Updated Serbian OCRFixReplaceList

This commit is contained in:
Waldi Ravens 2015-06-28 19:44:04 +02:00
parent 6b7cd85487
commit 787794cdd8

View File

@ -36,12 +36,12 @@
<EndLines />
<WholeLines />
<RegEx find="([a-zčđšž])Ij([a-zčđšž])" replaceWith="$1lj$2" />
<RegEx find="([^A-ZČĐŠŽa-zčđšž])Ij(ubav|ud|ut)" replaceWith="$1lj$2" />
<RegEx find="(?&lt;=[a-zčđšž])Ij(?=[a-zčđšž])" replaceWith="lj" />
<RegEx find="(?&lt;=[^A-ZČĐŠŽa-zčđšž])Iju(?=bav|d|t)" replaceWith="lju" />
<!-- kad ima razmak izmedju tagova </i> <i> -->
<RegEx find="(&gt;) +(&lt;)" replaceWith="$1$2" />
<!-- <RegEx find="(&gt;) +(&lt;)" replaceWith="$1$2" /> -->
<!-- ',"' to '",' -->
<RegEx find="(\w),&quot;(\s|$)" replaceWith="$1&quot;,$2" />
<RegEx find="(?&lt;=\w),&quot;(?=\s|$)" replaceWith="&quot;," />
<RegEx find=",\.{3}|\.{3},|\.{2} \." replaceWith="..." />
<!-- "1 :", "2 :"... "n :" to "n:" -->
<RegEx find="(\d) +: +(\D)" replaceWith="$1: $2" />
@ -61,15 +61,14 @@
<!-- Two or more consecutive '"' to one '"' -->
<RegEx find="&quot;{2,}" replaceWith="&quot;" />
<!-- Fix zero and capital 'o' ripping mistakes -->
<RegEx find="([0-9])O" replaceWith="${1}0" />
<RegEx find="([0-9])\.O" replaceWith="$1.0" />
<RegEx find="\b0([A-Za-z])" replaceWith="O$1" />
<RegEx find="(?&lt;=[0-9]\.?)O" replaceWith="0" />
<RegEx find="\b0(?=[A-ZČĐŠŽa-zčđšž])" replaceWith="O" />
<!-- Brisanje crte - na početku 1. reda (i kada ima dva reda) -->
<RegEx find="\A- ?([A-ZČĐŠŽa-zčđšž0-9„'&quot;]|\.{3})" replaceWith="$1" />
<RegEx find="\A(&lt;[i|b|u]&gt;)- ?" replaceWith="$1" />
<RegEx find=" - " replaceWith=" -" />
<!-- Brisanje razmaka iza crte - na početku 2. reda -->
<RegEx find="([\n](&lt;[i|b|u]&gt;)?)- ([0-9A-ZČĐŠŽčš„'&quot;&lt;])" replaceWith="$1-$3" />
<RegEx find="(?&lt;=\n(&lt;[i|b|u]&gt;)?)- (?=[A-ZČĐŠŽčš0-9„'&quot;&lt;])" replaceWith="-" />
<!-- Korigovanje crte - kad je u sredini prvog reda -->
<RegEx find="([.!?&quot;&gt;]) - ([A-ZČĐŠŽčš'&quot;&lt;])" replaceWith="$1 -$2" />
<!-- Zatvoren tag pa razmak poslije crtice -->
@ -80,37 +79,37 @@
<RegEx find="\(- ([A-ZČĐŠŽčš„'&quot;])" replaceWith="(-$1" />
<!-- Smart space after dot -->
<!-- osim kad je zadnje t (rijec kolt) -->
<RegEx find="([a-su-zá-úñä-ü])\.([^\s\n().:?!*^“”'&quot;&lt;])" replaceWith="$1. $2" />
<RegEx find="(?&lt;=[a-su-zá-úñä-ü])\.(?=[^\s\n().:?!*^“”'&quot;&lt;])" replaceWith=". " />
<!-- Oznaka za kalibar. Npr. "Colt .45" -->
<!-- Da bi radilo, da bi ovaj razmak bio dozvoljen, u SW idite Alt+I i odcekirajte "Razmaci ispred tacke" -->
<RegEx find="t\.([0-9][0-9])" replaceWith="t .$1" />
<RegEx find="t\.(?=[0-9]{2})" replaceWith="t ." />
<!-- Joey(j)a -->
<RegEx find="([A-Z][a-z])eyj([a-z])" replaceWith="$1ey$2" />
<RegEx find="(?&lt;=\b[A-Z][a-z])eyj(?=[a-z])" replaceWith="ey" />
<!-- Sređuje zarez sa razmakom -->
<RegEx find="([A-ZČĐŠŽa-zčđšžá-úñä-ü&quot;]),([^\s\n(),?!“&lt;])" replaceWith="$1, $2" />
<RegEx find=" , " replaceWith=", " />
<RegEx find=" ,([A-ZČĐŠŽa-zčđšž])" replaceWith=", $1" />
<RegEx find=" ,$" replaceWith="," />
<RegEx find="(?&lt;=[A-ZČĐŠŽa-zčđšžá-úñä-ü&quot;]),(?=[^\s(),?!“&lt;])" replaceWith=", " />
<RegEx find=" +,(?=[A-ZČĐŠŽa-zčđšž])" replaceWith=", " />
<RegEx find=" +, +" replaceWith=", " />
<RegEx find=" +,$" replaceWith="," />
<RegEx find="([?!])-" replaceWith="$1 -" />
<!-- Space after last of some consecutive dots (eg. "...") -->
<RegEx find="([a-zčđšž])(\.{3}|!)([a-zčđšž])" replaceWith="$1$2 $3" />
<RegEx find="(?&lt;=[a-zčđšž])(\.{3}|!)(?=[a-zčđšž])" replaceWith="$1 " />
<!-- Delete space after "..." that is at the beginning of the line. You may delete this line if you don't like it -->
<!-- <RegEx find="^\.{3} +" replaceWith="..." /> -->
<!-- "tekst ... tekst" mijenja u "tekst... tekst" -->
<RegEx find="([A-ZČĐŠŽa-zčđšž]) \.{3} " replaceWith="$1... " />
<RegEx find="(\S)\. &quot;" replaceWith="$1.&quot;" />
<RegEx find="&quot; \." replaceWith="&quot;." />
<RegEx find="(\S\.{3}) &quot;(\s|$)" replaceWith="$1&quot;$2" />
<RegEx find=" \.{3}$" replaceWith="..." />
<RegEx find="([a-zčđšž])( \.{3}|\.{2}$)" replaceWith="$1..." />
<RegEx find="(?&lt;=[A-ZČĐŠŽa-zčđšž]) +\.{3} +" replaceWith="... " />
<RegEx find="(?&lt;=\S)\. +&quot;" replaceWith=".&quot;" />
<RegEx find="&quot; +\." replaceWith="&quot;." />
<RegEx find="(?&lt;=\S\.{3}) +&quot;(?=\s|$)" replaceWith="&quot;" />
<RegEx find=" +\.{3}$" replaceWith="..." />
<RegEx find="(?&lt;=[a-zčđšž])(?: +\.{3}|\.{2}$)" replaceWith="..." />
<!-- Razmak ispred zagrade -->
<RegEx find="([A-ZČĐŠŽa-zčđšž])\(" replaceWith="$1 (" />
<RegEx find="(?&lt;=[A-ZČĐŠŽa-zčđšž])\(" replaceWith=" (" />
<!-- Razmak iza upitnika -->
<RegEx find="\?([A-ZČĐŠŽčš])" replaceWith="? $1" />
<RegEx find="(^|&gt;)\.{3} ([A-ZČĐŠŽčš])" replaceWith="$1...$2" />
<RegEx find="\?(?=[A-ZČĐŠŽčš])" replaceWith="? " />
<RegEx find="(?&lt;=^|&gt;)\.{3} +(?=[A-ZČĐŠŽčš])" replaceWith="..." />
<!-- Brise ... kad je na poc. reda "... -->
<RegEx find="^&quot;\.{3} " replaceWith="&quot;" />
<RegEx find="([0-9])\$" replaceWith="$1 $" />
<RegEx find="^&quot;\.{3} +" replaceWith="&quot;" />
<RegEx find="(?&lt;=[0-9])\$" replaceWith=" $" />
<!-- ti š -> t š by Strider -->
<!-- Zamijeni sva "**ti šu*" s "**t šu*" i "**ti še*" s "**t še*" -->
<!-- <RegEx find="([a-z])ti (š+[eu])" replaceWith="$1t $2" /> -->
@ -120,19 +119,19 @@
<RegEx find="^(&lt;[i|b|u]&gt;) +" replaceWith="$1" />
<RegEx find="^\.{2} +" replaceWith="..." />
<!-- Razmak ? "</i> -->
<RegEx find="([.?!]) +(&quot;&lt;)" replaceWith="$1$3" />
<RegEx find="([.?!]) +(&quot;&lt;)" replaceWith="$1$2" />
<!-- Bez razmaka kod Npr.: -->
<RegEx find="([Nn])pr\. +:" replaceWith="$1pr.:" />
<RegEx find="(?&lt;=[Nn]pr\.) *: *" replaceWith=": " />
<RegEx find="\. ," replaceWith=".," />
<RegEx find="([?!])\." replaceWith="$1" />
<!-- Da ne kvari potpise sa ..:: -->
<RegEx find="\.{3}::" replaceWith="..::" />
<RegEx find="::\.{3}" replaceWith="::.." />
<RegEx find="\.{2} ::" replaceWith="..::" />
<RegEx find="\.{2} +::" replaceWith="..::" />
<!-- Skracenice bez razmaka -->
<RegEx find="d\. o\.o\." replaceWith="d.o.o." />
<!-- Kad red počinje sa ...pa malo slovo -->
<!-- <RegEx find="^\.{3}([a-zčđšž&quot;&lt;])" replaceWith="$1" /> -->
<!-- <RegEx find=" ([.?!])" replaceWith="$1" /> -->
<!-- <RegEx find=" +([.?!])" replaceWith="$1" /> -->