallpaper.fullContentPath) imgCover.state = "out" fadeIn() break } } function fadeIn() { Wallpaper.setVisible(true) if (canFadeByWallpaperFillMode && Wallpaper.canFade) { imgCover.state = "out" } else { imgCover.opacity = 0 } } Loader { id: loader anchors.fill: parent property string webViewUrl onStatusChanged: { if (loader.status === Loader.Ready) { if (Wallpaper.type === Wallpaper.WallpaperType.Html || Wallpaper.type === Wallpaper.WallpaperType.ThreeJSScene) { loader.item.url = loader.webViewUrl print(loader.item.url, " --- ", loader.webViewUrl) } } } Connections { ignoreUnknownSignals: true target: loader.item function onRequestFadeIn() { fadeIn() } } } Image { id: imgCover anchors { top: left: parent.left right: parent.right } state: "in" sourceSize.width: Wallpaper.width sourceSize.height: Wallpaper.height source: { if (Qt.platform.os === "windows") { return Qt.resolvedUrl( "file:///" + Wallpaper.windowsDesktopProperties.wallpaperPath) } else { return "" } } states: [ State { name: "in" PropertyChanges { target: imgCover opacity: 1 } }, State { name: "out" PropertyChanges { target: imgCover opacity: 0 } }, State { name: "outExit" PropertyChanges { target: imgCover opacity: 1 } } ] transitions: [ Transition { from: "out" to: "in" reversible: true PropertyAnimation { target: imgCover duration: 600 property: "opacity" } }, Transition { from: "out" to: "outExit" reversible: true SequentialAnimation { PropertyAnimation { target: imgCover duration: 600 property: "opacity" } ScriptAction { script: Wallpaper.terminate() } } } ] Component.onCompleted: { if (Qt.platform.os !== "windows") { root.canFadeByWallpaperFillMode = false return } switch (Wallpaper.windowsDesktopProperties.wallpaperStyle) { case 10: imgCover.fillMode = Image.PreserveAspectCrop break case 6: imgCover.fillMode = Image.PreserveAspectFit break case 2: break case 0: if (desktopProperties.isTiled) { // Tiled imgCover.fillMode = Image.Tile } else { // Center imgCover.fillMode = Image.PreserveAspectFit imgCover.anchors.centerIn = parent imgCover.width = sourceSize.width imgCover.height = sourceSize.height } break case 22: root.canFadeByWallpaperFillMode = false break } } } }