using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Drawing; using System.IO; using System.Text; namespace Nikse.SubtitleEdit.Core { public class IfoParser : IDisposable { public struct AudioStream { public int LanguageTypeSpecified; public string Language; public string LanguageCode; public string CodingMode; public int Channels; public string Extension; }; public struct VideoStream { public string Aspect; public string Standard; public string CodingMode; public string Resolution; } public class VtsVobs { public int NumberOfAudioStreams; public int NumberOfSubtitles; public VideoStream VideoStream; public List AudioStreams; public List Subtitles; public List SubtitleIDs; public List SubtitleTypes; public List GetAllLanguages() { var list = new List(); for (int i = 0; i < Subtitles.Count; i++) { if (i < SubtitleIDs.Count && i < SubtitleTypes.Count) { var ids = SubtitleIDs[i].Split(','); var types = SubtitleTypes[i].Split(','); if (ids.Length == 2 && ids[0].Trim() == ids[1].Trim() || ids.Length == 3 && ids[0].Trim() == ids[1].Trim() && ids[1].Trim() == ids[2].Trim()) { list.Add(Subtitles[i] + " (" + ids[0].Trim() + ")"); } else { if (ids.Length >= 1 && types.Length >= 1) { list.Add(Subtitles[i] + ", " + types[0].Trim() + " (" + ids[0].Trim() + ")"); } if (ids.Length >= 2 && types.Length >= 2) { list.Add(Subtitles[i] + ", " + types[1].Trim() + " (" + ids[1].Trim() + ")"); } if (ids.Length >= 3 && types.Length >= 3) { list.Add(Subtitles[i] + ", " + types[2].Trim() + " (" + ids[2].Trim() + ")"); } if (ids.Length >= 4 && types.Length >= 4) { list.Add(Subtitles[i] + ", " + types[3].Trim() + " (" + ids[3].Trim() + ")"); } } } } return list; } public VtsVobs() { VideoStream = new VideoStream(); AudioStreams = new List(); Subtitles = new List(); SubtitleIDs = new List(); SubtitleTypes = new List(); } }; public class ProgramChain { public int NumberOfPgc; public int NumberOfCells; public string PlaybackTime; public List PgcEntryCells; public List PgcPlaybackTimes; public List PgcStartTimes; public List AudioStreamsAvailable; public List SubtitlesAvailable; public List ColorLookupTable; public ProgramChain() { PgcEntryCells = new List(); PgcPlaybackTimes = new List(); PgcStartTimes = new List(); AudioStreamsAvailable = new List(); SubtitlesAvailable = new List(); ColorLookupTable = new List(); } public bool Has43Subs { get; set; } public bool HasWideSubs { get; set; } public bool HasLetterSubs { get; set; } public bool HasPanSubs { get; set; } public bool HasNoSpecificSubs { get; set; } }; public class VtsPgci { public int NumberOfProgramChains; public List ProgramChains; public VtsPgci() { ProgramChains = new List(); } }; private readonly List _arrayOfAudioMode = new List { "AC3", "...", "MPEG1", "MPEG2", "LPCM", "...", "DTS" }; private readonly List _arrayOfAudioExtension = new List { "unspecified", "normal", "for visually impaired", "director's comments", "alternate director's comments" }; private readonly List _arrayOfAspect = new List { "4:3", "...", "...", "16:9" }; private readonly List _arrayOfStandard = new List { "NTSC", "PAL", "...", "..." }; private readonly List _arrayOfCodingMode = new List { "MPEG1", "MPEG2" }; private readonly List _arrayOfNtscResolution = new List { "720x480", "704x480", "352x480", "352x240" }; private readonly List _arrayOfPalResolution = new List { "720x576", "704x576", "352x576", "352x288" }; public VtsPgci VideoTitleSetProgramChainTable { get { return _vtsPgci; } } public VtsVobs VideoTitleSetVobs { get { return _vtsVobs; } } public string ErrorMessage { get; private set; } private readonly VtsVobs _vtsVobs = new VtsVobs(); private readonly VtsPgci _vtsPgci = new VtsPgci(); private FileStream _fs; public IfoParser(string fileName) { try { _fs = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite); var buffer = new byte[12]; _fs.Position = 0; _fs.Read(buffer, 0, 12); string id = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buffer); if (id != "DVDVIDEO-VTS") { ErrorMessage = string.Format(Configuration.Settings.Language.DvdSubRip.WrongIfoType, id, Environment.NewLine, fileName); return; } ParseVtsVobs(); ParseVtsPgci(); _fs.Close(); } catch (Exception exception) { ErrorMessage = exception.Message + Environment.NewLine + exception.StackTrace; } } private void ParseVtsVobs() { var buffer = new byte[16]; //retrieve video info _fs.Position = 0x200; var data = IntToBin(GetEndian(2), 16); _vtsVobs.VideoStream.CodingMode = _arrayOfCodingMode[BinToInt(MidStr(data, 0, 2))]; _vtsVobs.VideoStream.Standard = _arrayOfStandard[BinToInt(MidStr(data, 2, 2))]; _vtsVobs.VideoStream.Aspect = _arrayOfAspect[BinToInt(MidStr(data, 4, 2))]; if (_vtsVobs.VideoStream.Standard == "PAL") _vtsVobs.VideoStream.Resolution = _arrayOfPalResolution[BinToInt(MidStr(data, 13, 2))]; else if (_vtsVobs.VideoStream.Standard == "NTSC") _vtsVobs.VideoStream.Resolution = _arrayOfNtscResolution[BinToInt(MidStr(data, 13, 2))]; //retrieve audio info _fs.Position = 0x202; //useless but here for readability _vtsVobs.NumberOfAudioStreams = GetEndian(2); for (int i = 0; i < _vtsVobs.NumberOfAudioStreams; i++) { var audioStream = new AudioStream(); data = IntToBin(GetEndian(2), 16); audioStream.LanguageTypeSpecified = Convert.ToInt32(MidStr(data, 4, 2)); audioStream.CodingMode = _arrayOfAudioMode[(BinToInt(MidStr(data, 0, 3)))]; audioStream.Channels = BinToInt(MidStr(data, 13, 3)) + 1; _fs.Read(buffer, 0, 2); audioStream.LanguageCode = new string(new[] { Convert.ToChar(buffer[0]), Convert.ToChar(buffer[1]) }); var language = DvdSubtitleLanguage.GetLanguageOrNull(audioStream.LanguageCode); if (language != null) audioStream.Language = language.NativeName; _fs.Seek(1, SeekOrigin.Current); audioStream.Extension = _arrayOfAudioExtension[_fs.ReadByte()]; _fs.Seek(2, SeekOrigin.Current); _vtsVobs.AudioStreams.Add(audioStream); } //retrieve subs info (only name) _fs.Position = 0x254; _vtsVobs.NumberOfSubtitles = GetEndian(2); _fs.Position += 2; for (int i = 0; i < _vtsVobs.NumberOfSubtitles; i++) { _fs.Read(buffer, 0, 2); var languageTwoLetter = new string(new[] { Convert.ToChar(buffer[0]), Convert.ToChar(buffer[1]) }); _vtsVobs.Subtitles.Add(DvdSubtitleLanguage.GetNativeLanguageName(languageTwoLetter)); _fs.Read(buffer, 0, 2); // reserved for language code extension + code extension //switch (buffer[0]) // 4, 8, 10-12 unused //{ // // // case 1: subtitleFormat = "(caption/normal size char)"; break; //0 = unspecified caption // case 2: subtitleFormat = "(caption/large size char)"; break; // case 3: subtitleFormat = "(caption for children)"; break; // case 5: subtitleFormat = "(closed caption/normal size char)"; break; // case 6: subtitleFormat = "(closed caption/large size char)"; break; // case 7: subtitleFormat = "(closed caption for children)"; break; // case 9: subtitleFormat = "(forced caption)"; break; // case 13: subtitleFormat = "(director comments/normal size char)"; break; // case 14: subtitleFormat = "(director comments/large size char)"; break; // case 15: subtitleFormat = "(director comments for children)"; break; //} _fs.Position += 2; } } private static int BinToInt(string p) { return Convert.ToInt32(p, 2); } private static string MidStr(string data, int start, int count) { return data.Substring(start, count); } private static string IntToBin(int value, int digits) { string result = Convert.ToString(value, 2); while (result.Length < digits) result = "0" + result; return result; } private int GetEndian(int count) { int result = 0; for (int i = count; i > 0; i--) { int b = _fs.ReadByte(); result = (result << 8) + b; } return result; } private void ParseVtsPgci() { const int sectorSize = 2048; _fs.Position = 0xCC; //Get VTS_PGCI adress int tableStart = sectorSize * GetEndian(4); _fs.Position = tableStart; _vtsPgci.NumberOfProgramChains = GetEndian(2); _vtsPgci.ProgramChains = new List(); for (int i = 0; i < _vtsPgci.NumberOfProgramChains; i++) { //Parse PGC Header var programChain = new ProgramChain(); _fs.Position = tableStart + 4 + 8 * (i + 1); //Get PGC adress int programChainAdress = GetEndian(4); _fs.Position = tableStart + programChainAdress + 2; //Move to PGC programChain.NumberOfPgc = _fs.ReadByte(); programChain.NumberOfCells = _fs.ReadByte(); programChain.PlaybackTime = InterpretTime(GetEndian(4)); _fs.Seek(4, SeekOrigin.Current); // check if audio streams are available for this PGC _fs.Position = tableStart + programChainAdress + 0xC; for (int j = 0; j < _vtsVobs.NumberOfAudioStreams; j++) { string temp = IntToBin(_fs.ReadByte(), 8); programChain.AudioStreamsAvailable.Add(temp[0]); _fs.Seek(1, SeekOrigin.Current); } // check if subtitles are available for this PGC _fs.Position = tableStart + programChainAdress + 0x1C; for (int j = 0; j < _vtsVobs.NumberOfSubtitles; j++) { // read and save full subpicture stream info inside program chain var subtitle = new byte[4]; _fs.Read(subtitle, 0, 4); programChain.SubtitlesAvailable.Add(subtitle); } CalculateSubtitleTypes(programChain); //Parse Color LookUp Table (CLUT) - offset 00A4, 16*4 (0, Y, Cr, Cb) _fs.Position = tableStart + programChainAdress + 0xA4; for (int colorNumber = 0; colorNumber < 16; colorNumber++) { var colors = new byte[4]; _fs.Read(colors, 0, 4); int y = colors[1] - 16; int cr = colors[2] - 128; int cb = colors[3] - 128; int r = (int)Math.Min(Math.Max(Math.Round(1.1644F * y + 1.596F * cr), 0), 255); int g = (int)Math.Min(Math.Max(Math.Round(1.1644F * y - 0.813F * cr - 0.391F * cb), 0), 255); int b = (int)Math.Min(Math.Max(Math.Round(1.1644F * y + 2.018F * cb), 0), 255); programChain.ColorLookupTable.Add(Color.FromArgb(r, g, b)); } //Parse Program Map _fs.Position = tableStart + programChainAdress + 0xE6; _fs.Position = tableStart + programChainAdress + GetEndian(2); for (int j = 0; j < programChain.NumberOfPgc; j++) { programChain.PgcEntryCells.Add((byte)_fs.ReadByte()); } // Cell Playback Info Table to retrieve duration _fs.Position = tableStart + programChainAdress + 0xE8; _fs.Position = tableStart + programChainAdress + GetEndian(2); var timeArray = new List(); for (int k = 0; k < programChain.NumberOfPgc; k++) { int time = 0; int max; if (k == programChain.NumberOfPgc - 1) max = programChain.NumberOfCells; else max = programChain.PgcEntryCells[k + 1] - 1; for (int j = programChain.PgcEntryCells[k]; j <= max; j++) { _fs.Seek(4, SeekOrigin.Current); time += TimeToMs(GetEndian(4)); _fs.Seek(16, SeekOrigin.Current); } programChain.PgcPlaybackTimes.Add(MsToTime(time)); timeArray.Add(time); //convert to start time time = 0; for (int l = 1; l <= k; l++) { time += timeArray[l - 1]; } if (k == 0) programChain.PgcStartTimes.Add(MsToTime(0)); if (k > 0) programChain.PgcStartTimes.Add(MsToTime(time)); } _vtsPgci.ProgramChains.Add(programChain); } } private void CalculateSubtitleTypes(ProgramChain programChain) { // Additional Code to analyse stream bytes if (_vtsVobs.NumberOfSubtitles > 0) { // load the 'last' subpicture stream info, // because if we have more than one subtitle stream, // all subtitle positions > 0 // lastSubtitle[0] is related to 4:3 // lastSubtitle[1] is related to Wide // lastSubtitle[2] is related to letterboxed // lastSubtitle[3] is related to pan&scan byte[] lastSubtitle = programChain.SubtitlesAvailable[programChain.SubtitlesAvailable.Count - 1]; int countSubs = 0; // set defaults for all possible subpicture types and positions programChain.Has43Subs = false; programChain.HasWideSubs = false; programChain.HasLetterSubs = false; programChain.HasPanSubs = false; programChain.HasNoSpecificSubs = true; int pos43Subs = -1; int posWideSubs = -1; int posLetterSubs = -1; int posPanSubs = -1; // parse different subtitle bytes if (lastSubtitle[0] > 0x80) { programChain.Has43Subs = true; countSubs++; // 4:3 } if (lastSubtitle[1] > 0) { programChain.HasWideSubs = true; countSubs++; // wide } if (lastSubtitle[2] > 0) { programChain.HasLetterSubs = true; countSubs++; // letterboxed } if (lastSubtitle[3] > 0) { programChain.HasPanSubs = true; countSubs++; // pan&scan } if (countSubs == 0) { // may be, only a 4:3 stream exists // -> lastSubtitle[0] = 0x80 } else { if (_vtsVobs.NumberOfSubtitles == 1) { // only 1 stream exists, may be letterboxed // if so we cound't find wide id, because lastSubtitle[1] = 0 !! // corresponding wide stream byte is 0 => wide id = 0x20 // letterboxed = 0x21 if (programChain.HasLetterSubs && !programChain.HasWideSubs) { // repair it programChain.HasWideSubs = true; } } programChain.HasNoSpecificSubs = false; } // subpucture streams start with 0x20 int subStream = 0x20; // Now we know all about available subpicture streams, including position type // And we can create whole complete definitions for all avalable streams foreach (byte[] subtitle in programChain.SubtitlesAvailable) { if (programChain.HasNoSpecificSubs) { // only one unspezified subpicture stream exists _vtsVobs.SubtitleIDs.Add(string.Format("0x{0:x2}", subStream++)); _vtsVobs.SubtitleTypes.Add("unspecific"); } else { // read stream position for evey subtitle type from subtitle byte if (programChain.Has43Subs) { pos43Subs = subtitle[0] - 0x80; } if (programChain.HasWideSubs) { posWideSubs = subtitle[1]; } if (programChain.HasLetterSubs) { posLetterSubs = subtitle[2]; } if (programChain.HasPanSubs) { posPanSubs = subtitle[3]; } // Now we can create subpicture id's and types for every stream // All used subpicture id's and types will beappended to string, separated by colon // So it's possible to split it later string sub = string.Empty; string subType = string.Empty; if (programChain.Has43Subs) { sub = string.Format("0x{0:x2}", subStream + pos43Subs); subType = "4:3"; } if (programChain.HasWideSubs) { if (sub.Length > 0) { sub += ", "; subType += ", "; } sub += string.Format("0x{0:x2}", subStream + posWideSubs); subType += "wide"; } if (programChain.HasLetterSubs) { if (sub.Length > 0) { sub += ", "; subType += ", "; } sub += string.Format("0x{0:x2}", subStream + posLetterSubs); subType += "letterboxed"; } if (programChain.HasPanSubs) { if (sub.Length > 0) { sub += ", "; subType += ", "; } sub += string.Format("0x{0:x2}", subStream + posPanSubs); subType += "pan&scan"; } _vtsVobs.SubtitleIDs.Add(sub); _vtsVobs.SubtitleTypes.Add(subType); } } } } private static int TimeToMs(int time) { double fps; var temp = IntToBin(time, 32); var result = StrToInt(IntToHex(BinToInt(MidStr(temp, 0, 8)), 1)) * 3600000; result = result + StrToInt(IntToHex(BinToInt(MidStr(temp, 8, 8)), 2)) * 60000; result = result + StrToInt(IntToHex(BinToInt(MidStr(temp, 16, 8)), 2)) * 1000; if (temp.Substring(24, 2) == "11") fps = 30; else fps = 25; result += (int)Math.Round((TimeCode.BaseUnit / fps) * StrToFloat(IntToHex(BinToInt(MidStr(temp, 26, 6)), 3))); return result; } private static double StrToFloat(string p) { return Convert.ToDouble(p, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } private static int StrToInt(string p) { return int.Parse(p); } private static string IntToHex(int value, int digits) { string hex = value.ToString("X"); return hex.PadLeft(digits, '0'); } private static string MsToTime(double milliseconds) { var ts = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(milliseconds); string s = string.Format("{0:#0}:{1:00}:{2:00}.{3:000}", ts.Hours, ts.Minutes, ts.Seconds, ts.Milliseconds); return s; } private static string InterpretTime(int timeNumber) { string timeBytes = IntToBin(timeNumber, 32); int h = StrToInt(IntToHex(BinToInt(timeBytes.Substring(0, 8)), 1)); int m = StrToInt(IntToHex(BinToInt(timeBytes.Substring(8, 8)), 2)); int s = StrToInt(IntToHex(BinToInt(timeBytes.Substring(16, 8)), 2)); int fps = 25; if (timeBytes.Substring(24, 2) == "11") fps = 30; int milliseconds = (int)Math.Round((TimeCode.BaseUnit / fps) * StrToFloat(IntToHex(BinToInt(timeBytes.Substring(26, 6)), 3))); var ts = new TimeSpan(0, h, m, s, milliseconds); return MsToTime(ts.TotalMilliseconds); } private void ReleaseManagedResources() { if (_fs != null) { _fs.Dispose(); _fs = null; } } public void Dispose() { Dispose(true); GC.SuppressFinalize(this); } protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (disposing) { ReleaseManagedResources(); } } } }