
954 lines
37 KiB
Raw Normal View History

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<Word from="IVlr." to="Mr." />
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<Word from="Iwasjustu" to="I was just..." />
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<Word from="Jascn" to="Jason" />
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<Word from="l\/ly" to="My" />
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<Word from="lcan't" to="I can't" />
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<Word from="Ll/lajor" to="Major" />
<Word from="ll/layans" to="Mayans" />
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<Word from="ln" to="In" />
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<Word from="Lrenka" to="Irenka" />
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<Word from="lVlr." to="Mr." />
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<Word from="lx/Iorning" to="Morning" />
<Word from="majorjackpot" to="major jackpot" />
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<Word from="mOI'€" to="more" />
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<Word from="Myjob" to="My job" />
<Word from="myselli" to="myself" />
<Word from="mythumb" to="my thumb" />
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<Word from="Nc" to="No" />
<Word from="ncne" to="none" />
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<Word from="Nlakes" to="Makes" />
<Word from="Nlan" to="Man" />
<Word from="Nlarch" to="March" />
<Word from="Nlarine" to="Marine" />
<Word from="Nlarion" to="Marion" />
<Word from="Nlarry" to="Marry" />
<Word from="Nlars" to="Mars" />
<Word from="Nlarty" to="Marty" />
<Word from="Nle" to="Me" />
<Word from="Nleet" to="Meet" />
<Word from="Nlen" to="Men" />
<Word from="Nlom" to="Mom" />
<Word from="Nlore" to="More" />
<Word from="Nlother" to="Mother" />
<Word from="Nlr." to="Mr." />
<Word from="Nlrs" to="Mrs" />
<Word from="Nluch" to="Much" />
<Word from="not judging" to="not judging" />
<Word from="notjunk" to="not junk" />
<Word from="notjust" to="not just" />
<Word from="Nowthat's" to="Now that's" />
<Word from="Numbertwo" to="Number two" />
<Word from="Ocps" to="Oops" />
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<Word from="ofeither" to="of either" />
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<Word from="ofjam" to="of jam" />
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<Word from="ofjunior" to="of junior" />
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<Word from="ofthem" to="of them" />
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<Word from="Ourj0b's" to="Our job's" />
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<Word from="Ourjob's" to="Our job's" />
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<Word from="pclnts" to="points" />
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<Word from="PIeasure" to="Pleasure" />
<Word from="pleasurlng" to="pleasuring" />
<Word from="POIe" to="Pole" />
<Word from="popsicle" to="Popsicle" />
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<Word from="puIIing" to="pulling" />
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<Word from="sc" to="so" />
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<Word from="She`s" to="She's" />
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<Word from="she'II" to="she'll" />
<Word from="She'II" to="She'll" />
<Word from="she'Il" to="she'll" />
<Word from="she'lI" to="she'll" />
<Word from="ShOp" to="shop" />
<Word from="shouldnt" to="shouldn't" />
<Word from="Shs's" to="She's" />
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<Word from="Sincc" to="Since" />
<Word from="Smiih" to="Smith" />
<Word from="Sojust" to="So just" />
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<Word from="speII's" to="spell's" />
<Word from="StilI" to="Still" />
<Word from="stlll" to="still" />
<Word from="storyl" to="story!" />
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<Word from="suffocaiing" to="suffocating" />
<Word from="sun/ive" to="survive" />
<Word from="T0" to="To" />
<Word from="T00" to="Too" />
<Word from="talkto" to="talk to" />
<Word from="Talkto" to="Talk to" />
<Word from="tc" to="to" />
<Word from="tcday" to="today" />
<Word from="tcrturing" to="torturing" />
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<Word from="Thafs" to="That's" />
<Word from="Thai's" to="That's" />
<Word from="Thal's" to="That's" />
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<Word from="that'Il" to="that'll" />
<Word from="thatjunk" to="that junk" />
<Word from="Thc" to="The" />
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<Word from="Therds" to="There's" />
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<Word from="There'Il" to="There'll" />
<Word from="There'lI" to="There'll" />
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<Word from="Theyjust" to="They just" />
<Word from="they'lI" to="they'll" />
<Word from="They'lI" to="They'll" />
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<Word from="thls" to="this" />
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<Word from="Thore's" to="There's" />
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<Word from="togethen" to="together" />
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<Word from="tothe" to="to the" />
<Word from="Towef" to="Tower" />
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<Word from="Tvvelve" to="Twelve" />
<Word from="tvventy" to="tvventy" />
<Word from="Tvventy" to="Tvventy" />
<Word from="tvvo" to="two" />
<Word from="Tvvo" to="Two" />
<Word from="twc" to="two" />
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<Word from="underthese" to="under these" />
<Word from="upthinking" to="up thinking" />
<Word from="upto" to="up to" />
<Word from="vcice" to="voice" />
<Word from="veiy" to="very" />
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<Word from="Voilé" to="Voilá" />
<Word from="vvasjust" to="was just" />
<Word from="w¤n't" to="won't" />
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<Word from="waierfall" to="waterfall" />
<Word from="wannajump" to="wanna jump" />
<Word from="wantyou" to="want you" />
<Word from="wayl" to="way I" />
<Word from="wclf" to="wolf" />
<Word from="wcman" to="woman" />
<Word from="wcmen" to="women" />
<Word from="wcrse" to="worse" />
<Word from="wculd" to="would" />
<Word from="we'II" to="we'll" />
<Word from="We'II" to="We'll" />
<Word from="we'Il" to="we'll" />
<Word from="We'Il" to="We'll" />
<Word from="wejust" to="we just" />
<Word from="we'lI" to="we'll" />
<Word from="We'ro" to="We're" />
<Word from="Whafs" to="What's" />
<Word from="Whateverwe" to="Whatever we" />
<Word from="whatwe" to="what we" />
<Word from="Whcse" to="Whose" />
<Word from="wilI" to="will" />
<Word from="wlfe" to="wife" />
<Word from="wlfe's" to="wife's" />
<Word from="wlth" to="with" />
<Word from="Wno" to="Who" />
<Word from="won'T" to="won't" />
<Word from="Wo're" to="We're" />
<Word from="wouIdn't" to="wouldn't" />
<Word from="wouldn'!" to="wouldn't" />
<Word from="wrcng" to="wrong" />
<Word from="wuuld" to="would" />
<Word from="Y¤u'II" to="You'll" />
<Word from="Y¤u'll" to="You'll" />
<Word from="y¤u're" to="you're" />
<Word from="Y¤u're" to="You're" />
<Word from="y¤u've" to="you've" />
<Word from="Y0" to="Yo" />
<Word from="y0LI" to="you" />
<Word from="y0u'II" to="you'll" />
<Word from="Y0u'rc" to="You're" />
<Word from="Y0u're" to="You're" />
<Word from="Y0u've" to="You've" />
<Word from="yaming" to="yarning" />
<Word from="ycu" to="you" />
<Word from="ycur" to="your" />
<Word from="Ycu're" to="You're" />
<Word from="Ycursins" to="Your sins" />
<Word from="yoLI" to="you" />
<Word from="yOU" to="you" />
<Word from="you`re" to="you're" />
<Word from="you'II" to="you'll" />
<Word from="You'II" to="You'll" />
<Word from="You'Il" to="You'll" />
<Word from="youjoin" to="you join" />
<Word from="youjust" to="you just" />
<Word from="You'lI" to="You'll" />
<Word from="you'ra" to="you're" />
<Word from="yourfather" to="your father" />
<Word from="yourhand" to="your hand" />
<Word from="yourjob" to="your job" />
<Word from="Yourjob" to="Your job" />
<Word from="yourname" to="your name" />
<Word from="you'ro" to="you're" />
<Word from="you'va" to="you've" />
<Word from="You'va" to="You've" />
<Word from="Yuu've" to="You've" />
<Word from="Yuu" to="You" />
<Word from="yuu" to="you" />
<Word from="naTve" to="naive" />
<Word from="Iacings" to="lacings" />
<Word from="Ilons" to="lions" />
<Word from="0utlaw's" to="outlaw's" />
<Word from="0fEngland" to="of England" />
<Word from="ofHis" to="of His" />
<Word from="Dcbby" to="Dobby" />
<Word from="Nlr" to="Mr" />
<Word from="Inconceivablel" to="Inconceivable!" />
<Word from="Dcn't" to="Don't" />
<Word from="Whc's" to="Who's" />
<Word from="myjch" to="my job" />
<Word from="ReaHy" to="Really" />
<Word from="anyhcdy's" to="anybody's" />
<Word from="ycu'd" to="you'd" />
<Word from="wcn't" to="won't" />
<Word from="slNGING" to="SINGING" />
<Word from="lN" to="IN" />
<Word from="nilios" to="niños" />
<Word from="Voilá" to="Voilà" />
<Word from="fulfilment" to="fulfillment" />
<Word from="soldierl" to="soldier!" />
<!-- Will be used to check words not in dictionary -->
<!-- If new word(s) exists in spelling dictionary, it(they) is accepted -->
<WordPart from="¤" to="o" />
<WordPart from="/" to="l" />
<WordPart from="vv" to="w" />
<WordPart from="IVI" to="M" />
<WordPart from="lVI" to="M" />
<WordPart from="IVl" to="M" />
<WordPart from="lVl" to="M" />
<WordPart from="m" to="rn" />
<WordPart from="l" to="i" />
<WordPart from="€" to="e" />
<WordPart from="I" to="l" />
<WordPart from="c" to="o" />
<WordPart from="i" to="t" />
<WordPart from="cc" to="oo" />
<WordPart from="ii" to="tt" />
<WordPart from="ii" to="ll" />
<!-- "f " will be two words -->
<WordPart from="f" to="f " />
<WordPart from="c" to="e" />
<WordPart from="o" to="e" />
<WordPart from="o" to="e" />
<WordPart from="I" to="t" />
<WordPart from="n" to="o" />
<WordPart from="s" to="e" />
<LinePart from="at Hrst" to="at first" />
<LinePart from="can 't" to="can't" />
<LinePart from="come 0n" to="come on" />
<LinePart from="Come 0n" to="Come on" />
<LinePart from="couldn 't" to="couldn't" />
<LinePart from="Destin y's" to="Destiny's" />
<LinePart from="didn 't" to="didn't" />
<LinePart from="doesn 't" to="doesn't" />
<LinePart from="don 't" to="don't" />
<LinePart from="E very" to="Every" />
<LinePart from="get 0n" to="get on" />
<LinePart from="go 0n" to="go on" />
<LinePart from="Go 0n" to="Go on" />
<LinePart from="hadn 't" to="hadn't" />
<LinePart from="he 's" to="he's" />
<LinePart from="He 's" to="He's" />
<LinePart from="He y" to="Hey" />
<LinePart from="HEA VY" to="HEAVY" />
<LinePart from="Hold 0n" to="Hold on" />
<LinePart from="I d0" to="I do" />
<LinePart from="I 'm" to="I'm" />
<LinePart from="I 've" to="I've" />
<LinePart from="I'm sony" to="I'm sorry" />
<LinePart from="lova you" to="love you" />
<LinePart from="Lova you" to="love you" />
<LinePart from="lovo you" to="love you" />
<LinePart from="Lovo you" to="love you" />
<LinePart from="of 0ur" to="of our" />
<LinePart from="uf our" to="of our" />
<LinePart from="uf me" to="of me" />
<LinePart from="ot mine" to="of mine" />
<LinePart from="PLA YING" to="PLAYING" />
<LinePart from="she 's" to="she's" />
<LinePart from="She 's" to="She's" />
<LinePart from="shouldn 't" to="shouldn't" />
<LinePart from="sta y" to="stay" />
<LinePart from="Sta y" to="Stay" />
<LinePart from="taka care" to="take care" />
<LinePart from="Taka care" to="Take care" />
<LinePart from="the Hrst" to="the first" />
<LinePart from="toc late" to="too late" />
<LinePart from="wa y" to="way" />
<LinePart from="we 've" to="we've" />
<LinePart from="We 've" to="We've" />
<LinePart from="weren 't" to="weren't" />
<LinePart from="who 's" to="who's" />
<LinePart from="won 't" to="won't" />
<LinePart from="you 've" to="you've" />
<LinePart from="You 've" to="You've" />
<LinePart from="isn' t " to="isn't " />
<LinePart from="isn 't " to="isn't " />
<LinePart from="Don' t " to="Don't " />
<LinePart from="Don 't " to="Don't " />
<LinePart from="can' t " to="can't " />
<LinePart from="can 't " to="can't " />
<LinePart from="couldn 't " to="couldn't " />
<LinePart from="couldn' t " to="couldn't " />
<LinePart from="didn 't " to="didn't " />
<LinePart from="didn' t " to="didn't " />
<LinePart from="you 're " to="you're " />
<LinePart from="you' re " to="you're " />
<LinePart from="you 've " to="you've " />
<LinePart from="you' ve " to="you've " />
<Beginning from="l... I " to="I... I " />
<Beginning from="L... I " to="I... I " />
<Beginning from="lrn gonna" to="I'm gonna" />
<Beginning from="-l don't" to="-I don't" />
<Beginning from="l don't" to="I don't" />
<Beginning from="L " to="I " />
<Beginning from="-L " to="-I " />
<Beginning from="- L " to="- I " />
<Beginning from="-l " to="-I " />
<Beginning from="- l " to="- I " />
<Beginning from="G0" to="Go" />
<Beginning from="GO get" to="Go get" />
<Beginning from="GO to" to="Go to" />
<Beginning from="GO for" to="Go for" />
<Beginning from="Ifl" to="If I" />
<Beginning from="lt'll" to="It'll" />
<Beginning from="Lt'll" to="It'll" />
<Beginning from="IVIa" to="Ma" />
<Beginning from="IVIu" to="Mu" />
<Beginning from="lt'll" to="It'll" />
<Beginning from="0ne" to="One" />
<Beginning from="0nly" to="Only" />
<Beginning from="0n " to="On " />
<Beginning from="lt " to="It " />
<Beginning from="Lt " to="It " />
<Beginning from="lt's " to="It's " />
<Beginning from="Lt's " to="It's " />
<Beginning from="lt " to="It " />
<Beginning from="lt " to="It " />
<Beginning from="lt's " to="It's " />
<Beginning from="ln " to="In " />
<Beginning from="Ln " to="In " />
<Beginning from="l-in " to="I-in " />
<Beginning from="l-impossible" to="I-impossible" />
<Beginning from="l- impossible" to="I-impossible" />
<Beginning from="L- impossible" to="I-impossible" />
<Beginning from="l-isn't " to="I-isn't " />
<Beginning from="L-isn't " to="I-isn't " />
<Beginning from="l- isn't " to="I-isn't " />
<Beginning from="L- isn't " to="I-isn't " />
<Beginning from="l- l " to="I-I " />
<Beginning from="L- l " to="I-I " />
<Beginning from="l- it " to="I-it " />
<Beginning from="L- it " to="I-it " />
<Beginning from="Ls it " to="Is it " />
<Beginning from="Ls there " to="Is there " />
<Beginning from="Ls he " to="Is he " />
<Beginning from="Ls she " to="Is she " />
<Ending from=", sin" to=", sir." />
<Ending from=" mothen" to="mother." />
<!-- Whole lines - including -" etc -->
<Line from="N0." to="No." />
<Line from="N0." to="No." />
<Line from="-N0." to="-No." />