List of All Members for ScreenPlayManager
This is the complete list of members for ScreenPlay::ScreenPlayManager, including inherited members.
- ScreenPlayManager(QObject *)
- activeWallpaperCounterChanged(int)
- activeWidgetsCounterChanged(int)
- closeAllWallpapers()
- closeAllWidgets()
- closeConnection(const QString &) : bool
- closeConntectionByType(const QStringList &) : bool
- createWallpaper(const ScreenPlay::InstalledType::InstalledType, const ScreenPlay::FillMode::FillMode, const QString &, const QString &, const QString &, const QVector<int> &, const float, const float, const QJsonObject &, const bool)
- createWidget(const ScreenPlay::InstalledType::InstalledType, const QPoint &, const QString &, const QString &, const QJsonObject &, const bool)
- getWallpaperByAppID(const QString &) const : ScreenPlay::ScreenPlayWallpaper *
- newConnection()
- removeAllWallpapers()