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# File: Tools/pre-commit/ollama_code_review.py
import sys
import asyncio
import subprocess
import re
from typing import Optional, Sequence, List, Tuple
from ollama import AsyncClient
MODEL_NAME = 'glm4' # You can change this to any model you prefer
ANALYSIS_TIMEOUT = 60 # Timeout in seconds for each file analysis
def get_git_staged_diff() -> str:
"""Get the git diff of staged changes."""
result = subprocess.run(['git', 'diff', '--cached'], capture_output=True, text=True, check=True)
return result.stdout
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
print(f"Error getting git diff: {e}")
def parse_git_diff(diff: str) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]:
"""Parse git diff and return a list of (filename, file_diff) tuples."""
file_diffs = []
current_file = None
current_diff = []
for line in diff.split('\n'):
if line.startswith('diff --git'):
if current_file:
file_diffs.append((current_file, '\n'.join(current_diff)))
current_file = re.search(r'b/(.+)$', line).group(1)
current_diff = [line]
elif current_file:
if current_file:
file_diffs.append((current_file, '\n'.join(current_diff)))
return file_diffs
async def analyze_file_with_ollama(filename: str, file_diff: str) -> None:
"""Send a single file diff to Ollama for analysis and stream the response."""
prompt = f"""
Analyze the following git diff for the file '{filename}'.
Focus only on:
1. Copy-paste errors: Look for actual repeated code blocks or patterns that suggest copy-pasting, ignoring the '+' and '-' at the start of lines.
2. Spelling issues: Identify any misspelled words or typos in comments and strings. Ignore variable names, function names, and other code identifiers.
Use the following emoji system to indicate the severity of issues:
🟢 - No issues found
🟡 - Minor issues (e.g., a few typos or small repeated code segments)
🔴 - Significant issues (e.g., large blocks of copied code or numerous spelling errors)
Start your response with one of these emojis to indicate the overall status.
Then provide a concise summary of findings, if any. If no issues are found, just state that.
Git diff for {filename}:
client = AsyncClient()
print(f"\nAnalyzing {file_diff}:")
full_response = []
async def process_stream():
async for response in await client.generate(model=MODEL_NAME, prompt=prompt, stream=True):
chunk = response['response']
print(chunk, end='', flush=True)
await asyncio.wait_for(process_stream(), timeout=ANALYSIS_TIMEOUT)
print() # New line after complete response
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
print(f"\nAnalysis for {filename} timed out after {ANALYSIS_TIMEOUT} seconds.")
except Exception as e:
print(f"\nError communicating with Ollama for {filename}: {e}")
async def check_and_pull_model() -> bool:
"""Check if the model exists, and pull it if it doesn't."""
client = AsyncClient()
# Check if the model exists
models = await client.list()
if MODEL_NAME not in [model['name'] for model in models['models']]:
print(f"Model '{MODEL_NAME}' not found. Pulling it now...")
await client.pull(model=MODEL_NAME)
print(f"Model '{MODEL_NAME}' has been pulled successfully.")
return True
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error checking or pulling the model: {e}")
return False
async def main(argv: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None) -> int:
# First, check and pull the model if necessary
if not await check_and_pull_model():
print("Failed to ensure the model is available. Exiting.")
return 1
full_diff = get_git_staged_diff()
if not full_diff:
print("No staged changes to analyze.")
return 0
file_diffs = parse_git_diff(full_diff)
for filename, file_diff in file_diffs:
await analyze_file_with_ollama(filename, file_diff)
# Ask user if they want to proceed with the commit
while True:
answer = input("\nDo you want to proceed with the commit? (y/n): ").lower()
if answer in ['y', 'yes']:
return 0 # Proceed with commit
elif answer in ['n', 'no']:
return 1 # Abort commit
print("Please answer 'y' or 'n'.")
if __name__ == "__main__":
sys.exit(asyncio.run(main())) |