Installer: indent for better readability, clean up unused custom messages, minor internal changes

git-svn-id: 99eadd0c-20b8-1223-b5c4-2a2b2df33de2
This commit is contained in:
XhmikosR 2011-01-18 21:35:06 +00:00
parent 17a0e86e0c
commit 97e5015b68
2 changed files with 95 additions and 117 deletions

View File

@ -29,8 +29,6 @@ en.msg_AskToDownNET=Subtitle Edit requires the .NET Framework 2.0. Please downlo
en.msg_DeleteSettings=Do you also want to delete Subtitle Edit's settings and any custom changes you made in the dictionaries? %n%nIf you plan on reinstalling Subtitle Edit you do not have to delete them.
en.run_VisitWebsite=Visit Subtitle Edit's Website
en.sm_com_Changelog=Subtitle Edit's Changelog
en.sm_com_OnlineHelp=Subtitle Edit's Online Help
en.sm_com_ReadmeFile=Subtitle Edit's ReadMe
en.tsk_AllUsers=For all users
en.tsk_CurrentUser=For the current user only
@ -45,8 +43,6 @@ de.msg_AskToDownNET=Subtitle Edit benötigt .NET Framework 2.0 oder höher. Bitt
de.msg_DeleteSettings=Möchten Sie ihre Einstellungen und Verzeichnisänderungen ebenfalls löschen? %n%nWenn Sie Subtitle Edit erneut installieren möchten, können Sie Ihre Einstellungen behalten.
de.run_VisitWebsite=Besuchen Sie die Subtitle Edit Webseite
de.sm_com_Changelog=Subtitle Edit's Changelog
de.sm_com_OnlineHelp=Subtitle Edit's Online Help
de.sm_com_ReadmeFile=Subtitle Edit's ReadMe
de.tsk_AllUsers=Für alle Benutzer
de.tsk_CurrentUser=Nur für mich
@ -61,8 +57,6 @@ dk.msg_AskToDownNET=Subtitle Edit kræver .NET Framework 2.0. Download and insta
dk.msg_DeleteSettings=Vil du også slette Subtitle Edit's indstillinger og evt. ændringer i ordlister? %n%nHvis du vil geninstallere Subtitle Edit senere kan du beholde disse indstillinger.
dk.run_VisitWebsite=Besøg Subtitle Edits Website
dk.sm_com_Changelog=Subtitle Edit ændringslog
dk.sm_com_OnlineHelp=Subtitle Edit's Online Help
dk.sm_com_ReadmeFile=Subtitle Edit's ReadMe
dk.tsk_AllUsers=For alle brugere
dk.tsk_CurrentUser=Kun for aktulle bruger
@ -77,8 +71,6 @@ es.msg_AskToDownNET=Subtitle Edit requiere .NET Framework 2.0. Por favor, descar
es.msg_DeleteSettings=¿Desea eliminar también la configuración de Subtitle Edit y cualquier otro cambio que se haya podido realizar en los diccionarios? %n%nSi piensa reinstalar más adelante Subtitle Edit no tiene por qué eliminarlos.
es.run_VisitWebsite=Visite la página web de Subtitle Edit
es.sm_com_Changelog=Registro de cambios de Subtitle Edit
es.sm_com_OnlineHelp=Subtitle Edit's Online Help
es.sm_com_ReadmeFile=Archivo Léeme de Subtitle Edit
es.tsk_AllUsers=Para todos los usuarios
es.tsk_CurrentUser=Sólo para el usuario actual
@ -93,8 +85,6 @@ fr.msg_AskToDownNET=Subtitle Edit requires the .NET Framework 2.0. Please downlo
fr.msg_DeleteSettings=Do you also want to delete Subtitle Edit's settings and any custom changes you made in the dictionaries? %n%nIf you plan on reinstalling Subtitle Edit you do not have to delete them.
fr.run_VisitWebsite=Visit Subtitle Edit's Website
fr.sm_com_Changelog=Subtitle Edit's Changelog
fr.sm_com_OnlineHelp=Subtitle Edit's Online Help
fr.sm_com_ReadmeFile=Subtitle Edit's ReadMe
fr.tsk_AllUsers=For all users
fr.tsk_CurrentUser=For the current user only
@ -108,8 +98,6 @@ hu.msg_AskToDownNET=A Subtitle Edit futtatásához .NET Framework 2.0 szüksége
hu.msg_DeleteSettings=Törölni szeretné a Subtitle Edit beállításait és a szótárakban végrehajtott egyéni módosításokat? %n%nHa a Subtitle Edit újratelepítését tervezi, Önnek nem kell törölni azt.
hu.run_VisitWebsite=A Subtitle Edit weboldalának felkeresése
hu.sm_com_Changelog=Subtitle Edit's változásnapló
hu.sm_com_OnlineHelp=Subtitle Edit's Online Help
hu.sm_com_ReadmeFile=Subtitle Edit's fontos tudnivalók
hu.tsk_AllUsers=Az összes felhasználó számára
hu.tsk_CurrentUser=Csak a jelenlegi felhasználó számára
@ -124,8 +112,6 @@ it.msg_AskToDownNET=Subtitle Edit requires the .NET Framework 2.0. Please downlo
it.msg_DeleteSettings=Do you also want to delete Subtitle Edit's settings and any custom changes you made in the dictionaries? %n%nIf you plan on reinstalling Subtitle Edit you do not have to delete them.
it.run_VisitWebsite=Visit Subtitle Edit's Website
it.sm_com_Changelog=Subtitle Edit's Changelog
it.sm_com_OnlineHelp=Subtitle Edit's Online Help
it.sm_com_ReadmeFile=Subtitle Edit's ReadMe
it.tsk_AllUsers=For all users
it.tsk_CurrentUser=For the current user only
@ -140,8 +126,6 @@ it.tsk_ResetSettings=Reset Subtitle Edit's settings
;nl.msg_DeleteSettings=Do you also want to delete Subtitle Edit's settings and any custom changes you made in the dictionaries? %n%nIf you plan on reinstalling Subtitle Edit you do not have to delete them.
;nl.run_VisitWebsite=Visit Subtitle Edit's Website
;nl.sm_com_Changelog=Subtitle Edit's Changelog
;nl.sm_com_OnlineHelp=Subtitle Edit's Online Help
;nl.sm_com_ReadmeFile=Subtitle Edit's ReadMe
;nl.tsk_AllUsers=For all users
;nl.tsk_CurrentUser=For the current user only
@ -156,8 +140,6 @@ pl.msg_AskToDownNET=Subtitle Edit requires the .NET Framework 2.0. Please downlo
pl.msg_DeleteSettings=Do you also want to delete Subtitle Edit's settings and any custom changes you made in the dictionaries? %n%nIf you plan on reinstalling Subtitle Edit you do not have to delete them.
pl.run_VisitWebsite=Visit Subtitle Edit's Website
pl.sm_com_Changelog=Subtitle Edit's Changelog
pl.sm_com_OnlineHelp=Subtitle Edit's Online Help
pl.sm_com_ReadmeFile=Subtitle Edit's ReadMe
pl.tsk_AllUsers=For all users
pl.tsk_CurrentUser=For the current user only
@ -172,8 +154,6 @@ ro.msg_AskToDownNET=Subtitle Edit necesită .NET Framework 2.0. Vă rog să desc
ro.msg_DeleteSettings=Vreţi de asemenea să ştergeţi setările şi personalizările făcute în dicţionare? %n%nDacă aveţi de gând să reinstalaţi Subtitle Edit, nu este nevoie să le ştergeţi.
ro.run_VisitWebsite=Vizitaţi pagina Web a programului Subtitle Edit
ro.sm_com_Changelog=Jurnalul modificărilor în programul Subtitle Edit
ro.sm_com_OnlineHelp=Subtitle Edit's Online Help
ro.tsk_AllUsers=Pentru toţi utilizatorii
ro.tsk_CurrentUser=Pentru utilizatorul curent
@ -188,8 +168,6 @@ sv.msg_AskToDownNET=Subtitle Edit necesită .NET Framework 2.0. Vă rog să desc
sv.msg_DeleteSettings=Vreţi de asemenea să ştergeţi setările şi personalizările făcute în dicţionare? %n%nDacă aveţi de gând să reinstalaţi Subtitle Edit, nu este nevoie să le ştergeţi.
sv.run_VisitWebsite=Vizitaţi pagina Web a programului Subtitle Edit
sv.sm_com_Changelog=Jurnalul modificărilor în programul Subtitle Edit
sv.sm_com_OnlineHelp=Subtitle Edit's Online Help
sv.tsk_AllUsers=Pentru toţi utilizatorii
sv.tsk_CurrentUser=Pentru utilizatorul curent

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
; Inno Setup QuickStart Pack Unicode v5.4.0(+):
#define installer_build_number "10"
#define installer_build_number "11"
#define VerMajor
#define VerMinor
@ -71,17 +71,15 @@ VersionInfoProductName=Subtitle Edit
VersionInfoProductVersion={#= simple_app_version}
VersionInfoProductTextVersion={#= simple_app_version}
OutputBaseFilename=SubtitleEdit-{#= simple_app_version}-setup
@ -119,9 +117,9 @@ BeveledLabel=Subtitle Edit v{#= simple_app_version} by Nikse, Setup v{#= install
Name: desktopicon; Description: {cm:CreateDesktopIcon}; GroupDescription: {cm:AdditionalIcons}
Name: desktopicon\user; Description: {cm:tsk_CurrentUser}; GroupDescription: {cm:AdditionalIcons}; Flags: exclusive
Name: desktopicon\common; Description: {cm:tsk_AllUsers}; GroupDescription: {cm:AdditionalIcons}; Flags: unchecked exclusive
Name: quicklaunchicon; Description: {cm:CreateQuickLaunchIcon}; GroupDescription: {cm:AdditionalIcons}; OnlyBelowVersion: 0,6.01; Flags: unchecked
Name: reset_dictionaries; Description: {cm:tsk_ResetDictionaries}; GroupDescription: {cm:tsk_Other}; Check: DictionariesExistCheck(); Flags: checkedonce unchecked
Name: reset_settings; Description: {cm:tsk_ResetSettings}; GroupDescription: {cm:tsk_Other}; Check: SettingsExistCheck(); Flags: checkedonce unchecked
Name: quicklaunchicon; Description: {cm:CreateQuickLaunchIcon}; GroupDescription: {cm:AdditionalIcons}; Flags: unchecked; OnlyBelowVersion: 0,6.01
Name: reset_dictionaries; Description: {cm:tsk_ResetDictionaries}; GroupDescription: {cm:tsk_Other}; Flags: checkedonce unchecked; Check: DictionariesExistCheck()
Name: reset_settings; Description: {cm:tsk_ResetSettings}; GroupDescription: {cm:tsk_Other}; Flags: checkedonce unchecked; Check: SettingsExistCheck()
@ -162,8 +160,7 @@ Source: ..\Tesseract\tesseract.exe; DestDir: {app}\Tesseract; Flags: ignoreversi
Name: {group}\Subtitle Edit; Filename: {app}\SubtitleEdit.exe; Comment: Subtitle Edit v{#= simple_app_version}; WorkingDir: {app}; AppUserModelID: Nikse.SubtitleEdit; IconFilename: {app}\SubtitleEdit.exe; IconIndex: 0
Name: {group}\Help and Support\Changelog; Filename: {app}\Changelog.txt; Comment: {cm:sm_com_Changelog}; WorkingDir: {app}
;Name: {group}\Help and Support\Readme; Filename: {app}\Readme.txt; Comment: {cm:sm_com_ReadmeFile}; WorkingDir: {app}
Name: {group}\Help and Support\Online Help; Filename:; Comment: {cm:sm_com_OnlineHelp}
Name: {group}\Help and Support\Online Help; Filename:
Name: {group}\Help and Support\{cm:ProgramOnTheWeb,Subtitle Edit}; Filename: {#= app_web_site}; Comment: {cm:ProgramOnTheWeb,Subtitle Edit}
Name: {group}\{cm:UninstallProgram,Subtitle Edit}; Filename: {uninstallexe}; IconFilename: {app}\uninstall.ico; Comment: {cm:UninstallProgram,Subtitle Edit}; WorkingDir: {app}
@ -175,6 +172,7 @@ Name: {userappdata}\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\Subtitle Edit; File
Type: files; Name: {userdesktop}\Subtitle Edit.lnk; Check: NOT IsTaskSelected('desktopicon\user') AND IsUpdate()
Type: files; Name: {commondesktop}\Subtitle Edit.lnk; Check: NOT IsTaskSelected('desktopicon\common') AND IsUpdate()
Type: files; Name: {userappdata}\Subtitle Edit\Settings.xml; Tasks: reset_settings
Type: dirifempty; Name: {userappdata}\Subtitle Edit; Tasks: reset_settings
@ -227,9 +225,10 @@ external 'IsModuleLoaded@{app}\psvince.dll stdcall uninstallonly';
// Check if Subtitle Edit's settings exist
function SettingsExistCheck(): Boolean;
Result := False;
if FileExists(ExpandConstant('{userappdata}\Subtitle Edit\Settings.xml')) then
if FileExists(ExpandConstant('{userappdata}\Subtitle Edit\Settings.xml')) then begin
Result := True;
end else
Result := False;
@ -313,14 +312,16 @@ begin
// based on whether these files exist only
if CurUninstallStep = usUninstall then begin
if SettingsExistCheck OR DictionariesExistCheck then begin
if MsgBox(ExpandConstant('{cm:msg_DeleteSettings}'), mbConfirmation, MB_YESNO or MB_DEFBUTTON2) = IDYES then begin
if MsgBox(ExpandConstant('{cm:msg_DeleteSettings}'), mbConfirmation, MB_YESNO OR MB_DEFBUTTON2) = IDYES then begin
DeleteFile(ExpandConstant('{userappdata}\Subtitle Edit\Settings.xml'));
RemoveDir(ExpandConstant('{userappdata}\Subtitle Edit\WaveForms'));
RemoveDir(ExpandConstant('{userappdata}\Subtitle Edit'));
@ -332,7 +333,7 @@ var
// Create a mutex for the installer and if it's already running then expose a message and stop installation
if CheckForMutexes(installer_mutex_name) then begin
if not WizardSilent() then
if NOT WizardSilent() then
MsgBox(ExpandConstant('{cm:msg_SetupIsRunningWarning}'), mbError, MB_OK);
@ -351,8 +352,8 @@ begin
Result := True;
if not WizardSilent() then
if MsgBox(ExpandConstant('{cm:msg_AskToDownNET}'), mbCriticalError, MB_YESNO or MB_DEFBUTTON1) = IDYES then begin
if NOT WizardSilent() then
if MsgBox(ExpandConstant('{cm:msg_AskToDownNET}'), mbCriticalError, MB_YESNO OR MB_DEFBUTTON1) = IDYES then begin
Result := False;
@ -373,18 +374,17 @@ begin
if IsModuleLoadedU( 'SubtitleEdit.exe' ) then begin
MsgBox(ExpandConstant('{cm:msg_AppIsRunning}'), mbError, MB_OK );
Result := False;
else Result := True;
end else
Result := True;
if NOT IsModuleLoadedU( 'SubtitleEdit.exe' ) then begin
Result := True;
if CheckForMutexes(installer_mutex_name) then begin
if not WizardSilent() then
MsgBox(ExpandConstant('{cm:msg_SetupIsRunningWarning}'), mbError, MB_OK);
Result := False;
else begin
Result := True;