
842 lines
38 KiB
Raw Normal View History

using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using Nikse.SubtitleEdit.Logic;
namespace Nikse.SubtitleEdit.Forms
public sealed partial class FormRemoveTextForHearImpaired : Form
Subtitle _subtitle;
readonly LanguageStructure.RemoveTextFromHearImpaired _language;
public FormRemoveTextForHearImpaired()
checkBoxRemoveTextBeforeColon.Checked = Configuration.Settings.RemoveTextForHearingImpaired.RemoveTextBeforeColor;
checkBoxRemoveTextBeforeColonOnlyUppercase.Checked = Configuration.Settings.RemoveTextForHearingImpaired.RemoveTextBeforeColorOnlyIfUppercase;
checkBoxRemoveInterjections.Checked = Configuration.Settings.RemoveTextForHearingImpaired.RemoveInterjections;
checkBoxRemoveWhereContains.Checked = Configuration.Settings.RemoveTextForHearingImpaired.RemoveIfContains;
comboBoxRemoveIfTextContains.Text = Configuration.Settings.RemoveTextForHearingImpaired.RemoveIfContainsText;
_language = Configuration.Settings.Language.RemoveTextFromHearImpaired;
Text = _language.Title;
groupBoxRemoveTextConditions.Text = _language.RemoveTextConditions;
labelAnd.Text = _language.And;
labelRemoveTextBetween.Text = _language.RemoveTextBetween;
checkBoxRemoveTextBeforeColon.Text = _language.RemoveTextBeforeColon;
checkBoxRemoveTextBeforeColonOnlyUppercase.Text = _language.OnlyIfTextIsUppercase;
checkBoxOnlyIfInSeparateLine.Text = _language.OnlyIfInSeparateLine;
checkBoxRemoveTextBetweenBrackets.Text = _language.Brackets;
checkBoxRemoveTextBetweenParentheses.Text = _language.Parentheses;
checkBoxRemoveTextBetweenQuestionMarks.Text = _language.QuestionMarks;
checkBoxRemoveTextBetweenSquares.Text = _language.SquareBrackets;
checkBoxRemoveWhereContains.Text = _language.RemoveTextIfContains;
checkBoxRemoveInterjections.Text = _language.RemoveInterjections;
buttonEditInterjections.Text = _language.EditInterjections;
buttonEditInterjections.Left = checkBoxRemoveInterjections.Left + checkBoxRemoveInterjections.Width;
listViewFixes.Columns[0].Text = Configuration.Settings.Language.General.Apply;
listViewFixes.Columns[1].Text = _language.LineNumber;
listViewFixes.Columns[2].Text = _language.Before;
listViewFixes.Columns[3].Text = _language.After;
buttonOK.Text = Configuration.Settings.Language.General.OK;
buttonCancel.Text = Configuration.Settings.Language.General.Cancel;
private void FixLargeFonts()
Graphics graphics = this.CreateGraphics();
SizeF textSize = graphics.MeasureString(buttonOK.Text, this.Font);
if (textSize.Height > buttonOK.Height - 4)
int newButtonHeight = (int)(textSize.Height + 7 + 0.5);
Utilities.SetButtonHeight(this, newButtonHeight, 1);
public static string RemoveStartEndNoise(string text)
string s = text.Trim();
if (s.StartsWith("<b>") && s.Length > 3)
s = s.Substring(3);
if (s.StartsWith("<i>") && s.Length > 3)
s = s.Substring(3);
if (s.StartsWith("<u>") && s.Length > 3)
s = s.Substring(3);
if (s.StartsWith("<B>") && s.Length > 3)
s = s.Substring(3);
if (s.StartsWith("<I>") && s.Length > 3)
s = s.Substring(3);
if (s.StartsWith("<U>") && s.Length > 3)
s = s.Substring(3);
if (s.EndsWith("</b>") && s.Length > 4)
s = s.Substring(0, s.Length-4);
if (s.EndsWith("</i>") && s.Length > 4)
s = s.Substring(0, s.Length-4);
if (s.EndsWith("</u>") && s.Length > 4)
s = s.Substring(0, s.Length-4);
if (s.EndsWith("</B>") && s.Length > 4)
s = s.Substring(0, s.Length-4);
if (s.EndsWith("</I>") && s.Length > 4)
s = s.Substring(0, s.Length-4);
if (s.EndsWith("</U>") && s.Length > 4)
s = s.Substring(0, s.Length-4);
if (s.StartsWith("-") && s.Length > 2)
s = s.TrimStart('-');
return s.Trim();
private string RemoveTextBetweenTags(string startTag, string endTag, string text)
text = text.Trim();
if (startTag == "?" || endTag == "?")
if (text.StartsWith(startTag) && text.EndsWith(endTag))
return string.Empty;
return text;
int start = text.IndexOf(startTag);
if (start == -1 || start == text.Length - 1)
return text;
int end = text.IndexOf(endTag, start + 1);
while (start >= 0 && end > start)
text = text.Remove(start, (end - start)+1);
start = text.IndexOf(startTag);
if (start >= 0 && start < text.Length - 1)
end = text.IndexOf(endTag, start);
end = -1;
return text.Replace(" " + Environment.NewLine, Environment.NewLine).TrimEnd();
private string RemoveHearImpairedTags(string text)
if (checkBoxRemoveTextBetweenSquares.Checked)
text = RemoveTextBetweenTags("[", "]:", text);
text = RemoveTextBetweenTags("[", "]", text);
if (checkBoxRemoveTextBetweenBrackets.Checked)
text = RemoveTextBetweenTags("{", "}:", text);
text = RemoveTextBetweenTags("{", "}", text);
if (checkBoxRemoveTextBetweenQuestionMarks.Checked)
text = RemoveTextBetweenTags("?", "?:", text);
text = RemoveTextBetweenTags("?", "?", text);
if (checkBoxRemoveTextBetweenParentheses.Checked)
text = RemoveTextBetweenTags("(", "):", text);
text = RemoveTextBetweenTags("(", ")", text);
if (checkBoxRemoveTextBetweenCustomTags.Checked && comboBoxCustomStart.Text.Length > 0 && comboBoxCustomEnd.Text.Length > 0)
text = RemoveTextBetweenTags(comboBoxCustomStart.Text, comboBoxCustomEnd.Text, text);
return text;
private bool HasHearImpairedText(string text)
return RemoveHearImpairedTags(text) != text;
public bool HasHearImpariedTagsAtStart(string text)
if (checkBoxOnlyIfInSeparateLine.Checked)
return StartAndEndsWithHearImpariedTags(text);
return HasHearImpairedText(text);
public bool HasHearImpariedTagsAtEnd(string text)
if (checkBoxOnlyIfInSeparateLine.Checked)
return StartAndEndsWithHearImpariedTags(text);
return HasHearImpairedText(text);
private bool StartAndEndsWithHearImpariedTags(string text)
return (text.StartsWith("[") && text.EndsWith("]") && checkBoxRemoveTextBetweenSquares.Checked) ||
(text.StartsWith("{") && text.EndsWith("}") && checkBoxRemoveTextBetweenBrackets.Checked) ||
(text.StartsWith("?") && text.EndsWith("?") && checkBoxRemoveTextBetweenQuestionMarks.Checked) ||
(text.StartsWith("(") && text.EndsWith(")") && checkBoxRemoveTextBetweenParentheses.Checked) ||
(text.StartsWith("[") && text.EndsWith("]:") && checkBoxRemoveTextBetweenSquares.Checked) ||
(text.StartsWith("{") && text.EndsWith("}:") && checkBoxRemoveTextBetweenBrackets.Checked) ||
(text.StartsWith("?") && text.EndsWith("?:") && checkBoxRemoveTextBetweenQuestionMarks.Checked) ||
(text.StartsWith("(") && text.EndsWith("):") && checkBoxRemoveTextBetweenParentheses.Checked) ||
(checkBoxRemoveTextBetweenCustomTags.Checked &&
comboBoxCustomStart.Text.Length > 0 && comboBoxCustomEnd.Text.Length > 0 &&
text.StartsWith(comboBoxCustomStart.Text) && text.EndsWith(comboBoxCustomEnd.Text));
public void Initialize(Subtitle subtitle)
if (Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major < 6) // 6 == Vista/Win2008Server/Win7
string unicodeFontName = Utilities.WinXp2kUnicodeFontName;
float fontSize = comboBoxCustomStart.Font.Size;
comboBoxCustomStart.Font = new System.Drawing.Font(unicodeFontName, fontSize);
comboBoxCustomEnd.Font = new System.Drawing.Font(unicodeFontName, fontSize);
comboBoxRemoveIfTextContains.Font = new System.Drawing.Font(unicodeFontName, fontSize);
comboBoxRemoveIfTextContains.Left = checkBoxRemoveWhereContains.Left + checkBoxRemoveWhereContains.Width;
_subtitle = subtitle;
private void GeneratePreview()
if (_subtitle == null)
int count = 0;
foreach (Paragraph p in _subtitle.Paragraphs)
bool hit = false;
if (HasHearImpariedTagsAtStart(RemoveStartEndNoise(p.Text)))
hit = true;
if (HasHearImpariedTagsAtEnd(RemoveStartEndNoise(p.Text)))
hit = true;
if (!hit && checkBoxRemoveWhereContains.Checked && comboBoxRemoveIfTextContains.Text.Length > 0 && p.Text.Contains(comboBoxRemoveIfTextContains.Text))
hit = true;
if (!hit)
foreach (string s in p.Text.Trim().Split(Environment.NewLine.ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))
if (HasHearImpariedTagsAtStart(RemoveStartEndNoise(s)))
hit = true;
if (RemoveColon(p.Text) != p.Text.Trim())
hit = true;
if (checkBoxRemoveInterjections.Checked && RemoveInterjections(p.Text) != p.Text.Trim())
hit = true;
if (RemoveHearImpairedtagsInsideLine(p.Text) != p.Text.Trim())
hit = true;
if (!hit)
string[] parts = p.Text.Trim().Split(Environment.NewLine.ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
foreach (string s in parts)
StripableText stSub = new StripableText(s, " >-\"'`´♪¿¡.", " -\"'`´♪.!?:");
string newText = stSub.StrippedText;
if (HasHearImpariedTagsAtStart(newText))
hit = true;
else if (HasHearImpariedTagsAtEnd(newText))
hit = true;
if (hit)
string newText = RemoveTextFromHearImpaired(p.Text);
AddToListView(p, newText);
groupBoxLinesFound.Text = string.Format(_language.LinesFoundX, count);
private string RemoveHearImpairedtagsInsideLine(string newText)
int i = 5;
while (i < newText.Length)
string s = newText.Substring(i);
if (i > 5 && s.Length > 2 && (s.StartsWith(".") || s.StartsWith("!") || s.StartsWith("?")))
if (s[1] == ' ' || s.Substring(1).StartsWith("<i>") || s.Substring(1).StartsWith("</i>"))
string pre = " ";
if (s.Substring(1).StartsWith("<i>"))
pre = "<i>";
else if (s.Substring(1).StartsWith(" <i>"))
pre = " <i>";
else if (s.Substring(1).StartsWith("</i>"))
pre = "</i>";
s = s.Remove(0, 1 + pre.Length);
if (s.StartsWith(" ") && s.Length > 1)
pre += " ";
s = s.Remove(0, 1);
if (HasHearImpariedTagsAtStart(s))
s = RemoveStartEndTags(s);
newText = newText.Substring(0, i+1) + pre + " " + s;
newText = newText.Replace("<i></i>", string.Empty);
newText = newText.Replace("<i> </i>", " ");
newText = newText.Replace(" ", " ");
newText = newText.Replace(" ", " ");
return newText;
private string RemoveColon(string text)
if (!checkBoxRemoveTextBeforeColon.Checked)
return text;
if (text.IndexOf(":") < 0)
return text;
// House 7x01 line 52: and she would like you to do three things:
// Okay or remove???
if (text.IndexOf(':') > 0 && text.IndexOf(':') == text.Length - 1 && text != text.ToUpper())
return text;
string newText = string.Empty;
string[] parts = text.Trim().Split(Environment.NewLine.ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
int noOfNames = 0;
foreach (string s in parts)
int indexOfColon = s.IndexOf(":");
if (indexOfColon > 0)
string pre = s.Substring(0, indexOfColon);
if (checkBoxRemoveTextBeforeColonOnlyUppercase.Checked && pre.Replace("<i>", string.Empty) != pre.Replace("<i>", string.Empty).ToUpper())
newText = newText + Environment.NewLine + s;
newText = newText.Trim();
StripableText st = new StripableText(pre);
if (Utilities.CountTagInText(s, ":") == 1)
bool remove = true;
if (indexOfColon > 0 && indexOfColon < s.Length - 1)
if ("1234567890".Contains(s.Substring(indexOfColon - 1, 1)) && "1234567890".Contains(s.Substring(indexOfColon + 1, 1)))
remove = false;
if (remove)
string content = s.Substring(indexOfColon + 1).Trim();
if (content != string.Empty)
if (pre.Contains("<i>") && !content.Contains("</i>"))
newText = newText + Environment.NewLine + "<i>" + content;
newText = newText + Environment.NewLine + content;
// newText = newText + Environment.NewLine + st.Pre + content + st.Post;
newText = newText.Trim();
if (!IsHIDescription(st.StrippedText))
newText = newText + Environment.NewLine + s;
newText = newText.Trim();
string s2 = s;
for (int k = 0; k < 2; k++)
if (s2.Contains(":"))
int colonIndex = s2.IndexOf(":");
string start = s2.Substring(0, colonIndex);
int periodIndex = start.LastIndexOf(". ");
int questIndex = start.LastIndexOf("? ");
int exclaIndex = start.LastIndexOf("! ");
int endIndex = periodIndex;
if (endIndex == -1 || questIndex > endIndex)
endIndex = questIndex;
if (endIndex == -1 || exclaIndex > endIndex)
endIndex = exclaIndex;
if (colonIndex > 0 && colonIndex < s2.Length - 1)
if ("1234567890".Contains(s2.Substring(colonIndex - 1, 1)) && "1234567890".Contains(s2.Substring(colonIndex + 1, 1)))
endIndex = -10;
if (endIndex == -1)
s2 = s2.Remove(0, colonIndex - endIndex);
else if (endIndex > 0)
s2 = s2.Remove(endIndex + 1, colonIndex - endIndex);
newText = newText + Environment.NewLine + s2;
newText = newText.Trim();
newText = newText + Environment.NewLine + s;
newText = newText.Trim();
newText = newText.Trim();
if (noOfNames > 0 && Utilities.CountTagInText(newText, Environment.NewLine) == 1)
int indexOfDialogChar = newText.IndexOf('-');
bool insertDash = true;
string[] arr = newText.Split(Environment.NewLine.ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
if (arr.Length == 2 && arr[0].Length > 1 && arr[1].Length > 1)
string arr0 = new StripableText(arr[0]).StrippedText;
string arr1 = new StripableText(arr[1]).StrippedText;
if (arr0.Length > 0 && arr1.Length > 1 && (Utilities.GetLetters(false, true, false) + ",").Contains(arr0.Substring(arr0.Length-1)) &&
Utilities.GetLetters(false, true, false).Contains(arr1.Substring(0, 1)))
insertDash = false;
if (insertDash)
if (indexOfDialogChar < 0 || indexOfDialogChar > 4)
StripableText st = new StripableText(newText, "", "");
newText = st.Pre + "- " + st.StrippedText + st.Post;
int indexOfNewLine = newText.IndexOf(Environment.NewLine);
string second = newText.Substring(indexOfNewLine).Trim();
indexOfDialogChar = second.IndexOf('-');
if (indexOfDialogChar < 0 || indexOfDialogChar > 6)
StripableText st = new StripableText(second, "", "");
second = st.Pre + "- " + st.StrippedText + st.Post;
newText = newText.Remove(indexOfNewLine) + Environment.NewLine + second;
else if (!newText.Contains(Environment.NewLine) && newText.Contains("-"))
StripableText st = new StripableText(newText);
if (st.Pre.Contains("-"))
newText = st.Pre.Replace("-", string.Empty) + st.StrippedText + st.Post;
return newText;
internal string RemoveTextFromHearImpaired(string text)
if (checkBoxRemoveWhereContains.Checked && comboBoxRemoveIfTextContains.Text.Length > 0 && text.Contains(comboBoxRemoveIfTextContains.Text))
return string.Empty;
string oldText = text;
text = RemoveColon(text);
string pre = " >-\"'`´♪¿¡.…—";
string post = " -\"'`´♪.!?:…—";
if (checkBoxRemoveTextBetweenCustomTags.Checked)
pre = pre.Replace(comboBoxCustomStart.Text, string.Empty);
post = post.Replace(comboBoxCustomEnd.Text, string.Empty);
StripableText st = new StripableText(text, pre, post);
var sb = new StringBuilder();
string[] parts = st.StrippedText.Trim().Split(Environment.NewLine.ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
int lineNumber = 0;
bool removedDialogInFirstLine = false;
int noOfNamesRemoved = 0;
int noOfNamesRemovedNotInLineOne = 0;
foreach (string s in parts)
StripableText stSub = new StripableText(s, pre, post);
if (!StartAndEndsWithHearImpariedTags(stSub.StrippedText))
if (removedDialogInFirstLine && stSub.Pre.Contains("- "))
stSub.Pre = stSub.Pre.Replace("- ", string.Empty);
string newText = stSub.StrippedText;
newText = RemoveHearImpairedTags(newText);
if (stSub.StrippedText.Length - newText.Length > 2)
string removedText = GetRemovedString(stSub.StrippedText, newText);
if (!IsHIDescription(removedText))
if (lineNumber > 0)
sb.AppendLine(stSub.Pre + newText + stSub.Post);
if (!IsHIDescription(stSub.StrippedText))
if (lineNumber > 0)
if (st.Pre.Contains("- ") && lineNumber == 0)
st.Pre = st.Pre.Replace("- ", string.Empty);
removedDialogInFirstLine = true;
if (st.Pre.Contains("<i>") && stSub.Post.Contains("</i>"))
st.Pre = st.Pre.Replace("<i>", string.Empty);
text = st.Pre + sb.ToString().Trim() + st.Post;
text = RemoveColon(text);
text = RemoveHearImpairedtagsInsideLine(text);
if (checkBoxRemoveInterjections.Checked)
text = RemoveInterjections(text);
st = new StripableText(text, " >-\"'`´♪¿¡.…—", " -\"'`´♪.!?:…—");
text = st.StrippedText;
if (StartAndEndsWithHearImpariedTags(text))
text = RemoveStartEndTags(text);
text = RemoveHearImpairedTags(text);
// fix 3 lines to two liners - if only two lines
if (noOfNamesRemoved >= 1 && Utilities.CountTagInText(text, Environment.NewLine) == 2)
string[] a = Utilities.RemoveHtmlTags(text).Replace(" ", string.Empty).Split("!?.".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
if (a.Length == 2)
StripableText temp = new StripableText(text);
temp.StrippedText = temp.StrippedText.Replace(Environment.NewLine, " ");
int splitIndex = temp.StrippedText.LastIndexOf("!");
if (splitIndex == -1)
splitIndex = temp.StrippedText.LastIndexOf("?");
if (splitIndex == -1)
splitIndex = temp.StrippedText.LastIndexOf(".");
if (splitIndex > 0)
text = temp.Pre + temp.StrippedText.Insert(splitIndex + 1, Environment.NewLine) + temp.Post;
if (!text.StartsWith("-") && noOfNamesRemoved >= 1 && Utilities.CountTagInText(text, Environment.NewLine) == 1)
string[] arr = text.Split(Environment.NewLine.ToCharArray());
string part0 = arr[0].Trim().Replace("</i>", string.Empty).Trim();
if (!part0.EndsWith(",") && (!part0.EndsWith("-") || noOfNamesRemovedNotInLineOne > 0))
if (!st.Pre.Contains("-"))
text = "- " + text.Replace(Environment.NewLine, Environment.NewLine + "- ");
if (!text.Contains(Environment.NewLine + "-") && !text.Contains(Environment.NewLine + "<i>-"))
text = text.Replace(Environment.NewLine, Environment.NewLine + "- ");
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
text = st.Pre + text + st.Post;
if (oldText.Trim().StartsWith("- ") &&
(oldText.Contains(Environment.NewLine + "- ") || oldText.Contains(Environment.NewLine + " - ")) &&
text != null && !text.Contains(Environment.NewLine))
text = text.TrimStart().TrimStart('-').TrimStart();
// insert spaces before "-"
text = text.Replace(Environment.NewLine + "- <i>", Environment.NewLine + "<i>- ");
text = text.Replace(Environment.NewLine + "-<i>", Environment.NewLine + "<i>- ");
if (text.StartsWith("-") && text.Length > 2 && text[1] != ' ' && text[1] != '-')
text = text.Insert(1, " ");
if (text.StartsWith("<i>-") && text.Length > 5 && text[4] != ' ' && text[4] != '-')
text = text.Insert(4, " ");
if (text.Contains(Environment.NewLine + "-"))
int index = text.IndexOf(Environment.NewLine + "-");
if (index + 4 < text.Length && text[index + Environment.NewLine.Length + 1] != ' ' && text[index + Environment.NewLine.Length + 1] != '-')
text = text.Insert(index + Environment.NewLine.Length + 1, " ");
if (text.Contains(Environment.NewLine + "<i>-"))
int index = text.IndexOf(Environment.NewLine + "<i>-");
if (index + 5 < text.Length && text[index + Environment.NewLine.Length + 4] != ' ' && text[index + Environment.NewLine.Length + 4] != '-')
text = text.Insert(index + Environment.NewLine.Length + 4, " ");
return text.Trim();
private bool IsHIDescription(string text)
text = text.ToLower();
text = text.TrimEnd(" ()[]?{}".ToCharArray());
text = text.TrimStart(" ()[]?{}".ToCharArray());
if (text == "sighing" ||
text == "laughs" ||
text == "chuckles" ||
text == "scoff" ||
text == "sighs" ||
text == "whispers" ||
text == "whisper" ||
text == "grunts" ||
text == "explosion" ||
text == "noise" ||
text == "exclaims" ||
text.StartsWith("engine ") ||
text == "singing" ||
return true;
return false;
private string GetRemovedString(string oldText, string newText)
oldText = oldText.ToLower();
newText = newText.ToLower();
int start = oldText.IndexOf(newText);
string result;
if (start > 0)
result = oldText.Substring(0, newText.Length);
result = oldText.Substring(newText.Length);
result = result.TrimEnd(" ()[]?{}".ToCharArray());
result = result.TrimStart(" ()[]?{}".ToCharArray());
return result;
private string RemoveInterjections(string text)
string[] arr = Configuration.Settings.Tools.Interjections.Split(";".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
foreach (string s in arr)
if (text.Contains(s))
Regex regex = new Regex(s);
Match match = regex.Match(text);
if (match.Success)
int index = match.Index;
string temp = text.Remove(index, s.Length);
string pre = string.Empty;
if (index > 0)
pre = text.Substring(0, index);
temp = temp.Remove(0, index);
while (temp.Length > 0 && (temp.StartsWith(" ") || temp.StartsWith(",") || temp.StartsWith(".") || temp.StartsWith("!") || temp.StartsWith("?")))
temp = temp.Remove(0, 1);
if (temp.Length > 0 && s[0].ToString() != s[0].ToString().ToLower())
temp = temp.Remove(0,1).Insert(0, temp[0].ToString().ToUpper());
temp = pre + temp;
StripableText st = new StripableText(temp);
if (st.StrippedText.Length == 0)
return string.Empty;
return temp;
return text;
private string RemoveStartEndTags(string text)
string newText = text;
string s = text;
if (s.StartsWith("[") && s.IndexOf("]") > 0 && checkBoxRemoveTextBetweenSquares.Checked)
newText = s.Remove(0, s.IndexOf("]") + 1);
else if (s.StartsWith("{") && s.IndexOf("}") > 0 && checkBoxRemoveTextBetweenBrackets.Checked)
newText = s.Remove(0, s.IndexOf("}") + 1);
else if (s.StartsWith("?") && s.IndexOf("?", 1) > 0 && checkBoxRemoveTextBetweenQuestionMarks.Checked)
newText = s.Remove(0, s.IndexOf("?", 1) + 1);
else if (s.StartsWith("(") && s.IndexOf(")") > 0 && checkBoxRemoveTextBetweenParentheses.Checked)
newText = s.Remove(0, s.IndexOf(")") + 1);
else if (s.StartsWith("[") && s.IndexOf("]:") > 0 && checkBoxRemoveTextBetweenSquares.Checked)
newText = s.Remove(0, s.IndexOf("]:") + 2);
else if (s.StartsWith("{") && s.IndexOf("}:") > 0 && checkBoxRemoveTextBetweenBrackets.Checked)
newText = s.Remove(0, s.IndexOf("}:") + 2);
else if (s.StartsWith("?") && s.IndexOf("?:", 1) > 0 && checkBoxRemoveTextBetweenQuestionMarks.Checked)
newText = s.Remove(0, s.IndexOf("?:") + 2);
else if (s.StartsWith("(") && s.IndexOf("):") > 0 && checkBoxRemoveTextBetweenParentheses.Checked)
newText = s.Remove(0, s.IndexOf("):") + 2);
else if (checkBoxRemoveTextBetweenCustomTags.Checked &&
s.Length > 0 && comboBoxCustomEnd.Text.Length > 0 && comboBoxCustomStart.Text.Length > 0 &&
s.StartsWith(comboBoxCustomStart.Text) && s.LastIndexOf(comboBoxCustomEnd.Text) > 0)
newText = s.Remove(0, s.LastIndexOf(comboBoxCustomEnd.Text) + comboBoxCustomEnd.Text.Length);
if (newText != text)
newText = newText.TrimStart(' ');
return newText;
private void AddToListView(Paragraph p, string newText)
var item = new ListViewItem(string.Empty) {Tag = p, Checked = true};
var subItem = new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem(item, p.Number.ToString());
subItem = new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem(item, p.Text.Replace(Environment.NewLine, Configuration.Settings.General.ListViewLineSeparatorString));
subItem = new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem(item, newText.Replace(Environment.NewLine, Configuration.Settings.General.ListViewLineSeparatorString));
private void FormRemoveTextForHearImpaired_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Escape)
DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel;
private void ButtonOkClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
public int RemoveTextFromHearImpaired()
int count = 0;
for (int i = _subtitle.Paragraphs.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
Paragraph p = _subtitle.Paragraphs[i];
if (IsFixAllowed(p))
string newText = RemoveTextFromHearImpaired(p.Text);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(newText))
p.Text = newText;
return count;
private bool IsFixAllowed(Paragraph p)
foreach (ListViewItem item in listViewFixes.Items)
if (item.Tag.ToString() == p.ToString())
return item.Checked;
return false;
private void CheckBoxRemoveTextBetweenCheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
Cursor = Cursors.Default;
private void checkBoxRemoveInterjections_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
Cursor = Cursors.Default;
private void buttonEditInterjections_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Interjections editInterjections = new Interjections();
if (editInterjections.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK)
Configuration.Settings.Tools.Interjections = editInterjections.GetInterjectionsSemiColonSeperatedString();
if (checkBoxRemoveInterjections.Checked)
Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
Cursor = Cursors.Default;
private void FormRemoveTextForHearImpaired_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
Configuration.Settings.RemoveTextForHearingImpaired.RemoveTextBeforeColor = checkBoxRemoveTextBeforeColon.Checked;
Configuration.Settings.RemoveTextForHearingImpaired.RemoveTextBeforeColorOnlyIfUppercase = checkBoxRemoveTextBeforeColonOnlyUppercase.Checked;
Configuration.Settings.RemoveTextForHearingImpaired.RemoveInterjections = checkBoxRemoveInterjections.Checked;
Configuration.Settings.RemoveTextForHearingImpaired.RemoveIfContains = checkBoxRemoveWhereContains.Checked;
Configuration.Settings.RemoveTextForHearingImpaired.RemoveIfContainsText = comboBoxRemoveIfTextContains.Text;
private void FormRemoveTextForHearImpaired_Resize(object sender, EventArgs e)
int availableWidth = listViewFixes.Width - (listViewFixes.Columns[0].Width + listViewFixes.Columns[1].Width + 20);
listViewFixes.Columns[2].Width = availableWidth / 2;
listViewFixes.Columns[3].Width = availableWidth / 2;
private void checkBoxRemoveTextBeforeColon_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
checkBoxRemoveTextBeforeColonOnlyUppercase.Enabled = checkBoxRemoveTextBeforeColon.Checked;
Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
Cursor = Cursors.Default;