#!bin/bash function ShowHelp() { echo echo "Usage: $0 [clean|Build|rebuild]" echo echo "$0 without any arguments is equivalent to $0 build" exit } function EndWithError() { echo echo "** ERROR: Build failed and aborted! **" exit } #Check parameters case $1 in help | -h) ShowHelp;; build | -b) BUILDTYPE="CoreBuild";; clean | -c) BUILDTYPE="clean";; rebuild | -r) BUILDTYPE="rebuild";; "") BUILDTYPE="CoreBuild";; *) echo; echo "Unsupported commandline switch!"; EndWithError esac #Search mono, msbuild and nuget if [ -z $(command -v "mono") ]; then echo "mono not found!" echo "please download from official website "; EndWithError fi if [ -z $(command -v "msbuild") ]; then echo "msbuild not found!" echo "please download mono from official website " EndWithError fi if [ -z $(command -v "nuget") ]; then echo "nuget not found!" echo "Please install nuget" EndWithError fi # Enter in correct diretory if [ ${0%/*} == $0 ]; then cd ${PWD} elif [ -e ${PWD}/${0%/*} ]; then cd ${PWD}/${0%/*} else cd ${0%/*} fi #Try update souce code git pull echo echo "Starting compilation..." echo echo "$BUILDTYPE""ing Subtitle Edit - Release|Any CPU..." echo Check for new translation strings... echo msbuild src/UpdateLanguageFiles/UpdateLanguageFiles.csproj -r -t:Rebuild -p:Configuration=Debug -p:Platform=\"Any CPU\" -p:OutputPath=bin/Debug echo LanguageToolPath="src/UpdateLanguageFiles/bin/debug/UpdateLanguageFiles.exe" if [ -e "./"$LanguageToolPath ]; then mono $LanguageToolPath LanguageBaseEnglish.xml src/ui/Logic/LanguageDeserializer.cs else echo "Compile UpdateLanguageFiles!" fi echo # Restore nuget package (the '-r' does nothing on my system) nuget restore SubtitleEdit.sln echo msbuild SubtitleEdit.sln -r -t:SubtitleEdit:$BUILDTYPE -p:Configuration=Release -p:Platform=\"Any CPU\" -maxcpucount -consoleloggerparameters:DisableMPLogging\;Summary\;Verbosity=minimal if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then echo EndWithError fi echo echo $BUILDTYPE"ing Subtitle Edit finished!"