mirror of https://gitlab.com/kelteseth/ScreenPlay.git synced 2024-09-18 08:22:33 +02:00
Elias Steurer 287730e9c7 Change macos building fat universal binary as default
For this we now use a custom triplet. This has some drawbacks like openssl
does not work with this config. Luckily we can
use openssl that is provided by Qt. On macOS
they use Secure Transport.
2023-06-02 09:51:56 +02:00

64 lines
2.4 KiB

# SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-EliasSteurerTachiom OR AGPL-3.0-only
from distutils.dir_util import mkpath
import os
from pathlib import Path
from util import run, run_and_capture_output, cd_repo_root_path
from sys import stdout
def listfiles(path):
files = []
extensions = ('.dylib', '.so','')
ignored = ('qmldir')
print(f"WALK: {path}")
for dirName, subdirList, fileList in os.walk(path):
dir = dirName.replace(path, '')
for fname in fileList:
if Path(fname).suffix in extensions and not fname in ignored:
file = path + os.path.join(dir, fname)
if os.path.islink(file):
print(f"Warning: file {file} is a symlink!")
print("Symlink target: ", os.readlink(file))
return files
# Merges x64 and arm64 build into universal
def run_lipo() :
root_path = cd_repo_root_path()
# Looks like it is ok the contain symlinks otherwise we get these errors for qml plugins:
# bundle format is ambiguous (could be app or framework)
# https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-101338
run("cp -a build-x64-osx-release build-universal-osx-release",root_path)
apps = ["ScreenPlay","ScreenPlayWallpaper", "ScreenPlayWidget"]
for app in apps:
arm64_dir = str(Path.joinpath(root_path, f"build-arm64-osx-release/bin/ScreenPlay.app/Contents/MacOS/{app}"))
x64_dir = str(Path.joinpath(root_path, f"build-x64-osx-release/bin/ScreenPlay.app/Contents/MacOS/{app}"))
universal_dir = str(Path.joinpath(root_path, f"build-universal-osx-release/bin/ScreenPlay.app/Contents/MacOS/{app}"))
run(f"lipo -create {arm64_dir} {x64_dir} -output {universal_dir}")
run(f"lipo -info {universal_dir}")
def check_fat_binary():
# Make sure the script is always started from the same folder
root_path = Path.cwd()
if root_path.name == "Tools":
root_path = root_path.parent
print(f"Change root directory to: {root_path}")
dir = 'build-osx-release/bin/'
files = listfiles(str(Path.joinpath(root_path, dir)))
for file in files:
out = run_and_capture_output(f"lipo -info {file}")
if out.startswith('Non-fat'):
if __name__ == "__main__":