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//====== Copyright © 1996-2009, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. =======
// Purpose: interface to http client
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "steam_api_common.h"
#include "steamhttpenums.h"
// Handle to a HTTP Request handle
typedef uint32 HTTPRequestHandle;
typedef uint32 HTTPCookieContainerHandle;
// Purpose: interface to http client
class ISteamHTTP {
// Initializes a new HTTP request, returning a handle to use in further operations on it. Requires
// the method (GET or POST) and the absolute URL for the request. Both http and https are supported,
// so this string must start with http:// or https:// and should look like http://store.steampowered.com/app/250/
// or such.
virtual HTTPRequestHandle CreateHTTPRequest(EHTTPMethod eHTTPRequestMethod, const char* pchAbsoluteURL) = 0;
// Set a context value for the request, which will be returned in the HTTPRequestCompleted_t callback after
// sending the request. This is just so the caller can easily keep track of which callbacks go with which request data.
virtual bool SetHTTPRequestContextValue(HTTPRequestHandle hRequest, uint64 ulContextValue) = 0;
// Set a timeout in seconds for the HTTP request, must be called prior to sending the request. Default
// timeout is 60 seconds if you don't call this. Returns false if the handle is invalid, or the request
// has already been sent.
virtual bool SetHTTPRequestNetworkActivityTimeout(HTTPRequestHandle hRequest, uint32 unTimeoutSeconds) = 0;
// Set a request header value for the request, must be called prior to sending the request. Will
// return false if the handle is invalid or the request is already sent.
virtual bool SetHTTPRequestHeaderValue(HTTPRequestHandle hRequest, const char* pchHeaderName, const char* pchHeaderValue) = 0;
// Set a GET or POST parameter value on the request, which is set will depend on the EHTTPMethod specified
// when creating the request. Must be called prior to sending the request. Will return false if the
// handle is invalid or the request is already sent.
virtual bool SetHTTPRequestGetOrPostParameter(HTTPRequestHandle hRequest, const char* pchParamName, const char* pchParamValue) = 0;
// Sends the HTTP request, will return false on a bad handle, otherwise use SteamCallHandle to wait on
// asynchronous response via callback.
// Note: If the user is in offline mode in Steam, then this will add a only-if-cached cache-control
// header and only do a local cache lookup rather than sending any actual remote request.
virtual bool SendHTTPRequest(HTTPRequestHandle hRequest, SteamAPICall_t* pCallHandle) = 0;
// Sends the HTTP request, will return false on a bad handle, otherwise use SteamCallHandle to wait on
// asynchronous response via callback for completion, and listen for HTTPRequestHeadersReceived_t and
// HTTPRequestDataReceived_t callbacks while streaming.
virtual bool SendHTTPRequestAndStreamResponse(HTTPRequestHandle hRequest, SteamAPICall_t* pCallHandle) = 0;
// Defers a request you have sent, the actual HTTP client code may have many requests queued, and this will move
// the specified request to the tail of the queue. Returns false on invalid handle, or if the request is not yet sent.
virtual bool DeferHTTPRequest(HTTPRequestHandle hRequest) = 0;
// Prioritizes a request you have sent, the actual HTTP client code may have many requests queued, and this will move
// the specified request to the head of the queue. Returns false on invalid handle, or if the request is not yet sent.
virtual bool PrioritizeHTTPRequest(HTTPRequestHandle hRequest) = 0;
// Checks if a response header is present in a HTTP response given a handle from HTTPRequestCompleted_t, also
// returns the size of the header value if present so the caller and allocate a correctly sized buffer for
// GetHTTPResponseHeaderValue.
virtual bool GetHTTPResponseHeaderSize(HTTPRequestHandle hRequest, const char* pchHeaderName, uint32* unResponseHeaderSize) = 0;
// Gets header values from a HTTP response given a handle from HTTPRequestCompleted_t, will return false if the
// header is not present or if your buffer is too small to contain it's value. You should first call
// BGetHTTPResponseHeaderSize to check for the presence of the header and to find out the size buffer needed.
virtual bool GetHTTPResponseHeaderValue(HTTPRequestHandle hRequest, const char* pchHeaderName, uint8* pHeaderValueBuffer, uint32 unBufferSize) = 0;
// Gets the size of the body data from a HTTP response given a handle from HTTPRequestCompleted_t, will return false if the
// handle is invalid.
virtual bool GetHTTPResponseBodySize(HTTPRequestHandle hRequest, uint32* unBodySize) = 0;
// Gets the body data from a HTTP response given a handle from HTTPRequestCompleted_t, will return false if the
// handle is invalid or is to a streaming response, or if the provided buffer is not the correct size. Use BGetHTTPResponseBodySize first to find out
// the correct buffer size to use.
virtual bool GetHTTPResponseBodyData(HTTPRequestHandle hRequest, uint8* pBodyDataBuffer, uint32 unBufferSize) = 0;
// Gets the body data from a streaming HTTP response given a handle from HTTPRequestDataReceived_t. Will return false if the
// handle is invalid or is to a non-streaming response (meaning it wasn't sent with SendHTTPRequestAndStreamResponse), or if the buffer size and offset
// do not match the size and offset sent in HTTPRequestDataReceived_t.
virtual bool GetHTTPStreamingResponseBodyData(HTTPRequestHandle hRequest, uint32 cOffset, uint8* pBodyDataBuffer, uint32 unBufferSize) = 0;
// Releases an HTTP response handle, should always be called to free resources after receiving a HTTPRequestCompleted_t
// callback and finishing using the response.
virtual bool ReleaseHTTPRequest(HTTPRequestHandle hRequest) = 0;
// Gets progress on downloading the body for the request. This will be zero unless a response header has already been
// received which included a content-length field. For responses that contain no content-length it will report
// zero for the duration of the request as the size is unknown until the connection closes.
virtual bool GetHTTPDownloadProgressPct(HTTPRequestHandle hRequest, float* pflPercentOut) = 0;
// Sets the body for an HTTP Post request. Will fail and return false on a GET request, and will fail if POST params
// have already been set for the request. Setting this raw body makes it the only contents for the post, the pchContentType
// parameter will set the content-type header for the request so the server may know how to interpret the body.
virtual bool SetHTTPRequestRawPostBody(HTTPRequestHandle hRequest, const char* pchContentType, uint8* pubBody, uint32 unBodyLen) = 0;
// Creates a cookie container handle which you must later free with ReleaseCookieContainer(). If bAllowResponsesToModify=true
// than any response to your requests using this cookie container may add new cookies which may be transmitted with
// future requests. If bAllowResponsesToModify=false than only cookies you explicitly set will be sent. This API is just for
// during process lifetime, after steam restarts no cookies are persisted and you have no way to access the cookie container across
// repeat executions of your process.
virtual HTTPCookieContainerHandle CreateCookieContainer(bool bAllowResponsesToModify) = 0;
// Release a cookie container you are finished using, freeing it's memory
virtual bool ReleaseCookieContainer(HTTPCookieContainerHandle hCookieContainer) = 0;
// Adds a cookie to the specified cookie container that will be used with future requests.
virtual bool SetCookie(HTTPCookieContainerHandle hCookieContainer, const char* pchHost, const char* pchUrl, const char* pchCookie) = 0;
// Set the cookie container to use for a HTTP request
virtual bool SetHTTPRequestCookieContainer(HTTPRequestHandle hRequest, HTTPCookieContainerHandle hCookieContainer) = 0;
// Set the extra user agent info for a request, this doesn't clobber the normal user agent, it just adds the extra info on the end
virtual bool SetHTTPRequestUserAgentInfo(HTTPRequestHandle hRequest, const char* pchUserAgentInfo) = 0;
// Disable or re-enable verification of SSL/TLS certificates.
// By default, certificates are checked for all HTTPS requests.
virtual bool SetHTTPRequestRequiresVerifiedCertificate(HTTPRequestHandle hRequest, bool bRequireVerifiedCertificate) = 0;
// Set an absolute timeout on the HTTP request, this is just a total time timeout different than the network activity timeout
// which can bump everytime we get more data
virtual bool SetHTTPRequestAbsoluteTimeoutMS(HTTPRequestHandle hRequest, uint32 unMilliseconds) = 0;
// Check if the reason the request failed was because we timed it out (rather than some harder failure)
virtual bool GetHTTPRequestWasTimedOut(HTTPRequestHandle hRequest, bool* pbWasTimedOut) = 0;
// Global interface accessor
inline ISteamHTTP* SteamHTTP();
// Global accessor for the gameserver client
inline ISteamHTTP* SteamGameServerHTTP();
// callbacks
#pragma pack(push, 4)
#pragma pack(push, 8)
#error steam_api_common.h should define VALVE_CALLBACK_PACK_xxx
struct HTTPRequestCompleted_t {
enum { k_iCallback = k_iSteamHTTPCallbacks + 1 };
// Handle value for the request that has completed.
HTTPRequestHandle m_hRequest;
// Context value that the user defined on the request that this callback is associated with, 0 if
// no context value was set.
uint64 m_ulContextValue;
// This will be true if we actually got any sort of response from the server (even an error).
// It will be false if we failed due to an internal error or client side network failure.
bool m_bRequestSuccessful;
// Will be the HTTP status code value returned by the server, k_EHTTPStatusCode200OK is the normal
// OK response, if you get something else you probably need to treat it as a failure.
EHTTPStatusCode m_eStatusCode;
uint32 m_unBodySize; // Same as GetHTTPResponseBodySize()
struct HTTPRequestHeadersReceived_t {
enum { k_iCallback = k_iSteamHTTPCallbacks + 2 };
// Handle value for the request that has received headers.
HTTPRequestHandle m_hRequest;
// Context value that the user defined on the request that this callback is associated with, 0 if
// no context value was set.
uint64 m_ulContextValue;
struct HTTPRequestDataReceived_t {
enum { k_iCallback = k_iSteamHTTPCallbacks + 3 };
// Handle value for the request that has received data.
HTTPRequestHandle m_hRequest;
// Context value that the user defined on the request that this callback is associated with, 0 if
// no context value was set.
uint64 m_ulContextValue;
// Offset to provide to GetHTTPStreamingResponseBodyData to get this chunk of data
uint32 m_cOffset;
// Size to provide to GetHTTPStreamingResponseBodyData to get this chunk of data
uint32 m_cBytesReceived;
#pragma pack(pop)
#endif // ISTEAMHTTP_H