diff --git a/src/ui/Logic/Language.cs b/src/ui/Logic/Language.cs index dddafe86b..a8947e46a 100644 --- a/src/ui/Logic/Language.cs +++ b/src/ui/Logic/Language.cs @@ -467,7 +467,7 @@ namespace Nikse.SubtitleEdit.Logic Settings = "Settings", FixRtl = "Fix RTL", FixRtlAddUnicode = "Fix RTL via Unicode tags", - FixRtlRemoveUnicode = "Remove RTL unicode tags", + FixRtlRemoveUnicode = "Remove RTL Unicode tags", FixRtlReverseStartEnd = "Reverse RTL start/end", SplitLongLines = "Split long lines", AutoBalance = "Auto balance lines", @@ -551,7 +551,7 @@ namespace Nikse.SubtitleEdit.Logic NormalCasing = "Normal casing. Sentences begin with uppercase letter.", FixNamesCasing = @"Fix names casing (via Dictionaries\names.xml)", FixOnlyNamesCasing = @"Fix only names casing (via Dictionaries\names.xml)", - OnlyChangeAllUppercaseLines = "Only change all upper case lines.", + OnlyChangeAllUppercaseLines = "Only change all uppercase lines.", AllUppercase = "ALL UPPERCASE", AllLowercase = "all lowercase", }; @@ -652,7 +652,7 @@ namespace Nikse.SubtitleEdit.Logic IgnoreWhitespace = "Ignore whitespace", IgnoreFormatting = "Ignore formatting", OnlyLookForDifferencesInText = "Only look for differences in text", - CannotCompareWithImageBasedSubtitles = "Cannot compare with image based subtitles", + CannotCompareWithImageBasedSubtitles = "Cannot compare with image-based subtitles", }; ConvertColorsToDialog = new LanguageStructure.ConvertColorsToDialog @@ -687,7 +687,7 @@ namespace Nikse.SubtitleEdit.Logic FadeUpTime = "Fade up time", FadeDownTime = "Fade down time", ZPosition = "Z-position", - ZPositionHelp = "Positive numbers moves text away, negative numbers moves text closer, if z-position is zero then it's 2D", + ZPositionHelp = "Positive numbers move text away, negative numbers move text closer, if z-position is zero then it's 2D", ChooseColor = "Choose color...", Generate = "Generate", GenerateNewIdOnSave = "Generate new ID on save", @@ -758,7 +758,7 @@ namespace Nikse.SubtitleEdit.Logic OriginalEpisodeTitle = "Original episode title", TranslatedProgramTitle = "Translated program title", TranslatedEpisodeTitle = "Translated episode title", - TranslatorsName = "Translators name", + TranslatorsName = "Translator's name", SubtitleListReferenceCode = "Subtitle list reference code", CountryOfOrigin = "Country of origin", TimeCodeStatus = "Time code status", @@ -892,7 +892,7 @@ namespace Nikse.SubtitleEdit.Logic Forced = "Forced", ChooseBackgroundColor = "Choose background color", SaveImageAs = "Save image as...", - FcpUseFullPathUrl = "Use full image path url in FCP xml", + FcpUseFullPathUrl = "Use full image path URL in FCP xml", }; ExportText = new LanguageStructure.ExportText @@ -981,14 +981,14 @@ namespace Nikse.SubtitleEdit.Logic RemoveLineBreaksAll = "Remove line breaks in short texts (all except dialogs)", FixUppercaseIInsideLowercaseWords = "Fix uppercase 'i' inside lowercase words (OCR error)", FixDoubleApostrophes = "Fix double apostrophe characters ('') to a single quote (\")", - AddPeriods = "Add period after lines where next line start with uppercase letter", + AddPeriods = "Add period after lines where next line starts with uppercase letter", StartWithUppercaseLetterAfterParagraph = "Start with uppercase letter after paragraph", StartWithUppercaseLetterAfterPeriodInsideParagraph = "Start with uppercase letter after period inside paragraph", StartWithUppercaseLetterAfterColon = "Start with uppercase letter after colon/semicolon", CommonOcrErrorsFixed = "Common OCR errors fixed (OcrReplaceList file used): {0}", RemoveSpaceBetweenNumber = "Remove space between numbers", FixDialogsOnOneLine = "Fix dialogs on one line", - RemoveDialogFirstInNonDialogs = "Remove start dash in first line for non dialogs", + RemoveDialogFirstInNonDialogs = "Remove start dash in first line for non-dialogs", NormalizeStrings = "Normalize strings", FixLowercaseIToUppercaseI = "Fix alone lowercase 'i' to 'I' (English)", FixTurkishAnsi = "Fix Turkish ANSI (Icelandic) letters to Unicode", @@ -1007,7 +1007,7 @@ namespace Nikse.SubtitleEdit.Logic FixesFoundX = "Fixes found: {0}", XFixesApplied = "Fixes applied: {0}", NothingFixableBut = "Nothing could be fixed automatically. The subtitle contains errors - see log for details", - XFixedBut = "{0} issue(s) fixed but the subtitle still contain errors - see log for details", + XFixedBut = "{0} issue(s) fixed but the subtitle still contains errors - see log for details", XCouldBeFixedBut = "{0} issue(s) could be fixed but the subtitle will still contain errors - see log for details", FixFirstLetterToUppercaseAfterParagraph = "Fix first letter to uppercase after paragraph", MergeShortLine = "Merge short line (single sentence)", @@ -1129,7 +1129,7 @@ namespace Nikse.SubtitleEdit.Logic MsClientSecretNeeded = "Sorry, you need a Cognitive Services 'Translator Text' key from Microsoft to use the latest Microsoft Translator." + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "Go to \"Options -> Settings -> Tools\" to enter your key.", - GoogleNoApiKeyWarning = "Trying to translate without API key... (slow and limited data). " + Environment.NewLine + "To use an API key go to \"Options -> Settings -> Tools\" to enter your Google translate API key.", + GoogleNoApiKeyWarning = "Trying to translate without API key... (slow and limited data). " + Environment.NewLine + "To use an API key, go to \"Options -> Settings -> Tools\" to enter your Google translate API key.", Service = "Service:", LineMergeHandling = "Line merge:", ProcessorMergeNext = "Merge max two lines", @@ -1144,7 +1144,7 @@ namespace Nikse.SubtitleEdit.Logic TranslateBlockGetFromClipboard = "Get translated text from clipboard" + Environment.NewLine + "(Ctrl + V)", TranslateBlockCopySourceText = "Copy source text clipboard", TranslateBlockClipboardError1 = "Clipboard contains source text!", - TranslateBlockClipboardError2 = "Go to translator and translate, the copy result to clipboard and click this button again.", + TranslateBlockClipboardError2 = "Go to translator and translate, then copy the results to the clipboard and click this button again.", }; GoogleOrMicrosoftTranslate = new LanguageStructure.GoogleOrMicrosoftTranslate @@ -1575,7 +1575,7 @@ namespace Nikse.SubtitleEdit.Logic OcrReplacePairXAdded = "The OCR replace list pair '{0} -> {1}' was added to the OCR replace list", OcrReplacePairXNotAdded = "The OCR replace list pair '{0} -> {1}' was NOT added to the OCR replace list", XLinesSelected = "{0} lines selected", - UnicodeMusicSymbolsAnsiWarning = "Subtitle contains unicode characters. Saving using ANSI file encoding will lose these. Continue with saving?", + UnicodeMusicSymbolsAnsiWarning = "Subtitle contains Unicode characters. Saving using ANSI file encoding will lose these. Continue with saving?", NegativeTimeWarning = "Subtitle contains negative time codes. Continue with saving?", BeforeMergeShortLines = "Before merge short lines", BeforeSplitLongLines = "Before split long lines", @@ -1660,8 +1660,8 @@ namespace Nikse.SubtitleEdit.Logic NoSupportHereVobSub = "VobSub files are not supported here.", NoSupportHereDivx = "DivX files are not supported here.", NoChapters = "No chapters found in the video.", - VideoFromUrlRequirements = "Opening video from url requires mpv and youtube-dl.\r\n\r\nDownload and continue?", - Url = "Url", + VideoFromUrlRequirements = "Opening video from URL requires mpv and youtube-dl.\r\n\r\nDownload and continue?", + Url = "URL", Errors = "Errors", ShowVideoControls = "Show video controls", HideVideoControls = "Hide video controls", @@ -1797,7 +1797,7 @@ namespace Nikse.SubtitleEdit.Logic { Title = "Video", OpenVideo = "Open video file...", - OpenVideoFromUrl = "Open video from url...", + OpenVideoFromUrl = "Open video from URL...", OpenDvd = "Open DVD...", ChooseAudioTrack = "Choose audio track", CloseVideo = "Close video file", @@ -1836,7 +1836,7 @@ namespace Nikse.SubtitleEdit.Logic AdjustAllTimes = "Adjust all times (show earlier/later)...", VisualSync = "&Visual sync...", PointSync = "Point sync...", - PointSyncViaOtherSubtitle = "Point sync via other subtitle...", + PointSyncViaOtherSubtitle = "Point sync via another subtitle...", }, AutoTranslate = new LanguageStructure.Main.MainMenu.AutoTranslateMenu @@ -2087,7 +2087,7 @@ namespace Nikse.SubtitleEdit.Logic Micrometers = "Micrometers", Nanometers = "Nanometers", Angstroms = "Angstroms", - MilesTerrestial = "Miles (terrestial)", + MilesTerrestial = "Miles (terrestrial)", MilesNautical = "Miles (nautical)", Yards = "Yards", Feet = "Feet", @@ -2402,7 +2402,7 @@ can edit in same subtitle file (collaboration)", SearchDirection = "Search direction", Forward = "Forward", Back = "Back", - LengthInSeconds = "Silence must be at at least (seconds)", + LengthInSeconds = "Silence must be at least (seconds)", MaxVolume = "Volume must be below", }; @@ -2641,8 +2641,8 @@ can edit in same subtitle file (collaboration)", CpsLineLengthStyleCalcAll = "Count all characters", CpsLineLengthStyleCalcNoSpaceCpsOnly = "Count all except space, cps only", CpsLineLengthStyleCalcNoSpace = "Count all except space", - CpsLineLengthStyleCalcCjk = "CJK 1, latin 0.5", - CpsLineLengthStyleCalcCjkNoSpace = "CJK 1, latin 0.5, space 0", + CpsLineLengthStyleCalcCjk = "CJK 1, Latin 0.5", + CpsLineLengthStyleCalcCjkNoSpace = "CJK 1, Latin 0.5, space 0", CpsLineLengthStyleCalcIgnoreArabicDiacritics = "Ignore Arabic diacritics", CpsLineLengthStyleCalcIgnoreArabicDiacriticsNoSpace = "Ignore Arabic diacritics/space", CpsLineLengthStyleCalcNoSpaceOrPunctuation = "No space or punctuation ()[]-:;,.!?", @@ -2920,7 +2920,7 @@ can edit in same subtitle file (collaboration)", MicrosoftTranslateTokenEndpoint = "Token endpoint", FontNote = "Note: These font settings are for the Subtitle Edit UI only." + Environment.NewLine + "Setting a font for a subtitle is normally done in the video player, but can also be done when using a subtitle format with built-in font information like " + Environment.NewLine + - "\"Advanced Sub Station Alpha\" or via export to image based formats.", + "\"Advanced Sub Station Alpha\" or via export to image-based formats.", RestoreDefaultSettings = "Restore default settings", RestoreDefaultSettingsMsg = "All settings will be restored to default values" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + @@ -3040,7 +3040,7 @@ can edit in same subtitle file (collaboration)", SpellCheckAborted = "Spell check aborted", SpacesNotAllowed = "Spaces not allowed in single word!", UndoX = "Undo: \"{0}\"", - OpenImageBasedSourceFile = "Open image based source file...", + OpenImageBasedSourceFile = "Open image-based source file...", }; NetflixQualityCheck = new LanguageStructure.NetflixQualityCheck @@ -3264,7 +3264,7 @@ can edit in same subtitle file (collaboration)", PointSync = new LanguageStructure.PointSync { Title = "Point synchronization", - TitleViaOtherSubtitle = "Point sync via other subtitle", + TitleViaOtherSubtitle = "Point sync via another subtitle", SyncHelp = "Set at least two sync points to make rough synchronization", SetSyncPoint = "Set sync point", RemoveSyncPoint = "Remove sync point", @@ -3293,7 +3293,7 @@ can edit in same subtitle file (collaboration)", UnknownSubtitle = new LanguageStructure.UnknownSubtitle { Title = "Unknown subtitle type", - Message = "If you want this fixed please send an email to mailto:niksedk@gmail.com and include a copy of the subtitle.", + Message = "If you want this fixed, please send an email to mailto:niksedk@gmail.com and include a copy of the subtitle.", ImportAsPlainText = "Import as plain text...", }; @@ -3481,7 +3481,7 @@ Keep changes?", Generate = "Generate", Remove = "Remove", BeforeWatermark = "Before Watermark", - ErrorUnicodeEncodingOnly = "Watermark only works with unicode file encoding.", + ErrorUnicodeEncodingOnly = "Watermark only works with Unicode file encoding.", }; Waveform = new LanguageStructure.Waveform