import QtQuick import QtMultimedia import ScreenPlayWallpaper Item { id: root anchors.fill: parent property bool loops: Wallpaper.loops property bool isPlaying: Wallpaper.isPlaying property string fillMode: Wallpaper.fillMode property bool fadeInDone: false onFillModeChanged: { // Convert Web based video modes to the limited Qt fillModes if (fillMode === "cover" || fillMode === "stretch" || fillMode === "contain") { return vo.fillMode = VideoOutput.Stretch; } if (fillMode === "fill") { return vo.fillMode = VideoOutput.PreserveAspectFit; } if (fillMode === "scale_down") { return vo.fillMode = VideoOutput.PreserveAspectCrop; } } onIsPlayingChanged: isPlaying ? : mediaPlayer.pause() property bool isWindows: Qt.platform.os === "windows" property string source: Wallpaper.projectSourceFileAbsolute onSourceChanged: { // Qt 6.3 workaround mediaPlayer.stop(); mediaPlayer.source = Qt.resolvedUrl(root.source);; } MediaPlayer { id: mediaPlayer onPlaybackStateChanged: { if (mediaPlayer.playbackState == MediaPlayer.PlayingState && !fadeInDone) { fadeInDone = true Wallpaper.requestFadeIn(); } } loops: root.loops ? MediaPlayer.Infinite : 1 videoOutput: vo audioOutput: ao } VideoOutput { id: vo anchors.fill: parent } AudioOutput { id: ao volume: Wallpaper.volume muted: Wallpaper.muted } Connections { function onFillModeChanged(fillMode) { if (fillMode === "stretch") { vo.fillMode = VideoOutput.Stretch; return; } if (fillMode === "fill") { vo.fillMode = VideoOutput.PreserveAspectFit; return; } if (fillMode === "contain" || fillMode === "cover" || fillMode === "scale-down") { vo.fillMode = VideoOutput.PreserveAspectCrop; } } function onCurrentTimeChanged(currentTime) { mediaPlayer.position = currentTime * mediaPlayer.duration; } target: Wallpaper } }