using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Globalization; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; namespace Nikse.SubtitleEdit.Core.Forms { public class RemoveTextForHI { public RemoveTextForHISettings Settings { get; set; } public List Warnings; public int WarningIndex; private List _interjectionList; public RemoveTextForHI(RemoveTextForHISettings removeTextForHISettings) { Settings = removeTextForHISettings; } public void ResetInterjections() { _interjectionList = null; } public string RemoveHearImpairedtagsInsideLine(string newText) { for (int i = 6; i < newText.Length; i++) { var s = newText.Substring(i); if (s.Length > 2 && ".?!".Contains(s[0])) { var pre = string.Empty; s = s.Remove(0, 1); if (s.StartsWith(' ')) { if (s.StartsWith(" ", StringComparison.Ordinal)) pre = " "; else pre = " "; } else if (s.StartsWith("", StringComparison.Ordinal)) pre = ""; else if (s.StartsWith("", StringComparison.Ordinal)) pre = ""; if (pre.Length > 0) { s = s.Remove(0, pre.Length); if (s.Length > 1 && s[0] == ' ') { pre += " "; s = s.Remove(0, 1); } if (HasHearImpariedTagsAtStart(s)) { s = RemoveStartEndTags(s); newText = newText.Substring(0, i + 1) + pre + " " + s; newText = newText.Replace("", string.Empty); newText = newText.Replace(" ", " ").FixExtraSpaces(); } } } } return newText; } public string RemoveColon(string text) { if (!(Settings.RemoveTextBeforeColon && text.Contains(':'))) return text; string preAssTag = string.Empty; if (text.StartsWith("{\\", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { int indexOfEndBracketSuccessor = text.IndexOf('}') + 1; if (indexOfEndBracketSuccessor > 0) { preAssTag = text.Substring(0, indexOfEndBracketSuccessor); text = text.Remove(0, indexOfEndBracketSuccessor).TrimStart(); } } // House 7x01 line 52: and she would like you to do three things: // Okay or remove??? string noTagText = HtmlUtil.RemoveHtmlTags(text); if (noTagText.Length > 10 && noTagText.IndexOf(':') == noTagText.Length - 1 && noTagText != noTagText.ToUpper()) return text; string newText = string.Empty; var lines = text.Trim().SplitToLines(); int noOfNames = 0; int count = 0; bool removedInFirstLine = false; bool removedInSecondLine = false; foreach (string line in lines) { int indexOfColon = line.IndexOf(':'); if (indexOfColon <= 0 || IsInsideBrackets(line, indexOfColon)) { newText = (newText + Environment.NewLine + line).Trim(); if (newText.EndsWith("", StringComparison.Ordinal) && text.StartsWith("", StringComparison.Ordinal) && !newText.StartsWith("", StringComparison.Ordinal)) newText = "" + newText; else if (newText.EndsWith("", StringComparison.Ordinal) && text.StartsWith("", StringComparison.Ordinal) && !newText.StartsWith("", StringComparison.Ordinal)) newText = "" + newText; } else { var pre = line.Substring(0, indexOfColon); var noTagPre = HtmlUtil.RemoveHtmlTags(pre, true); if (Settings.RemoveTextBeforeColonOnlyUppercase && noTagPre != noTagPre.ToUpper()) { newText = (newText + Environment.NewLine + line).Trim(); } else { if (Utilities.CountTagInText(line, ':') == 1) { if (count == 1 && newText.Length > 1 && removedInFirstLine && !".?!".Contains(newText[newText.Length - 1]) && newText.LineEndsWithHtmlTag(true) && line != line.ToUpper()) { newText += Environment.NewLine; if (pre.Contains("") && line.Contains("")) newText += "" + line; else if (pre.Contains("") && line.Contains("")) newText += "" + line; else if (pre.Contains("") && line.Contains("")) newText += "" + line; else if (pre.Contains('[') && line.Contains(']')) newText += "[" + line; else if (pre.Contains('(') && line.EndsWith(')')) newText += "(" + line; else newText += line; } else if (count == 1 && newText.Length > 1 && indexOfColon > 15 && line.Substring(0, indexOfColon).Contains(' ') && !".?!".Contains(newText[newText.Length - 1]) && newText.LineEndsWithHtmlTag(true) && line != line.ToUpper()) { newText += Environment.NewLine; if (pre.Contains("") && line.Contains("")) newText += "" + line; else if (pre.Contains("") && line.Contains("")) newText += "" + line; else if (pre.Contains("") && line.Contains("")) newText += "" + line; else if (pre.Contains('[') && line.Contains(']')) newText += "[" + line; else if (pre.Contains('(') && line.EndsWith(')')) newText += "(" + line; else newText += line; } else { var preStripable = new StripableText(pre); var remove = true; if (indexOfColon < line.Length - 1) { if (Settings.ColonSeparateLine && !line.Substring(indexOfColon + 1).StartsWith(Environment.NewLine, StringComparison.Ordinal)) remove = false; else if (Utilities.IsBetweenNumbers(line, indexOfColon)) remove = false; } if (remove && !DoRemove(pre)) remove = false; if (remove) { var content = line.Substring(indexOfColon + 1).Trim(); if (content.Length > 0) { newText += Environment.NewLine; if (pre.Contains("") && content.Contains("")) newText += "" + content; else if (pre.Contains("") && content.Contains("")) newText += "" + content; else if (pre.Contains('[') && content.Contains(']')) newText += "[" + content; else if (pre.Contains('(') && content.EndsWith(')')) newText += "(" + content; else newText += content; if (count == 0) removedInFirstLine = true; else if (count == 1) removedInSecondLine = true; } newText = newText.Trim(); if (text.StartsWith('(') && newText.EndsWith(')') && !newText.Contains('(')) newText = newText.TrimEnd(')'); else if (text.StartsWith('[') && newText.EndsWith(']') && !newText.Contains('[')) newText = newText.TrimEnd(']'); else if (newText.EndsWith("", StringComparison.Ordinal) && text.StartsWith("", StringComparison.Ordinal) && !newText.StartsWith("", StringComparison.Ordinal)) newText = "" + newText; else if (newText.EndsWith("", StringComparison.Ordinal) && text.StartsWith("", StringComparison.Ordinal) && !newText.StartsWith("", StringComparison.Ordinal)) newText = "" + newText; else if (newText.EndsWith("", StringComparison.Ordinal) && text.StartsWith("", StringComparison.Ordinal) && !newText.StartsWith("", StringComparison.Ordinal)) newText = "" + newText; if (!IsHIDescription(preStripable.StrippedText)) noOfNames++; } else { newText = (newText + Environment.NewLine + line).Trim(); if (newText.EndsWith("", StringComparison.Ordinal) && text.StartsWith("", StringComparison.Ordinal) && !newText.StartsWith("", StringComparison.Ordinal)) newText = "" + newText; else if (newText.EndsWith("", StringComparison.Ordinal) && text.StartsWith("", StringComparison.Ordinal) && !newText.StartsWith("", StringComparison.Ordinal)) newText = "" + newText; else if ((newText.EndsWith("", StringComparison.Ordinal) && text.StartsWith("", StringComparison.Ordinal) && !newText.StartsWith("", StringComparison.Ordinal))) newText = "" + newText; } } } else { char[] endChars = { '.', '?', '!' }; string s2 = line; for (int k = 0; k < 2; k++) { if (s2.Contains(':')) { int colonIndex = s2.IndexOf(':'); string start = s2.Substring(0, colonIndex); if (!Settings.RemoveTextBeforeColonOnlyUppercase || start == start.ToUpper()) { int endIndex = start.LastIndexOfAny(endChars); if (colonIndex > 0 && colonIndex < s2.Length - 1) { if (char.IsDigit(s2[colonIndex - 1]) && char.IsDigit(s2[colonIndex + 1])) endIndex = 0; } if (endIndex < 0) s2 = s2.Remove(0, colonIndex - endIndex); else if (endIndex > 0) s2 = s2.Remove(endIndex + 1, colonIndex - endIndex); } if (count == 0) removedInFirstLine = true; else if (count == 1) removedInSecondLine = true; } } newText = (newText + Environment.NewLine + s2).Trim(); } } } count++; } newText = newText.Trim(); if (noOfNames > 0 && Utilities.GetNumberOfLines(newText) == 2) { int indexOfDialogChar = newText.IndexOf('-'); bool insertDash = true; var arr = newText.SplitToLines(); if (arr.Length == 2 && arr[0].Length > 1 && arr[1].Length > 1) { string arr0 = new StripableText(arr[0]).StrippedText; var arr1Stripable = new StripableText(arr[1]); string arr1 = arr1Stripable.StrippedText; if (arr0.Length > 0 && arr1.Length > 1) { // line continuation? if (Utilities.LowercaseLetters.Contains(arr1[0])) // second line starts with lower case letter { char c = arr0[arr0.Length - 1]; if (Utilities.LowercaseLetters.Contains(c) || c == ',') // first line ends with comma or lower case letter { if (!arr1Stripable.Pre.Contains("...")) { insertDash = false; } } } if (insertDash) { string arr0QuoteTrimmed = arr[0].TrimEnd('"'); if (arr0QuoteTrimmed.Length > 0 && !".?!".Contains(arr0QuoteTrimmed[arr0QuoteTrimmed.Length - 1]) && !arr0QuoteTrimmed.EndsWith("", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { if (!arr1Stripable.Pre.Contains('-')) { insertDash = false; } } } } if (insertDash && removedInFirstLine && !removedInSecondLine && !text.StartsWith('-') && !text.StartsWith("-", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { if (!arr[1].StartsWith('-') && !arr[1].StartsWith("-", StringComparison.Ordinal)) insertDash = false; } } if (insertDash) { if (indexOfDialogChar < 0 || indexOfDialogChar > 4) { var st = new StripableText(newText, string.Empty, string.Empty); newText = st.Pre + "- " + st.StrippedText + st.Post; } int indexOfNewLine = newText.IndexOf(Environment.NewLine, StringComparison.Ordinal); string second = newText.Substring(indexOfNewLine).Trim(); indexOfDialogChar = second.IndexOf('-'); if (indexOfDialogChar < 0 || indexOfDialogChar > 6) { var st = new StripableText(second, String.Empty, String.Empty); second = st.Pre + "- " + st.StrippedText + st.Post; newText = newText.Remove(indexOfNewLine) + Environment.NewLine + second; } } } else if (newText.Contains('-') && !newText.Contains(Environment.NewLine)) { var st = new StripableText(newText); if (st.Pre.Contains('-')) newText = st.Pre.Replace("-", string.Empty) + st.StrippedText + st.Post; } else if (removedInSecondLine && !removedInFirstLine && Utilities.GetNumberOfLines(newText) == 2) { string noTags = HtmlUtil.RemoveHtmlTags(newText, true).Trim(); bool insertDash = noTags.StartsWith('-') && Utilities.CountTagInText(noTags, '-') == 1; if (insertDash) { if (newText.Contains(Environment.NewLine + "")) newText = newText.Replace(Environment.NewLine + "", Environment.NewLine + "- "); else newText = newText.Replace(Environment.NewLine, Environment.NewLine + "- "); } } if (text.Contains("") && !newText.Contains("") && newText.EndsWith("", StringComparison.Ordinal)) newText = "" + newText; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newText)) return string.Empty; return preAssTag + newText; } private bool IsInsideBrackets(string text, int targetIndex) { // ♪ (THE CAPITOLS: "COOL JERK") ♪ var index = text.LastIndexOf('(', targetIndex - 1) + 1; if (index > 0 && text.IndexOf(')', index) > targetIndex) return true; index = text.LastIndexOf('[', targetIndex - 1) + 1; if (index > 0 && text.IndexOf(']', index) > targetIndex) return true; return false; } private bool DoRemove(string pre) { // Skip these: Barry, remember: She cannot;; Improved by: ... if (pre.IndexOfAny(new[] { "Previously on", "Improved by", "http", ", " }, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0) return false; // Okay! Narrator: Hello! if (pre.IndexOfAny(new[] { '!', '?' }) > 0) return false; return true; } public string RemoveTextFromHearImpaired(string text) { if (Settings.RemoveWhereContains) { foreach (var removeIfTextContain in Settings.RemoveIfTextContains) { if (text.Contains(removeIfTextContain)) return string.Empty; } } string oldText = text; text = RemoveColon(text); string pre = " >-\"'‘`´♪¿¡.…—"; string post = " -\"'`´♪.!?:…—"; if (Settings.RemoveTextBetweenCustomTags) { pre = pre.Replace(Settings.CustomStart, string.Empty); post = post.Replace(Settings.CustomEnd, string.Empty); } var st = new StripableText(text, pre, post); var sb = new StringBuilder(); var parts = st.StrippedText.Trim().SplitToLines(); int lineNumber = 0; bool removedDialogInFirstLine = false; int noOfNamesRemoved = 0; int noOfNamesRemovedNotInLineOne = 0; foreach (string s in parts) { var stSub = new StripableText(s, pre, post); string strippedText = stSub.StrippedText; if (lineNumber == parts.Length - 1 && st.Post.Contains('?')) strippedText += "?"; else if (stSub.Post.Contains('?')) strippedText += "?"; if (!StartsAndEndsWithHearImpariedTags(strippedText)) { if (removedDialogInFirstLine && stSub.Pre.Contains("- ")) stSub.Pre = stSub.Pre.Replace("- ", string.Empty); string newText = stSub.StrippedText; newText = RemoveHearImpairedTags(newText); if (stSub.StrippedText.Length - newText.Length > 2) { string removedText = GetRemovedString(stSub.StrippedText, newText); if (!IsHIDescription(removedText)) { noOfNamesRemoved++; if (lineNumber > 0) noOfNamesRemovedNotInLineOne++; } } sb.AppendLine(stSub.Pre + newText + stSub.Post); } else { if (!IsHIDescription(stSub.StrippedText)) { noOfNamesRemoved++; if (lineNumber > 0) noOfNamesRemovedNotInLineOne++; } if (lineNumber == 0) { if (st.Pre.Contains("- ")) { st.Pre = st.Pre.Replace("- ", string.Empty); removedDialogInFirstLine = true; } else if (st.Pre == "-") { st.Pre = string.Empty; removedDialogInFirstLine = true; } } if (st.Pre.Contains("") && stSub.Post.Contains("")) st.Pre = st.Pre.Replace("", string.Empty); if (s.Contains("") && !s.Contains("") && st.Post.Contains("")) st.Post = st.Post.Replace("", string.Empty); } lineNumber++; } text = st.Pre + sb.ToString().Trim() + st.Post; text = text.Replace(" ", " ").Trim(); text = text.Replace("", string.Empty); text = text.Replace(" ", " "); text = text.Replace("", string.Empty); text = text.Replace(" ", " "); text = text.Replace("", string.Empty); text = text.Replace(" ", " "); text = RemoveEmptyFontTag(text); text = text.Replace(" ", " ").Trim(); text = RemoveColon(text); text = RemoveLineIfAllUppercase(text); text = RemoveHearImpairedtagsInsideLine(text); if (Settings.RemoveInterjections) text = RemoveInterjections(text); st = new StripableText(text, " >-\"'‘`´♪¿¡.…—", " -\"'`´♪.!?:…—"); text = st.StrippedText; if (StartsAndEndsWithHearImpariedTags(text)) { text = RemoveStartEndTags(text); } text = RemoveHearImpairedTags(text); // fix 3 lines to two liners - if only two lines if (noOfNamesRemoved >= 1 && Utilities.GetNumberOfLines(text) == 3) { var splitChars = new[] { '.', '?', '!' }; var splitParts = HtmlUtil.RemoveHtmlTags(text).Replace(" ", string.Empty).Split(splitChars, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (splitParts.Length == 2) { var temp = new StripableText(text); temp.StrippedText = temp.StrippedText.Replace(Environment.NewLine, " "); int splitIndex = temp.StrippedText.LastIndexOfAny(splitChars); if (splitIndex > 0) { text = temp.Pre + temp.StrippedText.Insert(splitIndex + 1, Environment.NewLine) + temp.Post; } } } if (!text.StartsWith('-') && noOfNamesRemoved >= 1 && Utilities.GetNumberOfLines(text) == 2) { var lines = text.SplitToLines(); var part0 = lines[0].Trim().Replace("", string.Empty).Trim(); if (!part0.EndsWith(',') && (!part0.EndsWith('-') || noOfNamesRemovedNotInLineOne > 0)) { if (part0.Length > 0 && ".?!".Contains(part0[part0.Length - 1])) { if (noOfNamesRemovedNotInLineOne > 0) { if (!st.Pre.Contains('-')) text = "- " + text.Replace(Environment.NewLine, Environment.NewLine + "- "); if (!text.Contains(Environment.NewLine + "-") && !text.Contains(Environment.NewLine + "-")) text = text.Replace(Environment.NewLine, Environment.NewLine + "- "); } } } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text) || (st.Pre.Contains('♪') || st.Post.Contains('♪'))) text = st.Pre + text + st.Post; if (oldText.TrimStart().StartsWith("- ", StringComparison.Ordinal) && text != null && !text.Contains(Environment.NewLine) && (oldText.Contains(Environment.NewLine + "- ") || oldText.Contains(Environment.NewLine + " - ") || oldText.Contains(Environment.NewLine + "- ") || oldText.Contains(Environment.NewLine + " - "))) { text = text.TrimStart().TrimStart('-').TrimStart(); } if (oldText.TrimStart().StartsWith('-') && !oldText.TrimStart().StartsWith("--", StringComparison.Ordinal) && text != null && !text.Contains(Environment.NewLine) && (oldText.Contains(Environment.NewLine + "-") && !oldText.Contains(Environment.NewLine + "--") || oldText.Contains(Environment.NewLine + " - ") || oldText.Contains(Environment.NewLine + "- ") || oldText.Contains(Environment.NewLine + " - "))) { text = text.TrimStart().TrimStart('-').TrimStart(); } if (oldText.TrimStart().StartsWith("- ", StringComparison.Ordinal) && text != null && text.StartsWith("- ", StringComparison.Ordinal) && !text.Contains(Environment.NewLine) && (oldText.Contains(Environment.NewLine + "- ") || oldText.Contains(Environment.NewLine + " - ") || oldText.Contains(Environment.NewLine + "- ") || oldText.Contains(Environment.NewLine + " - "))) { text = text.Remove(3, 2); } if (text != null && !text.Contains(Environment.NewLine) && (oldText.Contains(':') && !text.Contains(':') || oldText.Contains('[') && !text.Contains('[') || oldText.Contains('(') && !text.Contains('(') || oldText.Contains('{') && !text.Contains('{')) && (oldText.Contains(Environment.NewLine + "- ") || oldText.Contains(Environment.NewLine + " - ") || oldText.Contains(Environment.NewLine + "- ") || oldText.Contains(Environment.NewLine + " - "))) { text = text.TrimStart().TrimStart('-').TrimStart(); } if (oldText != text) { // insert spaces before "-" text = text.Replace(Environment.NewLine + "- ", Environment.NewLine + "- "); text = text.Replace(Environment.NewLine + "-", Environment.NewLine + "- "); if (text.Length > 2 && text[0] == '-' && text[1] != ' ' && text[1] != '-') text = text.Insert(1, " "); if (text.Length > 5 && text.StartsWith("-", StringComparison.Ordinal) && text[4] != ' ' && text[4] != '-') text = text.Insert(4, " "); int index = text.IndexOf(Environment.NewLine + "-", StringComparison.Ordinal); if (index >= 0 && text.Length - index > 4) { index += Environment.NewLine.Length + 1; if (text[index] != ' ' && text[index] != '-') text = text.Insert(index, " "); } index = text.IndexOf(Environment.NewLine + "-", StringComparison.Ordinal); if (index >= 0 && text.Length - index > 5) { index += Environment.NewLine.Length + 4; if (text[index] != ' ' && text[index] != '-') text = text.Insert(index, " "); } } return text.Trim(); } private string RemoveEmptyFontTag(string text) { int indexOfStartFont = text.IndexOf("= 0) { int indexOfEndFont = text.IndexOf("", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); if (indexOfEndFont > indexOfStartFont) { int startTagBefore = text.Substring(0, indexOfEndFont).LastIndexOf('<'); if (startTagBefore == indexOfStartFont) { var lastTwo = text.Substring(indexOfEndFont - 2, 2); if (lastTwo.TrimEnd().EndsWith('>')) { text = text.Remove(indexOfStartFont, indexOfEndFont + "".Length - indexOfStartFont); if (lastTwo.EndsWith(' ')) text = text.Insert(indexOfStartFont, " "); text = text.Replace(" ", " "); } } } } return text; } private void AddWarning() { if (Warnings != null && WarningIndex >= 0) Warnings.Add(WarningIndex); } private static readonly HashSet HiDescriptionWords = new HashSet(new[] { "cackles", "cheers", "chitters", "chuckles", "clears throat", "exclaims", "exhales", "explosion", "gasps", "groans", "growls", "grunts", "laughs", "noise", "roars", "scoff", "screeches", "shouts", "shrieks", "sigh", "sighs", "snores", "stutters", "thuds", "trumpets", "whisper", "whispers", "whistles", }); private bool IsHIDescription(string text) { text = text.Trim(' ', '(', ')', '[', ']', '?', '{', '}'); text = text.ToLower(); if (text.Trim().Replace("mr. ", string.Empty).Replace("mrs. ", string.Empty).Replace("dr. ", string.Empty).Contains(' ')) AddWarning(); return (HiDescriptionWords.Contains(text) || text.StartsWith("engine ", StringComparison.Ordinal) || text.EndsWith("on tv", StringComparison.Ordinal) || text.EndsWith("shatters", StringComparison.Ordinal) || text.EndsWith("ing", StringComparison.Ordinal)); } private static string GetRemovedString(string oldText, string newText) { oldText = oldText.ToLower(); newText = newText.ToLower(); int start = oldText.IndexOf(newText, StringComparison.Ordinal); string result; if (start > 0) result = oldText.Substring(0, oldText.Length - newText.Length); else result = oldText.Substring(newText.Length); return result.Trim(' ', '(', ')', '[', ']', '?', '{', '}'); } private static int CompareLength(string a, string b) { return b.Length.CompareTo(a.Length); } public string RemoveInterjections(string text) { if (_interjectionList == null) { var interjectionList = new HashSet(); foreach (var s in Configuration.Settings.Tools.Interjections.Split(new[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)) { if (s.Length > 0) { interjectionList.Add(s); var upper = s.ToUpper(); interjectionList.Add(upper); var lower = s.ToLower(); interjectionList.Add(lower); interjectionList.Add(lower.CapitalizeFirstLetter()); } } _interjectionList = new List(interjectionList); interjectionList.Clear(); interjectionList.TrimExcess(); _interjectionList.Sort(CompareLength); } string oldText = text; bool doRepeat = true; while (doRepeat) { doRepeat = false; foreach (string s in _interjectionList) { if (text.Contains(s)) { var regex = new Regex("\\b" + Regex.Escape(s) + "\\b"); var match = regex.Match(text); if (match.Success) { int index = match.Index; string temp = text.Remove(index, s.Length); if (temp.Remove(0, index) == " —" && temp.EndsWith("— —", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { temp = temp.Remove(temp.Length - 3); if (temp.EndsWith(Environment.NewLine + "—", StringComparison.Ordinal)) temp = temp.Remove(temp.Length - 1).TrimEnd(); } else if (temp.Remove(0, index) == " —" && temp.EndsWith("- —", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { temp = temp.Remove(temp.Length - 3); if (temp.EndsWith(Environment.NewLine + "-", StringComparison.Ordinal)) temp = temp.Remove(temp.Length - 1).TrimEnd(); } else if (index == 2 && temp.StartsWith("- —", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { temp = temp.Remove(2, 2); } else if (index == 2 && temp.StartsWith("- —", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { temp = temp.Remove(2, 1); } else if (index == 0 && temp.StartsWith(" —", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { temp = temp.Remove(0, 2); } else if (index == 0 && temp.StartsWith('—')) { temp = temp.Remove(0, 1); } string pre = string.Empty; if (index > 0) doRepeat = true; bool removeAfter = true; if (index > s.Length) { if (temp.Length > index - s.Length + 3) { int subIndex = index - s.Length + 1; string subTemp = temp.Substring(subIndex, 3); if (subTemp == ", !" || subTemp == ", ?" || subTemp == ", .") { temp = temp.Remove(subIndex, 2); removeAfter = false; } } if (removeAfter && temp.Length > index - s.Length + 2) { int subIndex = index - s.Length; string subTemp = temp.Substring(subIndex, 3); if (subTemp == ", !" || subTemp == ", ?" || subTemp == ", .") { temp = temp.Remove(subIndex, 2); removeAfter = false; } else { subTemp = temp.Substring(subIndex); if (subTemp.StartsWith(", -—", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { temp = temp.Remove(subIndex, 3); removeAfter = false; } else if (subTemp.StartsWith(", --", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { temp = temp.Remove(subIndex, 2); removeAfter = false; } } } if (removeAfter && temp.Length > index - s.Length + 2) { int subIndex = index - s.Length + 1; string subTemp = temp.Substring(subIndex, 2); if (subTemp == "-!" || subTemp == "-?" || subTemp == "-.") { temp = temp.Remove(subIndex, 1); removeAfter = false; } } } if (index > 3 && index - 2 < temp.Length) { string subTemp = temp.Substring(index - 2); if (subTemp.StartsWith(", —", StringComparison.Ordinal) || subTemp.StartsWith(", —", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { temp = temp.Remove(index - 2, 1); index--; } } if (removeAfter) { if (index == 0) { if (temp.StartsWith('-')) temp = temp.Remove(0, 1).Trim(); } else if (index == 3 && temp.StartsWith("-", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { temp = temp.Remove(3, 1); } else if (index > 0 && temp.Length > index) { pre = text.Substring(0, index); temp = temp.Remove(0, index); if (temp.StartsWith('-') && pre.EndsWith('-')) temp = temp.Remove(0, 1); if (temp.StartsWith('-') && pre.EndsWith("- ", StringComparison.Ordinal)) temp = temp.Remove(0, 1); } while (temp.Length > 0 && " ,.?!".Contains(temp[0])) { temp = temp.Remove(0, 1); doRepeat = true; } if (temp.Length > 0 && s[0].ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) != s[0].ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).ToLower()) { temp = char.ToUpper(temp[0]) + temp.Substring(1); doRepeat = true; } if (temp.StartsWith('-') && pre.EndsWith(' ')) temp = temp.Remove(0, 1); if (temp.StartsWith('—') && pre.EndsWith(',')) pre = pre.TrimEnd(',') + " "; temp = pre + temp; } if (temp.EndsWith(Environment.NewLine + "- ", StringComparison.Ordinal)) temp = temp.Remove(temp.Length - 2).TrimEnd(); var st = new StripableText(temp); if (st.StrippedText.Length == 0) return string.Empty; if (temp.StartsWith('-') && !temp.Contains(Environment.NewLine) && text.Contains(Environment.NewLine)) temp = temp.Remove(0, 1).Trim(); text = temp; } } } } var lines = text.SplitToLines(); if (lines.Length == 2 && text != oldText) { if (lines[0] == "-" && lines[1] == "-") return string.Empty; if (lines[0].Length > 1 && lines[0][0] == '-' && lines[1].Trim() == "-") return lines[0].Remove(0, 1).Trim(); if (lines[1].Length > 1 && lines[1][0] == '-' && lines[0].Trim() == "-") return lines[1].Remove(0, 1).Trim(); if (lines[1].Length > 4 && lines[1].StartsWith("-", StringComparison.Ordinal) && lines[0].Trim() == "-") return "" + lines[1].Remove(0, 4).Trim(); if (lines[0].Length > 1 && lines[1] == "-" || lines[1] == "." || lines[1] == "!" || lines[1] == "?") { if (lines[0].StartsWith('-') && oldText.Contains(Environment.NewLine + "-")) lines[0] = lines[0].Remove(0, 1); return lines[0].Trim(); } var noTags0 = HtmlUtil.RemoveHtmlTags(lines[0], false).Trim(); var noTags1 = HtmlUtil.RemoveHtmlTags(lines[1], false).Trim(); if (noTags0 == "-") { if (noTags1 == noTags0) return string.Empty; if (lines[1].Length > 1 && lines[1][0] == '-') return lines[1].Remove(0, 1).Trim(); if (lines[1].Length > 4 && lines[1].StartsWith("-", StringComparison.Ordinal)) return "" + lines[1].Remove(0, 4).Trim(); return lines[1]; } if (noTags1 == "-") { if (lines[0].Length > 1 && lines[0][0] == '-') return lines[0].Remove(0, 1).Trim(); if (lines[0].Length > 4 && lines[0].StartsWith("-", StringComparison.Ordinal)) return "" + lines[0].Remove(0, 4).Trim(); return lines[0]; } } if (lines.Length == 2) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(lines[1].Replace(".", string.Empty).Replace("?", string.Empty).Replace("!", string.Empty).Replace("-", string.Empty).Replace("—", string.Empty))) { text = lines[0]; lines = text.SplitToLines(); } else if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(lines[0].Replace(".", string.Empty).Replace("?", string.Empty).Replace("!", string.Empty).Replace("-", string.Empty).Replace("—", string.Empty))) { text = lines[1]; lines = text.SplitToLines(); } } if (lines.Length == 1 && text != oldText && Utilities.GetNumberOfLines(oldText) == 2) { if ((oldText.StartsWith('-') || oldText.StartsWith("-", StringComparison.Ordinal)) && (oldText.Contains("." + Environment.NewLine) || oldText.Contains("." + Environment.NewLine) || oldText.Contains("!" + Environment.NewLine) || oldText.Contains("!" + Environment.NewLine) || oldText.Contains("?" + Environment.NewLine) || oldText.Contains("?" + Environment.NewLine))) { if (text.StartsWith("-", StringComparison.Ordinal)) text = "" + text.Remove(0, 4).TrimStart(); else text = text.TrimStart('-').TrimStart(); } else if ((oldText.Contains(Environment.NewLine + "-") || oldText.Contains(Environment.NewLine + "-")) && (oldText.Contains("." + Environment.NewLine) || oldText.Contains("." + Environment.NewLine) || oldText.Contains("!" + Environment.NewLine) || oldText.Contains("!" + Environment.NewLine) || oldText.Contains("?" + Environment.NewLine) || oldText.Contains("?" + Environment.NewLine))) { if (text.StartsWith("-", StringComparison.Ordinal)) text = "" + text.Remove(0, 4).TrimStart(); else text = text.TrimStart('-').TrimStart(); } } return text; } private string RemoveStartEndTags(string text) { string newText = text; string s = text; int index; if (Settings.RemoveTextBetweenSquares && s.StartsWith('[') && (index = s.IndexOf(']', 1)) > 0) { if (++index < s.Length && s[index] == ':') index++; newText = s.Remove(0, index); } else if (Settings.RemoveTextBetweenBrackets && s.StartsWith('{') && (index = s.IndexOf('}', 1)) > 0) { if (++index < s.Length && s[index] == ':') index++; newText = s.Remove(0, index); } else if (Settings.RemoveTextBetweenParentheses && s.StartsWith('(') && (index = s.IndexOf(')', 1)) > 0) { if (++index < s.Length && s[index] == ':') index++; newText = s.Remove(0, index); } else if (Settings.RemoveTextBetweenQuestionMarks && s.StartsWith('?') && (index = s.IndexOf('?', 1)) > 0) { if (++index < s.Length && s[index] == ':') index++; newText = s.Remove(0, index); } else if (Settings.RemoveTextBetweenCustomTags && s.Length > 0 && Settings.CustomEnd.Length > 0 && Settings.CustomStart.Length > 0 && s.StartsWith(Settings.CustomStart, StringComparison.Ordinal) && (index = s.LastIndexOf(Settings.CustomEnd, StringComparison.Ordinal)) > 0) { newText = s.Remove(0, index + Settings.CustomEnd.Length); } if (newText != text) newText = newText.TrimStart(' '); return newText; } public string RemoveHearImpairedTags(string text) { string preAssTag = string.Empty; if (text.StartsWith("{\\", StringComparison.Ordinal) && text.IndexOf('}', 2) > 0) { int indexOfEndBracketSuccessor = text.IndexOf('}', 3) + 1; preAssTag = text.Substring(0, indexOfEndBracketSuccessor); text = text.Remove(0, indexOfEndBracketSuccessor).TrimStart(); } if (Settings.RemoveTextBetweenSquares) { text = RemoveTextBetweenTags("[", "]:", text); text = RemoveTextBetweenTags("[", "]", text); } if (Settings.RemoveTextBetweenBrackets) { text = RemoveTextBetweenTags("{", "}:", text); text = RemoveTextBetweenTags("{", "}", text); } if (Settings.RemoveTextBetweenParentheses) { text = RemoveTextBetweenTags("(", "):", text); text = RemoveTextBetweenTags("(", ")", text); } if (Settings.RemoveTextBetweenQuestionMarks) { text = RemoveTextBetweenTags("?", "?:", text); text = RemoveTextBetweenTags("?", "?", text); } if (Settings.RemoveTextBetweenCustomTags && Settings.CustomStart.Length > 0 && Settings.CustomEnd.Length > 0) { text = RemoveTextBetweenTags(Settings.CustomStart, Settings.CustomEnd, text); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text)) return string.Empty; return preAssTag + text.TrimStart(); } private bool HasHearImpairedText(string text) { return RemoveHearImpairedTags(text) != text; } public bool HasHearImpariedTagsAtStart(string text) { if (Settings.OnlyIfInSeparateLine) return StartsAndEndsWithHearImpariedTags(text); return HasHearImpairedText(text); } public bool HasHearImpariedTagsAtEnd(string text) { if (Settings.OnlyIfInSeparateLine) return StartsAndEndsWithHearImpariedTags(text); return HasHearImpairedText(text); } private bool StartsAndEndsWithHearImpariedTags(string text) { return (Settings.RemoveTextBetweenSquares && text.StartsWith('[') && text.EndsWith(']') && !text.Trim('[').Contains('[')) || (Settings.RemoveTextBetweenBrackets && text.StartsWith('{') && text.EndsWith('}') && !text.Trim('{').Contains('{')) || (Settings.RemoveTextBetweenParentheses && text.StartsWith('(') && text.EndsWith(')') && !text.Trim('(').Contains('(')) || (Settings.RemoveTextBetweenQuestionMarks && text.StartsWith('?') && text.EndsWith('?') && !text.Trim('?').Contains('?')) || (Settings.RemoveTextBetweenSquares && text.StartsWith('[') && text.EndsWith("]:", StringComparison.Ordinal) && !text.Trim('[').Contains('[')) || (Settings.RemoveTextBetweenBrackets && text.StartsWith('{') && text.EndsWith("}:", StringComparison.Ordinal) && !text.Trim('{').Contains('{')) || (Settings.RemoveTextBetweenParentheses && text.StartsWith('(') && text.EndsWith("):", StringComparison.Ordinal) && !text.Trim('(').Contains('(')) || (Settings.RemoveTextBetweenQuestionMarks && text.StartsWith('?') && text.EndsWith("?:", StringComparison.Ordinal) && !text.Trim('?').Contains('?')) || (Settings.RemoveTextBetweenCustomTags && Settings.CustomStart.Length > 0 && Settings.CustomEnd.Length > 0 && text.StartsWith(Settings.CustomStart, StringComparison.Ordinal) && text.EndsWith(Settings.CustomEnd, StringComparison.Ordinal)); } private static string RemoveTextBetweenTags(string startTag, string endTag, string text) { text = text.Trim(); if (startTag == "?" || endTag == "?") { if (text.StartsWith(startTag, StringComparison.Ordinal) && text.EndsWith(endTag, StringComparison.Ordinal)) return string.Empty; return text; } int start = text.IndexOf(startTag, StringComparison.Ordinal); if (start < 0 || text.Length - start - startTag.Length < endTag.Length) return text; do { int end = text.IndexOf(endTag, start + startTag.Length, StringComparison.Ordinal); if (end < 0) break; text = text.Remove(start, end - start + 1); if (start > 3 && text.Length - start > 1 && text[start] == ':' && text[start - 1] == ' ' && ".?!".Contains(text[start - 2])) { text = text.Remove(start - 1, 2); } start = text.IndexOf(startTag, StringComparison.Ordinal); } while (start >= 0 && text.Length - start - startTag.Length >= endTag.Length); return text.FixExtraSpaces().TrimEnd(); } public string RemoveLineIfAllUppercase(string text) { if (!Settings.RemoveIfAllUppercase) return text; var lines = text.SplitToLines(); var sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var line in lines) { var lineNoHtml = HtmlUtil.RemoveHtmlTags(line, true); if (lineNoHtml == lineNoHtml.ToUpper()) { var temp = lineNoHtml.TrimEnd('.', '!', '?', ':').Trim().Trim(' ', '-', '—'); if (temp.Length == 1 || temp == "YES" || temp == "NO" || temp == "WHY" || temp == "HI") { sb.AppendLine(line); } } else { sb.AppendLine(line); } } return sb.ToString().Trim(); } } }