#include "StdAfx.h" #include "Timer.h" struct RsGlobalType { const char* AppName; unsigned int unkWidth, unkHeight; signed int MaximumWidth; signed int MaximumHeight; unsigned int frameLimit; BOOL quit; void* ps; void* keyboard; void* mouse; void* pad; }; struct RwV2d { float x; /**< X value*/ float y; /**< Y value */ }; bool* bSnapShotActive; static const void* RosieAudioFix_JumpBack; void (__stdcall *AudioResetTimers)(unsigned int); static void (*PrintString)(float,float,const wchar_t*); static RsGlobalType* RsGlobal; static const void* SubtitlesShadowFix_JumpBack; inline float GetWidthMult() { static const float& ResolutionWidthMult = **AddressByVersion(0x5FA15E, 0x5FA17E, 0x5F9DBE); return ResolutionWidthMult; } inline float GetHeightMult() { static const float& ResolutionHeightMult = **AddressByVersion(0x5FA148, 0x5FA168, 0x5F9DA8); return ResolutionHeightMult; } void __declspec(naked) RosiesAudioFix() { _asm { mov byte ptr [ebx+0CCh], 0 mov byte ptr [ebx+148h], 0 jmp [RosieAudioFix_JumpBack] } } static bool bGameInFocus = true; static LRESULT (CALLBACK **OldWndProc)(HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM); LRESULT CALLBACK CustomWndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch ( uMsg ) { case WM_KILLFOCUS: bGameInFocus = false; break; case WM_SETFOCUS: bGameInFocus = true; break; } return (*OldWndProc)(hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); } static auto* pCustomWndProc = CustomWndProc; static void (* const ConstructRenderList)() = AddressByVersion(0x4CA260, 0x4CA280, 0x4CA120); static void (* const RsMouseSetPos)(RwV2d*) = AddressByVersion(0x6030C0, 0x6030A0, 0x602CE0); void ResetMousePos() { if ( bGameInFocus ) { RwV2d vecPos = { RsGlobal->MaximumWidth * 0.5f, RsGlobal->MaximumHeight * 0.5f }; RsMouseSetPos(&vecPos); } ConstructRenderList(); } void __stdcall Recalculate(float& fX, float& fY, signed int nShadow) { fX = nShadow * GetWidthMult() * RsGlobal->MaximumWidth; fY = nShadow * GetHeightMult() * RsGlobal->MaximumHeight; } template void AlteredPrintString(float fX, float fY, const wchar_t* pText) { float fMarginX = **reinterpret_cast(pFltX); float fMarginY = **reinterpret_cast(pFltY); PrintString(fX - fMarginX + (fMarginX * GetWidthMult() * RsGlobal->MaximumWidth), fY - fMarginY + (fMarginY * GetHeightMult() * RsGlobal->MaximumHeight), pText); } template void AlteredPrintStringMinus(float fX, float fY, const wchar_t* pText) { float fMarginX = **reinterpret_cast(pFltX); float fMarginY = **reinterpret_cast(pFltY); PrintString(fX + fMarginX - (fMarginX * GetWidthMult() * RsGlobal->MaximumWidth), fY + fMarginY - (fMarginY * GetHeightMult() * RsGlobal->MaximumHeight), pText); } template void AlteredPrintStringXOnly(float fX, float fY, const wchar_t* pText) { float fMarginX = **reinterpret_cast(pFltX); PrintString(fX - fMarginX + (fMarginX * GetWidthMult() * RsGlobal->MaximumWidth), fY, pText); } template void AlteredPrintStringYOnly(float fX, float fY, const wchar_t* pText) { float fMarginY = **reinterpret_cast(pFltY); PrintString(fX, fY - fMarginY + (fMarginY * GetHeightMult() * RsGlobal->MaximumHeight), pText); } float FixedRefValue() { return 1.0f; } void __declspec(naked) SubtitlesShadowFix() { _asm { mov [esp], eax fild [esp] push eax lea eax, [esp+20h-18h] push eax lea eax, [esp+24h-14h] push eax call Recalculate jmp SubtitlesShadowFix_JumpBack } } char** const ppUserFilesDir = AddressByVersion(0x6022AA, 0x60228A, 0x601ECA); char* GetMyDocumentsPath() { static char cUserFilesPath[MAX_PATH]; if ( cUserFilesPath[0] == '\0' ) { SHGetFolderPath(nullptr, CSIDL_MYDOCUMENTS, nullptr, SHGFP_TYPE_CURRENT, cUserFilesPath); PathAppend(cUserFilesPath, *ppUserFilesDir); CreateDirectory(cUserFilesPath, nullptr); } return cUserFilesPath; } static LARGE_INTEGER FrameTime; DWORD GetTimeSinceLastFrame() { LARGE_INTEGER curTime; QueryPerformanceCounter(&curTime); return curTime.QuadPart - FrameTime.QuadPart; } static void (*RsEventHandler)(int, void*); void NewFrameRender(int nEvent, void* pParam) { QueryPerformanceCounter(&FrameTime); RsEventHandler(nEvent, pParam); } static char aNoDesktopMode[64]; void Patch_VC_10(const RECT& desktop) { using namespace MemoryVP; AudioResetTimers = (void(__stdcall*)(unsigned int))0x5F98D0; PrintString = (void(*)(float,float,const wchar_t*))0x551040; bSnapShotActive = *(bool**)0x4D1239; RsGlobal = *(RsGlobalType**)0x602D32; RosieAudioFix_JumpBack = (void*)0x42BFFE; SubtitlesShadowFix_JumpBack = (void*)0x551701; CTimer::ms_fTimeScale = *(float**)0x453D38; CTimer::ms_fTimeStep = *(float**)0x41A318; CTimer::ms_fTimeStepNotClipped = *(float**)0x40605B; CTimer::m_UserPause = *(bool**)0x4D0F91; CTimer::m_CodePause = *(bool**)0x4D0FAE; CTimer::m_snTimeInMilliseconds = *(int**)0x418CFC; CTimer::m_snPreviousTimeInMilliseconds = *(int**)0x41BB3A; CTimer::m_snTimeInMillisecondsNonClipped = *(int**)0x4D1081; CTimer::m_snTimeInMillisecondsPauseMode = *(int**)0x4D0FE2; CTimer::m_FrameCounter = *(unsigned int**)0x4D12CF; Patch(0x43E983, 16); Patch(0x43EC03, 16); Patch(0x43EECB, 16); Patch(0x43F52B, 16); Patch(0x43F842, 16); Patch(0x48EB27, 16); Patch(0x541E7E, 16); InjectHook(0x4D1300, CTimer::Initialise, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x4D0ED0, CTimer::Suspend, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x4D0E50, CTimer::Resume, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x4D0DF0, CTimer::GetCyclesPerFrame, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x4D0E30, CTimer::GetCyclesPerMillisecond, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x4D0F30, CTimer::Update, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x61AA7D, CTimer::RecoverFromSave); InjectHook(0x5433BD, FixedRefValue); InjectHook(0x42BFF7, RosiesAudioFix, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x5516FC, SubtitlesShadowFix, PATCH_JUMP); Patch(0x5517C4, 0xD9); Patch(0x5517DF, 0xD9); Patch(0x551832, 0xD9); Patch(0x551848, 0xD9); Patch(0x5517E2, 0x34-0x14); Patch(0x55184B, 0x34-0x14); Patch(0x5517C7, 0x28-0x18); Patch(0x551835, 0x24-0x18); Patch(0x5516FB, 0x90); InjectHook(0x5FA1FD, AlteredPrintString<0x5FA1F6,0x5FA1D5>); InjectHook(0x54474D, AlteredPrintStringMinus<0x544727,0x544727>); // Mouse fucking fix! Patch(0x601740, 0xC3C030); // (Hopefully) more precise frame limiter int pAddress = 0x6004A2; RsEventHandler = (void(*)(int,void*))(*(int*)(pAddress+1) + pAddress + 5); InjectHook(pAddress, NewFrameRender); InjectHook(0x600449, GetTimeSinceLastFrame); // Default to desktop res Patch(0x600E7E, desktop.right); Patch(0x600E88, desktop.bottom); Patch(0x600E92, 32); Patch(0x600EC8, aNoDesktopMode); // No 12mb vram check Patch(0x601E26, 0xEB); // No DirectPlay dependency Patch(0x601CA0, 0xB8); Patch(0x601CA1, 0x900); // SHGetFolderPath on User Files InjectHook(0x602240, GetMyDocumentsPath, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x601A40, GetMyDocumentsPath, PATCH_CALL); InjectHook(0x601A45, 0x601B2F, PATCH_JUMP); // RsMouseSetPos call (SA style fix) InjectHook(0x4A5E45, ResetMousePos); // New wndproc OldWndProc = *(LRESULT (CALLBACK***)(HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM))0x601727; Patch(0x601727, &pCustomWndProc); // Y axis sensitivity fix // By ThirteenAG float* sens = *(float**)0x4796E5; Patch(0x479410 + 0x2E0 + 0x2, sens); Patch(0x47A20E + 0x27D + 0x2, sens); Patch(0x47AE27 + 0x1CC + 0x2, sens); Patch(0x47BE8F + 0x22E + 0x2, sens); Patch(0x481AB3 + 0x4FE + 0x2, sens); } void Patch_VC_11(const RECT& desktop) { using namespace MemoryVP; AudioResetTimers = (void(__stdcall*)(unsigned int))0x5F98F0; PrintString = (void(*)(float,float,const wchar_t*))0x551060; bSnapShotActive = *(bool**)0x4D1259; RsGlobal = *(RsGlobalType**)0x602D12; RosieAudioFix_JumpBack = (void*)0x42BFFE; SubtitlesShadowFix_JumpBack = (void*)0x551721; CTimer::ms_fTimeScale = *(float**)0x453D38; CTimer::ms_fTimeStep = *(float**)0x41A318; CTimer::ms_fTimeStepNotClipped = *(float**)0x40605B; CTimer::m_UserPause = *(bool**)0x4D0FB1; CTimer::m_CodePause = *(bool**)0x4D0FCE; CTimer::m_snTimeInMilliseconds = *(int**)0x418CFC; CTimer::m_snPreviousTimeInMilliseconds = *(int**)0x41BB3A; CTimer::m_snTimeInMillisecondsNonClipped = *(int**)0x4D10A1; CTimer::m_snTimeInMillisecondsPauseMode = *(int**)0x4D1002; CTimer::m_FrameCounter = *(unsigned int**)0x4D12EF; Patch(0x43E983, 16); Patch(0x43EC03, 16); Patch(0x43EECB, 16); Patch(0x43F52B, 16); Patch(0x43F842, 16); Patch(0x48EB37, 16); Patch(0x541E9E, 16); InjectHook(0x4D1320, CTimer::Initialise, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x4D0EF0, CTimer::Suspend, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x4D0E70, CTimer::Resume, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x4D0E10, CTimer::GetCyclesPerFrame, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x4D0E50, CTimer::GetCyclesPerMillisecond, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x4D0F50, CTimer::Update, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x61AA5D, CTimer::RecoverFromSave); InjectHook(0x5433DD, FixedRefValue); InjectHook(0x42BFF7, RosiesAudioFix, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x55171C, SubtitlesShadowFix, PATCH_JUMP); Patch(0x5517E4, 0xD9); Patch(0x5517FF, 0xD9); Patch(0x551852, 0xD9); Patch(0x551868, 0xD9); Patch(0x551802, 0x34-0x14); Patch(0x55186B, 0x34-0x14); Patch(0x5517E7, 0x28-0x18); Patch(0x551855, 0x24-0x18); Patch(0x55171B, 0x90); InjectHook(0x5FA21D, AlteredPrintString<0x5FA216,0x5FA1F5>); InjectHook(0x54476D, AlteredPrintStringMinus<0x544747,0x544747>); // Mouse fucking fix! Patch(0x601770, 0xC3C030); // (Hopefully) more precise frame limiter int pAddress = 0x6004C2; RsEventHandler = (void(*)(int,void*))(*(int*)(pAddress+1) + pAddress + 5); InjectHook(pAddress, NewFrameRender); InjectHook(0x600469, GetTimeSinceLastFrame); // Default to desktop res Patch(0x600E9E, desktop.right); Patch(0x600EA8, desktop.bottom); Patch(0x600EB2, 32); Patch(0x600EE8, aNoDesktopMode); // No 12mb vram check Patch(0x601E56, 0xEB); // No DirectPlay dependency Patch(0x601CD0, 0xB8); Patch(0x601CD1, 0x900); // SHGetFolderPath on User Files InjectHook(0x602220, GetMyDocumentsPath, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x601A70, GetMyDocumentsPath, PATCH_CALL); InjectHook(0x601A75, 0x601B5F, PATCH_JUMP); // RsMouseSetPos call (SA style fix) InjectHook(0x4A5E65, ResetMousePos); // New wndproc OldWndProc = *(LRESULT (CALLBACK***)(HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM))0x601757; Patch(0x601757, &pCustomWndProc); // Y axis sensitivity fix // By ThirteenAG float* sens = *(float**)0x4796E5; Patch(0x479410 + 0x2E0 + 0x2, sens); Patch(0x47A20E + 0x27D + 0x2, sens); Patch(0x47AE27 + 0x1CC + 0x2, sens); Patch(0x47BE8F + 0x22E + 0x2, sens); Patch(0x481AB3 + 0x4FE + 0x2, sens); } void Patch_VC_Steam(const RECT& desktop) { using namespace MemoryVP; AudioResetTimers = (void(__stdcall*)(unsigned int))0x5F9530; PrintString = (void(*)(float,float,const wchar_t*))0x550F30; bSnapShotActive = *(bool**)0x4D10F9; RsGlobal = *(RsGlobalType**)0x602952; RosieAudioFix_JumpBack = (void*)0x42BFCE; SubtitlesShadowFix_JumpBack = (void*)0x5515F1; CTimer::ms_fTimeScale = *(float**)0x453C18; CTimer::ms_fTimeStep = *(float**)0x41A318; CTimer::ms_fTimeStepNotClipped = *(float**)0x40605B; CTimer::m_UserPause = *(bool**)0x4D0E51; CTimer::m_CodePause = *(bool**)0x4D0E6E; CTimer::m_snTimeInMilliseconds = *(int**)0x418CFC; CTimer::m_snPreviousTimeInMilliseconds = *(int**)0x41BB3A; CTimer::m_snTimeInMillisecondsNonClipped = *(int**)0x4D0F41; CTimer::m_snTimeInMillisecondsPauseMode = *(int**)0x4D0EA2; CTimer::m_FrameCounter = *(unsigned int**)0x4D118F; Patch(0x43E8F3, 16); Patch(0x43EB73, 16); Patch(0x43EE3B, 16); Patch(0x43F49B, 16); Patch(0x43F7B2, 16); Patch(0x48EA37, 16); Patch(0x541D6E, 16); InjectHook(0x4D11C0, CTimer::Initialise, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x4D0D90, CTimer::Suspend, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x4D0D10, CTimer::Resume, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x4D0CB0, CTimer::GetCyclesPerFrame, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x4D0CF0, CTimer::GetCyclesPerMillisecond, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x4D0DF0, CTimer::Update, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x61A6A6, CTimer::RecoverFromSave); InjectHook(0x5432AD, FixedRefValue); InjectHook(0x42BFC7, RosiesAudioFix, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x5515EC, SubtitlesShadowFix, PATCH_JUMP); Patch(0x5516B4, 0xD9); Patch(0x5516CF, 0xD9); Patch(0x551722, 0xD9); Patch(0x551738, 0xD9); Patch(0x5516D2, 0x34-0x14); Patch(0x55173B, 0x34-0x14); Patch(0x5516B7, 0x28-0x18); Patch(0x551725, 0x24-0x18); Patch(0x5515EB, 0x90); InjectHook(0x5F9E5D, AlteredPrintString<0x5F9E56,0x5F9E35>); InjectHook(0x54463D, AlteredPrintStringMinus<0x544617,0x544617>); // Mouse fucking fix! Patch(0x6013B0, 0xC3C030); // (Hopefully) more precise frame limiter int pAddress = 0x600102; RsEventHandler = (void(*)(int,void*))(*(int*)(pAddress+1) + pAddress + 5); InjectHook(pAddress, NewFrameRender); InjectHook(0x6000A9, GetTimeSinceLastFrame); // Default to desktop res Patch(0x600ADE, desktop.right); Patch(0x600AE8, desktop.bottom); Patch(0x600AF2, 32); Patch(0x600B28, aNoDesktopMode); // No 12mb vram check Patch(0x601A96, 0xEB); // No DirectPlay dependency Patch(0x601910, 0xB8); Patch(0x601911, 0x900); // SHGetFolderPath on User Files InjectHook(0x601E60, GetMyDocumentsPath, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x6016B0, GetMyDocumentsPath, PATCH_CALL); InjectHook(0x6016B5, 0x60179F, PATCH_JUMP); // RsMouseSetPos call (SA style fix) InjectHook(0x4A5D15, ResetMousePos); // New wndproc OldWndProc = *(LRESULT (CALLBACK***)(HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM))0x601397; Patch(0x601397, &pCustomWndProc); // Y axis sensitivity fix // By ThirteenAG float* sens = *(float**)0x4795C5; Patch(0x4792F0 + 0x2E0 + 0x2, sens); Patch(0x47A0EE + 0x27D + 0x2, sens); Patch(0x47AD07 + 0x1CC + 0x2, sens); Patch(0x47BD6F + 0x22E + 0x2, sens); Patch(0x481993 + 0x4FE + 0x2, sens); } void Patch_VC_JP() { using namespace MemoryVP; // Y axis sensitivity fix // By ThirteenAG Patch(0x4797E7 + 0x2E0 + 0x2, 0x94ABD8); Patch(0x47A5E5 + 0x27D + 0x2, 0x94ABD8); Patch(0x47B1FE + 0x1CC + 0x2, 0x94ABD8); Patch(0x47C266 + 0x22E + 0x2, 0x94ABD8); Patch(0x481E8A + 0x4FE + 0x2, 0x94ABD8); } BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE hinstDLL, DWORD fdwReason, LPVOID lpvReserved) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(hinstDLL); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(lpvReserved); if ( fdwReason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH ) { RECT desktop; GetWindowRect(GetDesktopWindow(), &desktop); sprintf(aNoDesktopMode, "Cannot find %dx%dx32 video mode", desktop.right, desktop.bottom); if(*(DWORD*)0x667BF5 == 0xB85548EC) Patch_VC_10(desktop); else if(*(DWORD*)0x667C45 == 0xB85548EC) Patch_VC_11(desktop); else if (*(DWORD*)0x666BA5 == 0xB85548EC) Patch_VC_Steam(desktop); // Y axis sensitivity only else if (*(DWORD*)0x601048 == 0x5E5F5D60) { Patch_VC_JP(); return TRUE; } else return FALSE; CTimer::Initialise(); HMODULE hDummyHandle; GetModuleHandleEx(GET_MODULE_HANDLE_EX_FLAG_FROM_ADDRESS, (LPCSTR)&DllMain, &hDummyHandle); } return TRUE; }