#!/usr/bin/python3 import platform import os import subprocess import platform import shutil import argparse import time from pathlib import Path from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor # Based on https://gist.github.com/l2m2/0d3146c53c767841c6ba8c4edbeb4c2c def get_vs_env_dict(): vcvars = "" # We support 2019 or 2022 # Hardcoded VS path # check if vcvars64.bat is available. msvc_2019_path = "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2019\\Community\\VC\\Auxiliary\\Build\\vcvars64.bat" msvc_2022_path = "C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2022\\Community\\VC\\Auxiliary\\Build\\vcvars64.bat" if Path(msvc_2019_path).exists(): vcvars = msvc_2019_path # Prefer newer MSVC and override if exists if Path(msvc_2022_path).exists(): vcvars = msvc_2022_path if not vcvars: raise RuntimeError("No Visual Studio installation found, only 2019 and 2022 are supported.") print(f"\n\nLoading MSVC env variables via {vcvars}\n\n") cmd = [vcvars, '&&', 'set'] popen = subprocess.Popen( cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdout, stderr = popen.communicate() if popen.wait() != 0: raise ValueError(stderr.decode("mbcs")) output = stdout.decode("mbcs").split("\r\n") return dict((e[0].upper(), e[1]) for e in [p.rstrip().split("=", 1) for p in output] if len(e) == 2) def run_io_tasks_in_parallel(tasks): with ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor: running_tasks = [executor.submit(task) for task in tasks] for running_task in running_tasks: running_task.result() def clean_build_dir(build_dir): if isinstance(build_dir, str): build_dir = Path(build_dir) if build_dir.exists(): print(f"Remove previous build folder: {build_dir}") # ignore_errors removes also not empty folders... shutil.rmtree(build_dir, ignore_errors=True) build_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) def run(cmd, cwd = Path.cwd()): result = subprocess.run(cmd, shell=True, cwd=cwd) if result.returncode != 0: raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to execute {cmd}") if __name__ == "__main__": root_path = Path.cwd() qt_version = "6.3.0" qt_installer_version = "4.4" qt_path = "" build_steam = "OFF" build_tests = "OFF" build_installer = "OFF" build_release = "OFF" create_installer = "OFF" cmake_target_triplet = "" cmake_build_type = "" executable_file_ending = "" deploy_command = "" aqt_path = "" ifw_root_path = "" aqt_install_qt_packages = "" aqt_install_tool_packages = "" cmake_bin_path = "" file_endings = [".ninja_deps", ".ninja", ".ninja_log", ".lib", ".a", ".exp", ".manifest", ".cmake", ".cbp", "CMakeCache.txt"] parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Build and Package ScreenPlay') parser.add_argument('-qt-version', action="store", dest="qt_version_overwrite", help="Overwrites the default Qt version") parser.add_argument('-qt-installer-version', action="store", dest="qt_installer_version_overwrite", help="Overwrites the default Qt installer framework version") parser.add_argument('-type', action="store", dest="build_type", help="Build type. This is either debug or release.") parser.add_argument('-use-aqt', action="store_true", dest="use_aqt", help="Absolute qt path. If not set the default path is used\Windows: C:\Qt\nLinux & macOS:~/Qt/.") parser.add_argument('-sign', action="store_true", dest="sign_build", help="Enable if you want to sign the apps. This is macOS only for now.") parser.add_argument('-steam', action="store_true", dest="build_steam", help="Enable if you want to build the Steam workshop plugin.") parser.add_argument('-tests', action="store_true", dest="build_tests", help="Build tests.") parser.add_argument('-installer', action="store_true", dest="create_installer", help="Create a installer.") parser.add_argument('-release', action="store_true", dest="build_release", help="Create a release version of ScreenPlay for sharing with the world. This is not about debug/release build, but the c++ define SCREENPLAY_RELEASE.") args = parser.parse_args() if not args.build_type: print("Build type argument is missing (release, debug). E.g: python build.py -type release -steam") print(f"Defaulting to Qt version: {qt_version}. This can be overwritten via -qt-version 6.5.0") exit(1) if args.qt_version_overwrite: qt_version = args.qt_version_overwrite print("Using Qt version {qt_version}") if args.qt_installer_version_overwrite: qt_installer_version = args.qt_installer_version_overwrite print("Using Qt installer framework version {qt_installer_version}") remove_files_from_build_folder = [ ".ninja_deps", ".ninja", ".ninja_log", ".lib", ".a", ".dylib", ".exp", ".manifest", ".cmake", ".cbp", "CMakeCache.txt", "steam_appid.txt" # This file is only needed for testing. It must not be in a release version! ] if args.build_steam and not args.build_release: print("Steam Builds must have release option enabled via -release") exit(4) if root_path.name == "Tools": root_path = root_path.parent if args.use_aqt: aqt_path = Path(f"{root_path}/../aqt/").resolve() if not Path(aqt_path).exists(): print(f"aqt path does not exist at {aqt_path}. Please make sure you have installed aqt.") exit(2) if platform.system() == "Windows": cmake_target_triplet = "x64-windows" cmake_build_type = args.build_type windows_msvc = "msvc2019_64" executable_file_ending = ".exe" qt_path = aqt_path.joinpath(qt_version).joinpath(windows_msvc) if args.use_aqt else Path(f"C:/Qt/{qt_version}/{windows_msvc}") vs_env_dict = get_vs_env_dict() vs_env_dict["PATH"] = vs_env_dict["PATH"] + ";" + str(qt_path) + "\\bin" os.environ.update(vs_env_dict) deploy_command = "windeployqt.exe --{type} --qmldir ../../{app}/qml {app}{executable_file_ending}" aqt_install_qt_packages = f"windows desktop {qt_version} win64_msvc2019_64 -m all" aqt_install_tool_packages = "windows desktop tools_ifw" elif platform.system() == "Darwin": if(platform.processor() == "arm"): cmake_target_triplet = "arm64-osx" else: cmake_target_triplet = "x64-osx" qt_path = aqt_path.joinpath(f"{qt_version}/macos") if args.use_aqt else Path(f"~/Qt/{qt_version}/macos") deploy_command = "{prefix_path}/bin/macdeployqt {app}.app -qmldir=../../{app}/qml -executable={app}.app/Contents/MacOS/{app}" aqt_install_qt_packages = f"mac desktop {qt_version} clang_64 -m all" aqt_install_tool_packages = "mac desktop tools_ifw" elif platform.system() == "Linux": cmake_target_triplet = "x64-linux" qt_path = aqt_path.joinpath(f"{qt_version}/gcc_64") if args.use_aqt else Path(f"~/Qt/{qt_version}/gcc_64") aqt_install_qt_packages = f"linux desktop {qt_version} gcc_64 -m all" aqt_install_tool_packages = "linux desktop tools_ifw" if shutil.which("cqtdeployer"): deploy_command = "cqtdeployer -qmlDir ../../{app}/qml -bin {app}" else: print("cqtdeployer not available, build may be incomplete and incompatible with some distro (typically Ubuntu)") home_path = str(Path.home()) qt_path = aqt_path.joinpath(f"{qt_version}/gcc_64") if args.use_aqt else Path(f"{home_path}/Qt/{qt_version}/gcc_64") else: raise NotImplementedError("Unsupported platform, ScreenPlay only supports Windows, macOS and Linux.") # Default to QtMaintainance installation. if args.use_aqt: print("qt_path path %s." % qt_path) if not Path(aqt_path).exists(): print(f"aqt path does not exist at {aqt_path}. Installing now into...") run(f"aqt install-qt -O ../aqt {aqt_install_qt_packages}", cwd=root_path) run(f"aqt install-tool -O ../aqt {aqt_install_tool_packages}", cwd=root_path) # Prepare cmake_toolchain_file = f"'{root_path}/../ScreenPlay-vcpkg/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake'" print(f"cmake_toolchain_file: {cmake_toolchain_file}") print(f"Starting build with type {args.build_type}. Qt Version: {qt_version}. Root path: {root_path}") if args.build_steam: build_steam = "ON" if args.build_tests: build_tests = "ON" if args.build_release: build_release = "ON" if args.create_installer: create_installer = "ON" ifw_root_path = f"{aqt_path}\\Tools\\QtInstallerFramework\\{qt_installer_version}" cmake_configure_command = f'cmake ../ \ -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH={qt_path} \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE={args.build_type} \ -DVCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET={cmake_target_triplet} \ -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE={cmake_toolchain_file} \ -DSCREENPLAY_STEAM={build_steam} \ -DSCREENPLAY_TESTS={build_tests} \ -DSCREENPLAY_RELEASE={build_release} \ -DSCREENPLAY_INSTALLER={create_installer} \ -DSCREENPLAY_IFW_ROOT:STRING={ifw_root_path} \ -G "CodeBlocks - Ninja" \ -B.' build_folder = root_path.joinpath(f"build-{cmake_target_triplet}-{args.build_type}") clean_build_dir(build_folder) # Build start_time = time.time() print(cmake_configure_command) run(cmake_configure_command, cwd=build_folder) run("cmake --build . --target all", cwd=build_folder) bin_dir = build_folder.joinpath("bin") # Deploy dependencies if deploy_command: # Only deploy if we have the dependencies print("Executing deploy commands...") run(deploy_command.format( type=cmake_build_type, prefix_path=qt_path, app="ScreenPlay", executable_file_ending=executable_file_ending), cwd=bin_dir) run(deploy_command.format( type=cmake_build_type, prefix_path=qt_path, app="ScreenPlayWidget", executable_file_ending=executable_file_ending), cwd=bin_dir) run(deploy_command.format( type=cmake_build_type, prefix_path=qt_path, app="ScreenPlayWallpaper", executable_file_ending=executable_file_ending), cwd=bin_dir) else: # just copy the folders and be done with it if platform.system() == "Linux": # Copy all .so files from the qt_path lib folder into bin_dir qt_lib_path = qt_path for file in qt_lib_path.joinpath("lib").glob("*.so"): shutil.copy(str(file), str(bin_dir)) # Copy qt_qml_path folder content into bin_dir qt_qml_path = qt_path for folder in qt_qml_path.joinpath("qml").iterdir(): if not folder.is_file(): shutil.copytree(str(folder), str(bin_dir.joinpath(folder.name))) print("Copied %s" % folder) # Copy all plugin folder from qt_path plugins subfolder into bin_dir qt_plugins_path = qt_path for folder in qt_path.joinpath("plugins").iterdir(): if not folder.is_file(): shutil.copytree(str(folder), str(bin_dir.joinpath(folder.name))) print("Copied %s" % folder) # Copy all folder from qt_path translation files into bin_dir translation folder qt_translations_path = qt_path for folder in qt_translations_path.joinpath("translations").iterdir(): if not folder.is_file(): shutil.copytree(str(folder), str(bin_dir.joinpath("translations").joinpath(folder.name))) print("Copied %s" % folder) # Copy all filesfrom qt_path resources folder into bin_dir folder qt_resources_path = qt_path for file in qt_path.joinpath("resources").glob("*"): shutil.copy(str(file), str(bin_dir)) print("Copied %s" % file) else: print("Not executing deploy commands due to missing dependencies.") # Post-build if platform.system() == "Darwin" and args.sign_build: run("codesign --deep -f -s \"Developer ID Application: Elias Steurer (V887LHYKRH)\" --timestamp --options \"runtime\" -f --entitlements \"../../ScreenPlay/entitlements.plist\" --deep \"ScreenPlay.app/\"", cwd=bin_dir) run("codesign --deep -f -s \"Developer ID Application: Elias Steurer (V887LHYKRH)\" --timestamp --options \"runtime\" -f --deep \"ScreenPlayWallpaper.app/\"", cwd=bin_dir) run("codesign --deep -f -s \"Developer ID Application: Elias Steurer (V887LHYKRH)\" --timestamp --options \"runtime\" -f --deep \"ScreenPlayWidget.app/\"", cwd=bin_dir) run("codesign --verify --verbose=4 \"ScreenPlay.app/\"", cwd=bin_dir) run("codesign --verify --verbose=4 \"ScreenPlayWallpaper.app/\"", cwd=bin_dir) run("codesign --verify --verbose=4 \"ScreenPlayWidget.app/\"", cwd=bin_dir) run("xcnotary notarize ScreenPlay.app -d kelteseth@gmail.com -k ScreenPlay", cwd=bin_dir), run("xcnotary notarize ScreenPlayWallpaper.app -d kelteseth@gmail.com -k ScreenPlay", cwd=bin_dir), run("xcnotary notarize ScreenPlayWidget.app -d kelteseth@gmail.com -k ScreenPlay", cwd=bin_dir) run("spctl --assess --verbose \"ScreenPlay.app/\"", cwd=bin_dir) run("spctl --assess --verbose \"ScreenPlayWallpaper.app/\"", cwd=bin_dir) run("spctl --assess --verbose \"ScreenPlayWidget.app/\"", cwd=bin_dir) # Some dlls like openssl do no longer get copied automatically. # Lets just copy all of them into bin. if platform.system() == "Windows": vcpkg_bin_path = Path(f"{root_path}/../ScreenPlay-vcpkg/installed/x64-windows/bin").resolve() print(vcpkg_bin_path) for file in vcpkg_bin_path.iterdir(): if file.suffix == ".dll" and file.is_file(): print(file, bin_dir) shutil.copy2(file, bin_dir) if not platform.system() == "Darwin": for file_ending in file_endings: for file in bin_dir.rglob("*" + file_ending): if file.is_file(): print("Remove: %s" % file.resolve()) file.unlink() if args.create_installer: os.chdir(build_folder) print("Running cpack at: ", os.getcwd()) run("cpack", cwd=build_folder) # We also need to sign the installer in osx: if platform.system() == "Darwin" and args.sign_build: run("codesign --deep -f -s \"Developer ID Application: Elias Steurer (V887LHYKRH)\" --timestamp --options \"runtime\" -f --deep \"ScreenPlay-Installer.dmg/ScreenPlay-Installer.app/Contents/MacOS/ScreenPlay-Installer\"", cwd=build_folder) run("codesign --verify --verbose=4 \"ScreenPlay-Installer.dmg/ScreenPlay-Installer.app/Contents/MacOS/ScreenPlay-Installer\"", cwd=build_folder) run("xcnotary notarize ScreenPlay-Installer.dmg/ScreenPlay-Installer.app -d kelteseth@gmail.com -k ScreenPlay", cwd=build_folder) run("spctl --assess --verbose \"ScreenPlay-Installer.dmg/ScreenPlay-Installer.app/\"", cwd=build_folder) run("codesign --deep -f -s \"Developer ID Application: Elias Steurer (V887LHYKRH)\" --timestamp --options \"runtime\" -f --deep \"ScreenPlay-Installer.dmg/\"", cwd=build_folder) run("codesign --verify --verbose=4 \"ScreenPlay-Installer.dmg/\"", cwd=build_folder) run("xcnotary notarize ScreenPlay-Installer.dmg -d kelteseth@gmail.com -k ScreenPlay", cwd=build_folder) run("spctl --assess --verbose \"ScreenPlay-Installer.dmg/\"", cwd=build_folder) print("Time taken: {}s".format(time.time() - start_time))