using System; using System.Linq; using NLog; using NzbDrone.Core.DecisionEngine; using NzbDrone.Core.Download; namespace NzbDrone.Core.Indexers { public interface IRssSyncService { void Sync(); } public class RssSyncService : IRssSyncService { private readonly IFetchAndParseRss _rssFetcherAndParser; private readonly IMakeDownloadDecision _downloadDecisionMaker; private readonly IDownloadService _downloadService; private readonly Logger _logger; public RssSyncService(IFetchAndParseRss rssFetcherAndParser, IMakeDownloadDecision downloadDecisionMaker, IDownloadService downloadService, Logger logger) { _rssFetcherAndParser = rssFetcherAndParser; _downloadDecisionMaker = downloadDecisionMaker; _downloadService = downloadService; _logger = logger; } public void Sync() { _logger.Info("Starting RSS Sync"); var reports = _rssFetcherAndParser.Fetch(); var decisions = _downloadDecisionMaker.GetRssDecision(reports); //TODO: this will download multiple of same episode if they show up in RSS. need to //proposal: maybe get download decision one by one, that way var qualifiedReports = decisions .Where(c => c.Approved) .Select(c => c.Episode) .OrderByDescending(c => c.Quality) .ThenBy(c => c.Episodes.Select(e => e.EpisodeNumber).MinOrDefault()) .ThenBy(c => c.Report.Age); foreach (var episodeParseResult in qualifiedReports) { try { _downloadService.DownloadReport(episodeParseResult); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.WarnException("Couldn't add report to download queue. " + episodeParseResult, e); } } _logger.Info("RSS Sync Completed. Reports found: {0}, Fetches attempted: {1}", reports.Count, qualifiedReports.Count()); } } }