#ifdef GL_ES precision mediump float; #endif uniform sampler2D qt_Texture0; varying vec4 qt_TexCoord0; //uniform float reflectionOffset; // allows player to control reflection position //uniform float reflectionBlur ; // works only if projec's driver is set to GLES3, more information here https://docs.godotengine.org/ru/stable/tutorials/shading/screen-reading_shaders.html //uniform float calculatedOffset ; // this is controlled by script, it takes into account camera position and water object position, that way reflection stays in the same place when camera is moving //uniform float calculatedAspect ; // is controlled by script, ensures that noise is not affected by object scale //uniform sampler2D noiseTexture; //uniform float offsetStrength; //uniform float maxOffset; //uniform vec2 distortionScale; //uniform vec2 distortionSpeed; //uniform float waveSmoothing; //uniform float mainWaveSpeed ; //uniform float mainWaveFrequency ; //uniform float mainWaveAmplitude; //uniform float secondWaveSpeed ; //uniform float secondWaveFrequency ; //uniform float secondWaveAmplitude ; //uniform float thirdWaveSpeed ; //uniform float thirdWaveFrequency ; //uniform float thirdWaveAmplitude ; //uniform float squashing ; //uniform vec4 shorelineColor; //: hint_color = vec4(1.); //uniform float shorelineSize; //: hint_range(0., 0.1) = 0.0025; //uniform float shorelineFoamSize ; // : hint_range(0., 0.1) //uniform float foamSpeed; //uniform vec2 foamScale; uniform float time; void main(void) { vec2 uv = fragCoord.xy / iResolution.xy; vec4 texture_color = vec4(0.192156862745098, 0.6627450980392157, 0.9333333333333333, 1.0); vec4 k = vec4(time)*0.8; k.xy = uv * 7.0; float val1 = length(0.5-fract(k.xyw*=mat3(vec3(-2.0,-1.0,0.0), vec3(3.0,-1.0,1.0), vec3(1.0,-1.0,-1.0))*0.5)); float val2 = length(0.5-fract(k.xyw*=mat3(vec3(-2.0,-1.0,0.0), vec3(3.0,-1.0,1.0), vec3(1.0,-1.0,-1.0))*0.2)); float val3 = length(0.5-fract(k.xyw*=mat3(vec3(-2.0,-1.0,0.0), vec3(3.0,-1.0,1.0), vec3(1.0,-1.0,-1.0))*0.5)); vec4 color = vec4 ( pow(min(min(val1,val2),val3), 7.0) * 3.0)+texture_color; gl_FragColor = color; //gl_FragColor = texture2D(qt_Texture0, qt_TexCoord0.st); }