@ECHO OFF SETLOCAL CD /D %~dp0 REM Check for the help switches IF /I "%~1" == "help" GOTO ShowHelp IF /I "%~1" == "/help" GOTO ShowHelp IF /I "%~1" == "-help" GOTO ShowHelp IF /I "%~1" == "--help" GOTO ShowHelp IF /I "%~1" == "/?" GOTO ShowHelp IF /I "%~1" == "-?" GOTO ShowHelp ECHO Getting latest changes... git pull ECHO. ECHO Starting compilation... REM Set environment variables for Visual Studio command line if necessary :SetVsCmdLineEnv IF DEFINED VSINSTALLDIR IF EXIST "%VSINSTALLDIR%" ( IF DEFINED VisualStudioVersion IF "%VisualStudioVersion%" GEQ "15.0" GOTO SetBuildType ECHO. ECHO Developer Command Prompt for Visual Studio 2017 or later required! GOTO EndWithError ) FOR /F "usebackq delims=" %%A IN (`vswhere -latest -requires Microsoft.Component.MSBuild -property installationPath`) DO ( SET "VSINSTALLDIR=%%A\" ) IF DEFINED VSINSTALLDIR IF EXIST "%VSINSTALLDIR%" ( ECHO Visual Studio installation path: "%VSINSTALLDIR%" ) ELSE ( ECHO. ECHO Cannot find Visual Studio. GOTO EndWithError ) SET "VsDevCmd_bat=%VSINSTALLDIR%Common7\Tools\VsDevCmd.bat" IF NOT EXIST "%VsDevCmd_bat%" ( FOR /F "usebackq delims=" %%A IN (`DIR /B /S "%VSINSTALLDIR%\VsDevCmd.bat"`) DO ( SET "VsDevCmd_bat=%%A" ) ) IF EXIST "%VsDevCmd_bat%" ( ECHO Visual Studio VsDevCmd.bat path: "%VsDevCmd_bat%" ) ELSE ( ECHO. ECHO Cannot find Visual Studio VsDevCmd batch file. GOTO EndWithError ) ECHO. CALL "%VsDevCmd_bat%" -startdir=none GOTO SetVsCmdLineEnv :SetBuildType IF "%~1" == "" ( SET "BUILDTYPE=Build" ) ELSE ( IF /I "%~1" == "Build" SET "BUILDTYPE=Build" & GOTO START IF /I "%~1" == "/Build" SET "BUILDTYPE=Build" & GOTO START IF /I "%~1" == "-Build" SET "BUILDTYPE=Build" & GOTO START IF /I "%~1" == "--Build" SET "BUILDTYPE=Build" & GOTO START IF /I "%~1" == "Clean" SET "BUILDTYPE=Clean" & GOTO START IF /I "%~1" == "/Clean" SET "BUILDTYPE=Clean" & GOTO START IF /I "%~1" == "-Clean" SET "BUILDTYPE=Clean" & GOTO START IF /I "%~1" == "--Clean" SET "BUILDTYPE=Clean" & GOTO START IF /I "%~1" == "Rebuild" SET "BUILDTYPE=Rebuild" & GOTO START IF /I "%~1" == "/Rebuild" SET "BUILDTYPE=Rebuild" & GOTO START IF /I "%~1" == "-Rebuild" SET "BUILDTYPE=Rebuild" & GOTO START IF /I "%~1" == "--Rebuild" SET "BUILDTYPE=Rebuild" & GOTO START ECHO. ECHO Unsupported commandline switch! GOTO EndWithError ) :START TITLE %BUILDTYPE%ing Subtitle Edit - Release^|Any CPU... ECHO. ECHO %BUILDTYPE%ing Subtitle Edit - Release^|Any CPU... DEL /F /Q SubtitleEdit-*-Setup.exe SubtitleEdit-*.zip 2>NUL ECHO. ECHO Visual Studio installation path: "%VSINSTALLDIR%" IF EXIST "%VSINSTALLDIR%MSBuild\15.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe" ( SET "MSBUILD=%VSINSTALLDIR%MSBuild\15.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe" ) ELSE ( IF EXIST "%VSINSTALLDIR%MSBuild\Current\Bin\MSBuild.exe" ( SET "MSBUILD=%VSINSTALLDIR%MSBuild\Current\Bin\MSBuild.exe" ) ELSE ( ECHO Cannot find Visual Studio 2017. GOTO EndWithError )) ECHO Check for new translation strings... "%MSBUILD%" src\UpdateLanguageFiles\UpdateLanguageFiles.csproj /r /t:Rebuild /p:Configuration=Debug /p:Platform="Any CPU"^ /maxcpucount /p:OutputPath=bin\debug /consoleloggerparameters:DisableMPLogging;Summary;Verbosity=minimal SET "LanguageToolPath=src\UpdateLanguageFiles\bin\debug\UpdateLanguageFiles.exe" IF NOT EXIST "%LanguageToolPath%" ( ECHO Compile UpdateLanguageFiles! ) "%LanguageToolPath%" "LanguageBaseEnglish.xml" "src\ui\Logic\LanguageDeserializer.cs" ECHO. "%MSBUILD%" SubtitleEdit.sln /r /t:%BUILDTYPE% /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform="Any CPU"^ /maxcpucount /consoleloggerparameters:DisableMPLogging;Summary;Verbosity=minimal IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 GOTO EndWithError IF /I "%BUILDTYPE%" == "Clean" GOTO EndSuccessful CALL :SubDetectSevenzipPath IF DEFINED SEVENZIP IF EXIST "%SEVENZIP%" ( CALL :SubGetVersion CALL :SubZipFile ) CALL :SubDetectInnoSetup IF DEFINED INNOSETUP IF EXIST "%INNOSETUP%" ( TITLE Compiling installer with Inno Setup... ECHO. ECHO Compiling installer with Inno Setup... "%INNOSETUP%" /O"." /Q "installer\Subtitle_Edit_installer.iss" IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 GOTO EndWithError ECHO. ECHO Installer compiled successfully! ) ELSE ( ECHO Inno Setup wasn't found; the installer wasn't built. ) SET "WinGetFix=src\UpdateAssemblyInfo\bin\debug\UpdateAssemblyInfo.exe" IF NOT EXIST "%WinGetFix%" ( ECHO Compile UpdateAssemblyInfo! ) "%WinGetFix%" "winget" ECHO. ECHO Validate with: winget validate --manifest C:\git\subtitleedit\winget ECHO Test with : winget install --manifest C:\git\subtitleedit\winget ECHO Submit with : wingetcreate submit C:\git\subtitleedit\winget pause :EndSuccessful TITLE %BUILDTYPE%ing Subtitle Edit finished! GOTO END :EndWithError TITLE Compiling Subtitle Edit [ERROR] ECHO. ECHO. ECHO ** ERROR: Build failed and aborted! ** GOTO END :ShowHelp TITLE %~nx0 %1 ECHO. ECHO. ECHO Usage: %~nx0 [Clean^|Build^|Rebuild] ECHO. ECHO Notes: You can also prefix the commands with "-", "--" or "/". ECHO The arguments are not case sensitive. ECHO. ECHO Executing %~nx0 without any arguments is equivalent to "%~nx0 build". :END ECHO. ECHO. ENDLOCAL PAUSE EXIT /B :SubZipFile TITLE Creating ZIP archive with 7-Zip... ECHO. ECHO Creating ZIP archive with 7-Zip... PUSHD "src\ui\bin\Release\net48" IF EXIST "temp_zip" RD /S /Q "temp_zip" IF NOT EXIST "temp_zip" MD "temp_zip" IF NOT EXIST "temp_zip\Languages" MD "temp_zip\Languages" IF NOT EXIST "temp_zip\Dictionaries" MD "temp_zip\Dictionaries" IF NOT EXIST "temp_zip\Ocr" MD "temp_zip\Ocr" IF NOT EXIST "temp_zip\Tesseract302" MD "temp_zip\Tesseract302" IF NOT EXIST "temp_zip\Icons" MD "temp_zip\Icons" IF NOT EXIST "temp_zip\Icons\DefaultTheme" MD "temp_zip\Icons\DefaultTheme" IF NOT EXIST "temp_zip\Icons\DefaultTheme\VideoPlayer" MD "temp_zip\Icons\DefaultTheme\VideoPlayer" IF NOT EXIST "temp_zip\Icons\DarkTheme" MD "temp_zip\Icons\DarkTheme" IF NOT EXIST "temp_zip\Icons\DarkTheme\VideoPlayer" MD "temp_zip\Icons\DarkTheme\VideoPlayer" IF NOT EXIST "temp_zip\Icons\Legacy" MD "temp_zip\Icons\Legacy" IF NOT EXIST "temp_zip\Icons\Legacy\VideoPlayer" MD "temp_zip\Icons\Legacy\VideoPlayer" IF NOT EXIST "temp_zip\Icons\Black" MD "temp_zip\Icons\Black" IF NOT EXIST "temp_zip\Icons\Black\VideoPlayer" MD "temp_zip\Icons\Black\VideoPlayer" ECHO. COPY /Y /V "..\..\..\..\..\LICENSE.txt" "temp_zip\" COPY /Y /V "..\..\..\..\..\Changelog.txt" "temp_zip\" COPY /Y /V "..\..\..\..\..\preview.mkv" "temp_zip\" COPY /Y /V "Hunspellx86.dll" "temp_zip\" COPY /Y /V "Hunspellx64.dll" "temp_zip\" COPY /Y /V "libse.dll" "temp_zip\" COPY /Y /V "zlib.net.dll" "temp_zip\" COPY /Y /V "NHunspell.dll" "temp_zip\" COPY /Y /V "UtfUnknown.dll" "temp_zip\" COPY /Y /V "Vosk.dll" "temp_zip\" COPY /Y /V "NCalc.dll" "temp_zip\" COPY /Y /V "..\..\..\DLLs\Interop.QuartzTypeLib.dll" "temp_zip\" COPY /Y /V "System.Net.Http.Extensions.dll" "temp_zip\" COPY /Y /V "Newtonsoft.Json.dll" "temp_zip\" COPY /Y /V "System.Net.Http.Primitives.dll" "temp_zip\" COPY /Y /V "NAudio.Core.dll" "temp_zip\" COPY /Y /V "NAudio.WinMM.dll" "temp_zip\" COPY /Y /V "Microsoft.Win32.Registry.dll" "temp_zip\" COPY /Y /V "SubtitleEdit.exe" "temp_zip\" COPY /Y /V "Languages\*.xml" "temp_zip\Languages\" COPY /Y /V "..\..\..\..\..\Dictionaries\*.*" "temp_zip\Dictionaries\" COPY /Y /V "..\..\..\..\..\Ocr\*.*" "temp_zip\Ocr\" XCOPY /Y /V "..\..\..\..\..\Tesseract302\*.*" "temp_zip\Tesseract302\" /S COPY /Y /V "..\..\..\..\..\Icons\*.ico" "temp_zip\Icons\" COPY /Y /V "..\..\..\..\..\Icons\DefaultTheme\*.png" "temp_zip\Icons\DefaultTheme" COPY /Y /V "..\..\..\..\..\Icons\DefaultTheme\VideoPlayer\*.png" "temp_zip\Icons\DefaultTheme\VideoPlayer" COPY /Y /V "..\..\..\..\..\Icons\DarkTheme\*.png" "temp_zip\Icons\DarkTheme" COPY /Y /V "..\..\..\..\..\Icons\DarkTheme\VideoPlayer\*.png" "temp_zip\Icons\DarkTheme\VideoPlayer" COPY /Y /V "..\..\..\..\..\Icons\Legacy\*.png" "temp_zip\Icons\Legacy" COPY /Y /V "..\..\..\..\..\Icons\Legacy\VideoPlayer\*.png" "temp_zip\Icons\Legacy\VideoPlayer" COPY /Y /V "..\..\..\..\..\Icons\Black\*.png" "temp_zip\Icons\Black" COPY /Y /V "..\..\..\..\..\Icons\Black\VideoPlayer\*.png" "temp_zip\Icons\Black\VideoPlayer" PUSHD "temp_zip" START "" /B /WAIT "%SEVENZIP%" a -tzip -mx=9 "SubtitleEdit-%VERSION%.zip" * >NUL IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 GOTO EndWithError ECHO. ECHO ZIP archive created successfully! MOVE /Y "SubtitleEdit-%VERSION%.zip" "..\..\..\..\..\.." >NUL POPD IF EXIST "temp_zip" RD /S /Q "temp_zip" POPD EXIT /B :SubGetVersion FOR /F delims^=^"^ tokens^=2 %%A IN ('FINDSTR /R /C:"AssemblyVersion" "src\ui\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs.template"') DO ( REM 3.4.1.[REVNO] SET "VERSION=%%A" ) REM 3.4.1: 0 from the left and -8 chars from the right SET "VERSION=%VERSION:~0,-8%" EXIT /B :SubDetectSevenzipPath FOR %%G IN (7z.exe) DO (SET "SEVENZIP_PATH=%%~$PATH:G") IF EXIST "%SEVENZIP_PATH%" (SET "SEVENZIP=%SEVENZIP_PATH%" & EXIT /B) FOR %%G IN (7za.exe) DO (SET "SEVENZIP_PATH=%%~$PATH:G") IF EXIST "%SEVENZIP_PATH%" (SET "SEVENZIP=%SEVENZIP_PATH%" & EXIT /B) FOR /F "tokens=2*" %%A IN ( 'REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\7-Zip" /v "Path" 2^>NUL ^|^| REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\7-Zip" /v "Path" 2^>NUL') DO IF "%%A" == "REG_SZ" SET "SEVENZIP=%%B\7z.exe" EXIT /B :SubDetectInnoSetup FOR %%G IN (ISCC.exe) DO (SET "INNOSETUP_PATH=%%~$PATH:G") IF EXIST "%INNOSETUP_PATH%" (SET "INNOSETUP=%INNOSETUP_PATH%" & EXIT /B) FOR /F "tokens=5*" %%A IN ( 'REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Inno Setup 6_is1" /v "Inno Setup: App Path" 2^>NUL ^|^| REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Inno Setup 6_is1" /v "Inno Setup: App Path" 2^>NUL') DO IF "%%A" == "REG_SZ" SET "INNOSETUP=%%B\ISCC.exe" EXIT /B